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Guthrie classification of Bantu languages

Index Guthrie classification of Bantu languages

The 250 or so "Narrow Bantu languages" are conventionally divided up into geographic zones first proposed by Malcolm Guthrie (1967–1971). [1]

557 relations: Africa, African Great Lakes, African Pygmies, Aka language, Akwa language, Amba language (Bantu), Atlantic–Congo languages, Aushi language, Baca language, Bafaw-Balong language, Bafia language (Cameroon), Bafia languages, Bajuni dialect, Bala language, Bali language (DRC), Bamwe language, Bangala language, Bangi language, Bangi–Ntomba languages, Bangi–Tetela languages, Bango language, Bangubangu language, Bankon language, Bantu languages, Barama language, Basaa language, Basaa languages, Bati language (Cameroon), Bati–Angba languages, Bebele language, Bebil language, Beeke language, Bekwil language, Bemba language, Bembe language (Ibembe), Bembe language (Kibembe), Bena language, Benga language, Benue–Congo languages, Beti language, Bhaca language, Bhele language, Bila language, Binji language, Binza language, Bira language, Boan languages, Bodo language (Bantu), Bole language (Bantu), Bolo language, ..., Boma language, Boma–Dzing languages, Bomboli language, Bomboma language, Bomitaba language, Bomwali language, Bondei language, Bongili language, Bongwe language, Bonkeng language, Botatwe languages, Bozaba language, Bravanese dialect, Bube language, Budu language, Budya language, Budza language, Buja–Ngombe languages, Bukusu dialect, Bulu language, Bungu language, Bushong language, Bushoong languages, Buyu language, Bwa language, Bwela language, Bwenyi language, Bwile language, Bwisi language, Byep language, Central Kilimanjaro language, Central Teke language, Central Yambasa language, Chewa language, Chokwe language, Chokwe–Luchazi languages, Chopi language, Chuwabu language, Comorian language, Cutchi-Swahili, Dahl's law, Dengese language, Digo language, Ding language, Doe language, Doko language (Bantu), Duala language, Duma language, Dzando language, East Teke language, Embu language, Engsh, Enya language, Ethnologue, Eton language, Ewondo language, Ewondo Populaire, Fa’ language, Fanagalo, Fang language, Fengu people, Fipa language, Fuliiru language, Fuumu language, Fwe language, Gciriku language, Gendza language, Gengele creole, Gogo language, Great Lakes Bantu languages, Guitonga language (Mozambique), Gungu language, Gunu language, Guru language, Gusii language, Gweno language, Gwere language, Ha language, Habla Congo, Hangaza language, Havu language, Haya language, Hehe language, Hema language, Hemba language, Hendo language, Herero language, Hijuk language, Himba language, Hlubi language, Holoholo language, Holu language, Homa language, Hunde language, Hungana language, Ibhili language, Idaxo-Isuxa-Tiriki language, Ikizu language, Ikoma language, Ila language, Ilwana language, Iramba language, Isanzu language, ISO 639-3, Jarawan languages, Jita language, Kaalong language, Kabwa language, Kabwari language, Kafwe Twa, Kagulu language, Kahe language, Kaiku language, Kako language, Kalanga language, Kamba language, Kami language (Tanzania), Kande language, Kango language (Bas-Uélé District), Kaning'i language, Kanyok language, Kaonde language, Kara language (Tanzania), Kari language, Kavango – Southwest Bantu languages, Kebwe language, Kela-Yela language, Kele language (Congo), Kele language (Gabon), Kele languages, Kele–Tsogo languages, Kerewe language, Kete language, Kgalagadi language, Khayo language, Ki language, Kiga language, KiKAR, Kikuyu language, Kilombero languages, Kimbu language, Kimbundu, Kimbundu languages, Kinga language, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kisi language (Tanzania), Kitara language, Kituba language, Kogo language, Kol language (Cameroon), Kombe language, Komo language (Bantu), Komo–Bira languages, Kongo language, Kongo languages, Konjo language (Bantu), Kota language (Gabon), Koti language, Koyo language (Congo), Kpwe language, Kuba language, Kuhane language, Kukuya language, Kula language (Bantu), Kunda language, Kunyi language, Kuria language, Kusu language, Kutu language, Kuvale language, Kwakum language, Kwala language, Kwambi dialect, Kwangali language, Kwangwa language, Kwanyama dialect, Kwasio language, Kwaya language, Kwere language, Kwese language, Kwisi people, Lala language (South Africa), Lala-Bisa language, Lalia language, Lamba language, Lambya language, Langa language, Lebonya languages, Lega language, Lega–Binja languages, Lele language (Bantu), Lengola language, Lengue language, Lenje language, Leti language (Cameroon), Lia-Ntomba language, Lika language, Likile language, Limba language (Cameroon), Linga language, Lingala, Logooli language, Loki dialect, Lombo language, Lomwe language, Londo language, Losengo language, Lozi language, Luba-Kasai language, Luba-Katanga language, Luban languages, Luchazi language, Luganda, Luguru language, Luhya language, Luimbi language, Lumbu language, Luna language, Lunda language, Lunda languages, Luvale language, Luyana language, Lwalu language, Mahongwe language, Makaa language, Makaa–Njem languages, Makhuwa language, Makonde language, Makua languages, Makwe language, Malawi Lomwe language, Malcolm Guthrie, Malila language, Mambwe-Lungu language, Manda language (Tanzania), Mandi language, Manenguba language, Manyika dialect, Marachi language, Masaba language, Mashi language, Matengo language, Matumbi language, Mbala language, Mbali language, Mbam languages, Mbama language, Mbamba Bay language, Mbandja language, Mbangala language, Mbangwe language, Mbati language, Mbere language, Mbesa language, Mbete languages, Mbo language (Congo), Mboko language, Mbole language, Mbole–Enya languages, Mboshi languages, Mboshi–Buja languages, Mbosi language, Mbowe language, Mbugu language, Mbugwe language, Mbugwe–Rangi languages, Mbukushu language, Mbule language, Mbunda language, Mbunga language, Meru language, Metombola language, Mfinu language, Mijikenda language, Mituku language, Mongo language, Moniga language, Mpama language, Mpiemo language, Mpoto language, Mpumpong language, Mpuono language, Mwanga language, Mwani language, Mwele language, Mwera language, Myene language, Nande language, Nathembo language, Ndaka language, Ndali language, Ndamba language, Ndambomo language, Ndasa language, Ndau dialect, Ndendeule language, Ndengereko language, Ndolo dialect, Ndombe language, Ndonga dialect, Ndumu language, Nen language, Ngando language, Ngando language (Central African Republic), Ngbee language, Ngbinda language, Ngelima language, Ngindo language, Ngiri language, Ngombe language, Ngondi language, Ngondi–Ngiri languages, Ngoni language, Ngoreme language, Ngubi language, Ngulu language, Nhlangwini language, Nindi language, Njebi language, Njem language, Nkongho language, Nkore language, Nkoya language, Nkumbi language, Nkutu language, North Teke language, Northeast Bantu languages, Northeast Coast Bantu languages, Northern Ndebele language, Northern Sotho language, Nsenga language, Nsongo language, Nyakyusa language, Nyali language, Nyali languages, Nyambo language, Nyamwezi language, Nyaneka language, Nyanga language, Nyanga-li language, Nyanga–Buyi languages, Nyasa languages, Nyengo language, Nyiha language, Nyole language (Kenya), Nyole language (Uganda), Nyoro language, Nyungwe language, Nzadi language, Nzebi languages, Nzime language, Ombo language, Oroko language, Ovambo language, Pagibete language, Pande language, Pangwa language, Pare language, Pende language, Pende languages, Penja language, Phuthi language, Pimbwe language, Pinji language, Pogolo language, Poke language, Pokomo language, Pol language, Pretoria Sotho, Punu language, Rangi language, Roger Blench, Rombi language, Rombo language, Ronga language, Rufiji–Ruvuma languages, Rukwa languages, Rungwa language, Rusa language, Ruuli language, Ruund language, Sabaki languages, Sabi languages, Safwa language, Sagara language, Sakata language, Sake language, Salampasu language, Sama language (Angola), Samay language, Samia language, Sanga language (Bantu), Sangu language (Gabon), Sangu language (Tanzania), Sawabantu languages, Seba language, Seki language, Sena language, Sengele language, Settler Swahili, Shambala language, Shanjo language, Sheng slang, Shi language, Shinji language, Shira language, Shiwe language, Shona language, Shona languages, Shubi language, Sidi language, Sighu language, SIL International, Simaa language, Singa language, Sira languages, Socotra Swahili language, Soga language, Soko language, Soko languages, Soli language, Sonde language, Songe language, Songola language, Sonjo language, Sotho language, Southern Bantoid languages, Southern Bantu languages, Southern Ndebele language, Spurious languages, Suba language, Suba-Simbiti language, Suku language, Sukuma language, Sumayela Ndebele language, Sumbwa language, Suundi language, Suwu language, Swahili language, Swazi language, Swo language, Taabwa language, Taita language, Talinga language, Tanga language, Teke languages, Teke–Mbede languages, Tembo (Kitembo) language, Tetela language, Tetela languages, Tibea language, Tiene language, Tonga (Nyasa) language, Tonga language (Zambia and Zimbabwe), Tongwe language, Tooro language, Totela language, Town Bemba, Tsaangi language, Tsege language, Tsogo language, Tsogo languages, Tsonga language, Tsotsitaal and Camtho, Tswa language, Tswana language, Tumbuka language, Tuotomb language, Turu language, Ukhwejo language, Umbundu, Vanuma language, Venda language, Vidunda language, Vili language, Vinza language, Viya language, Vove language, Vumbu language, Vwanji language, Wanda language, Wanzi language, Ware language, West Kilimanjaro language, West Teke language, Wongo language, Wumbvu language, Xhosa language, Yaka language (Congo–Angola), Yaka language (Kivu), Yaka languages, Yambeta language, Yansi language, Yao language, Yasa language, Yazi language, Yeyi language, Zamba language, Zanaki language, Zaramo language, Zela language, Zemba language, Zigula language, Zimba language, Zinza language, Zulu language. 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Africa is the world's second largest and second most-populous continent (behind Asia in both categories).

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African Great Lakes

The African Great Lakes (Maziwa Makuu) are a series of lakes constituting the part of the Rift Valley lakes in and around the East African Rift.

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African Pygmies

The African Pygmies (or Congo Pygmies, variously also "Central African foragers", "African rainforest hunter-gatherers" (RHG) or "Forest People of Central Africa") are a group of tribal ethnicities, traditionally subsisting in a forager and hunter-gatherer lifestyle, native to Central Africa, mostly the Congo Basin.

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Aka language

Aka, also known as Yaka or Beka, is a Bantu language spoken in the Central African Republic and Republic of Congo, along the Ubangi River dividing the two countries.

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Akwa language

Akwa is a Bantu language of the Republic of Congo.

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Amba language (Bantu)

Amba (also spelled Bulebule, Hamba, Humu, Kihumu, Ku-Amba, Kuamba, Lubulebule, Lwamba, Ruwenzori Kibira, and Rwamba) is a language spoken in parts of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo by the Amba people.

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Atlantic–Congo languages

The Atlantic–Congo languages are a major division constituting the core of the Niger–Congo language family of Africa, characterised by the noun class systems typical of the family.

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Aushi language

Aushi (Ushi) is a Bantu language of Zambia and DR Congo.

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Baca language

The Baca language, Nubaca, is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.

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Bafaw-Balong language

Bafaw-Balong is a Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Bafia language (Cameroon)

The Bafia language is a Bantu language spoken by 60,000 people in Cameroon according to 1991 figures.

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Bafia languages

The Bafia languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone A.50 in Guthrie's classification.

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Bajuni dialect

Bajuni (Kibajuni), also known as Tikulu (Tikuu), is a variety of Swahili spoken by the Bajuni people who inhabit the tiny Bajuni Islands and coastal Kenya, in addition to parts of southern Somalia, where they constitute a minority ethnic group.

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Bala language

Bala (Lobala) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Bali language (DRC)

Bali (Baali, Kibali, Libaali) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Bamwe language

Bamwe is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Bangala language

Bangala is a Bantu language spoken in the northeast corner of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan and the extreme western part of Uganda.

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Bangi language

The Bangi language, or Bobangi, is a relative and main lexical source of Lingala spoken in central Africa.

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Bangi–Ntomba languages

The Bangi–Ntomba languages are a group of Bantu languages spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of the Congo.

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Bangi–Tetela languages

The Bangi–Tetela languages are a proposed intermediate clade of Bantu languages that comprise a large part of Guthrie's Zone C (Motingea 1996).

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Bango language

Bango (Mobango, Babango), is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Bangubangu language

Bangubangu is a Bantu dialect cluster spoken by the Bangubangu people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Bankon language

Bankon (Abo, Abaw, Bo, Bon) is a Bantu language spoken in the Moungo department of the Littoral Province of southwestern Cameroon.

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Bantu languages

The Bantu languages (English:, Proto-Bantu: */baⁿtʊ̀/) technically the Narrow Bantu languages, as opposed to "Wide Bantu", a loosely defined categorization which includes other "Bantoid" languages are a large family of languages spoken by the Bantu peoples throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Barama language

Varama (Barama) is a Bantu language of Gabon.

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Basaa language

Basaa (also spelled Bassa, Basa, Bissa), or Mbene, is a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon by the Basaa people.

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Basaa languages

The Basaa languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone A.40 in Guthrie's classification.

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Bati language (Cameroon)

Bati is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.

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Bati–Angba languages

The Bati–Angba or Bwa languages are a clade of Bantu languages, about half of Zone C.40 in Guthrie's classification.

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Bebele language

Bebele (Bamvele, Bëbëlë) is a Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Bebil language

Bebil (Gbïgbïl) is a Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Beeke language

Beeke is a Bantu language of uncertain affiliation.

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Bekwil language

Bekwel (Bekwil) is a Bantu language of the Republic of the Congo.

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Bemba language

The Bemba language, ChiBemba (also Cibemba, Ichibemba, Icibemba and Chiwemba), is a major Bantu language spoken primarily in north-eastern Zambia by the Bemba people and as a lingua franca by about 18 related ethnic groups, including the Bisa people of Mpika and Lake Bangweulu, and to a lesser extent in Katanga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, and Botswana.

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Bembe language (Ibembe)

Bembe (Ebembe) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Western Tanzania.

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Bembe language (Kibembe)

Bembe (Kibeembe) is a Bantu language of Congo-Brazzaville.

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Bena language

Bena is a Bantu language spoken by the Bena people of the Iringa region of Tanzania.

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Benga language

Benga is a Bantu language spoken by the Benga people of Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.

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Benue–Congo languages

Benue–Congo (sometimes called East Benue–Congo) is a major subdivision of the Niger–Congo language family which covers most of Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Beti language

Beti is a group of Bantu languages, spoken by the Beti-Pahuin peoples who inhabit the rain forest regions of Cameroon, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and São Tomé and Príncipe.

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Bhaca language

Bhaca (Baca) is a Bantu language of South Africa.

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Bhele language

Bhele (Ebhele), or Piri (Kipiri), is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Bila language

Bila, or Forest Bira, is a Bantu language spoken by the Mbuti Pygmies called Kango and Sua (Batchua).

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Binji language

Binji is a Bantu language of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Binza language

Binza (Binja) is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Bira language

Bera (Bira) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Boan languages

Boan (Buan, Ababuan) is a proposed intermediate group of Bantu languages coded Zones C and D in Guthrie's classification.

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Bodo language (Bantu)

Bodo is a possibly extinct Bantu language of the Central African Republic.

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Bole language (Bantu)

Bole (Dibole) is a Bantu language of the Republic of Congo.

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Bolo language

Bolo, also known as Ngoya and Kibala, is a Bantu language of Angola that is closely related to Kimbundu.

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Boma language

Boma is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Boma–Dzing languages

The Boma–Dzing languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone B.80 in Guthrie's classification.

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Bomboli language

Bomboli (also Bombongo) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Bomboma language

Bomboma (Mboma) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Bomitaba language

Bomitaba (Mbomitaba) is a Bantu language of the Republic of Congo, with a couple hundred speakers in the Central African Republic.

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Bomwali language

Bomwali is a Bantu language of the Republic of the Congo and Cameroon.

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Bondei language

Bondei is a Northeast Coast Bantu of Tanzania closely related to Shambala.

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Bongili language

Bongili is a Bantu language of the Republic of Congo.

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Bongwe language

Bongwe (Ebongwe, Ghebongwe) is a minor Bantu language of Gabon.

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Bonkeng language

Bonkeng is a poorly known Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Botatwe languages

The Botatwe languages are a group of Bantu languages.

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Bozaba language

Bozaba is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Bravanese dialect

Bravanese, also called Chimwiini (ChiMwini, Mwiini, Mwini) or Chimbalazi) is a variety of Swahili patwa spoken by the Bravanese people, who are the predominant inhabitants of Barawa, or Brava, in Somalia. Maho (2009) considers it a distinct dialect.

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Bube language

Bube, Bohobé or Bube–Benga (Bobe, Bubi), is a Bantu or Bantoid language spoken by the Bubi, a Bantu people native to, and once the primary inhabitants of, Bioko Island in Equatorial Guinea.

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Budu language

Budu is a Bantu language spoken by the Budu people in the Wamba Territory in the Orientale Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Budya language

Budya is a minor Bantu language.

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Budza language

Budza or Buja (Embudja, Limbudza) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Buja–Ngombe languages

The Buja–Ngombe languages are a group of Bantu languages reported to be a valid clade by Nurse & Philippson (2003).

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Bukusu dialect

Bukusu is a dialect of the Masaba language spoken by the Bukusu tribe of the Luhya people of western Kenya.

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Bulu language

Bulu is the language of the Bulu people of Cameroon.

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Bungu language

Bungu (Kibungu, Wungu) is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Bushong language

Bushong (Bushoong) is a Bantu language of the Kasai region of Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Bushoong languages

The Bushoong languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone C.80 in Guthrie's classification.

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Buyu language

Buyu, or Buyi, is a Bantu language of Lake Tanganyika that is closely related to Nyanga.

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Bwa language

Bwa (Boa, Boua, Bua, Kibua, Kibwa, Libua, Libwali) is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Bwela language

Bwela, or Lingi, is a poorly known Congolese Bantu language of uncertain affiliation (though listed as Zone C.40 by Guthrie).

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Bwenyi language

Bwenyi is a minor Bantu language of the Republic of Congo.

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Bwile language

Bwile is a divergent Bantu language of Zambia and DR Congo.

