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Nonsberg Group and SOIUSA

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between Nonsberg Group and SOIUSA

Nonsberg Group vs. SOIUSA

The Nonsberg Group (Nonsberggruppe, Alpi della Val di Non) is a mountain range in South Tyrol and Trentino in Italy and part of the Southern Limestone Alps. Alps by SOIUSA. SOIUSA (an acronym for Suddivisione Orografica Internazionale Unificata del Sistema Alpino - English: International Standardized Mountain Subdivision of the Alps-ISMSA) is a proposal for a new classification system of the Alps from the geographic and toponomastic point of view.

Similarities between Nonsberg Group and SOIUSA

Nonsberg Group and SOIUSA have 3 things in common (in Unionpedia): Alpine Club classification of the Eastern Alps, Eastern Alps, Southern Limestone Alps.

Alpine Club classification of the Eastern Alps

The Alpine Club classification of the Eastern Alps (Alpenvereinseinteilung der Ostalpen, AVE) is a common division of the Eastern Alps into 75 mountain ranges, based on the Moriggl Classification (ME) first published in 1924 by the German and Austrian Alpine Club.

Alpine Club classification of the Eastern Alps and Nonsberg Group · Alpine Club classification of the Eastern Alps and SOIUSA · See more »

Eastern Alps

Eastern Alps is the name given to the eastern half of the Alps, usually defined as the area east of a line from Lake Constance and the Alpine Rhine valley up to the Splügen Pass at the Alpine divide and down the Liro River to Lake Como in the south.

Eastern Alps and Nonsberg Group · Eastern Alps and SOIUSA · See more »

Southern Limestone Alps

The Southern Limestone Alps (Italian: Alpi Sud-orientali) are the ranges of the Eastern Alps south of the Central Eastern Alps mainly located in northern Italy and the adjacent lands of Austria and Slovenia.

Nonsberg Group and Southern Limestone Alps · SOIUSA and Southern Limestone Alps · See more »

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Nonsberg Group and SOIUSA Comparison

Nonsberg Group has 25 relations, while SOIUSA has 110. As they have in common 3, the Jaccard index is 2.22% = 3 / (25 + 110).


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