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Connected space

Index Connected space

In topology and related branches of mathematics, a connected space is a topological space that cannot be represented as the union of two or more disjoint non-empty open subsets. [1]

Table of Contents

  1. 78 relations: Annulus (mathematics), Banach space, Base (topology), Boundary (topology), Cantor set, Charles Weibel, Clopen set, Closed set, Closure (topology), Comb space, Complement (set theory), Connected space, Contractible space, Convex set, Covering space, Cycle graph, Discrete space, Discrete two-point space, Discrete valuation ring, Disjoint sets, Disjoint union, Disk (mathematics), Embedding, Empty set, Equivalence class, Equivalence relation, Euclidean space, Euclidean topology, Felix Hausdorff, Finite topological space, Frigyes Riesz, General linear group, Genus (mathematics), Graph (discrete mathematics), Hausdorff space, Hilbert space, Homotopical connectivity, Homotopy, Hyperconnected space, Idempotence, If and only if, Intermediate value theorem, Interval (mathematics), Local ring, Locally connected space, Long line (topology), Lower limit topology, Manifold, Mathematics, Maximal and minimal elements, ... Expand index (28 more) »

Annulus (mathematics)

In mathematics, an annulus (annuli or annuluses) is the region between two concentric circles.

See Connected space and Annulus (mathematics)

Banach space

In mathematics, more specifically in functional analysis, a Banach space (pronounced) is a complete normed vector space.

See Connected space and Banach space

Base (topology)

In mathematics, a base (or basis;: bases) for the topology of a topological space is a family \mathcal of open subsets of such that every open set of the topology is equal to the union of some sub-family of \mathcal. Connected space and base (topology) are general topology.

See Connected space and Base (topology)

Boundary (topology)

In topology and mathematics in general, the boundary of a subset of a topological space is the set of points in the closure of not belonging to the interior of. Connected space and boundary (topology) are general topology.

See Connected space and Boundary (topology)

Cantor set

In mathematics, the Cantor set is a set of points lying on a single line segment that has a number of unintuitive properties.

See Connected space and Cantor set

Charles Weibel

Charles Alexander Weibel (born October 28, 1950, in Terre Haute, Indiana) is an American mathematician working on algebraic K-theory, algebraic geometry and homological algebra.

See Connected space and Charles Weibel

Clopen set

In topology, a clopen set (a portmanteau of closed-open set) in a topological space is a set which is both open and closed. Connected space and clopen set are general topology.

See Connected space and Clopen set

Closed set

In geometry, topology, and related branches of mathematics, a closed set is a set whose complement is an open set. Connected space and closed set are general topology.

See Connected space and Closed set

Closure (topology)

In topology, the closure of a subset of points in a topological space consists of all points in together with all limit points of. Connected space and closure (topology) are general topology.

See Connected space and Closure (topology)

Comb space

In mathematics, particularly topology, a comb space is a particular subspace of \R^2 that resembles a comb.

See Connected space and Comb space

Complement (set theory)

In set theory, the complement of a set, often denoted by A^\complement, is the set of elements not in.

See Connected space and Complement (set theory)

Connected space

In topology and related branches of mathematics, a connected space is a topological space that cannot be represented as the union of two or more disjoint non-empty open subsets. Connected space and connected space are general topology and properties of topological spaces.

See Connected space and Connected space

Contractible space

In mathematics, a topological space X is contractible if the identity map on X is null-homotopic, i.e. if it is homotopic to some constant map. Connected space and contractible space are properties of topological spaces.

See Connected space and Contractible space

Convex set

In geometry, a subset of a Euclidean space, or more generally an affine space over the reals, is convex if, given any two points in the subset, the subset contains the whole line segment that joins them.

See Connected space and Convex set

Covering space

In topology, a covering or covering projection is a map between topological spaces that, intuitively, locally acts like a projection of multiple copies of a space onto itself.

See Connected space and Covering space

Cycle graph

In graph theory, a cycle graph or circular graph is a graph that consists of a single cycle, or in other words, some number of vertices (at least 3, if the graph is simple) connected in a closed chain.

See Connected space and Cycle graph

Discrete space

In topology, a discrete space is a particularly simple example of a topological space or similar structure, one in which the points form a, meaning they are isolated from each other in a certain sense. Connected space and discrete space are general topology.

See Connected space and Discrete space

Discrete two-point space

In topology, a branch of mathematics, a discrete two-point space is the simplest example of a totally disconnected discrete space.

