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Effective temperature

Index Effective temperature

The effective temperature of a body such as a star or planet is the temperature of a black body that would emit the same total amount of electromagnetic radiation. [1]

Table of Contents

  1. 45 relations: Absolute magnitude, Albedo, Antares, Area of a circle, Atmosphere, Betelgeuse, Black body, Cambridge University Press, Capella, Color index, CRC Press, Electromagnetic radiation, Emissivity, Glossary of astronomy, Greenhouse effect, Greenhouse gas, HD 209458 b, Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, Infrared, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Internal heating, International Astronomical Union, IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, Jupiter, Luminosity, Planet, Radioactive decay, Red dwarf, Rigel, Solar irradiance, Spectroscopy, Springer Science+Business Media, Star, Stefan–Boltzmann law, Stellar atmosphere, Stellar classification, Subsolar point, Sun, Supergiant, Temperature, Tidal force, Ultraviolet, Vega, Wavelength, 51 Pegasi b.

Absolute magnitude

In astronomy, absolute magnitude is a measure of the luminosity of a celestial object on an inverse logarithmic astronomical magnitude scale.

See Effective temperature and Absolute magnitude


Albedo is the fraction of sunlight that is diffusely reflected by a body. Effective temperature and Albedo are electromagnetic radiation.

See Effective temperature and Albedo


Antares is the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius.

See Effective temperature and Antares

Area of a circle

In geometry, the area enclosed by a circle of radius is.

See Effective temperature and Area of a circle


An atmosphere is a layer of gasses that envelop an astronomical object, held in place by the gravity of the object. Effective temperature and atmosphere are Planetary science.

See Effective temperature and Atmosphere


Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star in the constellation of Orion.

See Effective temperature and Betelgeuse

Black body

A black body or blackbody is an idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation, regardless of frequency or angle of incidence. Effective temperature and black body are electromagnetic radiation.

See Effective temperature and Black body

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press is the university press of the University of Cambridge.

See Effective temperature and Cambridge University Press


Capella is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

See Effective temperature and Capella

Color index

In astronomy, the color index is a simple numerical expression that determines the color of an object, which in the case of a star gives its temperature.

See Effective temperature and Color index

CRC Press

The CRC Press, LLC is an American publishing group that specializes in producing technical books.

See Effective temperature and CRC Press

Electromagnetic radiation

In physics, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) consists of waves of the electromagnetic (EM) field, which propagate through space and carry momentum and electromagnetic radiant energy.

See Effective temperature and Electromagnetic radiation


The emissivity of the surface of a material is its effectiveness in emitting energy as thermal radiation.

See Effective temperature and Emissivity

Glossary of astronomy

This glossary of astronomy is a list of definitions of terms and concepts relevant to astronomy and cosmology, their sub-disciplines, and related fields.

See Effective temperature and Glossary of astronomy

Greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect occurs when greenhouse gases in a planet's atmosphere insulate the planet from losing heat to space, raising its surface temperature.

See Effective temperature and Greenhouse effect

Greenhouse gas

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the gases in the atmosphere that raise the surface temperature of planets such as the Earth.

See Effective temperature and Greenhouse gas

HD 209458 b

HD 209458 b is an exoplanet that orbits the solar analog HD 209458 in the constellation Pegasus, some from the Solar System.

See Effective temperature and HD 209458 b

Hertzsprung–Russell diagram

The Hertzsprung–Russell diagram (abbreviated as H–R diagram, HR diagram or HRD) is a scatter plot of stars showing the relationship between the stars' absolute magnitudes or luminosities and their stellar classifications or effective temperatures. Effective temperature and Hertzsprung–Russell diagram are concepts in astronomy.

See Effective temperature and Hertzsprung–Russell diagram


Infrared (IR; sometimes called infrared light) is electromagnetic radiation (EMR) with wavelengths longer than that of visible light but shorter than microwaves.

See Effective temperature and Infrared

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations.

See Effective temperature and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Internal heating

Internal heat is the heat source from the interior of celestial objects, such as stars, brown dwarfs, planets, moons, dwarf planets, and (in the early history of the Solar System) even asteroids such as Vesta, resulting from contraction caused by gravity (the Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism), nuclear fusion, tidal heating, core solidification (heat of fusion released as molten core material solidifies), and radioactive decay. Effective temperature and Internal heating are Planetary science.

