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Savona and Via Francigena

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between Savona and Via Francigena

Savona vs. Via Francigena

Savona (Sann-a) is a seaport and comune in the west part of the northern Italian region of Liguria, capital of the Province of Savona, in the Riviera di Ponente on the Mediterranean Sea. The Via Francigena is an ancient road and pilgrimage route running from the cathedral city of Canterbury in England, through France and Switzerland, to Rome and then to Apulia, Italy, where there were ports of embarkation for the Holy Land.

Similarities between Savona and Via Francigena

Savona and Via Francigena have 1 thing in common (in Unionpedia): Lombards.


The Lombards or Longobards (Longobardi) were a Germanic people who conquered most of the Italian Peninsula between 568 and 774.

Lombards and Savona · Lombards and Via Francigena · See more »

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Savona and Via Francigena Comparison

Savona has 89 relations, while Via Francigena has 204. As they have in common 1, the Jaccard index is 0.34% = 1 / (89 + 204).


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