See Connected space and Discrete two-point space

Discrete valuation ring

In abstract algebra, a discrete valuation ring (DVR) is a principal ideal domain (PID) with exactly one non-zero maximal ideal.

See Connected space and Discrete valuation ring

Disjoint sets

In set theory in mathematics and formal logic, two sets are said to be disjoint sets if they have no element in common.

See Connected space and Disjoint sets

Disjoint union

In mathematics, the disjoint union (or discriminated union) A \sqcup B of the sets and is the set formed from the elements of and labelled (indexed) with the name of the set from which they come.

See Connected space and Disjoint union

Disk (mathematics)

In geometry, a disk (also spelled disc).

See Connected space and Disk (mathematics)


In mathematics, an embedding (or imbedding) is one instance of some mathematical structure contained within another instance, such as a group that is a subgroup. Connected space and embedding are general topology.

See Connected space and Embedding

Empty set

In mathematics, the empty set is the unique set having no elements; its size or cardinality (count of elements in a set) is zero.

See Connected space and Empty set

Equivalence class

In mathematics, when the elements of some set S have a notion of equivalence (formalized as an equivalence relation), then one may naturally split the set S into equivalence classes.

See Connected space and Equivalence class

Equivalence relation

In mathematics, an equivalence relation is a binary relation that is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.

See Connected space and Equivalence relation

Euclidean space

Euclidean space is the fundamental space of geometry, intended to represent physical space.

See Connected space and Euclidean space

Euclidean topology

In mathematics, and especially general topology, the Euclidean topology is the natural topology induced on n-dimensional Euclidean space \R^n by the Euclidean metric.

See Connected space and Euclidean topology

Felix Hausdorff

Felix Hausdorff (November 8, 1868 – January 26, 1942) was a German mathematician, pseudonym Paul Mongré (à mon (Fr.).

See Connected space and Felix Hausdorff

Finite topological space

In mathematics, a finite topological space is a topological space for which the underlying point set is finite.

See Connected space and Finite topological space

Frigyes Riesz

Frigyes Riesz (Riesz Frigyes,, sometimes known in English and French as Frederic Riesz; 22 January 1880 – 28 February 1956) was a HungarianEberhard Zeidler: Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications: Linear monotone operators.

See Connected space and Frigyes Riesz

General linear group

In mathematics, the general linear group of degree n is the set of invertible matrices, together with the operation of ordinary matrix multiplication.

See Connected space and General linear group

Genus (mathematics)

In mathematics, genus (genera) has a few different, but closely related, meanings.

See Connected space and Genus (mathematics)

Graph (discrete mathematics)

In discrete mathematics, particularly in graph theory, a graph is a structure consisting of a set of objects where some pairs of the objects are in some sense "related".

See Connected space and Graph (discrete mathematics)

Hausdorff space

In topology and related branches of mathematics, a Hausdorff space, separated space or T2 space is a topological space where, for any two distinct points, there exist neighbourhoods of each that are disjoint from each other. Connected space and Hausdorff space are properties of topological spaces.

See Connected space and Hausdorff space

Hilbert space

In mathematics, Hilbert spaces (named after David Hilbert) allow the methods of linear algebra and calculus to be generalized from (finite-dimensional) Euclidean vector spaces to spaces that may be infinite-dimensional.

See Connected space and Hilbert space

Homotopical connectivity

In algebraic topology, homotopical connectivity is a property describing a topological space based on the dimension of its holes. Connected space and homotopical connectivity are general topology and properties of topological spaces.

See Connected space and Homotopical connectivity


In topology, a branch of mathematics, two continuous functions from one topological space to another are called homotopic (from ὁμός "same, similar" and τόπος "place") if one can be "continuously deformed" into the other, such a deformation being called a homotopy between the two functions.

See Connected space and Homotopy

Hyperconnected space

In the mathematical field of topology, a hyperconnected space or irreducible space is a topological space X that cannot be written as the union of two proper closed subsets (whether disjoint or non-disjoint). Connected space and hyperconnected space are properties of topological spaces.

See Connected space and Hyperconnected space


Idempotence is the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science whereby they can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.

See Connected space and Idempotence

If and only if

In logic and related fields such as mathematics and philosophy, "if and only if" (often shortened as "iff") is paraphrased by the biconditional, a logical connective between statements.

