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GNU and GNU Fortran

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between GNU and GNU Fortran

GNU vs. GNU Fortran

GNU is an operating system and an extensive collection of computer software. GNU Fortran or GFortran is the name of the GNU Fortran compiler, which is part of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).

Similarities between GNU and GNU Fortran

GNU and GNU Fortran have 4 things in common (in Unionpedia): C (programming language), GNU Compiler Collection, GNU General Public License, GNU Project.

C (programming language)

C (as in the letter ''c'') is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations.

C (programming language) and GNU · C (programming language) and GNU Fortran · See more »

GNU Compiler Collection

The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a compiler system produced by the GNU Project supporting various programming languages.

GNU and GNU Compiler Collection · GNU Compiler Collection and GNU Fortran · See more »

GNU General Public License

The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) is a widely used free software license, which guarantees end users the freedom to run, study, share and modify the software.

GNU and GNU General Public License · GNU Fortran and GNU General Public License · See more »

GNU Project

The GNU Project is a free-software, mass-collaboration project, first announced on September 27, 1983 by Richard Stallman at MIT.

GNU and GNU Project · GNU Fortran and GNU Project · See more »

The list above answers the following questions

GNU and GNU Fortran Comparison

GNU has 105 relations, while GNU Fortran has 12. As they have in common 4, the Jaccard index is 3.42% = 4 / (105 + 12).


This article shows the relationship between GNU and GNU Fortran. To access each article from which the information was extracted, please visit:

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