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Family (biology) and Tylomyinae

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between Family (biology) and Tylomyinae

Family (biology) vs. Tylomyinae

Family (familia,: familiae) is one of the nine major hierarchical taxonomic ranks in Linnaean taxonomy. The subfamily Tylomyinae consists of several species of New World rats and mice including the vesper and climbing rats.

Similarities between Family (biology) and Tylomyinae

Family (biology) and Tylomyinae have 1 thing in common (in Unionpedia): Subfamily.


In biological classification, a subfamily (Latin: subfamilia, plural subfamiliae) is an auxiliary (intermediate) taxonomic rank, next below family but more inclusive than genus.

Family (biology) and Subfamily · Subfamily and Tylomyinae · See more »

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Family (biology) and Tylomyinae Comparison

Family (biology) has 43 relations, while Tylomyinae has 21. As they have in common 1, the Jaccard index is 1.56% = 1 / (43 + 21).


This article shows the relationship between Family (biology) and Tylomyinae. To access each article from which the information was extracted, please visit: