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Ius in re and Mortgage law

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Difference between Ius in re and Mortgage law

Ius in re vs. Mortgage law

Ius in re, or jus in re, under civil law, more commonly referred to as a real right or right in rem, is a right in property, known as an interest under common law. A mortgage is a security interest in real property held by a lender as a security for a debt, usually a loan of money.

Similarities between Ius in re and Mortgage law

Ius in re and Mortgage law have 3 things in common (in Unionpedia): Civil law (legal system), Common law, Security interest.

Civil law (legal system)

Civil law, civilian law, or Roman law is a legal system originating in Europe, intellectualized within the framework of Roman law, the main feature of which is that its core principles are codified into a referable system which serves as the primary source of law.

Civil law (legal system) and Ius in re · Civil law (legal system) and Mortgage law · See more »

Common law

Common law (also known as judicial precedent or judge-made law, or case law) is that body of law derived from judicial decisions of courts and similar tribunals.

Common law and Ius in re · Common law and Mortgage law · See more »

Security interest

A security interest is a legal right granted by a debtor to a creditor over the debtor's property (usually referred to as the collateral) which enables the creditor to have recourse to the property if the debtor defaults in making payment or otherwise performing the secured obligations.

Ius in re and Security interest · Mortgage law and Security interest · See more »

The list above answers the following questions

Ius in re and Mortgage law Comparison

Ius in re has 13 relations, while Mortgage law has 93. As they have in common 3, the Jaccard index is 2.83% = 3 / (13 + 93).


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