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Provinces of Bolivia

Index Provinces of Bolivia

A province is the second largest administrative division in Bolivia, after a department. [1]

413 relations: Abel Iturralde Province, Abuná Province, Achacachi, Achacachi Municipality, Achocalla Municipality, Aiquile, Aiquile Municipality, Alalay Municipality, Alcalde, Alonso de Ibáñez Province, Ancoraimes Municipality, Andamarca (Oruro), Andrés Ibáñez Province, Aniceto Arce Province, Antonio Quijarro Province, Anzaldo Canton, Anzaldo Municipality, Apolo Municipality, Apolo, La Paz, Arampampa, Arani Municipality, Arani Province, Arani, Bolivia, Arbieto Canton, Arbieto Municipality, Aroma Province, Arque, Arque Municipality, Arque Province, Ascención de Guarayos, Atocha Municipality, Aucapata Municipality, Ayata Municipality, Ayo Ayo Municipality, Ayopaya, Ayopaya Municipality, Ayopaya Province, Azurduy Municipality, Azurduy Province, Ángel Sandoval Province, Ñuflo de Chávez Province, Batallas Municipality, Baures Municipality, Bautista Saavedra Province, Belisario Boeto Province, Beni Department, Bernardino Bilbao Province, Bolívar Province, Cochabamba, Bolívar, Cochabamba, Bolivia, ..., Bolpebra, Burdett O'Connor Province, Cachuela Esperanza, Cairoma Municipality, Cajuata Municipality, Calacoto Municipality, Calamarca Municipality, Capinota, Capinota Municipality, Capinota Province, Caquiaviri Municipality, Caranavi, Caranavi Municipality, Caranavi Province, Carangas Province, Carrasco Province, Catacora Municipality, Cercado Province (Beni), Cercado Province (Cochabamba), Cercado Province (Oruro), Cercado Province (Tarija), Chacarilla Municipality, Challapata, Chapare Province, Charaña Municipality, Charazani, Charcas Province, Chayanta Municipality, Chayanta Province, Chillicchi Canton, Chimboata Canton, Chimoré Municipality, Chiquitos Province, Chulumani, Chulumani Municipality, Chuma (La Paz), Chuma Municipality, Chuquisaca Department, Cliza (town), Cliza Municipality, Cobija, Cocapata Municipality, Cochabamba, Cochabamba Department, Colcapirhua Municipality, Collana Municipality, Colomi Municipality, Colquechaca, Colquechaca Municipality, Colquencha Municipality, Colquiri Municipality, Comanche Municipality, Comarapa, Combaya Municipality, Concepción, Santa Cruz, Conda Canton, Copacabana Municipality, La Paz, Copacabana, Bolivia, Cordillera Province (Bolivia), Coripata Municipality, Cornelio Saavedra Province, Coro Coro Municipality, Coro Coro, Bolivia, Coroico, Coroico Municipality, Corque, Cuchumuela Municipality, Curahuara de Carangas, Curva Municipality, Daniel Campos Province, Departments of Bolivia, Desaguadero Municipality, Eduardo Abaroa Province, El Alto Municipality, El Puente Municipality, Santa Cruz, Eliodoro Camacho Province, Enrique Baldivieso Province, Entre Ríos, Tarija, Esteban Arce Province, Eucaliptus, Eustaquio Méndez Province, Exaltación Municipality, Federico Román Province, Florida Province, Franz Tamayo Province, General Juan José Pérez Municipality, Germán Busch Province, Germán Jordán Province, Gran Chaco Province, Gualberto Villarroel Province, Guanay Municipality, Guaqui Municipality, Guarayos Province, Guayaramerín Municipality, Hernando Siles Province, Huacaraje Municipality, Huachacalla, Huanuni, Huasa Rancho Canton, Huayapacha Canton, Huayculi Canton, Huayllamarca, Ichilo Province, Ichoca Municipality, Ignacio Warnes Province, Ingavi Province, Inquisivi, Inquisivi Municipality, Inquisivi Province, Irupana Municipality, Iténez Province, Ixiamas, Ixiamas Municipality, Izata Canton, Jaime Zudáñez Province, Jesús de Machaca Municipality, José Ballivián Province, José Manuel Pando Province, José María Avilés Province, José María Linares Province, José Miguel de Velasco Province, La Asunta Municipality, La Paz, La Paz Department (Bolivia), La Paz Municipality, Bolivia, La Rivera, La Viña Canton, Ladislao Cabrera Province, Laja Municipality, Larecaja Province, Licoma Pampa Municipality, Litoral Province (Bolivia), Llallagua Municipality, Llica, Llica Municipality, Loayza Province, Loreto Municipality, Beni, Loreto, Beni, Los Andes Province (Bolivia), Luis Calvo, Luribay, Luribay Municipality, Madre de Dios Province, Magdalena Municipality, Beni, Magdalena, Beni, Malla Municipality, Mamoré Province, Manco Kapac Province, Manuel María Caballero Province, Manuripi Province, Mapiri Municipality, Marbán Province, Mecapaca Municipality, Mizque, Mizque Municipality, Mizque Province, Mocomoco Municipality, Modesto Omiste Province, Mojinete Municipality, Monteagudo Municipality, Morochata Municipality, Moxos Province, Muñecas Province, Municipal council, Municipalities of Bolivia, Narciso Campero Province, Nazacara de Pacajes Municipality, Nicolás Suárez Province, Nor Carangas Province, Nor Chichas Province, Nor Cinti Province, Nor Lípez Province, Nor Yungas Province, Obispo Santistevan Province, Ocurí Municipality, Omasuyos Province, Omereque Municipality, Orinoca Canton, Oropeza Province, Oruro Department, Oruro, Bolivia, Pacajes Province, Padcaya, Padilla, Bolivia, Palca Municipality, Palca, Bolivia, Palos Blancos Municipality, Pando Department, Pantaleón Dalence Province, Papel Pampa Municipality, Pasorapa Municipality, Patacamaya Municipality, Pazña Municipality, Pedro Domingo Murillo Province, Pelechuco Municipality, Pocona Canton, Pocona Municipality, Pojo Municipality, Poopó Municipality, Poopó Province, Porco Municipality, Portachuelo, Porvenir Municipality, Potosí, Potosí Department, Potosí Municipality, Province, Pucarani, Pucarani Municipality, Puerto Acosta, Puerto Acosta Municipality, Puerto Carabuco Municipality, Puerto de Mejillones Province, Puerto Gonzalo Moreno, Puerto Pérez Municipality, Puerto Siles Municipality, Puerto Suárez, Puerto Villarroel Municipality, Punata, Punata Municipality, Punata Province, Quiabaya Municipality, Quillacollo, Quillacollo Municipality, Quillacollo Province, Quime Municipality, Quiriria Canton, Rafael Bustillo Province, Ravelo Municipality, Reyes Municipality, Reyes, Bolivia, Riberalta, Riberalta Municipality, Rurrenabaque Municipality, Sabaya, Sabaya Province, Sacaba, Sacaba Municipality, Sacabamba Municipality, Sajama Province, Salinas de Garci Mendoza, Samaipata, Bolivia, San Agustín Canton, San Andrés de Machaca Municipality, San Andrés Municipality, Beni, San Antonio de Esmoruco Municipality, San Benito Municipality, San Borja Municipality, San Buenaventura Municipality, La Paz, San Ignacio de Moxos, San Ignacio de Velasco, San Javier Municipality, Beni, San Joaquín Municipality, Beni, San Joaquín, Bolivia, San José de Chiquitos, San Lorenzo, Tarija, San Matías, Santa Cruz, San Pablo de Lípez, San Pablo de Lípez Municipality, San Pedro de Buena Vista, San Pedro de Curahuara, San Pedro de Curahuara Municipality, San Pedro de Quemes Municipality, San Pedro de Tiquina Municipality, San Pedro de Totora Province, San Rafael Municipality, Santa Cruz, San Ramón Municipality, Beni, Santa Ana del Yacuma, Santa Ana Municipality, Beni, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Santa Cruz Department (Bolivia), Santa Rosa del Abuná, Santa Rosa Municipality, Beni, Santiago de Callapa Municipality, Santiago de Cotagaita, Santiago de Huari, Santiago de Machaca, Santiago de Machaca Municipality, Santiváñez Municipality, Sapahaqui Municipality, Sara Province, Saucarí Province, Sebastián Pagador Province, Shinahota Municipality, Sica Sica, Sica Sica Municipality, Sicaya Municipality, Sipe Sipe Municipality, Sorata, Sorata Municipality, Sucre, Sud Carangas Province, Sud Chichas Province, Sud Cinti Province, Sud Yungas Province, Sur Lípez Province, Tacachi Municipality, Tacacoma Municipality, Tacopaya Municipality, Tahua Municipality, Tapacarí, Tapacarí Province, Tarabuco, Tarabuco Municipality, Taraco Municipality, Tarata Canton, Tarata Municipality, Tarija, Tarija Department, Teoponte Municipality, Tinguipaya Municipality, Tipuani Municipality, Tiquipaya Municipality, Tiraque, Tiraque Municipality, Tiraque Province, Tito Yupanqui Municipality, Tiwanaku Municipality, Toco Municipality, Tolata Municipality, Toledo, Oruro, Tomas Barrón Province, Tomave Municipality, Tomás Frías Province, Tomina Province, Totora Municipality, Totora, Cochabamba, Totora, Oruro, Trinidad Municipality, Beni, Trinidad, Bolivia, Tupiza, Tupiza Municipality, Turco Municipality, Umala Municipality, Uncía Municipality, Uriondo, Urmiri Municipality, Uyuni, Uyuni Municipality, Vaca Díez Province, Vacas Municipality, Vallegrande, Vallegrande Municipality, Vallegrande Province, Viacha, Viacha Municipality, Vila Vila Municipality, Villa Abecia, Villa Rivero Municipality, Villa Serrano, Villa Tunari Municipality, Villa Vaca Guzmán, Villazón, Vinto Municipality, Vitichi Municipality, Waldo Ballivián Municipality, Yaco Municipality, Yacuíba, Yacuma Province, Yamparáez Province, Yanacachi Municipality, Yocalla Municipality, Zudáñez. 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Abel Iturralde Province

