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Index W76

The W76 is a United States thermonuclear warhead. [1]

14 relations: Atmospheric entry, List of nuclear weapons, Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle, Nuclear weapon yield, RSM-56 Bulava, Submarine-launched ballistic missile, The Washington Post, Thermonuclear weapon, Ton, UGM-133 Trident II, UGM-73 Poseidon, UGM-96 Trident I, W68, W88.

Atmospheric entry

Atmospheric entry is the movement of an object from outer space into and through the gases of an atmosphere of a planet, dwarf planet or natural satellite.

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List of nuclear weapons

This is a list of nuclear weapons listed according to country of origin, & then by type within the states.

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Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle

A multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) is a ballistic missile payload containing several thermonuclear warheads, each capable of being aimed to hit a different target.

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Nuclear weapon yield

The explosive yield of a nuclear weapon is the amount of energy released when that particular nuclear weapon is detonated, usually expressed as a TNT equivalent (the standardized equivalent mass of trinitrotoluene which, if detonated, would produce the same energy discharge), either in kilotons (kt—thousands of tons of TNT), in megatons (Mt—millions of tons of TNT), or sometimes in terajoules (TJ).

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RSM-56 Bulava

The RSM-56 Bulava (Булава, lit. "mace", NATO reporting name SS-NX-30 or SS-N-32, GRAU index 3M30, 3K30) is a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) developed for the Russian Navy and deployed in 2013 on the new of ballistic missile nuclear submarines.

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Submarine-launched ballistic missile

A submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) is a ballistic missile capable of being launched from submarines.

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The Washington Post

The Washington Post is a major American daily newspaper founded on December 6, 1877.

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Thermonuclear weapon

A thermonuclear weapon is a second-generation nuclear weapon design using a secondary nuclear fusion stage consisting of implosion tamper, fusion fuel, and spark plug which is bombarded by the energy released by the detonation of a primary fission bomb within, compressing the fuel material (tritium, deuterium or lithium deuteride) and causing a fusion reaction.

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The ton is a unit of measure.

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UGM-133 Trident II

The UGM-133A Trident II, or Trident D5 is a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), built by Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Sunnyvale, California, and deployed with the American and British navies.

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UGM-73 Poseidon

The UGM-73 Poseidon missile was the second US Navy nuclear-armed submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) system, powered by a two-stage solid-fuel rocket.

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UGM-96 Trident I

The UGM-96 Trident I, or Trident C4, was an American submarine-launched ballistic missile, built by Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Sunnyvale, California.

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The W68 warhead was the warhead used on the UGM-73 Poseidon SLBM missile.

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The W88 is a United States thermonuclear warhead, with an estimated yield of 475 kilotons (kt), and is small enough to fit on MIRVed missiles.

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[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W76

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