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Canes Venatici and Messier 106

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between Canes Venatici and Messier 106

Canes Venatici vs. Messier 106

Canes Venatici is one of the 88 constellations designated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Messier 106 (also known as NGC 4258) is an intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici.

Similarities between Canes Venatici and Messier 106

Canes Venatici and Messier 106 have 3 things in common (in Unionpedia): Astronomy & Astrophysics, European Space Agency, Messier object.

Astronomy & Astrophysics

Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A) is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering theoretical, observational, and instrumental astronomy and astrophysics.

Astronomy & Astrophysics and Canes Venatici · Astronomy & Astrophysics and Messier 106 · See more »

European Space Agency

The European Space Agency (ESA) is a 22-member intergovernmental body devoted to space exploration.

Canes Venatici and European Space Agency · European Space Agency and Messier 106 · See more »

Messier object

The Messier objects are a set of 110 astronomical objects catalogued by the French astronomer Charles Messier in his (Catalogue of Nebulae and Star Clusters).

Canes Venatici and Messier object · Messier 106 and Messier object · See more »

The list above answers the following questions

Canes Venatici and Messier 106 Comparison

Canes Venatici has 90 relations, while Messier 106 has 33. As they have in common 3, the Jaccard index is 2.44% = 3 / (90 + 33).


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