Abel Iturralde is one of the twenty provinces of the Bolivian La Paz Department.

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Abuná Province

Abuná is one of the five provinces of the Bolivian department of Pando and is situated in the department's northern central parts.

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Achacachi is a town on the Altiplano plateau in the South American Andes in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Achacachi Municipality

Achacachi Municipality is one of six municipalities of the Omasuyos Province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Achocalla Municipality

Achocalla Municipality is the third municipal section of the Pedro Domingo Murillo Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Aiquile is a town in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Aiquile Municipality

Aiquile Municipality is the first municipal section of the Narciso Campero Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Alalay Municipality

Alalay Municipality is the third municipal section of the Mizque Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Alcalde, or Alcalde ordinario, is the traditional Spanish municipal magistrate, who had both judicial and administrative functions.

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Alonso de Ibáñez Province

Alonso de Ibáñez is a province in the northern parts of the Bolivian Potosí Department.

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Ancoraimes Municipality

Ancoraimes or Janq'u Laymi (Aymara) is the second municipal section of the Omasuyos Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Andamarca (Oruro)

Santiago de Andamarca is a small location in Bolivia in the Oruro Department, Sud Carangas Province.

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Andrés Ibáñez Province

Andrés Ibáñez Province is one of the fifteen provinces of the Bolivian Santa Cruz Department, situated in the western part of the department.

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Aniceto Arce Province

Aniceto Arce (or short: Arce) is a province in the southern parts of the Bolivian department Tarija.

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Antonio Quijarro Province

Antonio Quijarro is a province in the central parts of the Bolivian Potosí Department situated at the Salar de Uyuni.

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Anzaldo Canton

Anzaldo Canton is one of the cantons of the Anzaldo Municipality, the second municipal section of the Esteban Arce Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Anzaldo Municipality

Anzaldo Municipality is the second municipal section of the Esteban Arce Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Apolo Municipality

Apolo Municipality is the first municipal section of the Franz Tamayo Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Apolo, La Paz

Apolo is a location in the Franz Tamayo Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia, South America, with a population of 2,123 in the year 2001.

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Arampampa is a small town in the Potosí Department of Bolivia.

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Arani Municipality

Arani Municipality is the first municipal section of the Arani Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Arani Province

Arani is a province in Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Arani, Bolivia

Arani (from Quechua: jarani or jallmani) is the capital of Arani Province and Arani Municipality located in Cochabamba Department in the center of Bolivia at an altitude of 9,400 ft (2,865 m).

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Arbieto Canton

Arbieto Canton is one of the cantons of the Arbieto Municipality, the third municipal section of the Esteban Arce Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Arbieto Municipality

Arbieto Municipality is the third municipal section of the Esteban Arce Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia. Its seat is Arbieto. At the time of census 2001 the municipality had 9,438 inhabitants.

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Aroma Province

Aroma is one of the twenty provinces of the Bolivian La Paz Department.

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Arque is a location in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Arque Municipality

Arque Municipality is the first municipal section of the Arque Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Arque Province

Arque is a rural province in Cochabamba Department in the eastern cordillera of the South American state of Bolivia.

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Ascención de Guarayos

Ascensión de Guarayos is a town in Bolivia.

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Atocha Municipality

Atocha Municipality is the second municipal section of the Sud Chichas Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Aucapata Municipality

Aucapata Municipality is municipality of the Muñecas Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Ayata Municipality

Ayata Municipality is the second municipal section of the Muñecas Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Ayo Ayo Municipality

Ayo Ayo Municipality is the third municipal section of the Aroma Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Ayopaya or Independencia is a town in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Ayopaya Municipality

Ayopaya Municipality is the first municipal section of the Ayopaya Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Ayopaya Province

Ayopaya is a province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Azurduy Municipality

Azurduy Municipality (Municipio de Azurduy, Villa Azurduy Municipality) is the first municipal section of Azurduy Province in the Chuquisaca Department of Bolivia.

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Azurduy Province

Azurduy Province (full official name: Província de Juana Azurduy de Padilla) is a province in the Chuquisaca Department in Bolivia.

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Ángel Sandoval Province

Ángel Sandoval Province is one of the fifteen provinces of the Bolivian Santa Cruz Department and is situated in the department's eastern parts.

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Ñuflo de Chávez Province

Ñuflo de Chávez is one of the fifteen provinces of the Bolivian Santa Cruz Department and is situated in the northern central parts of the department.

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Batallas Municipality

Batallas Municipality is the third municipal section of the Los Andes Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Baures Municipality

Baures Municipality is a municipality of the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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Bautista Saavedra Province

Bautista Saavedra is one of the twenty provinces of the Bolivian La Paz Department situated in the northwestern parts of the department.

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Belisario Boeto Province

Belisario Boeto is a province in the Bolivian department of Chuquisaca.

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Beni Department

Beni, sometimes El Beni, is a northeastern department of Bolivia, in the lowlands region of the country.

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Bernardino Bilbao Province

Bernardino Bilbao (or: General Bernardino Bilbao Rioja) is a province in the Northern parts of the Bolivian department of Potosí.

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Bolívar Province, Cochabamba

Bolívar Province is a province in the Bolivian department of Cochabamba.

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Bolívar, Cochabamba

Bolívar is a location in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Bolivia (Mborivia; Buliwya; Wuliwya), officially known as the Plurinational State of Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia), is a landlocked country located in western-central South America.

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Bolpebra is a small Bolivian town on the border tripoint with Peru and Brazil, in the Pando Department on the banks of the Acre River.

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Burdett O'Connor Province

Burdett O'Connor is a province in the northern part of Tarija Department in Bolivia.

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Cachuela Esperanza

Cachuela Esperanza is a village in the Bolivian Departamento Beni.

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Cairoma Municipality

Cairoma Municipality is the fifth municipal section of the Loayza Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Cajuata Municipality

Cajuata Municipality is the third municipal section of the Inquisivi Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Calacoto Municipality

Calacoto or Qala Qutu (Aymara qala stone, qutu heap, pile, "stone pile") is the third municipal section of the Pacajes Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Calamarca Municipality

Calamarca (in Hispanicized spelling) or Qala Marka (Aymara qala stone, marka village, town, place, land, "place of stone") is the fourth municipal section of Aroma Province in the La Paz Department of Bolivia.

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Capinota is a small town in the Bolivian Department of Cochabamba and capital of the Capinota Province.

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Capinota Municipality

Capinota Municipality is the first municipal section of the Capinota Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Capinota Province

Capinota is one of sixteen provinces in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Caquiaviri Municipality

Caquiaviri Municipality is the second municipal section of the Pacajes Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Caranavi is the capital of the Caranavi Province in the Yungas region of Bolivia.

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Caranavi Municipality

Caranavi Municipality is the first municipal section of the Caranavi Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Caranavi Province

Caranavi Province is one of the twenty provinces of the Bolivian La Paz Department and is situated in the department's eastern parts.

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Carangas Province

Carangas is a province in the northern parts of the Bolivian department of Oruro.

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Carrasco Province

Carrasco is a province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Catacora Municipality

Catacora Municipality is the second municipal section of the José Manuel Pando Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Cercado Province (Beni)

Cercado is a province located in northwestern Bolivia in Beni Department.

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Cercado Province (Cochabamba)

Cercado is a province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Cercado Province (Oruro)

Cercado is a province in the northeastern parts of the Bolivian department of Oruro.

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Cercado Province (Tarija)

Cercado is a province in the central parts of the Bolivian department Tarija.

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Chacarilla Municipality

Chacarilla Municipality is the third municipal section of the Gualberto Villarroel Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Challapata is the capital of the Eduardo Abaroa Province as well as of the Challapata Municipality in the Oruro Department in Bolivia.

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Chapare Province

Chapare, also called The Chapare and is pronounced Cha-pa-reh, is a rural province in the northern region of Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Charaña Municipality

Charaña Municipality is the fifth municipal section of the Pacajes Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Charazani or Charasani is a small town in the South American Andes in Bolivia.

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Charcas Province

Charcas is a province in the northern parts of the Bolivian Potosí Department.

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Chayanta Municipality

Chayanta Municipality is the second municipal section of the Rafael Bustillo Province in the Bolivian Potosí Department.

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Chayanta Province

Chayanta is a province in the northern parts of the Bolivian Potosí Department.

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Chillicchi Canton

Chillicchi Canton is one of the cantons of the Pocona Municipality, the third municipal section of the Carrasco Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Chimboata Canton

Chimboata Canton (Chimpuwata) is one of the cantons of the Pocona Municipality, the third municipal section of the Carrasco Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Chimoré Municipality

Chimoré Municipality is the fourth municipal section of the Carrasco Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Chiquitos Province

Chiquitos Province is one of the fifteen provinces of the Bolivian Santa Cruz Department, situated in the center of the department.

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Chulumani is a municipality in Bolivia.

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Chulumani Municipality

Chulumani Municipality or Villa de la Libertad Municipality is the first municipal section of the Sud Yungas Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Chuma (La Paz)

Chuma is a location in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Chuma Municipality

Chuma Municipality is the first municipal section of the Muñecas Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Chuquisaca Department

Chuquisaca (Chuqisaka; Chuqichaka) is a department of Bolivia located in the center south.

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Cliza (town)

Cliza is a small town in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Cliza Municipality

Cliza Municipality is the first municipal section of the Germán Jordán Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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The Bolivian city of Cobija is located about 600 km (373 mi.) north of La Paz in the Amazon Basin on the border with Brazil.

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Cocapata Municipality

Cocapata Municipality (Kukapata) is the third municipal section of the Ayopaya Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Cochabamba (Quchapampa, Quchapanpa) is a city & municipality in central Bolivia, in a valley in the Andes mountain range.

