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G 2/06

Index G 2/06

G 2/06 is a decision by the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO), which issued on 25 November 2008. [1]

Table of Contents

  1. 10 relations: Appeal procedure before the European Patent Office, Directive on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions, European Patent Convention, European Patent Office, Human embryonic development, Peter Messerli, Reuters, Stem cell, The Guardian, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.

  2. 2008 in Europe
  3. 2008 in case law
  4. Case law of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office

Appeal procedure before the European Patent Office

The European Patent Convention (EPC), the multilateral treaty instituting the legal system according to which European patents are granted, contains provisions allowing a party to appeal a decision issued by a first instance department of the European Patent Office (EPO).

See G 2/06 and Appeal procedure before the European Patent Office

Directive 98/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 1998 on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions is a European Union directive in the field of patent law, made under the internal market provisions of the Treaty of Rome.

See G 2/06 and Directive on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions

European Patent Convention

The European Patent Convention (EPC), also known as the Convention on the Grant of European Patents of 5 October 1973, is a multilateral treaty instituting the European Patent Organisation and providing an autonomous legal system according to which European patents are granted.

See G 2/06 and European Patent Convention

European Patent Office

The European Patent Office (EPO) is one of the two organs of the European Patent Organisation (EPOrg), the other being the Administrative Council.

See G 2/06 and European Patent Office

Human embryonic development

Human embryonic development or human embryogenesis is the development and formation of the human embryo.

See G 2/06 and Human embryonic development

Peter Messerli

Peter Messerli was Vice-President of the European Patent Office (EPO) and head of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO known as DG3 (Directorate-General, 3, Appeals) from 1996 until his retirement at the end of November 2011.

See G 2/06 and Peter Messerli


Reuters is a news agency owned by Thomson Reuters.

See G 2/06 and Reuters

Stem cell

In multicellular organisms, stem cells are undifferentiated or partially differentiated cells that can change into various types of cells and proliferate indefinitely to produce more of the same stem cell. G 2/06 and stem cell are stem cells.

See G 2/06 and Stem cell

The Guardian

The Guardian is a British daily newspaper.

See G 2/06 and The Guardian

Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation is the independent nonprofit technology transfer organization serving the University of Wisconsin–Madison and Morgridge Institute for Research.

See G 2/06 and Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

See also

2008 in Europe

2008 in case law

Case law of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G_2/06

Also known as ECLI:EP:BA:2008:G000206.20081125, G 0002/06, G2/06.