See Connected space and If and only if

Intermediate value theorem

In mathematical analysis, the intermediate value theorem states that if f is a continuous function whose domain contains the interval, then it takes on any given value between f(a) and f(b) at some point within the interval.

See Connected space and Intermediate value theorem

Interval (mathematics)

In mathematics, a (real) interval is the set of all real numbers lying between two fixed endpoints with no "gaps".

See Connected space and Interval (mathematics)

Local ring

In mathematics, more specifically in ring theory, local rings are certain rings that are comparatively simple, and serve to describe what is called "local behaviour", in the sense of functions defined on algebraic varieties or manifolds, or of algebraic number fields examined at a particular place, or prime.

See Connected space and Local ring

Locally connected space

In topology and other branches of mathematics, a topological space X is locally connected if every point admits a neighbourhood basis consisting of open connected sets. Connected space and locally connected space are general topology and properties of topological spaces.

See Connected space and Locally connected space

Long line (topology)

In topology, the long line (or Alexandroff line) is a topological space somewhat similar to the real line, but in a certain way "longer".

See Connected space and Long line (topology)

Lower limit topology

In mathematics, the lower limit topology or right half-open interval topology is a topology defined on \mathbb, the set of real numbers; it is different from the standard topology on \mathbb (generated by the open intervals) and has a number of interesting properties.

See Connected space and Lower limit topology


In mathematics, a manifold is a topological space that locally resembles Euclidean space near each point.

See Connected space and Manifold


Mathematics is a field of study that discovers and organizes abstract objects, methods, theories and theorems that are developed and proved for the needs of empirical sciences and mathematics itself.

See Connected space and Mathematics

Maximal and minimal elements

In mathematics, especially in order theory, a maximal element of a subset S of some preordered set is an element of S that is not smaller than any other element in S. A minimal element of a subset S of some preordered set is defined dually as an element of S that is not greater than any other element in S.

See Connected space and Maximal and minimal elements

Non-Hausdorff manifold

In geometry and topology, it is a usual axiom of a manifold to be a Hausdorff space. Connected space and Non-Hausdorff manifold are general topology.

See Connected space and Non-Hausdorff manifold

Number line

In elementary mathematics, a number line is a picture of a straight line that serves as spatial representation of numbers, usually graduated like a ruler with a particular origin point representing the number zero and evenly spaced marks in either direction representing integers, imagined to extend infinitely.

See Connected space and Number line

Open set

In mathematics, an open set is a generalization of an open interval in the real line. Connected space and open set are general topology.

See Connected space and Open set

Partition of a set

In mathematics, a partition of a set is a grouping of its elements into non-empty subsets, in such a way that every element is included in exactly one subset.

See Connected space and Partition of a set

Path (topology)

In mathematics, a path in a topological space X is a continuous function from a closed interval into X. Paths play an important role in the fields of topology and mathematical analysis.

See Connected space and Path (topology)

Product topology

In topology and related areas of mathematics, a product space is the Cartesian product of a family of topological spaces equipped with a natural topology called the product topology. Connected space and product topology are general topology.

See Connected space and Product topology

Projective module

In mathematics, particularly in algebra, the class of projective modules enlarges the class of free modules (that is, modules with basis vectors) over a ring, keeping some of the main properties of free modules.

See Connected space and Projective module

Quotient space (topology)

In topology and related areas of mathematics, the quotient space of a topological space under a given equivalence relation is a new topological space constructed by endowing the quotient set of the original topological space with the quotient topology, that is, with the finest topology that makes continuous the canonical projection map (the function that maps points to their equivalence classes). Connected space and quotient space (topology) are general topology.

See Connected space and Quotient space (topology)

Rational number

In mathematics, a rational number is a number that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction of two integers, a numerator and a non-zero denominator.

See Connected space and Rational number

Real number

In mathematics, a real number is a number that can be used to measure a continuous one-dimensional quantity such as a distance, duration or temperature.

See Connected space and Real number

Separated sets

In topology and related branches of mathematics, separated sets are pairs of subsets of a given topological space that are related to each other in a certain way: roughly speaking, neither overlapping nor touching.

See Connected space and Separated sets

Sierpiński space

In mathematics, the Sierpiński space is a finite topological space with two points, only one of which is closed. Connected space and Sierpiński space are general topology.

See Connected space and Sierpiński space

Simply connected space

In topology, a topological space is called simply connected (or 1-connected, or 1-simply connected) if it is path-connected and every path between two points can be continuously transformed into any other such path while preserving the two endpoints in question. Connected space and simply connected space are properties of topological spaces.

See Connected space and Simply connected space

Singleton (mathematics)

In mathematics, a singleton (also known as a unit set or one-point set) is a set with exactly one element.

See Connected space and Singleton (mathematics)

Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange is a network of question-and-answer (Q&A) websites on topics in diverse fields, each site covering a specific topic, where questions, answers, and users are subject to a reputation award process.

See Connected space and Stack Exchange


In mathematics, a set A is a subset of a set B if all elements of A are also elements of B; B is then a superset of A. It is possible for A and B to be equal; if they are unequal, then A is a proper subset of B. The relationship of one set being a subset of another is called inclusion (or sometimes containment).

See Connected space and Subset

Subspace topology

In topology and related areas of mathematics, a subspace of a topological space X is a subset S of X which is equipped with a topology induced from that of X called the subspace topology (or the relative topology, or the induced topology, or the trace topology). Connected space and subspace topology are general topology.

See Connected space and Subspace topology

Topological indistinguishability

In topology, two points of a topological space X are topologically indistinguishable if they have exactly the same neighborhoods. Connected space and topological indistinguishability are general topology.

See Connected space and Topological indistinguishability

Topological manifold

In topology, a branch of mathematics, a topological manifold is a topological space that locally resembles real n-dimensional Euclidean space. Connected space and topological manifold are properties of topological spaces.

See Connected space and Topological manifold

Topological property

In topology and related areas of mathematics, a topological property or topological invariant is a property of a topological space that is invariant under homeomorphisms. Connected space and topological property are properties of topological spaces.

See Connected space and Topological property

Topological space

In mathematics, a topological space is, roughly speaking, a geometrical space in which closeness is defined but cannot necessarily be measured by a numeric distance. Connected space and topological space are general topology.

See Connected space and Topological space

Topological vector space

In mathematics, a topological vector space (also called a linear topological space and commonly abbreviated TVS or t.v.s.) is one of the basic structures investigated in functional analysis.

See Connected space and Topological vector space

Topologist's sine curve

In the branch of mathematics known as topology, the topologist's sine curve or Warsaw sine curve is a topological space with several interesting properties that make it an important textbook example.

See Connected space and Topologist's sine curve


Topology (from the Greek words, and) is the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties of a geometric object that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching, twisting, crumpling, and bending; that is, without closing holes, opening holes, tearing, gluing, or passing through itself.

See Connected space and Topology

Totally disconnected space

In topology and related branches of mathematics, a totally disconnected space is a topological space that has only singletons as connected subsets. Connected space and totally disconnected space are general topology and properties of topological spaces.

See Connected space and Totally disconnected space

Union (set theory)

In set theory, the union (denoted by ∪) of a collection of sets is the set of all elements in the collection.

See Connected space and Union (set theory)

Unit interval

In mathematics, the unit interval is the closed interval, that is, the set of all real numbers that are greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.

See Connected space and Unit interval

Weak Hausdorff space

In mathematics, a weak Hausdorff space or weakly Hausdorff space is a topological space where the image of every continuous map from a compact Hausdorff space into the space is closed. Connected space and weak Hausdorff space are properties of topological spaces.

See Connected space and Weak Hausdorff space


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connected_space

Also known as 0-Connected, Arc Component, Arc connected, Arc connected space, Arc-connected, Arc-connected space, Arcwise connected, Arcwise-connected, Connected (topology), Connected component (topology), Connected set, Connected set in a topological space, Connected surface, Connected topological space, Connected topology, Connectedness (topology), Connex set, Disconnected (topology), Disconnected set, Disconnected space, Main theorem of connectedness, Path component, Path connected, Path connected space, Path connectedness, Path-connected, Path-connected component, Path-connected space, Path-connected topological space, Path-connectedness, Pathwise connected, Pathwise connected space, Pathwise-connected, Totally separated, Totally separated space.

, Non-Hausdorff manifold, Number line, Open set, Partition of a set, Path (topology), Product topology, Projective module, Quotient space (topology), Rational number, Real number, Separated sets, Sierpiński space, Simply connected space, Singleton (mathematics), Stack Exchange, Subset, Subspace topology, Topological indistinguishability, Topological manifold, Topological property, Topological space, Topological vector space, Topologist's sine curve, Topology, Totally disconnected space, Union (set theory), Unit interval, Weak Hausdorff space.