Table of Contents
5 relations: Cretaceous Research, Early Cretaceous, Ichnotaxon, Shandong, Theropoda.
- Theropod trace fossils
Cretaceous Research
Cretaceous Research is a bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Elsevier.
See Corpulentapus and Cretaceous Research
Early Cretaceous
The Early Cretaceous (geochronological name) or the Lower Cretaceous (chronostratigraphic name) is the earlier or lower of the two major divisions of the Cretaceous.
See Corpulentapus and Early Cretaceous
An ichnotaxon (plural ichnotaxa) is "a taxon based on the fossilized work of an organism", i.e. the non-human equivalent of an artifact.
See Corpulentapus and Ichnotaxon
Shandong is a coastal province in East China.
See Corpulentapus and Shandong
Theropoda (from ancient Greek whose members are known as theropods, is a dinosaur clade that is characterized by hollow bones and three toes and claws on each limb. Theropods are generally classed as a group of saurischian dinosaurs. They were ancestrally carnivorous, although a number of theropod groups evolved to become herbivores and omnivores.
See Corpulentapus and Theropoda
See also
Theropod trace fossils
- Abelichnus
- Anatopus
- Archaeornithipus
- Aviadactyla
- Avipeda
- Bellatoripes
- Brontozoum
- Bueckeburgichnus
- Carmelopodus
- Corpulentapus
- Dromaeosauripus
- Eubrontes
- Eutynichnium
- Farlowichnus
- Gigandipus
- Grallator
- Hispanosauropus
- Ignotornis
- Jialingpus
- Jindongornipes
- Komlosaurus
- Lapparentichnus
- List of stratigraphic units with theropod tracks
- Ludicharadripodiscus
- Macropodosaurus
- Magnoavipes
- Megalosauripus
- Minisauripus
- Ornithomimipus
- Ornithotarnocia
- Paragrallator
- Pengxianpus
- Plesiornis
- Sarmientichnus
- Satapliasauropus
- Satapliasaurus
- Saurexallopus
- Saurichnium
- Sillimanius
- Therangospodus
- Tyrannosauripodidae
- Tyrannosauripus
- Velociraptorichnus
- Wakinyantanka
- Wildeichnus
- Xiangxipus
- Yangtzepus
- Yunnanpus