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Boris Nikolić and List of Serbs

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Difference between Boris Nikolić and List of Serbs

Boris Nikolić vs. List of Serbs

Boris Nikolić (Борис Николић; 1974-2008) was a Serbian fashion designer who has become somewhat of an icon since his death in 2008. This is a list of historical and living Serbs (of Serbia or the Serb diaspora).

Similarities between Boris Nikolić and List of Serbs

Boris Nikolić and List of Serbs have 2 things in common (in Unionpedia): Ana Ljubinković, Serbia.

Ana Ljubinković

Ana Ljubinković (Ана Љубинковић; born 1985) is a Serbian fashion designer known for clothing that merges "...

Ana Ljubinković and Boris Nikolić · Ana Ljubinković and List of Serbs · See more »


Serbia (Србија / Srbija),Pannonian Rusyn: Сербия; Szerbia; Albanian and Romanian: Serbia; Slovak and Czech: Srbsko,; Сърбия.

Boris Nikolić and Serbia · List of Serbs and Serbia · See more »

The list above answers the following questions

Boris Nikolić and List of Serbs Comparison

Boris Nikolić has 5 relations, while List of Serbs has 1950. As they have in common 2, the Jaccard index is 0.10% = 2 / (5 + 1950).


This article shows the relationship between Boris Nikolić and List of Serbs. To access each article from which the information was extracted, please visit:

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