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Municipality of Vojnik and Savinja Statistical Region

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between Municipality of Vojnik and Savinja Statistical Region

Municipality of Vojnik vs. Savinja Statistical Region

The Municipality of Vojnik (Občina Vojnik) is a municipality in eastern Slovenia. The Savinja Statistical Region (savinjska statistična regija) is a statistical region in Slovenia.

Similarities between Municipality of Vojnik and Savinja Statistical Region

Municipality of Vojnik and Savinja Statistical Region have 8 things in common (in Unionpedia): Municipalities of Slovenia, Municipality of Šentjur, Municipality of Dobrna, Municipality of Slovenske Konjice, Municipality of Vitanje, Municipality of Zreče, Slovenia, Urban Municipality of Celje.

Municipalities of Slovenia

Slovenia is divided into 212 municipalities (Slovene: občine, singularobčina), of which 12 have urban (metropolitan) status.

Municipalities of Slovenia and Municipality of Vojnik · Municipalities of Slovenia and Savinja Statistical Region · See more »

Municipality of Šentjur

The Municipality of Šentjur (Občina Šentjur), named Municipality of Šentjur pri Celju (Občina Šentjur pri Celju) until 2002, is a municipality in eastern Slovenia.

Municipality of Šentjur and Municipality of Vojnik · Municipality of Šentjur and Savinja Statistical Region · See more »

Municipality of Dobrna

The Municipality of Dobrna (Občina Dobrna) is a municipality in Slovenia.

Municipality of Dobrna and Municipality of Vojnik · Municipality of Dobrna and Savinja Statistical Region · See more »

Municipality of Slovenske Konjice

The Municipality of Slovenske Konjice (or; Občina Slovenske Konjice) is a municipality in the traditional region of Styria in northeastern Slovenia.

Municipality of Slovenske Konjice and Municipality of Vojnik · Municipality of Slovenske Konjice and Savinja Statistical Region · See more »

Municipality of Vitanje

The Municipality of Vitanje (Občina Vitanje) is a municipality below the slopes of Pohorje in northeastern Slovenia.

Municipality of Vitanje and Municipality of Vojnik · Municipality of Vitanje and Savinja Statistical Region · See more »

Municipality of Zreče

The Municipality of Zreče (Občina Zreče) is a municipality below the slopes of Pohorje in northeastern Slovenia.

Municipality of Vojnik and Municipality of Zreče · Municipality of Zreče and Savinja Statistical Region · See more »


Slovenia (Slovenija), officially the Republic of Slovenia (Slovene), is a country in southern Central Europe.

Municipality of Vojnik and Slovenia · Savinja Statistical Region and Slovenia · See more »

Urban Municipality of Celje

The Urban Municipality of Celje (Mestna občina Celje) is one of twelve urban municipalities in Slovenia.

Municipality of Vojnik and Urban Municipality of Celje · Savinja Statistical Region and Urban Municipality of Celje · See more »

The list above answers the following questions

Municipality of Vojnik and Savinja Statistical Region Comparison

Municipality of Vojnik has 71 relations, while Savinja Statistical Region has 53. As they have in common 8, the Jaccard index is 6.45% = 8 / (71 + 53).


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