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German submarine U-37

Index German submarine U-37

U-37 may refer to one of the following German submarines. [1]

Table of Contents

  1. 8 relations: Germany, Submarine, Type IX submarine, Type U 31 submarine, Type UB II submarine, Type UC II submarine, World War I, World War II.


Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), is a country in Central Europe.

See German submarine U-37 and Germany


A submarine (or sub) is a watercraft capable of independent operation underwater.

See German submarine U-37 and Submarine

Type IX submarine

The Type IX U-boat was designed by Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine in 1935 and 1936 as a large ocean-going submarine for sustained operations far from the home support facilities.

See German submarine U-37 and Type IX submarine

Type U 31 submarine

Type U 31 was a class of U-boats built during World War I by the Kaiserliche Marine.

See German submarine U-37 and Type U 31 submarine

Type UB II submarine

The UB II type submarine was a class of U-boat built during World War I by the German Imperial Navy.

See German submarine U-37 and Type UB II submarine

Type UC II submarine

Type UC II minelaying submarines were used by the Imperial German Navy during World War I. They displaced 417 tons, carried guns, 7 torpedoes and up to 18 mines.

See German submarine U-37 and Type UC II submarine

World War I

World War I (alternatively the First World War or the Great War) (28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918) was a global conflict between two coalitions: the Allies (or Entente) and the Central Powers.

See German submarine U-37 and World War I

World War II

World War II or the Second World War (1 September 1939 – 2 September 1945) was a global conflict between two alliances: the Allies and the Axis powers.

See German submarine U-37 and World War II


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_submarine_U-37

Also known as German submarine U 37, German submarine U37, Unterseeboot 37.