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9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans) and Kingdom of Yugoslavia

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between 9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans) and Kingdom of Yugoslavia

9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans) vs. Kingdom of Yugoslavia

The Partisan 9th Corps (IX Korpus), was a formation of the Yugoslav Partisans during World War II. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia (Serbo-Croatian, Slovene: Kraljevina Jugoslavija, Краљевина Југославија; Кралство Југославија) was a state in Southeast Europe and Central Europe, that existed from 1918 until 1941, during the interwar period and beginning of World War II.

Similarities between 9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans) and Kingdom of Yugoslavia

9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans) and Kingdom of Yugoslavia have 4 things in common (in Unionpedia): Independent State of Croatia, Kingdom of Italy, World War II, Yugoslav Partisans.

Independent State of Croatia

The Independent State of Croatia (Nezavisna Država Hrvatska, NDH; Unabhängiger Staat Kroatien; Stato Indipendente di Croazia) was a World War II fascist puppet state of Germany and Italy.

9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans) and Independent State of Croatia · Independent State of Croatia and Kingdom of Yugoslavia · See more »

Kingdom of Italy

The Kingdom of Italy (Regno d'Italia) was a state which existed from 1861—when King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia was proclaimed King of Italy—until 1946—when a constitutional referendum led civil discontent to abandon the monarchy and form the modern Italian Republic.

9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans) and Kingdom of Italy · Kingdom of Italy and Kingdom of Yugoslavia · See more »

World War II

World War II (often abbreviated to WWII or WW2), also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, although conflicts reflecting the ideological clash between what would become the Allied and Axis blocs began earlier.

9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans) and World War II · Kingdom of Yugoslavia and World War II · See more »

Yugoslav Partisans

The Yugoslav Partisans,Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian, Slovene: Partizani, Партизани or the National Liberation Army,Narodnooslobodilačka vojska (NOV), Народноослободилачка војска (НОВ); Народноослободителна војска (НОВ); Narodnoosvobodilna vojska (NOV) officially the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia,Narodnooslobodilačka vojska i partizanski odredi Jugoslavije (NOV i POJ), Народноослободилачка војска и партизански одреди Југославије (НОВ и ПОЈ); Народноослободителна војска и партизански одреди на Југославија (НОВ и ПОЈ); Narodnoosvobodilna vojska in partizanski odredi Jugoslavije (NOV in POJ) was the Communist-led resistance to the Axis powers (chiefly Germany) in occupied Yugoslavia during World War II.

9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans) and Yugoslav Partisans · Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Yugoslav Partisans · See more »

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9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans) and Kingdom of Yugoslavia Comparison

9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans) has 12 relations, while Kingdom of Yugoslavia has 244. As they have in common 4, the Jaccard index is 1.56% = 4 / (12 + 244).


This article shows the relationship between 9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans) and Kingdom of Yugoslavia. To access each article from which the information was extracted, please visit:

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