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Quarterly Journal of Economics

Index Quarterly Journal of Economics

The Quarterly Journal of Economics is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Oxford University Press. [1]

38 relations: Academic journal, Andrei Shleifer, David Laibson, David Romer, Economics, Editor-in-chief, Erik Brynjolfsson, Ernst Fehr, Eugen Böhm von Bawerk, Frank Knight, Gary Becker, George Akerlof, Greg Mankiw, Harvard University, Howard Bowen, Impact factor, John Bates Clark, John Maynard Keynes, Jordi Galí, Joseph Stiglitz, Journal Citation Reports, Klaus M. Schmidt, Lawrence F. Katz, Lorin Hitt, Macroeconomics, Mark Gertler (economist), Michael Rothschild, Michael Spence, Oxford University Press, Peer review, Pol Antràs, Richard Clarida, Robert Barro, Robert Solow, Signalling (economics), Solow–Swan model, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, The Market for Lemons.

Academic journal

An academic or scholarly journal is a periodical publication in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is published.

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Andrei Shleifer

Andrei Shleifer (born February 20, 1961) is a Russian American economist and Professor of Economics at Harvard University, where he has taught since 1991.

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David Laibson

David Isaac Laibson (born June 26, 1966) is a professor of economics at Harvard University, where he has taught since 1994.

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David Romer

David Hibbard Romer (born March 13, 1958) is an American economist, the Herman Royer Professor of Political Economy at the University of California, Berkeley, the author of a standard textbook in graduate macroeconomics as well as many influential economic papers, particularly in the area of New Keynesian economics.

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Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

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An editor-in-chief, also known as lead editor, chief editor, managing or executive editor, is a publication's editorial leader who has final responsibility for its operations and policies.

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Erik Brynjolfsson

Erik Brynjolfsson (born 1962) is an American academic.

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Ernst Fehr

Ernst Fehr (born June 21, 1956 in Hard, Austria) is an Austrian behavioral economist and neuroeconomist and a Professor of Microeconomics and Experimental Economic Research, as well as the vice chairman of the Department of Economics at the University of Zürich, Switzerland.

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Eugen Böhm von Bawerk

Eugen Böhm Ritter von Bawerk (born Eugen Böhm, 12 February 1851 – 27 August 1914) was an Austrian economist who made important contributions to the development of the Austrian School of Economics.

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Frank Knight

Frank Hyneman Knight (November 7, 1885 – April 15, 1972) was an American economist who spent most of his career at the University of Chicago, where he became one of the founders of the Chicago school.

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Gary Becker

Gary Stanley Becker (December 2, 1930 – May 3, 2014) was an American economist and empiricist.

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George Akerlof

George Arthur Akerlof (born June 17, 1940) is an American economist who is a University Professor at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University and Koshland Professor of Economics Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley.

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Greg Mankiw

Nicholas Gregory Mankiw (born February 3, 1958) is an American macroeconomist and the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University.

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Harvard University

Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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Howard Bowen

Howard Rothmann Bowen (October 27, 1908 – December 22, 1989) was an American economist and college president, serving as the president of Grinnell College from 1955 to 1964 and as the fourteenth President of the University of Iowa from 1964 to 1969.

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Impact factor

The impact factor (IF) or journal impact factor (JIF) of an academic journal is a measure reflecting the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal.

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John Bates Clark

John Bates Clark (January 26, 1847 – March 21, 1938) was an American neoclassical economist.

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John Maynard Keynes

John Maynard Keynes, 1st Baron Keynes (5 June 1883 – 21 April 1946), was a British economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments.

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Jordi Galí

Jordi Galí (born January 4, 1961) is a Spanish macroeconomist who is regarded as one of the main figures in New Keynesian macroeconomics today.

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Joseph Stiglitz

Joseph Eugene Stiglitz (born February 9, 1943) is an American economist and a professor at Columbia University.

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Journal Citation Reports

Journal Citation Reports (JCR) is an annual publication by Clarivate Analytics (previously the intellectual property of Thomson Reuters).

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Klaus M. Schmidt

Klaus M. Schmidt (born June 16, 1961) is a German economist who currently works as Professor of Economics at the University of Munich (LMU).

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Lawrence F. Katz

Lawrence Francis Katz (born 1959) is Elisabeth Allison Professor of Economics at Harvard University and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

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Lorin Hitt

Lorin M. Hitt is an American economist, currently the Zhang Jingdong Professor at Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

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Macroeconomics (from the Greek prefix makro- meaning "large" and economics) is a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole.

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Mark Gertler (economist)

Mark Lionel Gertler (born March 31, 1951) is an American economist and Henry and Lucy Moses Professor of Economics at New York University.

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Michael Rothschild

Michael Rothschild (born August 2, 1942 in Chicago, Illinois, United States) is an American economist; he is visiting professor at the Department of Economics of the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) and a former dean at Princeton.

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Michael Spence

Andrew Michael Spence (born November 7, 1943, Montclair, New Jersey) is an American economist and recipient of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, along with George Akerlof and Joseph E. Stiglitz, for their work on the dynamics of information flows and market development.

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Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press (OUP) is the largest university press in the world, and the second oldest after Cambridge University Press.

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Peer review

Peer review is the evaluation of work by one or more people of similar competence to the producers of the work (peers).

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Pol Antràs

Pol Antràs Puchal (born June 30, 1975, Barcelona, Spain) is a Spanish economist who is Robert G. Ory Professor of Economics at Harvard University, where he has taught since 2003.

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Richard Clarida

Richard Harris Clarida (born May 18, 1957) is an American economist, C. Lowell Harriss Professor of Economics and International Affairs at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and Global Strategic Advisor for PIMCO.

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Robert Barro

Robert Joseph Barro (born September 28, 1944) is an American macroeconomist and the Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics at Harvard University.

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Robert Solow

Robert Merton Solow, GCIH (born August 23, 1924), is an American economist, particularly known for his work on the theory of economic growth that culminated in the exogenous growth model named after him.

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Signalling (economics)

In contract theory, signalling (or signaling; see spelling differences) is the idea that one party (termed the agent) credibly conveys some information about itself to another party (the principal).

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Solow–Swan model

The Solow–Swan model is an economic model of long-run economic growth set within the framework of neoclassical economics.

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The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money of 1936 is the last and most important book by the English economist John Maynard Keynes.

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The Market for Lemons

"The Market for Lemons: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism" is a well-known 1970 paper by economist George Akerlof which examines how the quality of goods traded in a market can degrade in the presence of information asymmetry between buyers and sellers, leaving only "lemons" behind.

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Q J Econ, Q. J. Econ., QJE, Quarterly journal of economics, The Quarterly Journal of Economics.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quarterly_Journal_of_Economics

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