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Cathair Mór and Uí Bairrche

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between Cathair Mór and Uí Bairrche

Cathair Mór vs. Uí Bairrche

Cathair Mór ("the great"), son of Feidhlimidh Fiorurghlas, a descendant of Conchobar Abradruad, was, according to Lebor Gabála Érenn, a High King of Ireland. Uí Bairrche (Uí Bhairrche) was an Irish kin-based group that originally held lands in the south of the ancient province of Leinster (or Cóiced Laigen "the Fifth of the Laigin").

Similarities between Cathair Mór and Uí Bairrche

Cathair Mór and Uí Bairrche have 3 things in common (in Unionpedia): Cathair Mór, Leinster, Uí Ceinnselaig.

Cathair Mór

Cathair Mór ("the great"), son of Feidhlimidh Fiorurghlas, a descendant of Conchobar Abradruad, was, according to Lebor Gabála Érenn, a High King of Ireland.

Cathair Mór and Cathair Mór · Cathair Mór and Uí Bairrche · See more »


Leinster (Laighin or Cúige Laighean) is one of the four provinces of Ireland, in the southeast of Ireland.

Cathair Mór and Leinster · Leinster and Uí Bairrche · See more »

Uí Ceinnselaig

The Uí Ceinselaig (also Uí Ceinselaig, Anglicized as Kinsella), from the Old Irish "grandsons of Cennsalach", are an Irish dynasty of Leinster who trace their descent from Énnae Cennsalach, a supposed contemporary of Niall of the Nine Hostages.

Cathair Mór and Uí Ceinnselaig · Uí Bairrche and Uí Ceinnselaig · See more »

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Cathair Mór and Uí Bairrche Comparison

Cathair Mór has 38 relations, while Uí Bairrche has 20. As they have in common 3, the Jaccard index is 5.17% = 3 / (38 + 20).


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