Table of Contents
4 relations: Crambidae, Moth, Stanisław Błeszyński, Tanzania.
Crambidae comprises the grass moth family of lepidopterans.
See Pseudocatharylla zernyi and Crambidae
Moths are a group of insects that includes all members of the order Lepidoptera that are not butterflies.
See Pseudocatharylla zernyi and Moth
Stanisław Błeszyński
StanisÅ‚aw BÅ‚eszyÅ„ski (13 August 1927 – 24 December 1969) was a Polish entomologist and lepidopterist specializing in Crambidae, the grass moths.
See Pseudocatharylla zernyi and Stanisław Błeszyński
Tanzania, officially the United Republic of Tanzania, (formerly Swahililand) is a country in East Africa within the African Great Lakes region.
See Pseudocatharylla zernyi and Tanzania