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G band

Index G band

G band may refer to. [1]

Table of Contents

  1. 5 relations: Extremely high frequency, G band (NATO), G banding, Photometric system, The Glitter Band.

Extremely high frequency

Extremely high frequency is the International Telecommunication Union designation for the band of radio frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum from 30 to 300 gigahertz (GHz).

See G band and Extremely high frequency

G band (NATO)

The NATO G band is the obsolete designation given to the radio frequencies from 4 000 to 6 000 MHz (equivalent to wavelengths between 7.5 and 5 cm) during the Cold War period.

See G band and G band (NATO)

G banding

G-banding, G banding or Giemsa banding is a technique used in cytogenetics to produce a visible karyotype by staining condensed chromosomes.

See G band and G banding

Photometric system

In astronomy, a photometric system is a set of well-defined passbands (or optical filters), with a known sensitivity to incident radiation.

See G band and Photometric system

The Glitter Band

The Glitter Band are a glam rock band from England, who initially worked as Gary Glitter's backing band under that name from 1973, when they then began releasing records of their own.

See G band and The Glitter Band


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G_band

Also known as G band (disambiguation), G-band.