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Domovoy and Slava (tradition)

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between Domovoy and Slava (tradition)

Domovoy vs. Slava (tradition)

In the Slavic religious tradition, Domovoy (Домовой, literally " of the household"; also spelled Domovoi, Domovoj, and known as Domowik, Домовик (Domovik), Домовик (Domovyk) and Дамавік (Damavik) is the household spirit of a given kin. They are deified progenitors, that is to say the fountainhead ancestors of the kin. According to the Russian folklorist E. G. Kagarov, the Domovoy is a personification of the supreme Rod in the microcosm of kinship. Sometimes he has a female counterpart, Domania, the goddess of the household, though he is most often a single god. The Domovoy expresses himself as a number of other spirits of the household in its different functions. Slava (lit) is a family's annual ceremony and veneration of their patron saint.

Similarities between Domovoy and Slava (tradition)

Domovoy and Slava (tradition) have 0 things in common (in Unionpedia).

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Domovoy and Slava (tradition) Comparison

Domovoy has 31 relations, while Slava (tradition) has 52. As they have in common 0, the Jaccard index is 0.00% = 0 / (31 + 52).


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