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Cochabamba Department

Cochabamba (Quchapampa Jach'a Suyu, Departamento de Cochabamba, Quchapampa Suyu), from Quechua qucha or qhucha, meaning "lake", pampa meaning "plain", is one of the nine departments of Bolivia.

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Colcapirhua Municipality

Colcapirhua (in Hispanicized spelling) or Qullqapirwa (Quechua) is the fifth municipal section of the Quillacollo Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Collana Municipality

Collana Municipality is the seventh municipal section of the Aroma Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Colomi Municipality

Colomi Municipality is the second municipal section of the Chapare Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Colquechaca is a small town in Bolivia.

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Colquechaca Municipality

Colquechaca (in hispanicized spelling) or Qullqichaka (Quechua qullqi silver, money, chaka bridge, "silver bridge") is the first municipal section of the Chayanta Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Colquencha Municipality

Colquencha Municipality is the sixth municipal section of the Aroma Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Colquiri Municipality

Colquiri Municipality is the fourth municipal section of the Inquisivi Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Comanche Municipality

Comanche Municipality is the fourth municipal section of the Pacajes Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Comarapa is a small town in Bolivia.

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Combaya Municipality

Combaya Municipality is the fifth municipal section of the Larecaja Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Concepción, Santa Cruz

Concepción is a town in the lowlands of Eastern Bolivia.

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Conda Canton

Conda Canton is one of the cantons of the Pocona Municipality, the third municipal section of the Carrasco Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Copacabana Municipality, La Paz

Copacabana Municipality is the first municipal section of the Manco Kapac Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Copacabana, Bolivia

Copacabana is the main Bolivian town on the shore of Lake Titicaca.

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Cordillera Province (Bolivia)

Cordillera is a province in the Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia.

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Coripata Municipality

Coripata Municipality is the second municipal section of the Nor Yungas Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Cornelio Saavedra Province

Cornelio Saavedra is a province in the north-eastern parts of the Bolivian Potosí Department.

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Coro Coro Municipality

Coro Coro Municipality is the first municipal section of the Pacajes Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Coro Coro, Bolivia

Coro Coro is a small town in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Coroico is a town in Nor Yungas Province, in the La Paz Department of western Bolivia.

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Coroico Municipality

Coroico Municipality is the first municipal section of the Nor Yungas Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Corque or Qhurqhi (Aymara) is a small town in Bolivia.

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Cuchumuela Municipality

Cuchumuela Municipality or Villa Gualberto Villarroel Municipality is the fifth municipal section of the Punata Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Curahuara de Carangas

Curahuara de Carangas is a small town in the Bolivian Oruro Department.

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Curva Municipality

Curva Municipality is the second municipal section of the Bautista Saavedra Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Daniel Campos Province

Daniel Campos is a province in the north-western parts of the Bolivian Potosí Department.

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Departments of Bolivia

Bolivia is a unitary state consisting of nine departments (departamentos).

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Desaguadero Municipality

Desaguadero Municipality is the fourth municipal section of Ingavi Province in La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Eduardo Abaroa Province

Eduardo Abaroa, also Eduardo Avaroa, or Challapata is a province in the southeastern parts of the Bolivian department of Oruro.

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El Alto Municipality

El Alto Municipality or El Alto de La Paz Municipality is a municipal section of the Pedro Domingo Murillo Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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El Puente Municipality, Santa Cruz

El Puente is a municipality in Bolivia.

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Eliodoro Camacho Province

Eliodoro Camacho is a province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia situated at Lake Titicaca.

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Enrique Baldivieso Province

Enrique Baldivieso (or: Enrique Valdivieso) is a province in the Bolivian department of Potosí.

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Entre Ríos, Tarija

Entre Ríos (Spanish: "Between the rivers") is a town in the Bolivian Tarija Department.

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Esteban Arce Province

Esteban Arce is a province in Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Eucaliptus is a small town in Bolivia.

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Eustaquio Méndez Province

Eustaquio Méndez is a province in the north-western parts of the Bolivian department Tarija.

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Exaltación Municipality

Exaltación Municipality is a municipality of the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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Federico Román Province

Federico Román (or: General Federico Román) is one of the five provinces of the Bolivian department of Pando and is situated in the department's northeastern parts.

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Florida Province

Florida is a province in the Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia.

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Franz Tamayo Province

Franz Tamayo is a province in the Bolivian department of La Paz.

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General Juan José Pérez Municipality

General Juan José Pérez Municipality or Charazani Municipality is the first municipal section of the Bautista Saavedra Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Germán Busch Province

Germán Busch is a province in the Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia.

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Germán Jordán Province

Germán Jordán is a province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Gran Chaco Province

Gran Chaco is a province in the eastern parts of the Bolivian department Tarija.

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Gualberto Villarroel Province

Gualberto Villarroel is a province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Guanay Municipality

Guanay Municipality is the second municipal section of the Larecaja Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Guaqui Municipality

Guaqui Municipality is the second municipal section of the Ingavi Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Guarayos Province

Guarayos is a province in the northwestern parts of the Bolivian Santa Cruz Department.

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Guayaramerín Municipality

Guayaramerín Municipality is a municipality of the Beni Department in Bolivia.

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Hernando Siles Province

Hernando Siles is a province of the department of Chuquisaca, Bolivia.

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Huacaraje Municipality

Huacaraje Municipality is a municipality of the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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Huachacalla is a small town in the Litoral Province of the Oruro Department in Bolivia.

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Huanuni is a town in the department of Oruro, Bolivia.

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Huasa Rancho Canton

Huasa Rancho Canton is one of the cantons of the Tarata Municipality, the first municipal section of the Esteban Arce Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Huayapacha Canton

Huayapacha Canton (Wayapacha) is one of the cantons of the Pocona Municipality, the third municipal section of the Carrasco Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Huayculi Canton

Huayculi Canton is one of the cantons of the Tarata Municipality, the first municipal section of the Esteban Arce Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Huayllamarca is a small town in Bolivia.

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Ichilo Province

Ichilo is one of the fifteen provinces of the Bolivian Santa Cruz Department and is situated in the department's north-western parts.

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Ichoca Municipality

Ichoca Municipality is the fifth municipal section of the Inquisivi Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Ignacio Warnes Province

Ignacio Warnes is one of the fifteen provinces of the Bolivian Santa Cruz Department and is situated in the department's central parts.

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Ingavi Province

Ingavi is a province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Inquisivi is the capital of the Inquisivi Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Inquisivi Municipality

Inquisivi Municipality is the first municipal section of the Inquisivi Province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Inquisivi Province

Inquisivi is a province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Irupana Municipality

Irupana Municipality or Villa de Lanza Municipality is the second municipal section of the Sud Yungas Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Iténez Province

Iténez is a province in the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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Ixiamas is a town and municipality in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Ixiamas Municipality

Ixiamas Municipality is the first municipal section of the Abel Iturralde Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Izata Canton

Izata Canton is one of the cantons of the Tarata Municipality, the first municipal section of the Esteban Arce Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Jaime Zudáñez Province

Jaime Zudáñez is a province in the Bolivian department of Chuquisaca.

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Jesús de Machaca Municipality

Jesús de Machaca Municipality is the sixth municipal section of the Ingavi Province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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José Ballivián Province

José Ballivián is a province of the Beni Department in northern Bolivia.

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José Manuel Pando Province

José Manuel Pando is a province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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José María Avilés Province

José María Avilés (or: Avilez) is a province in the western parts of the Bolivian department Tarija.

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José María Linares Province

José María Linares is a province in the eastern parts of the Bolivian department of Potosí.

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José Miguel de Velasco Province

José Miguel de Velasco or Velasco is a province in the Santa Cruz department of Bolivia.

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La Asunta Municipality

La Asunta Municipality is the fifth municipal section of the Sud Yungas Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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La Paz

La Paz, officially known as Nuestra Señora de La Paz (Our Lady of Peace), also named Chuqi Yapu (Chuquiago) in Aymara, is the seat of government and the de facto national capital of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (the constitutional capital of Bolivia is Sucre).

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La Paz Department (Bolivia)

The La Paz Department of Bolivia comprises with a 2012 census population of 2,706,359 inhabitants.

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La Paz Municipality, Bolivia

La Paz Municipality is the capital municipality (sección municipal capital) and one of the five municipalities of the Pedro Domingo Murillo Province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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La Rivera

La Rivera is a small town in Bolivia.

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La Viña Canton

La Viña Canton used to be one of the cantons of the Anzaldo Municipality, the second municipal section of the Esteban Arce Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Ladislao Cabrera Province

Ladislao Cabrera is a province in the southern parts of the Bolivian department of Oruro.

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Laja Municipality

Laja Municipality is the second municipal section of the Los Andes Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Larecaja Province

Larecaja is a province in the Bolivian La Paz Department.

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Licoma Pampa Municipality

Licoma Pampa Municipality is the sixth municipal section of the Inquisivi Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Litoral Province (Bolivia)

Litoral (or Litoral de Atacama) is a province in the southwestern parts of the Bolivian Oruro Department.

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Llallagua Municipality

Llallagua Municipality is the third municipal section of the Rafael Bustillo Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Llica is a small town in Bolivia.

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Llica Municipality

Llica Municipality is the first municipal section of the Daniel Campos Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Loayza Province

Loayza or José Ramón Loayza is a province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Loreto Municipality, Beni

Loreto Municipality is a municipality of the Marbán Province in the Beni Department in Bolivia.

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Loreto, Beni

Loreto is a town in the Beni Department in northern Bolivia.

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Los Andes Province (Bolivia)

Los Andes is one of the twenty provinces in the central parts of the Bolivian La Paz Department.

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Luis Calvo

Luis Calvo is a province in the Bolivian department of Chuquisaca.

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Luribay is a location in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Luribay Municipality

Luribay Municipality is the first municipal section of the Loayza Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Madre de Dios Province

Madre de Dios is one of the five provinces of the Bolivian Pando department and is situated in the southern parts of the department.

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Magdalena Municipality, Beni

Magdalena Municipality is the first municipal section of the Iténez Province in the Beni Department in Bolivia.

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Magdalena, Beni

Magdalena is a town on the Itonomas River in the Beni Department in northern Bolivia.

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Malla Municipality

Malla Municipality is the fourth municipal section of the Loayza Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Mamoré Province

Mamoré is a province in the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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Manco Kapac Province

Manco Kapac is a province in the Bolivian department of La Paz.

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Manuel María Caballero Province

Manuel María Caballero Province is one of the fifteen provinces of the Bolivian Santa Cruz Department and is situated in the department's western parts.

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Manuripi Province

Manuripi is one of the five provinces of Pando Department in Bolivia and is situated in the northwest of the department.

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Mapiri Municipality

Mapiri Municipality is the seventh municipal section of the Larecaja Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Marbán Province

Marbán is a province in the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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Mecapaca Municipality

Mecapaca Municipality is the second municipal section of the Pedro Domingo Murillo Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Mizque (from Quechua: misk'i, meaning "sweet") is a town in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Mizque Municipality

Mizque Municipality is the first municipal section of the Mizque Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Mizque Province

Mizque (from Quechua: misk'i, meaning "sweet") is a province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Mocomoco Municipality

Mocomoco or Muqu Muqu (Aymara) is one of five municipalities of the Eliodoro Camacho Province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Modesto Omiste Province

Modesto Omiste is a province in the south of the Bolivian Potosí Department.

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Mojinete Municipality

Mojinete Municipality is the second municipal section of the Sur Lípez Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Monteagudo Municipality

Municipality Municipality is the first municipal section of Hernando Siles Province in the Chuquisaca Department in Bolivia.

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Morochata Municipality

Morochata Municipality is the second municipal section of the Ayopaya Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Moxos Province

Moxos is a province in the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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Muñecas Province

Muñecas is a province in the Bolivian department of La Paz.

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Municipal council

A municipal council is the local government of a municipality such as city councils and town councils.

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Municipalities of Bolivia

Municipalities in Bolivia are administrative divisions of the entire national territory governed by local elections.

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Narciso Campero Province

Narciso Campero is a province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Nazacara de Pacajes Municipality

Nazacara de Pacajes Municipality is the seventh municipal section of the Pacajes Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Nicolás Suárez Province

Nicolás Suárez is one of the five provinces of the Bolivian Pando department and is situated in the department's northwestern parts.

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Nor Carangas Province

Nor Carangas is a province in the northern parts of the Bolivian department of Oruro.

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Nor Chichas Province

Nor Chichas is a province in the Eastern parts of the Bolivian Potosí Department.

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Nor Cinti Province

Nor Cinti is a province in the Bolivian department of Chuquisaca.

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Nor Lípez Province

Nor Lípez is a province in the Bolivian department of Potosí.

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Nor Yungas Province

Nor Yungas is a province in the Yungas-area of the Bolivian department of La Paz.

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Obispo Santistevan Province

Obispo Santistevan (or: Santiesteban) is one of the fifteen provinces of the Bolivian Santa Cruz department and is situated in the department's western parts.

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Ocurí Municipality

Ocurí Municipality is the fourth municipal section of the Chayanta Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Omasuyos Province

Omasuyos (Hispanicized spelling) or Uma Suyu (Aymara uma water, suyu region, "water region") is a province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Omereque Municipality

Omereque Municipality is the third municipal section of the Narciso Campero Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Orinoca Canton

Orinoca is a district (cantón) in the Andamarca Municipality in the Bolivian Sud Carangas Province in Oruro Department.

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Oropeza Province

Oropeza is a province in the Chuquisaca Department, Bolivia.

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Oruro Department

Oruro is a department in Bolivia, with an area of.

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Oruro, Bolivia

Oruro (Hispanicized spelling) or Uru Uru is a city in Bolivia with a population of 264,683 (2012 calculation), about halfway between La Paz and Sucre in the Altiplano, approximately above sea level.

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Pacajes Province

Pacajes is a province in the Bolivian department of La Paz.

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Padcaya is a town in the Tarija Department in southeastern Bolivia.

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Padilla, Bolivia

Padilla (originally, San Miguel de La Laguna; subsequently, San Juan de Rodas, and La Laguna) is a small town in the Chuquisaca Department of Bolivia, located southeast by road from Tomina Province.

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Palca Municipality

Palca or Pallqa (Aymara) is the first municipal section of the Pedro Domingo Murillo Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Palca, Bolivia

Palca, Bolivia is a location in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Palos Blancos Municipality

Palos Blancos Municipality is the fourth municipal section of the Sud Yungas Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Pando Department

Pando is a department in the North of Bolivia, with an area of, in the Amazon Rainforest, adjoining the border with Brazil and Perú.

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Pantaleón Dalence Province

Pantaleón Dalence is a province in the eastern parts of the Bolivian Oruro Department.

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Papel Pampa Municipality

Papel Pampa Municipality is the second municipal section of the Gualberto Villarroel Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Pasorapa Municipality

Pasorapa Municipality is the second municipal section of the Narciso Campero Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Patacamaya Municipality

Patacamaya or Patakamaya (Aymara) is the fifth municipal section of the Aroma Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Pazña Municipality

Pazña Municipality is a municipality of the Poopó Province in the Oruro Department, Bolivia.

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Pedro Domingo Murillo Province

Pedro Domingo Murillo is a province in the Bolivian La Paz Department.

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Pelechuco Municipality

Pelechuco Municipality is the second municipal section of the Franz Tamayo Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Pocona Canton

Pocona Canton (Puquna) is one of the cantons of the Pocona Municipality in the Carrasco Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Pocona Municipality

Pocona Municipality is the third municipal section of the Carrasco Province in the Cochabamba Department in Bolivia.

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Pojo Municipality

Pojo Municipality is the second municipal section of the Carrasco Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Poopó Municipality

Poopó Municipality is the first municipal section of the Poopó Province in the Oruro Department, Bolivia.

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Poopó Province

Poopó is a province in the eastern parts of the Bolivian department of Oruro.

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Porco Municipality

Porco Municipality is the third municipal section of the Antonio Quijarro Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Portachuelo is a small town in Bolivia.

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Porvenir Municipality

Porvenir Municipality is a municipal section of the Nicolás Suárez Province in the Pando Department, Bolivia.

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Potosí is a capital city and a municipality of the department of Potosí in Bolivia.

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Potosí Department

Potosí (P'utuqsi) is a department in southwestern Bolivia.

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Potosí Municipality

Potosí Municipality is the capital municipality of the Tomás Frías Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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A province is almost always an administrative division within a country or state.

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Pucarani (from Aymara Pukarani) is a small town in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Pucarani Municipality

Pucarani Municipality is the first municipal section of the Los Andes Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Puerto Acosta

Puerto Acosta or Waychu (Aymara) is a town in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Puerto Acosta Municipality

Puerto Acosta Municipality is the first municipal section of the Eliodoro Camacho Province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Puerto Carabuco Municipality

Puerto Carabuco Municipality is the third municipal section of the Eliodoro Camacho Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Puerto de Mejillones Province

Puerto de Mejillones is a province in the western parts of the Bolivian department of Oruro.

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Puerto Gonzalo Moreno

Puerto Gonzalo Moreno is a small town in Bolivia.

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Puerto Pérez Municipality

Puerto Pérez or Ch'ililaya (Aymara) is the fourth municipal section of the Los Andes Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Puerto Siles Municipality

Puerto Siles Municipality is a municipality of the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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Puerto Suárez

Puerto Suárez is an inland river port and municipality in Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia.

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Puerto Villarroel Municipality

Puerto Villarroel Municipality is the fifth municipal section of the Carrasco Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Punata is the capital of Punata Province and Punata Municipality in Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Punata Municipality

Punata Municipality is the first municipal section of the Punata Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Punata Province

Punata is a province almost in the middle of the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia, located about 45 km south of the city of Cochabamba.

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Quiabaya Municipality

Quiabaya Municipality is the fourth municipal section of the Larecaja Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Quillacollo is the capital of Quillacollo Province in Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Quillacollo Municipality

Quillacollo Municipality is the first municipal section of the Quillacollo Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Quillacollo Province

Quillacollo is a province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Quime Municipality

Quime Municipality is the second municipal section of the Inquisivi Province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia, located south-east of the city of La Paz.

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Quiriria Canton

Quiriria Canton is one of the cantons of the Anzaldo Municipality, the second municipal section of the Esteban Arce Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Rafael Bustillo Province

Rafael Bustillo is a province in the Bolivian Potosí Department.

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Ravelo Municipality

Ravelo Municipality is the second municipal section of the Chayanta Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Reyes Municipality

Reyes is a municipality of the José Ballivián Province in the Beni Department of Bolivia.

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Reyes, Bolivia

Reyes is the city capital of the José Ballivián Province in the Beni Department of northern Bolivia and as well as of the Reyes Municipality.

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Riberalta is a town in the Beni Department in northern Bolivia, situated where the Madre de Dios River joins the Beni River.

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Riberalta Municipality

Riberalta Municipality is a municipality of the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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Rurrenabaque Municipality

Rurrenabaque is a municipality in the José Ballivián Province in the Beni Department of Bolivia.

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Sabaya is a small town in the Bolivian Oruro Department.

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Sabaya Province

Sabaya (formerly: Atahuallpa) is a province in the central parts of the Bolivian Oruro Department.

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Sacaba is a capital city and a municipality in the Bolivian province of Chapare.

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Sacaba Municipality

Sacaba Municipality is the first municipal section of the Chapare Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Sacabamba Municipality

Sacabamba Municipality is the fourth municipal section of the Esteban Arce Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Sajama Province

Sajama is a province in the northwestern parts of the Bolivian Oruro Department.

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Salinas de Garci Mendoza

Salinas de Garci Mendoza (formerly: Salinas de Thunupa) is a town in the Bolivian Oruro Department.

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Samaipata, Bolivia

Samaipata or Samaypata (Quechua samay to rest, pata elevated place / above, at the top / edge, bank (of a river), shore) is a small location in the Florida Province of the Santa Cruz Department in Bolivia.

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San Agustín Canton

San Agustín Canton is one of the cantons of the Enrique Baldivieso Province (or "San Agustín Municipality") in the Potosí Department in south-west Bolivia.

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San Andrés de Machaca Municipality

San Andrés de Machaca Municipality is the fifth municipal section of the Ingavi Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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San Andrés Municipality, Beni

San Andrés Municipality is a municipality of the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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San Antonio de Esmoruco Municipality

San Antonio de Esmoruco is the third municipal section of the Sur Lípez Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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San Benito Municipality

San Benito Municipality or Villa José Quintín Mendoza Municipality is the third municipal section of the Punata Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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San Borja Municipality

San Borja is the second municipal section of the José Ballivián Province in the Beni Department of Bolivia.

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San Buenaventura Municipality, La Paz

San Buenaventura Municipality is the second municipal section of the Abel Iturralde Province located in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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San Ignacio de Moxos

San Ignacio de Moxos (short: San Ignacio) is a town in the Beni Department of northern Bolivia.

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San Ignacio de Velasco

San Ignacio de Velasco, 'is the capital of the José Miguel de Velasco Province and the San Ignacio de Velasco Municipality in the Santa Cruz Department of Bolivia.

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San Javier Municipality, Beni

San Javier Municipality is a municipality of the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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San Joaquín Municipality, Beni

San Joaquín Municipality is a municipality of the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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San Joaquín, Bolivia

San Joaquín is a small agricultural town in the Beni Department in the Bolivian lowlands.

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San José de Chiquitos

San José de Chiquitos or simply San José is the capital of Chiquitos Province in the Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia.

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San Lorenzo, Tarija

San Lorenzo (or: Villa San Lorenzo) is a town in the Tarija Department in Bolivia.

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San Matías, Santa Cruz

San Matías (Santa Cruz) is a small town in Bolivia.

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San Pablo de Lípez

San Pablo de Lípez is a small town in the Potosí Department of Bolivia.

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San Pablo de Lípez Municipality

San Pablo de Lípez Municipality is the first municipal section of the Sur Lípez Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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San Pedro de Buena Vista

San Pedro de Buena Vista is a small town in Bolivia.

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San Pedro de Curahuara

San Pedro de Curahuara is a small town in Bolivia.

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San Pedro de Curahuara Municipality

San Pedro de Curahuara Municipality is the first municipal section of the Gualberto Villarroel Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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San Pedro de Quemes Municipality

San Pedro de Quemes (Qimis) is the second municipal section of the Nor Lípez Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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San Pedro de Tiquina Municipality

San Pedro de Tiquina Municipality is the second municipal section of the Manco Kapac Province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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San Pedro de Totora Province

San Pedro de Totora is a province in the northern parts of the Bolivian department of Oruro.

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San Rafael Municipality, Santa Cruz

San Rafael Municipality is the third municipal section of the José Miguel de Velasco Province in the Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia.

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San Ramón Municipality, Beni

San Ramón Municipality is a municipality of the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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Santa Ana del Yacuma

Santa Ana del Yacuma (short: Santa Ana) is a town in the Beni Department in north-eastern Bolivia.

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Santa Ana Municipality, Beni

Santa Ana Municipality or Santa Ana del Yacuma Municipality is a municipality of the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Santa Cruz de la Sierra ('Holy Cross of the Mountain Range'), commonly known as Santa Cruz, is the largest city in Bolivia and the capital of the Santa Cruz department.

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Santa Cruz Department (Bolivia)

Santa Cruz, with an area of, is the largest of the nine constituent departments of Bolivia occupying about one-third (33,74%) of the territory of the country.

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Santa Rosa del Abuná

Santa Rosa del Abuná is a small town in Pando Department, Bolivia.

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Santa Rosa Municipality, Beni

Santa Rosa or Santa Rosa de(l) Yacuma is a municipality of the José Ballivián Province in the Beni Department of Bolivia.

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Santiago de Callapa Municipality

Santiago de Callapa Municipality or Callapa Municipality is the eighth municipal section of the Pacajes Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Santiago de Cotagaita

Cotagaita is a small town in Bolivia.

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Santiago de Huari

Santiago de Huari is a small town in Bolivia.

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Santiago de Machaca

Santiago de Machaca is a location in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Santiago de Machaca Municipality

Santiago de Machaca is the first municipal section of the José Manuel Pando Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Santiváñez Municipality

Santiváñez Municipality is the second municipal section of the Capinota Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Sapahaqui Municipality

Sapahaqui or Sapa Jaqhi (Aymara) is a municipality in the Loayza Province in the La Paz Department in Bolivia.

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Sara Province

Sara is a province in the Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia.

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Saucarí Province

Saucarí is a province in the central parts of the Bolivian department of Oruro.

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Sebastián Pagador Province

Sebastián Pagador is a province in the southeastern parts of the Bolivian department of Oruro.

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Shinahota Municipality

Shinahota Municipality (also sometimes spelled Sinahota or Shinaota) is the second municipal section of the Tiraque Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Sica Sica

Sica Sica is a small town and capital of Aroma Province in the La Paz Department of western Bolivia.

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Sica Sica Municipality

Sica Sica Municipality is the first municipal section of the Aroma Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Sicaya Municipality

Sicaya Municipality is the third municipal section of the Capinota Province in the Cochabamba Department in Bolivia.

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Sipe Sipe Municipality

Sipe Sipe Municipality is the second municipal section of the Quillacollo Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Sorata is a small town in the La Paz Department in the Bolivian Andes, northwest of the city of La Paz and east of Lake Titicaca.

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Sorata Municipality

Sorata Municipality is the first municipal section of the Larecaja Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Sucre is the constitutional capital of Bolivia, the capital of the Chuquisaca Department and the 6th most populated city in Bolivia.

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Sud Carangas Province

Sud Carangas is a province in the central parts of the Bolivian department of Oruro.

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Sud Chichas Province

Sud Chichas (or: Sur Chichas) is a province in the Bolivian department of Potosí.

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Sud Cinti Province

Sud Cinti (also Sur Cinti) is a province in the Bolivian department of Chuquisaca.

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Sud Yungas Province

Sud Yungas or Sur Yungas is a province in the Bolivian department of La Paz.

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Sur Lípez Province

Sur Lípez or Sud Lípez is a province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Tacachi Municipality

Tacachi Municipality is the fourth municipal section of the Punata Province in the Cochabamba Department in Bolivia.