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Bwisi language

Bwisi (also spelled Ibwisi, Mbwisi) is a language spoken mainly in the Kibangou District (Niari Region) of the Republic of Congo, next to the Gabon border, where it is also spoken by a minority.

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Byep language

Byep, or (North) Makaa, is a Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Central Kilimanjaro language

Central Kilimanjaro, or Central Chaga, is a Bantu language of Tanzania spoken by the Chaga people.

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Central Teke language

Central Teke is a member of the Teke languages dialect continuum of the Congolese plateau.

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Central Yambasa language

Central Yambasa is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.

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Chewa language

Chewa, also known as Nyanja, is a language of the Bantu language family.

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Chokwe language

Chokwe is a Bantu language spoken by the Chokwe people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola and Zambia.

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Chokwe–Luchazi languages

The Chokwe–Luchazi languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone K.10 in Guthrie's classification.

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Chopi language

Chopi, also spelled Copi, Tschopi, and Txopi, is a Bantu language spoken along the southern coast of Mozambique.

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Chuwabu language

Chuwabo (Echuwabo), also spelled Cuabo and Txuwabo, is a Bantu language spoken along the central coast of Mozambique.

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Comorian language

Comorian (Shikomori or Shimasiwa, the "language of islands") is an official language in the Comoros (an independent country of islands in the Indian Ocean, off Mozambique and Madagascar) and widely spoken on the disputed territory of Mayotte, claimed by both France and Comoros.

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Kutchi-Swahili, or Cutchi-Swahili, is a Swahili-based creole spoken among the Indian population of East Africa.

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Dahl's law

Dahl's law is a sound rule in some of the Northeast Bantu languages, a case of voicing dissimilation.

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Dengese language

Dengese (Lengese, Ndengese) is a Bantu language of northern Kasai-Oriental Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Digo language

Digo (Chidigo) is a Bantu language spoken primarily along the East African coast between Mombasa and Tanga by the Digo people of Kenya and Tanzania.

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Ding language

Ding (also called Di or Dzing) is a Bantu language that is spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Doe language

Doe (Dohe) is a Bantu language of the Pwani region of Tanzania.

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Doko language (Bantu)

Doko is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Duala language

Duala (also spelt Douala, Diwala, Dwela, Dualla and Dwala) is a dialect cluster spoken by the Duala and Mungo peoples of Cameroon.

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Duma language

Duma is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon.

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Dzando language

Dzando is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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East Teke language

East Teke is a member of the Teke dialect continuum of the Congolese plateau.

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Embu language

Embu, also known as Kîembu, is a Bantu language of Kenya.

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Engsh is a cant that originated in Nairobi, Kenya in the 1980s.

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Enya language

Enya is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Ethnologue: Languages of the World is an annual reference publication in print and online that provides statistics and other information on the living languages of the world.

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Eton language

Eton, or Ìtón, is a Bantu language spoken by the Eton people of Cameroon.

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Ewondo language

Ewondo or Kolo is the language of the Ewondo people (more precisely Beti be Kolo or simply Kolo-Beti) of Cameroon.

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Ewondo Populaire

Ewondo Populair is a Beti-based pidgin of Cameroon, spoken in the area of the capital Yaoundé.

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Fa’ language

The Fa’ language, Lefa’ (also Fak or Lefa), is one of the Bantu languages of Cameroon.

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Fanagalo is a pidgin (simplified language) based primarily on Zulu, with English and a small Afrikaans input.

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Fang language

Fang is a Central African language spoken by around 1 million people in Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, São Tomé and Príncipe, and the Congo Republic.

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Fengu people

The Fengu (plural amaFengu) are a Bantu people, originally closely related to the Zulu people, but now often considered to have assimilated to the Xhosa people whose language they now speak.

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Fipa language

Fipa (Fipa: Ichifipa) is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Fuliiru language

Fuliiru (Furiiru, Kifuliiru, Fulero) is a Great Lakes Bantu language spoken by the Fuliiru people (Bafuliiru), also known as the Fuliru or Fulero, who live north and west of the town of Uvira in Uvira Territory, South Kivu province in the far eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Fuumu language

Fuumu is a member of the Teke languages dialect continuum of the Congolese plateau.

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Fwe language

Fwe, or Chifwe, is a Bantu language spoken by 10,000 people along the Okavango River in Namibia and in the Western Province in Zambia.

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Gciriku language

Gciriku or Dciriku (Diriku) or Dirico (in Angola), also known as Manyo or Rumanyo, is a Bantu language spoken by 305,000 people along the Okavango River in Namibia, Botswana and Angola.

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Gendza language

Gendza (Ligendza, Digenja) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Gengele creole

Gengele is a Shabunda- and Kusu-based creole of Kindu, DR Congo.

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Gogo language

Gogo is a Bantu language spoken by the Gogo people of Dodoma Region in Tanzania.

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Great Lakes Bantu languages

The Great Lakes Bantu languages, also known as Lacustrine Bantu and Bantu zone J, are a group of Bantu languages of East Africa.

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Guitonga language (Mozambique)

Guitonga (sometimes spelled Gitonga, also less frequently also called Tonga) is a Bantu language spoken along the southern coast of Mozambique.

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Gungu language

Gungu is a Bantu language of Uganda.

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Gunu language

The Gunu language (Nu Gunu or Nugunu) is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.

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Guru language

Guru, or Boguru, is a poorly documented South Sudanese Bantu language of uncertain affiliation (though listed as unclassified Zone D.30 by Guthrie).

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Gusii language

The Gusii language (also known as Kisii or Ekegusii) is a Bantu language spoken in the Kisii district in western Kenya, whose headquarters is Kisii town, (between the Kavirondo Gulf of Lake Victoria and the border with Tanzania).

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Gweno language

Gweno is a Bantu language spoken in the North Pare Mountains in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania.

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Gwere language

Gwere, or Lugwere, is the language spoken by the Gwere people (Bagwere), a Bantu people found in the eastern part of Uganda.

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Ha language

Ha, also known with the Bantu language prefix as Giha, Ikiha, or Kiha, is a Bantu language spoken by the Ha people of the Kigoma Region of Tanzania, spoken on the eastern side of Lake Tanganyika up to the headwaters of the Mikonga.

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Habla Congo

Habla Congo or Habla Bantu is a Kongo-based liturgical language of the Palo religion with origins in Cuba, later spreading to other countries in the Caribbean Basin.

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Hangaza language

Hangaza is a Bantu language spoken by the Hangaza people of Tanzania.

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Havu language

Havu or Haavu is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Haya language

Haya (Oluhaya; Swahili: Kihaya) is a Niger–Congo language spoken by the Haya people of Tanzania, in the south and southwest coast of Lake Victoria.

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Hehe language

Hehe is a Bantu language spoken by the Hehe people of the Iringa region of Tanzania, lying south of the Great Ruaha River.

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Hema language

Hema is a Bantu language and one of three languages spoken by the Hema people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Hemba language

Hemba (Emba), also known as Eastern Luba, is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Hendo language

Hendo, also known as Songomeno, is a Bantu language in Kasai-Occidental Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Herero language

Herero (Otjiherero) is a language of the Bantu subfamily of the Niger–Congo group.

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Hijuk language

Hijuk is a minor Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Himba language

Himba (Himbaka), also known as Simba, is a moribund Bantu language of Gabon.

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Hlubi language

Hlubi is a minor Bantu language of South Africa, traditionally considered a dialect of Swazi.

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Holoholo language

Holoholo is a Bantu language of DR Congo and formerly in Tanzania spoken by the Holoholo people on either side of Lake Tanganyika.

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Holu language

Holo is a Bantu language of Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Homa language

Homa is an extinct South Sudanese Bantu language of uncertain affiliation.

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Hunde language

Hunde (Kihunde; also Kobi, Rukobi) is a Great Lakes Bantu language spoken by the Hunde people in Nord-Kivu province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Hungana language

Hungana is an endangered Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Ibhili language

Vili (Ibhili) is a minor Bantu language of Gabon.

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Idaxo-Isuxa-Tiriki language

Idakho, Isukha, and Tirikhi (Luidakho, Luisukha, Lutirichi) are mutually intelligible Kenyan languages within the Luhya ethnic group.

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Ikizu language

Ikizu (Ikikizu, Kiikiizo) is a Bantu language spoken by the Ikizu peoples of Tanzania.

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Ikoma language

Ikoma, Nata, and Isenye are the ethnic names for a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Ila language

Ila (Chiila) is a language of Zambia.

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Ilwana language

Ilwana (Kiwilwana), or Malakote, is a minor Bantu language of Kenya.

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Iramba language

Iramba, also known as Nilamba (there is no distinction between and) is a Bantu language of spoken by the Nilamba and Iambi people of the Iramba District in Singida Region of Tanzania.

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Isanzu language

Isanzu is a Bantu language of spoken by the Isanzu people south of Lake Eyasi in Tanzania.

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ISO 639-3

ISO 639-3:2007, Codes for the representation of names of languages – Part 3: Alpha-3 code for comprehensive coverage of languages, is an international standard for language codes in the ISO 639 series.

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Jarawan languages

Jarawan is a dialect cluster that is closely related to, or perhaps a branch of, the Bantu languages.

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Jita language

Jita is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Kaalong language

Kaalong, also known as Dimbong (Mbong), is a nearly extinct Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Kabwa language

Kabwa (Ekikabwa) is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Kabwari language

Bwari, or Kabwari, is a minor Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Kafwe Twa

The Twa of the Kafue Flats wetlands of Zambia are one of several fishing and hunter-gatherer castes living in a patron–client relationship with farming Bantu peoples across central and southern Africa.

