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Anton Janežič and Simon Gregorčič

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between Anton Janežič and Simon Gregorčič

Anton Janežič vs. Simon Gregorčič

Anton Janežič, also known in German as Anton Janeschitz (19 December 1828 – 18 September 1869) was a Carinthian Slovene linguist, philologist, author, editor, literary historian and critic. Simon Gregorčič (15 October 1844 – 24 November 1906) was a Slovene poet and Roman Catholic priest.

Similarities between Anton Janežič and Simon Gregorčič

Anton Janežič and Simon Gregorčič have 2 things in common (in Unionpedia): Josip Stritar, Slovenski glasnik.

Josip Stritar

Josip Stritar (6 March 1836 – 25 November 1923) was a Slovene writer, poet, essayist, the first aesthetic critic, playwright, publisher and translator.

Anton Janežič and Josip Stritar · Josip Stritar and Simon Gregorčič · See more »

Slovenski glasnik

Slovenski glasnik (English: The Slovene Herald) was a Slovene-language magazine published monthly from 1858 till 1869.

Anton Janežič and Slovenski glasnik · Simon Gregorčič and Slovenski glasnik · See more »

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Anton Janežič and Simon Gregorčič Comparison

Anton Janežič has 43 relations, while Simon Gregorčič has 30. As they have in common 2, the Jaccard index is 2.74% = 2 / (43 + 30).


This article shows the relationship between Anton Janežič and Simon Gregorčič. To access each article from which the information was extracted, please visit:

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