Similarities between Calabria and Cardeto
Calabria and Cardeto have 4 things in common (in Unionpedia): Calabrian Greek, Catanzaro, Italian National Institute of Statistics, Reggio Calabria.
Calabrian Greek
Calabrian Greek (endonym: / Γκραίκο; Grecanico. F. Violi, Lessico Grecanico-Italiano-Grecanico, Apodiafàzzi, Reggio Calabria, 1997. Paolo Martino, L'isola grecanica dell'Aspromonte. Aspetti sociolinguistici, 1980. Risultati di un'inchiesta del 1977 Filippo Violi, Storia degli studi e della letteratura popolare grecanica, C.S.E. Bova (RC), 1992. Filippo Condemi, Grammatica Grecanica, Coop. Contezza, Reggio Calabria, 1987. Artuso, R. 1999. Roghudi e Ghorio, Una fetta di mondo grecanico. Roghudi (RC): Comune di Roghudi. Crupi, P. 1982. Roghudi, Un’isola grecanica asportata. Cosenza: Pellegrini Editore. Martino, P. 1980. “L’isola grecanica dell’Aspromonte. Aspetti sociolinguistici”. Atti dell’XI Congresso Internazionale di Studi (Cagliari 27–30 maggio 1977), a cura di F. A. Leoni, 305–341. Roma: Bulzoni. Martino, P. 1979. L’isola grecanica dell’Aspromonte. Aspetti sociolinguistici. In Albano Leoni, F. (ed.). 1979. I Dialetti e le Lingue delle Minoranze di Fronte all’Italiano. Roma: Bulzoni. Violi, F. 1992. Storia degli studi e della letteratura popolare grecanica, Bova (RC): C.S.E.) is the variety of Italiot Greek used by the ethnic Griko people in Calabria, as opposed to the Italiot Greek dialect spoken in the Grecìa Salentina.
Calabria and Calabrian Greek · Calabrian Greek and Cardeto ·
Catanzaro (or; Catanzaru), also known as the "City of the two Seas" (Città tra i due Mari), is an Italian city of 86,183 inhabitants (2020), the capital of the Calabria region and of its province and the second most populated comune of the region, behind Reggio Calabria.
Calabria and Catanzaro · Cardeto and Catanzaro ·
Italian National Institute of Statistics
The Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istituto nazionale di statistica; Istat) is the primary source of official statistics in Italy.
Calabria and Italian National Institute of Statistics · Cardeto and Italian National Institute of Statistics ·
Reggio Calabria
Reggio di Calabria (Riggiu; Rìji), commonly and officially referred to as Reggio Calabria, or simply Reggio by its inhabitants, is the largest city in Calabria as well as the seat of the Regional Council of Calabria.
Calabria and Reggio Calabria · Cardeto and Reggio Calabria ·
The list above answers the following questions
- What Calabria and Cardeto have in common
- What are the similarities between Calabria and Cardeto
Calabria and Cardeto Comparison
Calabria has 413 relations, while Cardeto has 10. As they have in common 4, the Jaccard index is 0.95% = 4 / (413 + 10).
This article shows the relationship between Calabria and Cardeto. To access each article from which the information was extracted, please visit: