Similarities between Isaac Albéniz and Music of Spain
Isaac Albéniz and Music of Spain have 8 things in common (in Unionpedia): Cante jondo, Catalonia, Felip Pedrell, Flamenco, Francisco Tárrega, Madrid, Miguel Llobet, Zarzuela.
Cante jondo
Cante jondo is a vocal style in flamenco, an unspoiled form of Andalusian folk music.
Cante jondo and Isaac Albéniz · Cante jondo and Music of Spain ·
Catalonia (Catalunya; Cataluña; Catalonha) is an autonomous community of Spain, designated as a nationality by its Statute of Autonomy.
Catalonia and Isaac Albéniz · Catalonia and Music of Spain ·
Felip Pedrell
Felip Pedrell Sabaté (Spanish: Felipe) (19 February 1841 – 19 August 1922) was a Catalan composer, guitarist and musicologist.
Felip Pedrell and Isaac Albéniz · Felip Pedrell and Music of Spain ·
Flamenco is an art form based on the various folkloric music traditions of southern Spain, developed within the gitano subculture of the region of Andalusia, and also having historical presence in Extremadura and Murcia.
Flamenco and Isaac Albéniz · Flamenco and Music of Spain ·
Francisco Tárrega
Francisco de Asís Tárrega y Eixea (21 November 185215 December 1909) was a Spanish composer and classical guitarist of the late Romantic period.
Francisco Tárrega and Isaac Albéniz · Francisco Tárrega and Music of Spain ·
Madrid is the capital and most populous city of Spain.
Isaac Albéniz and Madrid · Madrid and Music of Spain ·
Miguel Llobet
Miguel Llobet Solés (18 October 187822 February 1938) was a classical guitarist, born in Barcelona, Spain.
Isaac Albéniz and Miguel Llobet · Miguel Llobet and Music of Spain ·
Zarzuela is a Spanish lyric-dramatic genre that alternates between spoken and sung scenes, the latter incorporating operatic and popular songs, as well as dance.
The list above answers the following questions
- What Isaac Albéniz and Music of Spain have in common
- What are the similarities between Isaac Albéniz and Music of Spain
Isaac Albéniz and Music of Spain Comparison
Isaac Albéniz has 100 relations, while Music of Spain has 244. As they have in common 8, the Jaccard index is 2.33% = 8 / (100 + 244).
This article shows the relationship between Isaac Albéniz and Music of Spain. To access each article from which the information was extracted, please visit: