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M-tree and R-tree

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between M-tree and R-tree

M-tree vs. R-tree

M-trees are tree data structures that are similar to R-trees and B-trees. R-trees are tree data structures used for spatial access methods, i.e., for indexing multi-dimensional information such as geographical coordinates, rectangles or polygons.

Similarities between M-tree and R-tree

M-tree and R-tree have 8 things in common (in Unionpedia): B-tree, Bounding volume hierarchy, GiST, Interval tree, K-nearest neighbors algorithm, Segment tree, Spatial database, Tree (data structure).


In computer science, a B-tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that keeps data sorted and allows searches, sequential access, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic time.

B-tree and M-tree · B-tree and R-tree · See more »

Bounding volume hierarchy

A bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) is a tree structure on a set of geometric objects.

Bounding volume hierarchy and M-tree · Bounding volume hierarchy and R-tree · See more »


In computing, GiST or Generalized Search Tree, is a data structure and API that can be used to build a variety of disk-based search trees.

GiST and M-tree · GiST and R-tree · See more »

Interval tree

In computer science, an interval tree is a tree data structure to hold intervals.

Interval tree and M-tree · Interval tree and R-tree · See more »

K-nearest neighbors algorithm

In pattern recognition, the k-nearest neighbors algorithm (k-NN) is a non-parametric method used for classification and regression.

K-nearest neighbors algorithm and M-tree · K-nearest neighbors algorithm and R-tree · See more »

Segment tree

In computer science, a segment tree also known as a statistic tree is a tree data structure used for storing information about intervals, or segments.

M-tree and Segment tree · R-tree and Segment tree · See more »

Spatial database

A spatial database is a database that is optimized for storing and querying data that represents objects defined in a geometric space.

M-tree and Spatial database · R-tree and Spatial database · See more »

Tree (data structure)

In computer science, a tree is a widely used abstract data type (ADT)—or data structure implementing this ADT—that simulates a hierarchical tree structure, with a root value and subtrees of children with a parent node, represented as a set of linked nodes.

M-tree and Tree (data structure) · R-tree and Tree (data structure) · See more »

The list above answers the following questions

M-tree and R-tree Comparison

M-tree has 12 relations, while R-tree has 32. As they have in common 8, the Jaccard index is 18.18% = 8 / (12 + 32).


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