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Ó an Cháintighe

Index Ó an Cháintighe

Ó an Cháintighe, an Irish Bardic family of west Cork. [1]

6 relations: Bard, Cork (city), Edward MacLysaght, Fear Feasa Ó'n Cháinte, Goidelic languages, Tadhg Olltach Ó an Cháinte.


In medieval Gaelic and British culture, a bard was a professional story teller, verse-maker and music composer, employed by a patron (such as a monarch or noble), to commemorate one or more of the patron's ancestors and to praise the patron's own activities.

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Cork (city)

Cork (from corcach, meaning "marsh") is a city in south-west Ireland, in the province of Munster, which had a population of 125,622 in 2016.

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Edward MacLysaght

Edward MacLysaght (Éamonn Mac Giolla Iasachta; 6 November 1887 – 4 March 1986) was one of the foremost genealogists of twentieth century Ireland.

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Fear Feasa Ó'n Cháinte

Fear Feasa Ó'n Cháinte, Irish poet, fl.

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Goidelic languages

The Goidelic or Gaelic languages (teangacha Gaelacha; cànanan Goidhealach; çhengaghyn Gaelgagh) form one of the two groups of Insular Celtic languages, the other being the Brittonic languages.

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Tadhg Olltach Ó an Cháinte

Tadhg Olltach Ó an Cháinte, Irish poet, fl.

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Redirects here:

O an Chaintighe.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ó_an_Cháintighe

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