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Y Goleuad

Index Y Goleuad

Y Goleuad (established in 1869) was a liberal weekly Welsh language newspaper distributed to Welsh Calvinistic Methodist groups throughout Wales and to the Methodist Welsh speakers of Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, and London. [1]

4 relations: Libanus, Aberaman, List of newspapers in Wales, National Library of Wales, Tom Beynon (Presbyterian minister).

Libanus, Aberaman

Libanus, Aberaman was a Calvinistic Methodist chapel in Lewis Street, Aberaman, formed as a branch of Carmel, Trecynon.

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List of newspapers in Wales

This is a list of newspapers in Wales.

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National Library of Wales

The National Library of Wales (Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru), Aberystwyth, is the national legal deposit library of Wales and is one of the Welsh Government sponsored bodies.

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Tom Beynon (Presbyterian minister)

Tom Beynon (1886–1961) was a Welsh Presbyterian minister, author and historian.

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[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y_Goleuad

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