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Z Bend

Index Z Bend

The Z Bend is a popular tourist lookout on the Murchison River Gorge in Western Australia. [1]

10 relations: Fluvial, Gazetteer of Australia, Geological Survey of Western Australia, Kalbarri National Park, Kalbarri, Western Australia, Murchison River (Western Australia), Murchison River Gorge, Sequence (geology), Tumblagooda Sandstone, Western Australia.


In geography and geology, fluvial processes are associated with rivers and streams and the deposits and landforms created by them.

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Gazetteer of Australia

The Gazetteer of Australia is an index or dictionary of the location and spelling of geographical names across Australia.

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Geological Survey of Western Australia

The Geological Survey of Western Australia is an authority within the Department of Mines and Petroleum of the Government of Western Australia that is responsible for surveying and exploration of Western Australia's geological resources.

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Kalbarri National Park

Kalbarri National Park is located north of Perth, in the Mid West region of Western Australia.

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Kalbarri, Western Australia

Kalbarri is a coastal town in the Mid West region located 592 km north of Perth, Western Australia.

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Murchison River (Western Australia)

The Murchison River is the second longest river in Western Australia.

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Murchison River Gorge

Murchison River Gorge is a riverine gorge in Mid West Western Australia.

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Sequence (geology)

In geology, a sequence is a stratigraphic unit which is bounded by an unconformity at the top and at the bottom.

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Tumblagooda Sandstone

The Tumblagooda Sandstone is a geological formation deposited during the Silurian or Ordovician periods, between four and five hundred million years ago, and is now exposed on the west coast of Australia in river and coastal gorges near the tourist town of Kalbarri, straddling the boundary of the Carnarvon and Perth basins.

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Western Australia

Western Australia (abbreviated as WA) is a state occupying the entire western third of Australia.

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[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_Bend

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