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Index B0

B0 may refer to. [1]

7 relations: B meson, B₀, Bo, Bolloré Bluecar, FLOW-MATIC, ISO 216, Stellar classification.

B meson

In particle physics, B mesons are mesons composed of a bottom antiquark and either an up, down, strange or charm quark.

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B0, that is "B subscript zero", is also generally used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging to denote the net magnetization vector.

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Bo or BO may refer to.

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Bolloré Bluecar

The Bolloré Bluecar is a small four-seat, three-door electric car supplied by Bolloré, designed by Pininfarina and manufactured by Cecomp in Bairo, Italy, under a joint venture owned by Bolloré and Pininfarina called Vehicule Électriques Pininfarina Bolloré (VEPB).

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FLOW-MATIC, originally known as B-0 (Business Language version 0), was the first English-like data processing language.

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ISO 216

ISO 216 specifies international standard (ISO) paper sizes used in most countries in the world today, although not in Canada, the United States, Mexico, or the Dominican Republic.

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Stellar classification

In astronomy, stellar classification is the classification of stars based on their spectral characteristics.

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Redirects here:

B 0, B-0, B.0, B0 (disambiguation), B00.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B0

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