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Kagulu language

Kaguru (Kagulu) is a Bantu language of the Morogoro and Dodoma regions of Tanzania.

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Kahe language

The Kahe are an ethnic and linguistic group based southeast of Moshi in Kilimanjaro Region Tanzania.

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Kaiku language

Kaiku is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Kako language

Kako (also Mkako or Mkaka) is a Bantu language spoken mainly in Cameroon, with some speakers in the Central African Republic and the Republic of the Congo.

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Kalanga language

Kalanga, or TjiKalanga (in Zimbabwe), is a Bantu language spoken by the Kalanga people in Botswana and Zimbabwe.

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Kamba language

Kamba, or Kikamba, is a Bantu language that is spoken by the Kamba people of Kenya.

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Kami language (Tanzania)

Kami is a Bantu language of the Morogoro region of Tanzania.

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Kande language

Kande is an undocumented Bantu language of Gabon.

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Kango language (Bas-Uélé District)

Kango is a Bantu language spoken in the Bas-Uele District of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Kaning'i language

Kaningi (Kaning'i) is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon.

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Kanyok language

Kanyok (Kanioka) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Kaonde language

Kaonde (kiiKaonde) is a Bantu language spoken primarily in Zambia but also in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Kara language (Tanzania)

Kara, or Regi, is a Bantu language of Tanzania, spoken off Ukerewe Island in Lake Victoria.

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Kari language

Kare or Kari is a poorly documented Congolese Bantu language of uncertain affiliation (though listed as unclassified Zone D.30 by Guthrie).

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Kavango – Southwest Bantu languages

The Kavango – Southwest Bantu languages are a group of Bantu languages established by Anita Pfouts (2003).

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Kebwe language

Kebwe (Mikebwe) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Kela-Yela language

Kela (Ikela, Okela), or Lemba, and Yela are a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo spoken by several hundred thousand people in the Kasai-Oriental, where the language is called "Kela", and Équateur Province, where it is called "Yela".

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Kele language (Congo)

The Kele language, or Lokele, is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by the Kele people.

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Kele language (Gabon)

Kele is a Bantu language of Gabon.

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Kele languages

The Kele or Sheke languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone B.20 in Guthrie's classification.

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Kele–Tsogo languages

Kele–Tsogo is a proposed intermediate group of Bantu languages, coded Zone B.10–30 in Guthrie's classification.

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Kerewe language

Kerewe, or Kerebe, is a Bantu language of Tanzania, spoken on Ukerewe Island in Lake Victoria, the largest inland island in Africa.

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Kete language

Kete is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Kgalagadi language

Kgalagadi is one of the Bantu languages spoken in Botswana, along the South African border and in Namibia.

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Khayo language

Khayo (Xaayo) is a Bantu language spoken by the Luhya people of Kenya.

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Ki language

The Ki language, Tuki (Baki, Oki), is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.

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Kiga language

Kiga (also called Rukiga, Ruchiga, or Chiga) is the native language of the Kiga people (Bakiga).

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KiKAR (also known as Kikeya) is, or was, a Swahili pidgin spoken among the King's African Rifles (KAR) of British colonial East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Malawi).

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Kikuyu language

Kikuyu or Gikuyu (Gĩkũyũ) is a language of the Bantu family spoken primarily by the Kikuyu people (Agĩkũyũ) of Kenya.

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Kilombero languages

The Kilombero languages are a group of Bantu languages of Tanzania established in Nurse (1988).

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Kimbu language

Kimbu is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Kimbundu, or North Mbundu, one of two Bantu languages called Mbundu (see Umbundu), is the second-most-widely spoken Bantu language in Angola.

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Kimbundu languages

The Kimbundu languages are a group of Bantu languages coded Zone H.20 in Guthrie's classification.

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Kinga language

Kinga is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Kinyarwanda; known as Igifumbira in Uganda) is an official language of Rwanda and a dialect of the Rwanda-Rundi language spoken by 12 million people in Rwanda, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and adjacent parts of southern Uganda. (The Kirundi dialect is the official language of neighbouring Burundi.) Kinyarwanda is one of the four official languages of Rwanda (along with English, French and Kiswahili) and is spoken by almost all of the native population. That contrasts with most modern African states, whose borders were drawn by colonial powers and do not correspond to ethnic boundaries or precolonial kingdoms.

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Kirundi, also known as Rundi, is a Bantu language spoken by 9 million people in Burundi and adjacent parts of Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as in Uganda.

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Kisi language (Tanzania)

Kisi is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Kitara language

The Kitara language, commonly known as Runyakitara, is an artificial standard language based on four closely related languages of western Uganda.

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Kituba language

Kituba is a widely used lingua franca in Central Africa.

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Kogo language

Kogo, also referred to as Bakoko and Basoo, is a Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Kol language (Cameroon)

Kol is a Niger–Congo language of the Bantu family.

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Kombe language

The Kombe language, or Ngumbi, is a Coastal Bantu language spoken by the Kombe people of Equatorial Guinea, one of the Ndowe peoples of the coast.

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Komo language (Bantu)

Komo is a Bantu language spoken by half a million people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including an area around the major upriver port of Kisangani.

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Komo–Bira languages

The Komo–Bira languages are part of the Bantu languages coded Zone D.20–30 in Guthrie's classification, specifically D.21, D.22, D.23, D.31, D.32.

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Kongo language

Kongo or Kikongo is one of the Bantu languages spoken by the Kongo and Ndundu peoples living in the tropical forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo and Angola.

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Kongo languages

The Kongo languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone H.10 in Guthrie's classification.

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Konjo language (Bantu)

The Konjo (Konzo) language, variously rendered Rukonjo, Olukonjo, Olukonzo and Lhukonzo, is a Bantu language spoken by the Konjo people of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Kota language (Gabon)

Kota, or iKota, is an African language spoken by the Bakota people.

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Koti language

The Koti language, or Ekoti (pronounced), is a Bantu language spoken in Mozambique by about 64,200 people, the Koti people (Akoti).

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Koyo language (Congo)

Koyo (Ekoyo) is a Bantu language of the Republic of Congo.

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Kpwe language

Kpwe (Mokpwe) is a Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Kuba language

Kuba (Likuba, Kyba) is a Bantu language of Kasai, Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Kuhane language

Kuhane, or Subiya (also known as Kwahane, Chikuahane, Chikwahane, Ciikuhane or Mbalang'we), is a Bantu language spoken by 35,000 people along the Zambezi River in Namibia, Zambia and Botswana.

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Kukuya language

The Kukuya language, Kikukuya, also transcribed Kukẅa and known as Southern Teke, is a member of the Teke dialect continuum of the Congolese plateau.

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Kula language (Bantu)

Kula (Likula) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Kunda language

Kunda (Chikunda) is a Bantu language of Zimbabwe and Zambia, with a few thousand speakers in Mozambique.

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Kunyi language

Kunyi is a Bantu language spoken in R. Congo.

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Kuria language

Kuria is spoken by the Kuria peoples of Northern Tanzania, with some speakers also residing in Kenya.

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Kusu language

Kusu (Kutsu) is a Bantu language of Maniema Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Kutu language

Kutu is a Bantu language of the Morogoro region of Tanzania.

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Kuvale language

Kuvale is a southern Bantu language spoken in Angola, in the middle of a large Umbundu -speaking area.

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Kwakum language

Kwakum is a Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Kwala language

Kwala (Likwala) is a Bantu language of the Republic of Congo.

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Kwambi dialect

Kwambi or Otshikwambi is a dialect of the Ovambo language spoken by the Kwambi tribe in Northern Namibia.

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Kwangali language

Kwangali, or RuKwangali, is a Bantu language spoken by 85,000 people along the Okavango River in Namibia, where it is a national language, and in Angola.

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Kwangwa language

Kwangwa (Kwanga) is a Bantu language of Zambia.

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Kwanyama dialect

Kwanyama or Oshikwanyama is a national language of Angola and Namibia.

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Kwasio language

The Kwasio language, also known as Ngumba / Mvumbo, Bujeba, and Gyele / Kola, is a language of Cameroon, spoken in the south along the coast and at the border with Equatorial Guinea by some 70 000 members of the Ngumba, Kwasio, Gyele and Mabi peoples.

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Kwaya language

Kwaya is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Kwere language

Ngh’wele, or Kwere, is a Bantu language of the Morogoro and Dodoma regions of Tanzania.

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Kwese language

Kwese is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Kwisi people

The Kwisi are a seashore-fishing and hunter-gatherer people of southwest Angola that physically seem to be a remnant of an indigenous population—along with the Kwadi, the Cimba, and the Damara—that are unlike either the San (Bushmen) or the Bantu.

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Lala language (South Africa)

Lala is a Bantu language of South Africa, claimed to be extinct in some sources.

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Lala-Bisa language

Lala-Bisa is a Bantu language of Zambia that is closely related to Bemba.

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Lalia language

Lalia is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Lamba language

Lamba is a language found in Zambia and is commonly spoken in the Copperbelt.

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Lambya language

Lambya (Rambia) is a Bantu language of Tanzania and Malawi.

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Langa language

Langa is a Bantu language of Maniema Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Lebonya languages

Lebonya is a proposed intermediate group of Bantu languages coded Zone D in Guthrie's classification.

