Similarities between Jeniniec and Lubusz Voivodeship
Jeniniec and Lubusz Voivodeship have 5 things in common (in Unionpedia): Gmina, Gorzów County, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Powiat, Voivodeships of Poland.
The gmina (Polish:, plural gminy) is the basic unit of the administrative division of Poland, similar to a municipality.
Gmina and Jeniniec · Gmina and Lubusz Voivodeship ·
Gorzów County
Gorzów County (powiat gorzowski) is a unit of territorial administration and local government (powiat) in Lubusz Voivodeship, western Poland.
Gorzów County and Jeniniec · Gorzów County and Lubusz Voivodeship ·
Gorzów Wielkopolski
Gorzów Wielkopolski (Landsberg an der Warthe; Landsbergum, Landsbergum iuxta Wartam), often abbreviated to Gorzów Wlkp. or simply Gorzów, is a city in western Poland, on the Warta river.
Gorzów Wielkopolski and Jeniniec · Gorzów Wielkopolski and Lubusz Voivodeship ·
A powiat is the second-level unit of local government and administration in Poland, equivalent to a county, district or prefecture (LAU-1) in other countries.
Jeniniec and Powiat · Lubusz Voivodeship and Powiat ·
Voivodeships of Poland
A voivodeship (województwo; plural: województwa) is the highest-level administrative division of Poland, corresponding to a province in many other countries.
Jeniniec and Voivodeships of Poland · Lubusz Voivodeship and Voivodeships of Poland ·
The list above answers the following questions
- What Jeniniec and Lubusz Voivodeship have in common
- What are the similarities between Jeniniec and Lubusz Voivodeship
Jeniniec and Lubusz Voivodeship Comparison
Jeniniec has 10 relations, while Lubusz Voivodeship has 221. As they have in common 5, the Jaccard index is 2.16% = 5 / (10 + 221).
This article shows the relationship between Jeniniec and Lubusz Voivodeship. To access each article from which the information was extracted, please visit: