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Index A67

A67 or A-67 may refer to. [1]

7 relations: A67 motorway (Netherlands), A67 road, Autovía A-67, Benoni Defense, Bundesautobahn 67, Pioneer Park (Fairbanks, Alaska), US Aircraft A-67 Dragon.

A67 motorway (Netherlands)

The A67 motorway is a motorway in the Netherlands.

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A67 road

The A67 is a road in England that links Bowes in County Durham with Crathorne in North Yorkshire.

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Autovía A-67

The Autovía A-67 is a highway in north west Spain.

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Benoni Defense

The Benoni Defense is a chess opening characterized by the moves: Black can then sacrifice a pawn with 3...b5 (the Benko Gambit), otherwise 3...e6 is the most common move (although 3...d6 or 3...g6 are also seen, typically transposing to main lines).

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Bundesautobahn 67

is an autobahn in Germany.

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Pioneer Park (Fairbanks, Alaska)

Pioneer Park is a 44-acre (109-ha) city park in Fairbanks, Alaska, United States run by the Fairbanks North Star Borough Department of Parks and Recreation.

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US Aircraft A-67 Dragon

The US Aircraft A-67 Dragon is a single-engine, propeller-driven, ground-attack aircraft.

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Redirects here:

A 67, A 67 motorway, A-67, A.67, A67 (disambiguation), A67 highway, A67 motorway.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A67

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