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Lega language

Lega is a Bantu language, or dialect cluster, of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Lega–Binja languages

The Lega–Binja languages are part of the Bantu languages coded Zone D.20 in Guthrie's classification, specifically D.24–26, which according to Nurse & Philippson (2003) form a valid clade.

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Lele language (Bantu)

Lele (also spelled Bashilele, Usilele) is a language spoken mainly in the west edge of the Kasai-Occidental Province, in Ilebo and Tshikapa territories; the extreme east of the Bandundu Province, in Idiofa and Gungu territories of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Lengola language

Lengola (Lengora) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Lengue language

The Lengue language, also called Molengue, Balengue, Molendji, is a Bantu language of southern Equatorial Guinea, spoken by the Lengue people between Bata and the Gabon border near the coast.

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Lenje language

Lenje is a Bantu language of central Zambia.

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Leti language (Cameroon)

Leti is a Bantu language of Cameroon, spoken by the Mengisa people.

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Lia-Ntomba language

Ntomba and Lia (Bolia) are closely related Bantu languages of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, close enough to be considered dialects of a single Lia-Ntomba language.

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Lika language

Lika (Liko) is a poorly documented Congolese Bantu language of uncertain affiliation, though it has been included in Boan.

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Likile language

Likile is a Bantu language of the Soko–Kele group, spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Limba language (Cameroon)

Limba (Malimba, Mulimba) is a Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Linga language

Linga (Elinga) is a Bantu language of the Soko–Kele group, spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Lingala (Ngala) is a Bantu language spoken throughout the northwestern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a large part of the Republic of the Congo, as well as to some degree in Angola and the Central African Republic.

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Logooli language

Logoli (Logooli) is a Bantu language with several hundred thousand speakers in Kenya and a few hundred speakers in Mara Region, Tanzania.

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Loki dialect

Loki (Boloki), or Ruki, is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Lombo language

The Lombo language (also called Olombo, Turumbu, Ulumbu) is in the Kele language group of Bantu languages.

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Lomwe language

The Lomwe (Lowe) language, Elomwe, also known as Western Makua, is the fourth-largest language in Mozambique.

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Londo language

Londo (Bolondo) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Losengo language

Losengo (Lusengo) is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Lozi language

Lozi, also known as siLozi and Rozi, is a Bantu language of the Niger–Congo language family within the Sotho–Tswana branch of Zone S (S.30), that is spoken by the Lozi people, primarily in southwestern Zambia and in surrounding countries.

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Luba-Kasai language

Luba-Kasai, also known as Western Luba, Bena-Lulua, Ciluba/Tshiluba, Luba-Lulua or Luva, is a Bantu language (Zone L) of Central Africa and an official language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, alongside Lingala, Swahili, and Kikongo.

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Luba-Katanga language

Luba-Katanga, also known as Luba-Shaba and Kiluba, is one of the two major Bantu languages spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo called "Luba".

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Luban languages

The Luban languages are a group of Bantu languages established by Christine Ahmed (1995).

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Luchazi language

Luchazi (Lucazi, Chiluchazi) is a Bantu language of Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Namibia and Zambia.

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Luganda, or Ganda (Oluganda), is one of the major languages in Uganda and is spoken by more than five million Baganda and other people principally in central Uganda, including the capital Kampala of Uganda.

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Luguru language

Luguru is a Bantu language spoken by the Luguru people of the Morogoro region of Tanzania.

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Luhya language

Luhya (also Luyia, Luhia or Luhiya) is a Bantu language of western Kenya.

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Luimbi language

Luimbi (Lwimbi) is a minor Bantu language of Angola.

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Lumbu language

Lumbu is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon and the Republic of Congo.

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Luna language

Luna is a Bantu language of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Lunda language

Lunda, also known as Chilunda, is a Bantu language spoken in Zambia, Angola and, to a lesser extent, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

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Lunda languages

The Lunda languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone L.50 in Guthrie's classification.

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Luvale language

Luvale (also spelt Chiluvale, Lovale, Lubale, Luena, Lwena) is a Bantu language spoken by the Lovale people of Angola and Zambia.

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Luyana language

Luyana (Luyaana), also known as Luyi (Louyi, Lui, Rouyi), is a Bantu language spoken in Zambia and perhaps in small numbers in neighboring countries.

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Lwalu language

Lwalu, also known as Lwalwa, is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Mahongwe language

Mahongwe is an undocumented and threatened Bantu language spoken in Gabon.

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Makaa language

Makaa (Maka), or South Makaa, is a Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Makaa–Njem languages

The Makaa–Njem languages are a group of Bantu languages spoken in Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and the Republic of the Congo.

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Makhuwa language

Makhuwa (Emakhuwa; also spelt Makua and Macua) is the primary Bantu language of northern Mozambique.

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Makonde language

Makonde, or Kimakonde, is the language spoken by the Makonde, an ethnic group in southeast Tanzania and northern Mozambique.

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Makua languages

The Makua or Makhuwa languages are a branch of Bantu languages spoken primarily in Mozambique.

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Makwe language

The Makwe (Macue) language, Kimakwe, is a close relative of Swahili spoken on the coast of the Cabo Delgado Province of Mozambique, and across the border in Tanzania.

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Malawi Lomwe language

Malawi Lomwe, known as Elhomwe, is a dialect of the Lomwe language spoken in southeastern Malawi.

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Malcolm Guthrie

Malcolm Guthrie (10 February 1903 – 22 November 1972) was a professor of Bantu languages at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London and is known primarily for his classification of Bantu languages (Guthrie 1971).

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Malila language

Malila is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Mambwe-Lungu language

The Mambwe and Lungu peoples living at the southern end of Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania and Zambia speak a common language with minor dialectical differences.

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Manda language (Tanzania)

Manda, or Manda-Matumba, is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Mandi language

The Mandi language, Nomaande (or Lemande), is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.

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Manenguba language

Manenguba, also known as Ngoe or the Mbo cluster, is a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon.

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Manyika dialect

Manyika is a dialect of the Shona language largely spoken by the Manyika people in the eastern part of Zimbabwe and across the border in Mozambique.

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Marachi language

Marachi is a Bantu language spoken by the Luhya people of Kenya.

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Masaba language

Masaba (Lumasaaba), sometimes known as Gisu (Lugisu) after one of its dialects, is a Bantu language spoken by more than two million people in East Africa.

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Mashi language

Mashi (Kamaxi), or Kwandu, is a Bantu language of Zambia, Bukavu, Congo and Angola.

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Matengo language

Matengo is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Matumbi language

Matuumbi, also known as Kimatuumbi and Kimatumbi, is a language spoken in Tanzania in the Kipatimu region of the Kilwa District, south of the Rufiji river.

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Mbala language

Mbala (Gimbala, Rumbala) is a Bantu language of the Congo.

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Mbali language

Mbali (Olumbali, Kimbari) is a minor Bantu language of Angola, spoken on the coast on the southern edge of the large Umbundu-speaking area and the northern end of the uninhabited Namib desert.

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Mbam languages

The Mbam languages are a group of erstwhile zone-A Bantu languages which some lexicostatistical studies suggest are not actually Bantu, but related Southern Bantoid languages.

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Mbama language

Mbaama (Lembaamba) is a Bantu language spoken in the Bambama District (Lekoumou Region) of the Republic of Congo and in Haut-Ogooué Province, south of Okondja, in Gabon by the Obamba people.

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Mbamba Bay language

Mbamba Bay is the language spoken along the shores of Mbamba Bay of Lake Malawi, variously (and ambiguously) known as Mwera or Nyasa, is a poorly attested Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Mbandja language

Mbandja (Banja, Mbanza) is the largest of the Banda languages.

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Mbangala language

Mbangala (Bangala) is a Bantu language of Angola.

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Mbangwe language

Mbangwe (Mbaŋwe, Mbahouin) is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon and the Congo.

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Mbati language

Mbati, also known as Songo, is the principal Bantu language spoken in the Central African Republic, along the Ubangi River in the extreme south of the country.

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Mbere language

Mbere (Mbede, Mbete) is a Bantu language spoken in the Republic of Congo and Gabon.

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Mbesa language

Mbesa is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Mbete languages

The Mbete (Mbere) languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone B.60 in Guthrie's classification.

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Mbo language (Congo)

The Mbo language (or Imbo, Kimbo) is spoken by the Mbo people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Mboko language

Mboko (Mboxo) is a Bantu language of the Republic of Congo.

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Mbole language

Mbole is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Mbole–Enya languages

The Mbole–Enya languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone D.10 in Guthrie's classification.

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Mboshi languages

The Mboshi languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone C.20 in Guthrie's classification.

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Mboshi–Buja languages

The Mboshi–Buja languages are a proposed intermediate clade of Bantu languages that comprise a large part of Guthrie's Zone C.

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Mbosi language

Mbosi (Mboshi) is a Bantu language spoken in the Republic of Congo.

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Mbowe language

Mbowe (Esimbowe) is a Bantu language of Zambia.

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Mbugu language

Mbugu, or Ma’a, is a mixed language of Tanzania.

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Mbugwe language

Mbugwe or Mbuwe (Kimbugwe) is a Bantu language of spoken by the Mbugwe people of Lake Manyara in the Manyara Region of Central Tanzania.

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Mbugwe–Rangi languages

Mbugwe–Rangi are a pair of Bantu languages left after the languages of Zone F.30 in Guthrie's classification were reclassified.

