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Welsh Newspapers Online and Y Goleuad

Shortcuts: Differences, Similarities, Jaccard Similarity Coefficient, References.

Difference between Welsh Newspapers Online and Y Goleuad

Welsh Newspapers Online vs. Y Goleuad

Welsh Newspapers Online is the searchable digital archive of historic Welsh newspaper holdings of the National Library of Wales. Y Goleuad (established in 1869) was a liberal weekly Welsh language newspaper distributed to Welsh Calvinistic Methodist groups throughout Wales and to the Methodist Welsh speakers of Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, and London.

Similarities between Welsh Newspapers Online and Y Goleuad

Welsh Newspapers Online and Y Goleuad have 1 thing in common (in Unionpedia): National Library of Wales.

National Library of Wales

The National Library of Wales (Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru), Aberystwyth, is the national legal deposit library of Wales and is one of the Welsh Government sponsored bodies.

National Library of Wales and Welsh Newspapers Online · National Library of Wales and Y Goleuad · See more »

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Welsh Newspapers Online and Y Goleuad Comparison

Welsh Newspapers Online has 1 relation, while Y Goleuad has 2. As they have in common 1, the Jaccard index is 33.33% = 1 / (1 + 2).


This article shows the relationship between Welsh Newspapers Online and Y Goleuad. To access each article from which the information was extracted, please visit:

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