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Labeo nasus

Index Labeo nasus

Labeo nasus is a species of fish in the genus Labeo from the Congo Basin. [1]

Table of Contents

  1. 3 relations: Congo Basin, George Albert Boulenger, Labeo.

Congo Basin

The Congo Basin (Bassin du Congo) is the sedimentary basin of the Congo River.

See Labeo nasus and Congo Basin

George Albert Boulenger

George Albert Boulenger (19 October 1858 – 23 November 1937) was a Belgian-British zoologist who described and gave scientific names to over 2,000 new animal species, chiefly fish, reptiles, and amphibians.

See Labeo nasus and George Albert Boulenger


Labeo is a genus of carps in the family Cyprinidae.

See Labeo nasus and Labeo


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labeo_nasus