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Mbukushu language

Mbukushu or Thimbukushu is a Bantu language spoken by 45,000 people along the Okavango River in Namibia, where it is a national language and in Botswana, Angola and Zambia.

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Mbule language

Mbule, also called Dumbule or Mbola, is an endangered Southern Bantoid language spoken by a few people in central Cameroon.

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Mbunda language

Mbunda is a Bantu language of Angola and Zambia.

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Mbunga language

Mbunga is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Meru language

Meru is the language spoken by the Meru people (Ameru) who live on the Eastern and Northern slopes of Mount Kenya, Kenya, Africa and on the Nyambene ranges.

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Metombola language

Metombola is a minor Bantu language of Gabon.

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Mfinu language

Mfinu is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Mijikenda language

Mijikenda is a Bantu dialect cluster spoken mostly in Kenya, with about 100,000 speakers in Tanzania.

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Mituku language

Mituku is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Mongo language

Mongo, also called Nkundo or Mongo-Nkundu (Lomongo, Lonkundu), is a Bantu language spoken by several of the Mongo peoples in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Moniga language

Moniga, or Makhuwa-Moniga, is a Bantu language spoken by a quarter million Makua people in Mozambique.

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Mpama language

Mpama (Pama) is a Bantu language of Kasai, Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Mpiemo language

Mpiemo (Bimu) is a Bantu language of the Central African Republic.

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Mpoto language

Mpoto is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Mpumpong language

Mpumpong (Mpongmpong) is a Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Mpuono language

Mpuono, or Mpuun, is a Bantu language spoken by several hundred thousand people in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Mwanga language

Mwanga, or Namwanga (Nyamwanga), is a Bantu language spoken by the Mwanga people in the Northern Province of Zambia (mainly in the districts of Isoka and Nakonde) and in Mbeya Region, Tanzania.

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Mwani language

The Mwani language, or Kimwani (pronounced), is spoken on the coast of the Cabo Delgado Province of Mozambique, including the Quirimbas Islands.

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Mwele language

Mwele is a minor Bantu language of Gabon.

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Mwera language

Mwera is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Myene language

Myene is a cluster of closely related Bantu varieties spoken in Gabon by about 46,000 people.

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Nande language

Nande, also known as (Oru)Ndandi and Yira, is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Nathembo language

Nathembo, or Sakati (Sangaji), is a Bantu language spoken by the Makua people of Mozambique.

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Ndaka language

The Ndaka language (or Indaaka, Ndaaka) is spoken by the Ndaka people in the Ituri Province, Mambasa Territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Ndali language

Ndali, or Chindali, is a Bantu language spoken by an increasing population in southern Tanzania of 150,000 (1987) and in northern Malawi by 70,000 (2003).

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Ndamba language

Chindamba is classified as a Bantu language.

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Ndambomo language

Ndambomo is a minor Bantu language of Gabon.

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Ndasa language

Ndasa is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon and the Congo.

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Ndau dialect

Ndau (also called chiNdau, Chindau, Ndzawu, Njao, Sofala, Southeast Shona, Chidanda) is a Bantu language spoken by 1,400,000 people in central Mozambique and southeastern Zimbabwe.

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Ndendeule language

Ndendeule is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Ndengereko language

Ndengereko, also known as Rufiji (Fiji, Ruihi) after the local river, is a Bantu language of the Matumbi hills, near Kibiti, and near Mchukivi and Bungu, Tanzania.

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Ndolo dialect

Ndolo is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by 8,000 people.

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Ndombe language

Ndombe (Dombe) is a Bantu language of Angola.

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Ndonga dialect

Ndonga, also called Oshindonga, is a Bantu language spoken in Namibia and parts of Angola.

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Ndumu language

Nduumo (Mindumbu) is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon.

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Nen language

The Nen language, Tunen (Banen), is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.

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Ngando language

Ngando is a Bantu language in the Soko-Kele languages group that is spoken by the Ngando people in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Ngando language (Central African Republic)

Ngando is a Bantu macrolanguage of the Central African Republic, and according to Glottolog includes the Kota/Dikota language, and the Dikuta language.

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Ngbee language

Ngbee is an extinct Bantu language of uncertain affiliation.

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Ngbinda language

Ngbinda is a poorly documented Congolese Bantu language of uncertain affiliation (though listed as unclassified Zone D.30 by Guthrie).

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Ngelima language

Ngelima, or Angba (Leangba), is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Ngindo language

Ngindo is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Ngiri language

Ngiri is a Bantu language closely related to Lingala.

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Ngombe language

Ngombe, or Lingombe, is a Bantu language spoken by about 150,000 people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Ngondi language

Ngondi (Ingundi) is a Bantu language of the Republic of Congo.

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Ngondi–Ngiri languages

The Ngondi–Ngiri languages are a clade of Bantu languages.

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Ngoni language

Ngoni is a Bantu language of Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Malawi.

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Ngoreme language

Ngurimi (Ngoreme) is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Ngubi language

Ngubi (Ngove) is a minor Bantu language of Gabon.

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Ngulu language

Ngulu is a Bantu language spoken in east-central Tanzania.

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Nhlangwini language

Nhlangwini (Hlangwane) is a Bantu language of South Africa.

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Nindi language

Nindi is a minor Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Njebi language

Njebi (or Nzebi, Njabi, Yinjebi) is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon and the Republic of Congo.

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Njem language

Njem (Njyem) is a Bantu language of Congo and Cameroon.

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Nkongho language

Nkongho, or Upper Mbo, is a poorly known Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Nkore language

Nkore (also called Nkole, Nyankore, Nyankole, Orunyankore, Orunyankole, Runyankore and Runyankole) is a Bantu language spoken by the Nkore ("Banyankore") and Hima peoples of south-western Uganda in the former province of Ankole.

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Nkoya language

Nkoya is a Bantu language of Zambia.

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Nkumbi language

Nkumbi, or Khumbi, is a Bantu language of Angola.

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Nkutu language

Nkutu (Nkuchu, Kitkutshu) is a Bantu language of northern Kasai-Oriental Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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North Teke language

North Teke, or Tɛgɛ (Tege, Teghe, Itege), is a member of the Teke languages dialect continuum of the Congolese plateau.

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Northeast Bantu languages

The Northeast Bantu languages are a group of Bantu languages spoken in East Africa.

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Northeast Coast Bantu languages

The Northeast Coast Bantu languages are the Bantu languages spoken along the coast of Tanzania and Kenya, and including inland Tanzania as far as Dodoma.

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Northern Ndebele language

Northern Ndebele, also called Sindebele, Zimbabwean Ndebele or North Ndebele, and formerly known as Matabele, is an African language belonging to the Nguni group of Bantu languages, spoken by the Northern Ndebele people, or Matabele, of Zimbabwe.

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Northern Sotho language

Northern Sotho (Sesotho sa Leboa), also (incorrectly) known by the name of its standardised dialect version Sepedi (or Pedi) is a Bantu language spoken primarily in South Africa, where it is one of the 11 official languages.

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Nsenga language

Nsenga, also known as Senga, is a Bantu language of Zambia and Mozambique, occupying an area on the plateau that forms the watershed between the Zambezi and Luangwa river systems.

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Nsongo language

Songo (Nsongo) is a Bantu language of Angola.

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Nyakyusa language

Nyakyusa, or Nyakyusa-Ngonde, is a Bantu language of Tanzania and Malawi spoken by the Nyakyusa people around the northern end of Lake Malawi.

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Nyali language

Nyali, or North Nyali, is a minor Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Nyali languages

The Nyali languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone D.33 in Guthrie's classification.

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Nyambo language

The Nyambo, or Ragwe, are a Bantu ethnic and linguistic group based in the Karagwe District of Kagera Region in far northwestern Tanzania.

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Nyamwezi language

Nyamwezi is a major Bantu language of central Tanzania.

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Nyaneka language

Nyaneka is a Bantu language of Angola.

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Nyanga language

The Nyanga language (native name Kinyanga) is a language spoken by the Nyanga people in Kivu province, north-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Nyanga-li language

Nyanga-li (Linyanga-le) is a Bantu language in Orientale Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Nyanga–Buyi languages

Nyanga–Buyi are a pair of Bantu languages left after the languages of Zone D.40–50 in Guthrie's classification were reclassified.

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Nyasa languages

The Nyasa languages are an apparently valid genealogical group of Bantu languages.

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Nyengo language

Nyengo (Nhengo) is a minor Bantu language of Angola.

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Nyiha language

Nyiha (Nyixa, Nyika) is a Bantu language primarily spoken in Tanzania and Zambia.

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Nyole language (Kenya)

Nyole (also Olunyole, Lunyole, Lunyore, Nyoole, Nyore, Olunyore) is a Bantu language spoken by the Luhya people in Vihiga District, Kenya.

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Nyole language (Uganda)

Nyole (also LoNyole, Lunyole, Nyuli) is a Bantu language spoken by the Luhya people in Tororo District, Uganda near Lake Kyoga.

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Nyoro language

The Nyoro language (autonym: Runyoro) is a local language of the Nyoro people of Uganda.

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Nyungwe language

Nyungwe (Cinyungwe or Nhungue) is a Bantu language of Mozambique.

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Nzadi language

Nzadi is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, "from Kwamuntu to Ilebo along the north side of the Kasai River in Bandundu Province." The number of speakers of Nzadi is not known, but is estimated to be in the thousands.

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Nzebi languages

The Nzebi languages are a series of Bantu languages spoken in the western Congo and in Gabon.