See Effective temperature and Internal heating

International Astronomical Union

The International Astronomical Union (IAU; Union astronomique internationale, UAI) is an international non-governmental organization (INGO) with the objective of advancing astronomy in all aspects, including promoting astronomical research, outreach, education, and development through global cooperation.

See Effective temperature and International Astronomical Union

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

The Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the sixth in a series of reports which assess the available scientific information on climate change.

See Effective temperature and IPCC Sixth Assessment Report


Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System.

See Effective temperature and Jupiter


Luminosity is an absolute measure of radiated electromagnetic energy (light) per unit time, and is synonymous with the radiant power emitted by a light-emitting object.

See Effective temperature and Luminosity


A planet is a large, rounded astronomical body that is generally required to be in orbit around a star, stellar remnant, or brown dwarf, and is not one itself. Effective temperature and planet are concepts in astronomy and Planetary science.

See Effective temperature and Planet

Radioactive decay

Radioactive decay (also known as nuclear decay, radioactivity, radioactive disintegration, or nuclear disintegration) is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by radiation.

See Effective temperature and Radioactive decay

Red dwarf

A red dwarf is the smallest kind of star on the main sequence.

See Effective temperature and Red dwarf


Rigel is a blue supergiant star in the constellation of Orion.

See Effective temperature and Rigel

Solar irradiance

Solar irradiance is the power per unit area (surface power density) received from the Sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range of the measuring instrument.

See Effective temperature and Solar irradiance


Spectroscopy is the field of study that measures and interprets electromagnetic spectra. Effective temperature and Spectroscopy are concepts in astronomy.

See Effective temperature and Spectroscopy

Springer Science+Business Media

Springer Science+Business Media, commonly known as Springer, is a German multinational publishing company of books, e-books and peer-reviewed journals in science, humanities, technical and medical (STM) publishing.

See Effective temperature and Springer Science+Business Media


A star is a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by self-gravity. Effective temperature and star are concepts in astronomy and stellar astronomy.

See Effective temperature and Star

Stefan–Boltzmann law

The Stefan–Boltzmann law, also known as Stefan's law, describes the intensity of the thermal radiation emitted by matter in terms of that matter's temperature.

See Effective temperature and Stefan–Boltzmann law

Stellar atmosphere

The stellar atmosphere is the outer region of the volume of a star, lying above the stellar core, radiation zone and convection zone. Effective temperature and stellar atmosphere are stellar astronomy.

See Effective temperature and Stellar atmosphere

Stellar classification

In astronomy, stellar classification is the classification of stars based on their spectral characteristics. Effective temperature and stellar classification are concepts in astronomy and stellar astronomy.

See Effective temperature and Stellar classification

Subsolar point

The subsolar point on a planet is the point at which its Sun is perceived to be directly overhead (at the zenith); that is, where the Sun's rays strike the planet exactly perpendicular to its surface.

See Effective temperature and Subsolar point


The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System.

See Effective temperature and Sun


Supergiants are among the most massive and most luminous stars.

See Effective temperature and Supergiant


Temperature is a physical quantity that quantitatively expresses the attribute of hotness or coldness. Effective temperature and Temperature are Thermodynamic properties.

See Effective temperature and Temperature

Tidal force

The tidal force or tide-generating force is a gravitational effect that stretches a body along the line towards and away from the center of mass of another body due to spatial variations in strength in gravitational field from the other body. Effective temperature and tidal force are concepts in astronomy.

See Effective temperature and Tidal force


Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths of 10–400 nanometers, shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays. Effective temperature and Ultraviolet are electromagnetic radiation.

See Effective temperature and Ultraviolet


Vega is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra.

See Effective temperature and Vega


In physics and mathematics, wavelength or spatial period of a wave or periodic function is the distance over which the wave's shape repeats.

See Effective temperature and Wavelength

51 Pegasi b

51 Pegasi b, officially named Dimidium, is an extrasolar planet approximately away in the constellation of Pegasus.

See Effective temperature and 51 Pegasi b


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effective_temperature

Also known as Solar temperature, Stellar Temperature, Surface temperature (star).