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F & G Holme

Index F & G Holme

F & G Holme were two Liverpool architects, Francis Usher Holme, and his uncle, George Holme, who lived during the 19th century. [1]

5 relations: County Sessions House, Liverpool, Liverpool Homeopathic Hospital, Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, Municipal Annexe, Newsham Park Hospital.

County Sessions House, Liverpool

The County Sessions House stands at the bottom of Islington in Liverpool, Merseyside, England, to the east of the Walker Art Gallery.

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Liverpool Homeopathic Hospital

The Liverpool Homeopathic Hospital was a hospital in Liverpool, England, that specialized in homeopathic treatments.

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Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts

The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA) is a performing arts university situated in the English city of Liverpool.

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Municipal Annexe

The Municipal Annexe, 68 Dale Street, Liverpool is next to the Municipal Buildings, Liverpool, the former administrative headquarters of Liverpool City Council.

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Newsham Park Hospital

Newsham Park Hospital is a grade II listed building in Liverpool, Merseyside, England.

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[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F_%26_G_Holme

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