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Nzime language

Nzime (Koonzime) is a Bantu language of Cameroon, spoken by the Nzime and Dwe'e (Bajwe'e) people.

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Ombo language

Ombo is a Bantu language of Maniema Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Oroko language

Oroko, also Bakundu-Balue or Balundu-Bima, is a poorly known Bantu dialect cluster spoken in Cameroon.

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Ovambo language

The Ovambo language, Oshiwambo, is a dialect cluster spoken by the Ovambo people in Angola and northern Namibia, of which the written standards are Kwanyama and Ndonga.

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Pagibete language

Pagibete is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Pande language

Pande, also known as Pande-Gongo after its two dialects, is a Bantu language of the Central African Republic.

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Pangwa language

The Pangwa are an ethnic and linguistic group based in the Kipengere Range on the eastern shore of Lake Malawi, in the Ludewa District of Njombe Region in southern Tanzania.

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Pare language

Pare (Kipare), also known as Asu (Casu, Chasu, Athu, Chathu), is a Northeast Coast Bantu spoken by the Pare people of Tanzania.

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Pende language

Pende (Phende) is a Bantu language of the Congo.

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Pende languages

The Pende or Holu languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone L.10 in Guthrie's classification.

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Penja language

Penja is a possibly extinct Bantu language of southern Tanzania, near the north end of Lake Malawi.

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Phuthi language

Phuthi (Síphùthì) is a Nguni Bantu language spoken in southern Lesotho and areas in South Africa adjacent to the same border.

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Pimbwe language

The Pimbwe are an ethnic and linguistic group based in the Rukwa Region of western Tanzania, in the neighbourhood of Mpimbwe to the northwest of Lake Rukwa.

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Pinji language

Pinzi (Pinji: Apinji, Gapinji) is a Bantu language of Gabon.

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Pogolo language

The Pogoro (also Pogolo) are an ethnic and linguistic peoples based in Iringa Region and Morogoro Region, Tanzania.

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Poke language

The Poke language (also called Puki, Tofoke, Topoke or Tovoke), is in the Soko–Kele languages group of Bantu languages.

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Pokomo language

Pokomo (Kipfokomo) is a Bantu language spoken primarily along the East African coast near Tana River in the Tana River District by the Pokomo people of Kenya.

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Pol language

Pol is a Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Pretoria Sotho

Pretoria Sotho, or Pretoria Tswana (affectionately called Sepitori by its speakers), is the urban lingua franca of Pretoria and the Tshwane metropolitan area in South Africa.

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Punu language

Punu is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon and the Republic of Congo.

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Rangi language

Rangi or Langi (there is no distinction between and; also known as Irangi, Kilaangi, etc.) is a Bantu language of spoken by the Rangi people of Kondoa District in the Dodoma Region of Central Tanzania.

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Roger Blench

Roger Marsh Blench (born 1953) is a British linguist, ethnomusicologist and development anthropologist.

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Rombi language

Rombi (Lombi) is a Bantu language spoken in the Meme department of the Southwest Province of southwestern Cameroon by the Barombi (Barumbi, Balombi) people.

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Rombo language

The Rombo language, or Kirombo, is a Bantu language of Tanzania spoken by the Chaga people, in the Chaga area of the Kilimanjaro region.

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Ronga language

Ronga (XiRonga; sometimes ShiRonga or GiRonga) is a south-eastern Bantu language in the Tswa–Ronga family spoken just south of Maputo in Mozambique.

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Rufiji–Ruvuma languages

The Rufiji–Ruvuma languages are a group of Bantu languages established by Gloria Waite (1979) and subsequent researchers: N10 (less Manda), P10 (Ngindo moved to N10), P20.

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Rukwa languages

The Rukwa languages are a group of Bantu languages established by Nurse (1988) and Fourshey (2002).

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Rungwa language

Rungwa is a Bantu language of the Rukwa Region of western Tanzania.

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Rusa language

The Rusa (Rusha) language, also known as Arusha-Chini, is one of the Bantu languages of Tanzania spoken by the Chaga people.

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Ruuli language

Ruli (Ruuli) is the Bantu language spoken by the Ruli and Nyara people (Baruli and Banyara) of Uganda.

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Ruund language

Ruund (Ruwund), also known as Northern Lunda or Uruund, is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola.

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Sabaki languages

The Sabaki languages are the Bantu languages of the Swahili Coast, named for the Sabaki River.

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Sabi languages

The Sabi languages are a group of Bantu languages established by Christine Ahmed (1995).

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Safwa language

Safwa is a Bantu language spoken by the Safwa people of the Mbeya Region of Tanzania.

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Sagara language

Sagara (Sagala) is a Bantu language of the Morogoro and Dodoma regions of Tanzania.

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Sakata language

Sakata is a Bantu dialect cluster of DR Congo.

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Sake language

Shake (Sake) is an undocumented and threatened Bantu language spoken in Gabon.

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Salampasu language

Salampasu (Luntu) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Sama language (Angola)

Sama is a Bantu language of Angola that appears to be closely related to Kimbundu.

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Samay language

Samay (Osamayi, also Sama) is a minor Bantu language of Gabon.

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Samia language

Samia (Saamia) is a Bantu language spoken by the Luhya people of Uganda and Kenya.

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Sanga language (Bantu)

Sanga, or Luba-Sanga, is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Sangu language (Gabon)

Sangu (also spelled Chango, Isangu, Shango, Yisangou, and Yisangu) is a language spoken in Gabon by approximately 20,900 (2000) Masangu people.

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Sangu language (Tanzania)

Sangu (also called Kisangu, Kisango, Kirori, Eshisango, Rori, and Sango) is a language spoken in Tanzania by approximately 75,000 (1987) Sangu people.

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Sawabantu languages

Sawabantu languages are a group of Bantu languages comprising most of zones A.20 and A.30 of Guthrie's classification, and most likely also part of zone A.10.

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Seba language

Seba (Sewa) is a Bantu language of DR Congo.

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Seki language

Seki, also Baseke, Sheke or Sekiana, is a language indigenous to Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.

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Sena language

Sena is a Bantu language spoken in the four provinces of central Mozambique (Zambezi valley): Tete, Sofala, Zambezia and Manica.

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Sengele language

Sengele is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Settler Swahili

Settla (Kisetla), or Settler Swahili, is a Swahili pidgin mainly spoken in large European settlements in Kenya and Zambia.

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Shambala language

Shambala or Shambaa is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Shanjo language

Shanjo (Sanjo) is a Bantu language of Zambia.

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Sheng slang

Sheng is a Swahili and English-based cant, perhaps a mixed language or creole, originating among the urban underclass of Nairobi, Kenya, and influenced by many of the languages spoken there.

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Shi language

Shi, or Nyabungu, is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Shinji language

Shinji (Sinji), or Yungo, is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, between Mbangala and Yaka.

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Shira language

Shira is a Bantu language of Gabon.

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Shiwe language

Shiwe (Chiwa,, Shiwa, Oshieba, Ossyeba), also known as "Fang Makina", is a Bantu language of central Gabon, near the related language Yambe.

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Shona language

Shona (chiShona) is the most widely spoken Bantu language as a first language and is native to the Shona people of Zimbabwe.

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Shona languages

The Shona languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone S.10 in Guthrie's classification.

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Shubi language

Shubi (Subi) is a Bantu language spoken in by the Shubi people in north-western Tanzania.

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Sidi language

Sidi, also known as Habsi (Abyssinian), is an extinct Bantu language of India, descended from Swahili.

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Sighu language

Sigu (Sighu) is an undocumented threatened Bantu language spoken in Gabon.

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SIL International

SIL International (formerly known as the Summer Institute of Linguistics) is a U.S.-based, worldwide, Christian non-profit organization, whose main purpose is to study, develop and document languages, especially those that are lesser-known, in order to expand linguistic knowledge, promote literacy, translate the Christian Bible into local languages, and aid minority language development.

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Simaa language

Simaa is a Bantu language of Zambia.

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Singa language

Singa is an extinct Bantu language of Uganda.

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Sira languages

The Sira languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone B.40 in Guthrie's classification.

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Socotra Swahili language

Socotra Swahili is an extinct variety of Swahili spoken on Socotra Island in Yemen.

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Soga language

Soga, or Lusoga, is a Bantu language spoken in Uganda.

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Soko language

Soko, or So (also Eso, Gesogo, Heso, Soa) is a language spoken, 1971, by about 6,000 people in the Orientale Province, north of Basoko in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Soko languages

The Soko or Soko–Kele languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone C.50–60 in Guthrie's classification.

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Soli language

Soli is a Bantu language of Zambia.

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Sonde language

Sonde is either of two Bantu languages of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Songe language

Songe, also known as Songye, Kisonge, Lusonge, Yembe, and Northeast Luba, is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Songola language

Songola (Songoora), or North Binja, is a minor Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Sonjo language

Sonjo, or Temi, is a Bantu language spoken in northern Tanzania, 30–40 miles west of Lake Natron.

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Sotho language

Sotho (Sesotho; also known as Southern Sotho, or Southern Sesotho, Historically also Suto, or Suthu, Souto, Sisutho, Sutu, or Sesutu, according to the pronunciation of the name.) is a Southern Bantu language of the Sotho-Tswana (S.30) group, spoken primarily in South Africa, where it is one of the 11 official languages, and in Lesotho, where it is the national language.

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Southern Bantoid languages

Southern Bantoid (or South Bantoid), also known as Wide Bantu or Bin, is a branch of the Benue–Congo languages of the Niger–Congo language family.

