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Integrated Authority File

Index Integrated Authority File

The Integrated Authority File (Gemeinsame Normdatei; also known as the Universal Authority File) or GND is an international authority file for the organisation of personal names, subject headings and corporate bodies from catalogues. [1]

20 relations: Archive, Authority control, Corporate Bodies Authority File, Creative Commons license, Documentation, Geographical distribution of German speakers, German National Library, Knowledge representation and reasoning, Library, Library catalog, Library classification, LIBRIS, Museum, Name Authority File, Ontology (information science), Opera (web browser), Resource Description Framework, Semantic Web, Subject Headings Authority File, Virtual International Authority File.


An archive is an accumulation of historical records or the physical place they are located.

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Authority control

In library science, authority control is a process that organizes bibliographic information, for example in library catalogs...

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Corporate Bodies Authority File

The Corporate Bodies Authority File (Gemeinsame Körperschaftsdatei) or GKD is a German authority control for the organisation of corporation names (corporate bodies) from catalogues.

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Creative Commons license

A Creative Commons (CC) license is one of several public copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work.

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Documentation is a set of documents provided on paper, or online, or on digital or analog media, such as audio tape or CDs.

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Geographical distribution of German speakers

In addition to the German-speaking area (Deutscher Sprachraum) in Europe, German-speaking minorities are present in many countries and on all six inhabited continents.

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German National Library

The German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek or DNB) is the central archival library and national bibliographic centre for the Federal Republic of Germany.

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Knowledge representation and reasoning

Knowledge representation and reasoning (KR, KR², KR&R) is the field of artificial intelligence (AI) dedicated to representing information about the world in a form that a computer system can utilize to solve complex tasks such as diagnosing a medical condition or having a dialog in a natural language.

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A library is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing.

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Library catalog

A library catalog or library catalogue is a register of all bibliographic items found in a library or group of libraries, such as a network of libraries at several locations.

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Library classification

A library classification is a system of knowledge organization by which library resources are arranged according to subject.

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LIBRIS (Library Information System) is a Swedish national union catalogue maintained by the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm.

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A museum (plural musea or museums) is an institution that cares for (conserves) a collection of artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific importance.

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Name Authority File

The Name Authority File (Personennamendatei or PND) is an authority file of people, which served primarily to access literature in libraries.

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Ontology (information science)

In computer science and information science, an ontology encompasses a representation, formal naming, and definition of the categories, properties, and relations of the concepts, data, and entities that substantiate one, many, or all domains.

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Opera (web browser)

Opera is a web browser for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems developed by Opera Software AS.

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Resource Description Framework

The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a family of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications originally designed as a metadata data model.

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Semantic Web

The Semantic Web is an extension of the World Wide Web through standards by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

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Subject Headings Authority File

The Subject Headings Authority File (Schlagwortnormdatei) or SWD is a controlled vocabulary index term system used primarily for subject indexing in library catalogs.

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Virtual International Authority File

The Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) is an international authority file.

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Redirects here:

GND identifier, Gemeinsame Normdatei, Universal Authority File.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_Authority_File

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