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List of Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain, 1720–1739

Index List of Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain, 1720–1739

This is an incomplete list of Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain for the years 1720–1739. [1]

49 relations: Act of Parliament, Acts of Parliament (Commencement) Act 1793, Acts of Union 1800, Arabic numerals, Black Act, Civil List Act 1727, Coin Act 1732, Demise of the Crown Act 1727, Dilston Castle, Engraving Copyright Act 1734, Estate of Hugh Naish Act 1737, Foreign Protestants Naturalization Act 1708, Gin Act 1736, Greenwich Hospital, London, Handel's Naturalisation Act 1727, Hat Act, Jacques Auguste de Thou, Jerome, 2nd Count de Salis, Landlord and Tenant Act 1730, Legislative session, Licensing Act 1737, List of Acts and Measures of the National Assembly for Wales, List of Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, List of Acts of the Parliament of England, List of Acts of the Parliament of Ireland to 1700, List of Acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1701–1800, List of Acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland, List of Acts of the Parliament of Scotland to 1707, List of Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, List of Acts of the Scottish Parliament from 1999, Molasses Act, Papists Act 1722, Parliament of Great Britain, Perjury Act 1728, Piracy Act 1721, Plantation Act 1740, Proceedings in Courts of Justice Act 1730, Quarantine Act 1721, Regency Acts, Responsibility of Shipowners Act 1733, Short and long titles, Short Titles Act 1896, South Sea Company, St James's Square, Statutes at Large, Taxation Act 1722, The Mint in Southwark Act 1722, Witchcraft Act 1735, Workhouse Test Act.

Act of Parliament

Acts of Parliament, also called primary legislation, are statutes passed by a parliament (legislature).

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Acts of Parliament (Commencement) Act 1793

The Acts of Parliament (Commencement) Act 1793 (33 Geo. 3 c. 13) was an Act of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain which provided that Acts of Parliament would come into force on the date on which they received royal assent, unless they specified some other date, instead of the first day of the session in which they were passed.

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Acts of Union 1800

The Acts of Union 1800 (sometimes erroneously referred to as a single Act of Union 1801) were parallel acts of the Parliament of Great Britain and the Parliament of Ireland which united the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland (previously in personal union) to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

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Arabic numerals

Arabic numerals, also called Hindu–Arabic numerals, are the ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, based on the Hindu–Arabic numeral system, the most common system for the symbolic representation of numbers in the world today.

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Black Act

The Black Act (9 Geo. 1 c. 22) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain passed in 1723 in response to a series of raids by two groups of poachers, known as the Blacks.

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Civil List Act 1727

The Civil List Act 1727 (Geo. 2 St. 1 c 1) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain passed upon the accession of George II.

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Coin Act 1732

The Coin Act 1732 (6 Geo. II c. 26) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain which made it high treason to counterfeit gold coins.

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Demise of the Crown Act 1727

The Demise of the Crown Act 1727 (c.5) is an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain.

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Dilston Castle

Dilston Castle is a ruined 15th-century tower house situated at Dilston, near Corbridge, Northumberland, England.

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Engraving Copyright Act 1734

The Engraving Copyright Act 1734 or Engravers' Copyright Act (8 Geo.2 c.13) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain first read on 4 March 1734/35 and eventually passed on 25 June 1735 to give protections to producers of engravings.

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Estate of Hugh Naish Act 1737

The Estate of Hugh Naish Act 1737 (11 Geo 2 c 38) was a public Act of the Parliament of Great Britain confirming articles of agreement between Hugh Naish and trustees (named in the Act) concerning the real and personal estates of Hugh Naish.

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Foreign Protestants Naturalization Act 1708

The Foreign Protestants Naturalization Act 1708 (7 Anne c. 5), sometimes referred to as the Foreign and Protestants Naturalization Act 1708, was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain.

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Gin Act 1736

The Spirit Duties Act 1735 (commonly known as the Gin Act of 1736) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain establishing a retail tax on gin and annual licenses for gin sellers.

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Greenwich Hospital, London

Greenwich Hospital was a permanent home for retired sailors of the Royal Navy, which operated from 1692 to 1869.

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Handel's Naturalisation Act 1727

An Act for naturalizing Louis Sekeyhaye, George Frederick Handel, and others (13 Geo. I), later given the short title of Handel's Naturalisation Act 1727, was a 1727 Act of the Parliament of Great Britain with the intent of naturalising and granting British citizenship to German-born composer George Frideric Handel and other foreign citizens.

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Hat Act

The Hat Act is a former Act of the Parliament of Great Britain (5 Geo II. c. 22) enacted in 1732 to prevent and control hat production by the colonists in British America.

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Jacques Auguste de Thou

Jacques Auguste de Thou (Thuanus) (8 October 1553, Paris – 7 May 1617, Paris) was a French historian, book collector and president of the Parlement de Paris.

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Jerome, 2nd Count de Salis

Jérôme de Salis, 2nd Count de Salis-Soglio (8 July 17098 August 1794) was a Fellow of the Royal Society and sometime British Resident in the Grisons.