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Tacacoma Municipality

Tacacoma Municipality is the third municipal section of the Larecaja Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Tacopaya Municipality

Tacopaya Municipality is the second municipal section of the Arque Province in the Cochabamba Department in Bolivia.

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Tahua Municipality

Tahua Municipality is the second municipal section of the Daniel Campos Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Tapacarí is a town and the capital of Tapacarí Province in Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Tapacarí Province

Tapacarí is a province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Tarabuco is a Bolivian town in the department of Chuquisaca, capital of the Yamparáez Province and its first section, Tarabuco Municipality.

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Tarabuco Municipality

Tarabuco Municipality is the first municipal section of the Yamparáez Province in the Chuquisaca Department, Bolivia.

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Taraco Municipality

Taraco Municipality is the seventh municipal section of the Ingavi Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Tarata Canton

Tarata Canton (T'arata) is one of the cantons of the Tarata Municipality, the first municipal section of the Esteban Arce Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Tarata Municipality

Tarata Municipality is the first municipal section of the Esteban Arce Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Tarija or San Bernardo de la Frontera de Tarixa is a city in southern Bolivia.

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Tarija Department

Tarija is a department in Bolivia.

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Teoponte Municipality

Teoponte Municipality is the eighth municipal section of the Larecaja Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Tinguipaya Municipality

Tinguipaya Municipality is the first municipal section of the Tomás Frías Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Tipuani Municipality

Tipuani Municipality is the sixth municipal section of the Larecaja Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Tiquipaya Municipality

Tiquipaya Municipality is the third municipal section of the Quillacollo Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Tiraque is a location in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Tiraque Municipality

Tiraque Municipality is the first municipal section of the Tiraque Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Tiraque Province

Tiraque is a province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Tito Yupanqui Municipality

Tito Yupanqui Municipality is the third municipal section of the Manco Kapac Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Tiwanaku Municipality

Tiwanaku Municipality is the third municipal section of the Ingavi Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Toco Municipality

Toco Municipality (also Toko Municipality) is the second municipal section of the Germán Jordán Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Tolata Municipality

Tolata Municipality is the third municipal section of the Germán Jordán Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Toledo, Oruro

Toledo (Oruro) is a small town in Bolivia.

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Tomas Barrón Province

Tomás Barrón is a province in the northern parts of the Bolivian department of Oruro.

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Tomave Municipality

Tomave Municipality is the second municipal section of the Antonio Quijarro Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Tomás Frías Province

Tomás Frías is a province in the northern parts of the Bolivian Potosí Department.

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Tomina Province

Tomina is a province in the Chuquisaca Department in Bolivia.

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Totora Municipality

Totora Municipality is the first municipal section of the Carrasco Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Totora, Cochabamba

Totora (in hispanicized spelling), Tutura or T'utura (Aymara and Quechua for Schoenoplectus californicus, an aquatic plant) is a town in the Carrasco Province of the Cochabamba Department in Bolivia.

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Totora, Oruro

Totora (Oruro) is a small town in Bolivia.

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Trinidad Municipality, Beni

Trinidad Municipality is located in Beni Department in Bolivia.

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Trinidad, Bolivia

Trinidad, officially La Santísima Trinidad (The Most Holy Trinity), is a city in Bolivia, capital of the department of Beni.

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Tupiza is a city in Potosí Department, Bolivia.

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Tupiza Municipality

Tupiza Municipality is the first municipal section of the Sud Chichas Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Turco Municipality

Turco Municipality is the second municipal section of the Sajama Province in the Oruro Department in Bolivia, and was founded on February 15, 1957.

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Umala Municipality

Umala Municipality is the second municipal section of the Aroma Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Uncía Municipality

Uncía Municipality is the first municipal section of the Rafael Bustillo Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Uriondo is a town in the Bolivian Tarija Department.

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Urmiri Municipality

Urmiri Municipality is the third municipal section of the Tomás Frías Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Uyuni (Aymara, uyu pen (enclosure), yard, cemetery, -ni a suffix to indicate ownership, "the one that has got a pen", "the one with a pen") is a city in the southwest of Bolivia.

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Uyuni Municipality

Uyuni Municipality is the first municipal section of the Antonio Quijarro Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Vaca Díez Province

Vaca Diéz is a province in the Beni Department, Bolivia.

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Vacas Municipality

Vacas Municipality (Quechua name: Wak'as, deriving from Wak'a) is the second municipal section of the Arani Province in the Cochabamba Department in central Bolivia.

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Vallegrande (Spanish: "Big Valley") is a small colonial town in Bolivia, located in the Department of Santa Cruz, some 125 km (bee-line) southwest of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

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Vallegrande Municipality

Vallegrande Municipality is the first municipal section of the Vallegrande Province in the Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia.

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Vallegrande Province

Vallegrande is a province in the Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia.

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Viacha is a city in Bolivia, situated in the Ingavi Province in the La Paz Department.

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Viacha Municipality

Viacha Municipality is the first municipal section of the Ingavi Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Vila Vila Municipality

Vila Vila (in Hispanicized spelling) or Wila Wila (Aymara) is the second municipal section of the Mizque Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Villa Abecia

Villa Abecia, also Camataqui, is a small town in Bolivia.

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Villa Rivero Municipality

Villa Rivero Municipality or Muela Municipality is the second municipal section of the Punata Province in the Cochabamba Department in Bolivia.

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Villa Serrano

Villa Serrano is a small town in the Chuquisaca Department, Bolivia.

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Villa Tunari Municipality

Villa Tunari Municipality is the third municipal section of the Chapare Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Villa Vaca Guzmán

Villa Vaca Guzmán is a small town in Bolivia.

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Villazón is a town in southern Bolivia, on the border with Argentina.

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Vinto Municipality

Vinto Municipality is the fourth municipal section of the Quillacollo Province in the Cochabamba Department, Bolivia.

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Vitichi Municipality

Vitichi Municipality is the second municipal section of the Nor Chichas Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Waldo Ballivián Municipality

Waldo Ballivián Municipality is the sixth municipal section of the Pacajes Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Yaco Municipality

Yaco Municipality is the third municipal section of the Loayza Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Yacuiba is a city in southern Bolivia and the capital city of Gran Chaco Province in the Tarija Department.

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Yacuma Province

Yacuma is a province in the Beni Department in Bolivia.

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Yamparáez Province

Yamparáez is a province in the Bolivian department of Chuquisaca.

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Yanacachi Municipality

Yanacachi Municipality is the third municipal section of the Sud Yungas Province in the La Paz Department, Bolivia.

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Yocalla Municipality

Yocalla Municipality is the second municipal section of the Tomás Frías Province in the Potosí Department in Bolivia.

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Zudáñez is a small town in Bolivia.

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Redirects here:

Bolivian province, Provinces of bolivia.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provinces_of_Bolivia

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