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Fritz Goro and Sculpture

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between Fritz Goro and Sculpture

Fritz Goro vs. Sculpture

Fritz Goro (originally Fritz Gorodiski; born 1901 in Bremen, (Germany) – died 14 December 1986 in Chappaqua, New York) was the inventor of macrophotography and a photographer specializing in science, published in the Life magazine and Scientific American. He started his career as a photojournalist in Germany before fleeing from the Nazis in 1933, arriving in the USA in 1936. Sculpture is the branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions.

Similarities between Fritz Goro and Sculpture

Fritz Goro and Sculpture have 1 thing in common (in Unionpedia): Nazi Germany.

Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany, officially known as the German Reich and later the Greater German Reich, was the German state between 1933 and 1945, when Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party controlled the country, transforming it into a totalitarian dictatorship.

Fritz Goro and Nazi Germany · Nazi Germany and Sculpture · See more »

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Fritz Goro and Sculpture Comparison

Fritz Goro has 12 relations, while Sculpture has 1062. As they have in common 1, the Jaccard index is 0.09% = 1 / (12 + 1062).


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