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Southern Bantu languages

The Southern Bantu languages are a large group of Bantu languages, largely validated in Janson (1991/92).

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Southern Ndebele language

Southern Ndebele, also known as Transvaal Ndebele, isiNdebele, Ndebele or South Ndebele, is an African language belonging to the Nguni group of Bantu languages, spoken by the Ndebele people of South Africa.

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Spurious languages

Spurious languages are languages that have been reported as existing in reputable works, while other research has reported that the language in question did not exist.

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Suba language

Suba, also known as Olusuba, is a Bantu language spoken by the Suba people of Kenya.

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Suba-Simbiti language

Suba-Simbiti (Kisuba, Kisimbiti) is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Suku language

Suku is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Sukuma language

Sukuma is a Bantu language of Tanzania, spoken in an area southeast of Lake Victoria between Mwanza, Shinyanga, and Lake Eyasi.

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Sumayela Ndebele language

siNdebele, or Northern Transvaal Ndebele, is a Bantu language of South Africa.

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Sumbwa language

Sumbwa (or Sisumbwa/Lusumbwa) is an Eastern Bantu language, classified as F.23 by Malcolm Guthrie (1948).

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Suundi language

Suundi is a Bantu language spoken in the Republic of the Congo.

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Suwu language

Suwu (Su), or Subu (also Isuwu, Isu, Isubu), is a Bantu language of Cameroon.

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Swahili language

Swahili, also known as Kiswahili (translation: coast language), is a Bantu language and the first language of the Swahili people.

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Swazi language

The Swazi or Swati language (Swazi: siSwati) is a Bantu language of the Nguni group spoken in Swaziland and South Africa by the Swazi people.

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Swo language

Swo is a Bantu language of the Akonolinga area, Cameroon.

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Taabwa language

Taabwa (Ichitaabwa), or Rungu (Malungu), is a Bantu language of Congo and Zambia spoken by half a million or so people.

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Taita language

Taita, or Daw'ida, is a Bantu language spoken in the Taita Hills of Kenya.

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Talinga language

Talinga or Bwisi is a language spoken in the Uganda–Congo border region.

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Tanga language

Tanga, or Noho, is a Bantu language of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.

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Teke languages

The Teke languages are a series of Bantu languages spoken by the Teke people in the western Congo and in Gabon.

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Teke–Mbede languages

Teke–Mbere is a proposed intermediate group of Bantu languages, coded Zone B.50–80 in Guthrie's classification, along with the erstwhile Mbundu language Songo.

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Tembo (Kitembo) language

Tembo is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Tetela language

Tetela (Otetela, Kitetela, Kikitatela), also Sungu, is a Bantu language of northern Kasai-Oriental Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Tetela languages

The Tetela languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone C.70 in Guthrie's classification.

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Tibea language

Ngayaba, also known as Tibea, is a Bantu language spoken in three villages in Cameroon.

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Tiene language

Tiene (Tiini), or Tende, is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Tonga (Nyasa) language

Tonga is a Bantu language spoken by 170,000 people mainly in the Nkhata Bay District of Malawi, on the shores of Lake Malawi facing the islands of Likoma and Chizumulu.

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Tonga language (Zambia and Zimbabwe)

Tonga (Chitonga), also known as Zambezi, is a Bantu language primarily spoken by the Tonga people who live mainly in the Southern and Western provinces of Zambia, and in northern Zimbabwe, with a few in Mozambique.

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Tongwe language

Tongwe (Sitongwe) and Bende (Sibende) constitute a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone F.10 in Guthrie's classification.

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Tooro language

Tooro, or Rutooro, is a Bantu language spoken mainly by the Toro people (Batooro) from the Toro Kingdom region of western Uganda.

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Totela language

Totela is a poorly described Bantu language of Zambia.

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Town Bemba

Town Bemba, also known as Bemba, is an innovative variety of Bemba spoken among migrant populations in central Zambia.

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Tsaangi language

Tsaangi (Tsangui) is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon and the Republic of Congo.

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Tsege language

The Tsege language, Tchitchege, is a member of the Teke dialect continuum of the western Congo Basin.

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Tsogo language

Tsogo (Getsogo) is a Bantu language of Gabon.

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Tsogo languages

The Tsogo languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone B.30 in Guthrie's classification.

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Tsonga language

Tsonga (Xitsonga) is a southern African Bantu language spoken by the Tsonga people.

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Tsotsitaal and Camtho

Tsotsitaals are a variety of mixed languages mainly spoken in the townships of Gauteng province (such as Soweto), but also in other agglomerations all over South Africa.

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Tswa language

Tswa (Xitswa) is a South-Eastern Bantu language in Southern Mozambique.

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Tswana language

No description.

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Tumbuka language

The Tumbuka language is a Bantu language which is spoken in the Northern Region of Malawi and also in the Lundazi district of Zambia.

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Tuotomb language

Tuotomb, or Bonek, is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.

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Turu language

The Turu or Nyaturu language, Kinyaturu, also known as Rimi Kirimi, is a Bantu language of spoken by the ''Wanyaturu'' also known as Arimi of the Singida region of Tanzania.

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Ukhwejo language

Ukhwejo (Benkonjo) is one of a handful of Bantu languages spoken in the Central African Republic.

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Umbundu, or South Mbundu (autonym úmbúndú), one of two Bantu languages of Angola called Mbundu (see Kimbundu), is the most widely spoken language of Angola.

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Vanuma language

Vanuma (Bvanuma), or South Nyali, is a minor Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Venda language

Venda, also known as Tshivenḓa or Luvenḓa, is a Bantu language and an official language of South Africa.

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Vidunda language

Vidunda (Chividunda) is a Bantu language spoken along the north bank of the Ruaha River in Tanzania.

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Vili language

Vili (Civili) is one of the Zone H Bantu languages, grouped with the Sira clade (historically also with the Kongo clade).

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Vinza language

Vinza is a Bantu language spoken by the Vinza people of Tanzania, approximately in the area of the town of Uvinza.

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Viya language

Viya (Gheviya, Eviya, Avias) is a minor Bantu language of Gabon.

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Vove language

Vove (also rendered Bhubhi, Bubi, Pove) is a Bantu language of Gabon.

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Vumbu language

Vungu, or Vumbu, is a Bantu language of Gabon.

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Vwanji language

Wanji, or Vwanji, is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Wanda language

Wanda (Vanda) is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Wanzi language

Wanzi (Wandji) is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon.

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Ware language

Ware is an extinct Bantu language near Lake Victoria in East Africa.

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West Kilimanjaro language

West Kilimanjaro, or West Chaga, is a Bantu language of Tanzania spoken by the Chaga people.

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West Teke language

West Teke is a Bantu language spoken in the Republic of Congo and Gabon.

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Wongo language

Wongo is a Bantu language in Kasai-Occidental Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Wumbvu language

Wumbvu (Wumvu) is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon and the Congo.

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Xhosa language

Xhosa (Xhosa: isiXhosa) is a Nguni Bantu language with click consonants ("Xhosa" begins with a click) and one of the official languages of South Africa.

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Yaka language (Congo–Angola)

Yaka, also spelled Iaca and Iyaka, is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola.

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Yaka language (Kivu)

Yaka is a minor Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on the north shore of Lake Kivu.

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Yaka languages

The Yaka languages are a clade of Bantu languages coded Zone H.30 in Guthrie's classification.

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Yambeta language

Yambeta is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.

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Yansi language

Yans (Yanzi) is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Yao language

Yao is a Bantu language in Africa with approximately two million speakers in Malawi, and half a million each in Tanzania and Mozambique.

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Yasa language

Iyasa (Yasa, Yassa) is a Bantu language of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea by Ndowe coastal fishing people.

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Yazi language

Yazi is a Bantu language of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Yeyi language

Yeyi (autoethnonym Shiyɛyi) is a Bantu language spoken by many of the approximately 50,000 Yeyi people along the Okavango River in Namibia and Botswana.

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Zamba language

Zamba (Dzamba) is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Zanaki language

Zanaki (Ikizanaki) is a Bantu language of Tanzania.

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Zaramo language

Zaramo is a Niger-Congo language, formerly primary language of the Zaramo people of eastern Tanzania.

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Zela language

Zela is a minor Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Zemba language

Zemba (Dhimba) is a Bantu language spoken mainly in Angola where the language has about 18,000 speakers, and also in Namibia with some 4,000.

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Zigula language

Zigula (Zigua, Chizigua) is a Bantu language of Tanzania and of Somalia, where it is known as Mushunguli (Mushungulu).

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Zimba language

Zimba is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, spoken in a band of country south of the Elila River.

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Zinza language

Zinza (Dzinda) is a Bantu language of Tanzania, spoken on the southern shore of Lake Victoria.

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Zulu language

Zulu (Zulu: isiZulu) is the language of the Zulu people, with about 10 million speakers, the vast majority (over 95%) of whom live in South Africa.

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Redirects here:

Bantu Zone A, Bantu Zone B, Bantu Zone C, Bantu Zone D, Bantu Zone E, Bantu Zone F, Bantu Zone G, Bantu Zone H, Bantu Zone K, Bantu Zone L, Bantu Zone M, Bantu Zone N, Bantu Zone P, Bantu Zone R, Guthrie classification, Guthrie code, Lega–Holoholo languages, List of Bantu languages.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guthrie_classification_of_Bantu_languages

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