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Shrub and Subshrub

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between Shrub and Subshrub

Shrub vs. Subshrub

A shrub or bush is a small to medium-sized woody plant. A subshrub (Latin suffrutex) or dwarf shrub is a short woody plant.

Similarities between Shrub and Subshrub

Shrub and Subshrub have 8 things in common (in Unionpedia): Calluna, Cranberry, Erica, Herbaceous plant, Lavandula, Rosemary, Thyme, Vinca.


Calluna vulgaris (known as common heather, ling, or simply heather) is the sole species in the genus Calluna in the flowering plant family Ericaceae.

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Cranberries are a group of evergreen dwarf shrubs or trailing vines in the subgenus Oxycoccus of the genus Vaccinium.

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Erica is a genus of roughly 860 species of flowering plants in the family Ericaceae.

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Herbaceous plant

Herbaceous plants (in botanical use frequently simply herbs) are plants that have no persistent woody stem above ground.

Herbaceous plant and Shrub · Herbaceous plant and Subshrub · See more »


Lavandula (common name lavender) is a genus of 47 known species of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae.

Lavandula and Shrub · Lavandula and Subshrub · See more »


Rosmarinus officinalis, commonly known as rosemary, is a woody, perennial herb with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and white, pink, purple, or blue flowers, native to the Mediterranean region.

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Thyme is an aromatic perennial evergreen herb with culinary, medicinal, and ornamental uses.

Shrub and Thyme · Subshrub and Thyme · See more »


Vinca (Latin: vincire "to bind, fetter") is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae, native to Europe, northwest Africa and southwest Asia.

Shrub and Vinca · Subshrub and Vinca · See more »

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Shrub and Subshrub Comparison

Shrub has 282 relations, while Subshrub has 28. As they have in common 8, the Jaccard index is 2.58% = 8 / (282 + 28).


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