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Index 0O

0O (zero O) or 0-O may refer to. [1]

9 relations: Emoticon, Initial and terminal objects, Instruction set architecture, O0, Order of approximation, Rate equation, Zero element, Zero-order hold, Zeroth-order logic.


An emoticon (rarely pronounced) is a pictorial representation of a facial expression using characters—usually punctuation marks, numbers, and letters—to express a person's feelings or mood, or as a time-saving method.

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Initial and terminal objects

In category theory, a branch of mathematics, an initial object of a category C is an object I in C such that for every object X in C, there exists precisely one morphism I → X. The dual notion is that of a terminal object (also called terminal element): T is terminal if for every object X in C there exists a single morphism X → T. Initial objects are also called coterminal or universal, and terminal objects are also called final.

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Instruction set architecture

An instruction set architecture (ISA) is an abstract model of a computer.

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O0 may refer to.

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Order of approximation

In science, engineering, and other quantitative disciplines, orders of approximation refer to formal or informal terms for how precise an approximation is, and to indicate progressively more refined approximations: in increasing order of precision, a zeroth-order approximation, a first-order approximation, a second-order approximation, and so forth.

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Rate equation

The rate law or rate equation for a chemical reaction is an equation that links the reaction rate with the concentrations or pressures of the reactants and constant parameters (normally rate coefficients and partial reaction orders).

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Zero element

In mathematics, a zero element is one of several generalizations of the number zero to other algebraic structures.

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Zero-order hold

The zero-order hold (ZOH) is a mathematical model of the practical signal reconstruction done by a conventional digital-to-analog converter (DAC).

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Zeroth-order logic

Zeroth-order logic is first-order logic without variables or quantifiers.

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Redirects here:

0 o, 0-O, 0-o, 0.o, 0O (disambiguation), 0o, Zero O.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/0O

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