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Denmark and Jens Christian Christensen

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Difference between Denmark and Jens Christian Christensen

Denmark vs. Jens Christian Christensen

Denmark (Danmark), officially the Kingdom of Denmark,Kongeriget Danmark,. Jens Christian Christensen (21 November 1856 – 19 December 1930), most often called J. C. Christensen with the 'J' pronounced as an 'I', was a Danish politician.

Similarities between Denmark and Jens Christian Christensen

Denmark and Jens Christian Christensen have 5 things in common (in Unionpedia): Folketing, Jutland, Parliamentary system, Prime Minister of Denmark, Venstre (Denmark).


The Folketing (Folketinget,; lit. the people's thing), also known as the Danish Parliament in English, is the unicameral national parliament (legislature) of the Kingdom of Denmark.

Denmark and Folketing · Folketing and Jens Christian Christensen · See more »


Jutland (Jylland; Jütland), also known as the Cimbric or Cimbrian Peninsula (Cimbricus Chersonesus; Den Kimbriske Halvø; Kimbrische Halbinsel), is a peninsula of Northern Europe that forms the continental portion of Denmark and part of northern Germany.

Denmark and Jutland · Jens Christian Christensen and Jutland · See more »

Parliamentary system

A parliamentary system is a system of democratic governance of a state where the executive branch derives its democratic legitimacy from its ability to command the confidence of the legislative branch, typically a parliament, and is also held accountable to that parliament.

Denmark and Parliamentary system · Jens Christian Christensen and Parliamentary system · See more »

Prime Minister of Denmark

The Prime Minister of Denmark (Danmarks statsminister; literally "Minister of the State") is the head of government in the Kingdom of Denmark.

Denmark and Prime Minister of Denmark · Jens Christian Christensen and Prime Minister of Denmark · See more »

Venstre (Denmark)

VenstreThe party name is officially not translated into any other language, but is in English often referred to as the Liberal Party.

Denmark and Venstre (Denmark) · Jens Christian Christensen and Venstre (Denmark) · See more »

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Denmark and Jens Christian Christensen Comparison

Denmark has 954 relations, while Jens Christian Christensen has 22. As they have in common 5, the Jaccard index is 0.51% = 5 / (954 + 22).


This article shows the relationship between Denmark and Jens Christian Christensen. To access each article from which the information was extracted, please visit:

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