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Landlord and Tenant Act 1730

The Landlord and Tenant Act 1730 (4 Geo II c.28) is an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain that regulates the relationship between tenants and their landlords.

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Legislative session

A legislative session is the period of time in which a legislature, in both parliamentary and presidential systems, is convened for purpose of lawmaking, usually being one of two or more smaller divisions of the entire time between two elections.

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Licensing Act 1737

The Licensing Act of 1737 was a pivotal moment in theatrical history.

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List of Acts and Measures of the National Assembly for Wales

--> This is a list of Acts and Measures of the National Assembly for Wales.

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List of Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly

This is a list of Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly passed by that body from its establishment in 2000 until its suspension in 2002 and from its re-establishment in 2007.

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List of Acts of the Parliament of England

For Acts passed during the period 1707–1800 see List of Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain.

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List of Acts of the Parliament of Ireland to 1700

This is an incomplete list of Acts of the Parliament of Ireland for the years until 1700.

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List of Acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1701–1800

This is an incomplete list of Acts of the Parliament of Ireland for the years from 1701 to 1800.

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List of Acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland

This is a list of Acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland, from its first session in 1921 to suspension in 1972.

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List of Acts of the Parliament of Scotland to 1707

This is a list of Acts of the Parliament of Scotland.

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List of Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom

This is an incomplete list of Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from its establishment in 1801 up until the present.

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List of Acts of the Scottish Parliament from 1999

This is a list of Acts of the Scottish Parliament.

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Molasses Act

The Molasses Act of March 1733 was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain (citation 6 Geo II. c. 13), which imposed a tax of six pence per gallon on imports of molasses from non-English colonies.

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Papists Act 1722

The Papists Act 1722 (9 Geo. I, c. 24) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain, enacted after the discovery of the Jacobite Atterbury Plot.

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Parliament of Great Britain

The Parliament of Great Britain was formed in 1707 following the ratification of the Acts of Union by both the Parliament of England and the Parliament of Scotland.

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Perjury Act 1728

The Perjury Act 1728 (2 Geo 2 c 25) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain.

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Piracy Act 1721

The Piracy Act 1721 (c.24) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain.

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Plantation Act 1740

The Plantation Act 1740 (referring to colonies) or the Naturalization Act 1740 are common namesMichael Lemay, Elliott Robert Barkan,, pp 6-9. (1999) Retrieved 2014-03-29 used for an act of the British Parliament (13 Geo.

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Proceedings in Courts of Justice Act 1730

The Proceedings in Courts of Justice Act 1730 (4 Geo II. c. 26) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain which made English (instead of Law French and Latin) the obligatory language for use in the courts of England and in the court of exchequer in Scotland.

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Quarantine Act 1721

The Quarantine Act 1721 was a health protection measure passed by the Parliament of Great Britain.

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Regency Acts

The Regency Acts are Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed at various times, to provide a regent in the event of the reigning monarch being incapacitated or a minor (under the age of 18).

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Responsibility of Shipowners Act 1733

The Responsibility of Shipowners Act 1733 (7 Geo. II, c.15) was an Act of Parliament of the Parliament of Great Britain passed in 1734.

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Short and long titles

The short title is the formal name by which a piece of primary legislation may by law be cited in the United Kingdom and other Westminster-influenced jurisdictions (such as Canada or Australia), as well as the United States and the Philippines.

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Short Titles Act 1896

The Short Titles Act 1896 (59 & 60 Vict c 14) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

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South Sea Company

The South Sea Company (officially The Governor and Company of the merchants of Great Britain, trading to the South Seas and other parts of America, and for the encouragement of fishing) was a British joint-stock company founded in 1711, created as a public-private partnership to consolidate and reduce the cost of national debt.

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St James's Square

St James's Square is the only square in the exclusive St James's district of the City of Westminster.

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Statutes at Large

Statutes at Large is the name given to published collections or series of legislative Acts in a number of jurisdictions.

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Taxation Act 1722

The Taxation Act 1722 (9 Geo. I, c. 18) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain passed in response to the Jacobite risings and the Atterbury Plot.

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The Mint in Southwark Act 1722

The Mint in Southwark Act 1722 is an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain (statute number 9 Geo. I c. 28).

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Witchcraft Act 1735

The Witchcraft Act (9 Geo. II c. 5) was a law passed by the Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1735 which made it a crime for a person to claim that any human being had magical powers or was guilty of practising witchcraft.

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Workhouse Test Act

The Workhouse Test Act (9 George 1, c.7) also known as the General Act or Knatchbull's Act was poor relief legislation passed by the British government by Sir Edward Knatchbull in 1723.

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Redirects here:

(7 Geo. 1), 1720 (7 Geo. 1 St. 1), 1720 UK Acts, 1735 (9 Geo. 2), 9 Geo. 2, List of Acts of Parliament of the Great Britain Parliament, 1720-1739, List of Acts of Parliament of the United Kingdom Parliament, 1720-1739, List of Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain, 1720-1739, List of Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain, 1720-39, List of Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain, 1720–39.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Acts_of_the_Parliament_of_Great_Britain,_1720–1739

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