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Adrien Marquet

Index Adrien Marquet

Adrien Marquet (6 October 1884 – 3 February 1955) was a socialist mayor of Bordeaux who turned to the far right. [1]

Table of Contents

  1. 17 relations: Bordeaux, Dentist, Far-right politics, France, French Section of the Workers' International, Jean-Fernand Audeguil, Léon Blum, List of mayors of Bordeaux, Marcel Déat, Marxism, Mayor (France), Minister of the Interior (France), Neosocialism, Philippe Pétain, Pierre Laval, Socialism, Zeev Sternhell.

  2. French dentists
  3. French neo-socialists
  4. Mayors of Bordeaux
  5. Socialist Party of France – Jean Jaurès Union politicians


Bordeaux (Gascon Bordèu; Bordele) is a city on the river Garonne in the Gironde department, southwestern France.

See Adrien Marquet and Bordeaux


A dentist, also known as a dental surgeon, is a health care professional who specializes in dentistry, the branch of medicine focused on the teeth, gums, and mouth.

See Adrien Marquet and Dentist

Far-right politics

Far-right politics, or right-wing extremism, is a spectrum of political thought that tends to be radically conservative, ultra-nationalist, and authoritarian, often also including nativist tendencies.

See Adrien Marquet and Far-right politics


France, officially the French Republic, is a country located primarily in Western Europe.

See Adrien Marquet and France

French Section of the Workers' International

The French Section of the Workers' International (Section française de l'Internationale ouvrière, SFIO) was a political party in France that was founded in 1905 and succeeded in 1969 by the modern-day Socialist Party.

See Adrien Marquet and French Section of the Workers' International

Jean-Fernand Audeguil

Jean-Fernand Audeguil (5 January 1887 – 23 November 1956) was a French professor, a member of the resistance and a politician. Adrien Marquet and Jean-Fernand Audeguil are French Section of the Workers' International politicians, mayors of Bordeaux and members of the 16th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic.

See Adrien Marquet and Jean-Fernand Audeguil

Léon Blum

André Léon Blum (9 April 1872 – 30 March 1950) was a French socialist politician and three-time Prime Minister of France. Adrien Marquet and Léon Blum are French Section of the Workers' International politicians, members of the 13th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic, members of the 14th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic, members of the 15th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic and members of the 16th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic.

See Adrien Marquet and Léon Blum

List of mayors of Bordeaux

Before the French Revolution, the municipality of Bordeaux was headed by the jurat (Jurat).

See Adrien Marquet and List of mayors of Bordeaux

Marcel Déat

Marcel Déat (7 March 1894 – 5 January 1955) was a French politician. Adrien Marquet and Marcel Déat are French Section of the Workers' International politicians, French anti-communists, French neo-socialists, Government ministers of France, members of the 13th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic, members of the 15th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic, members of the 16th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic, People convicted of indignité nationale and socialist Party of France – Jean Jaurès Union politicians.

See Adrien Marquet and Marcel Déat


Marxism is a political philosophy and method of socioeconomic analysis.

See Adrien Marquet and Marxism

Mayor (France)

In France, a mayor (maire) is chairperson of the municipal council, which organises the work and deliberates on municipal matters.

See Adrien Marquet and Mayor (France)

Minister of the Interior (France)

Minister of the Interior (Ministre de l'Intérieur) is a prominent position in the Government of France. Adrien Marquet and Minister of the Interior (France) are French interior ministers.

See Adrien Marquet and Minister of the Interior (France)


Neosocialism was a political faction that existed in France and Belgium during the 1930s and which included several revisionist tendencies in the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO).

See Adrien Marquet and Neosocialism

Philippe Pétain

Henri Philippe Bénoni Omer Joseph Pétain (24 April 1856 – 23 July 1951), better known as Philippe Pétain and Marshal Pétain (Maréchal Pétain), was a French general who commanded the French Army in World War I and later became the head of the collaborationist regime of Vichy France, from 1940 to 1944, during World War II. Adrien Marquet and Philippe Pétain are French anti-communists, People convicted of indignité nationale and People of Vichy France.

See Adrien Marquet and Philippe Pétain

Pierre Laval

Pierre Jean Marie Laval (28 June 1883 – 15 October 1945) was a French politician. Adrien Marquet and Pierre Laval are French Section of the Workers' International politicians, French interior ministers, Government ministers of France, members of the 13th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic and People convicted of indignité nationale.

See Adrien Marquet and Pierre Laval


Socialism is an economic and political philosophy encompassing diverse economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production, as opposed to private ownership.

See Adrien Marquet and Socialism

Zeev Sternhell

Zeev Sternhell (זאב שטרנהל; 10 April 1935 – 21 June 2020) was a Polish-born Israeli historian, political scientist, commentator on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and writer.

See Adrien Marquet and Zeev Sternhell

See also

French dentists

French neo-socialists

Mayors of Bordeaux

Socialist Party of France – Jean Jaurès Union politicians


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrien_Marquet