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Tolima Department

Index Tolima Department

Tolima is one of the 32 departments of Colombia, located in the Andean region, in the center-west of the country. [1]

97 relations: Alberto Castilla, Alfonso López Michelsen, Alpujarra, Tolima, Alvarado, Tolima, Ambalema, Andean natural region, Anzoátegui, Tolima, Armero, Ataco, Battle of Tocarema, Bogotá, Bogotá savanna, Cajamarca, Tolima, Caldas Department, Cali, Capital city, Carmen de Apicalá, Casabianca, Tolima, Cauca Department, Chaparral, Tolima, Coat of arms of Tolima Department, Coello, Tolima, Colombia, Colombian Conservative Party, Cordillera Central (Colombia), Cordillera Oriental (Colombia), Coyaima, Cunday, Cundinamarca Department, Cundinamarca Department (1820), Darío Echandía, Deindustrialization, Departments of Colombia, Dolores, Tolima, Domingo Caycedo, El Espinal, Tolima, Emerald, Falan, Flandes, Fresno, Tolima, Gabriel París Gordillo, Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada, Gross domestic product, Guamo, Herveo, Honda, Tolima, Huila Department, Ibagué, Icononzo, ISO 3166-2:CO, ..., James Cañón, José María Melo, José María Rojas Garrido, Lérida, Tolima, Líbano, Tolima, Lechona, List of Colombian Departments by area, List of Colombian Departments by population, List of sovereign states, Magdalena River, Manuel Murillo Toro, Mariquita, Tolima, Melgar, Tolima, Miguel Abadía Méndez, Muisca, Municipalities of Colombia, Murillo, Tolima, Natagaima, Natural regions of Colombia, Ortega, Tolima, Palocabildo, Panche people, Piedras, Pijao people, Planadas, Popayán, Prado, Tolima, Provinces of Colombia, Purificación, Tolima, Quesillo, Quindío Department, Rioblanco, Risaralda Department, Roncesvalles, Tolima, Rovira, Tolima, Saldaña, Tolima, San Antonio, Tolima, San Luis, Tolima, Santa Isabel, Tolima, Sebastián de Belalcázar, Suárez, Tolima, UTC−05:00, Valle de San Juan, Valle del Cauca Department, Venadillo, Villahermosa, Tolima, Villarrica, Tolima. Expand index (47 more) »

Alberto Castilla

Alberto Castilla (1883-1938), was a famous Colombian composer.

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Alfonso López Michelsen

Alfonso López Michelsen (30 June 1913 – 11 July 2007) was the 24th President of Colombia from 1974 to 1978.

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Alpujarra, Tolima

Alpujarra is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Alvarado, Tolima

Alvarado is a city and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Ambalema is a municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Andean natural region

The Andes mountains form the most populated region of Colombia and contain the majority of the country's urban centers.

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Anzoátegui, Tolima

Anzoátegui is a town and municipality in the Tolima Department of Colombia.

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Armero, or Armero-Guayabal, is a municipality in the Tolima Department, Colombia.

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Ataco is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Battle of Tocarema

The Battle of Tocarema (Spanish: Batalla de Tocarema) was a battle fought between an alliance of the troops of Spanish conquistador Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada and zipa of the Muisca Sagipa of the southern Muisca Confederation and the indigenous Panche.

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Bogotá, officially Bogotá, Distrito Capital, abbreviated Bogotá, D.C., and formerly known as Santafé de Bogotá between 1991 and 2000, is the capital and largest city of Colombia, administered as the Capital District, although often thought of as part of Cundinamarca.

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Bogotá savanna

The Bogotá savanna is a montane savanna, located in the southwestern part of the Altiplano Cundiboyacense in the center of Colombia.

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Cajamarca, Tolima

Cajamarca is a town and municipality in the Tolima Department of Colombia.

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Caldas Department

Caldas is a department of Colombia named after Colombian patriotic figure Francisco José de Caldas.

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Santiago de Cali, usually known by its short name "Cali", is the capital of the Valle del Cauca department, and the most populous city in southwest Colombia, with an estimated 2,319,655 residents according to 2005-2020/DANE population projections.

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Capital city

A capital city (or simply capital) is the municipality exercising primary status in a country, state, province, or other administrative region, usually as its seat of government.

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Carmen de Apicalá

Carmen de Apicalá is a town and municipality in the Tolima Department of Colombia.

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Casabianca, Tolima

Casabianca is a town and municipality in the Tolima Department of Colombia.

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Cauca Department

Cauca Department (Departamento del Cauca) is a Department of Colombia.

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Chaparral, Tolima

Chaparral is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Coat of arms of Tolima Department

The Coat of arms of Tolima is the coat of arms of the Colombian Department of Tolima.

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Coello, Tolima

Coello is a town and municipality in the Tolima Department of Colombia, located by the Magdalena River, and some 137 km from the Colombian capital Bogotá.

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Colombia, officially the Republic of Colombia, is a sovereign state largely situated in the northwest of South America, with territories in Central America.

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Colombian Conservative Party

The Colombian Conservative Party (Partido Conservador Colombiano) is a conservative political party in Colombia.

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Cordillera Central (Colombia)

The Cordillera Central (Central Andes) is the highest of the three branches of the Colombian Andes.

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Cordillera Oriental (Colombia)

The Cordillera Oriental (Eastern Ranges) is the widest of the three branches of the Colombian Andes.

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Coyaima is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Cunday is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Cundinamarca Department

Department of Cundinamarca (Departamento de Cundinamarca) is one of the departments of Colombia.

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Cundinamarca Department (1820)

Cundinamarca was one of the three departments of Gran Colombia until 1824.

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Darío Echandía

Darío Echandía Olaya (October 13, 1897 – May 7, 1989) was a lawyer and a Colombian political figure, a member of the Colombian Liberal Party.

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Deindustrialization or deindustrialisation is a process of social and economic change caused by the removal or reduction of industrial capacity or activity in a country or region, especially heavy industry or manufacturing industry.

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Departments of Colombia

Colombia is a unitary republic made up of thirty-two departments (Spanish: departamentos, sing. departamento) and a Capital District (Distrito Capital).

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Dolores, Tolima

Dolores is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Domingo Caycedo

Domingo de Caycedo y Sanz de Santamaría (August 4, 1783 – July 1, 1843) was a Colombian statesman who served as Vice-president of Gran Colombia and the Republic of New Granada, and due to the absence of the presidents, he himself served as President a total of eleven times, making him the person to have served more times as President of Colombia.

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El Espinal, Tolima

El Espinal is a Colombian city located in the Department of Tolima, 146 km southwest from Bogotá.

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Emerald is a precious gemstone and a variety of the mineral beryl (Be3Al2(SiO3)6) colored green by trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium.

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Falan is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Flandes is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Fresno, Tolima

Fresno is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Gabriel París Gordillo

Gabriel París Gordillo (March 8, 1910 – March 21, 2008) was President of Colombia from May 1957 to August 1958 as Chairman of the Colombian Military Junta Government following the 1957 Coup d'état.

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Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada

Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada y Rivera, also spelled as De Quezada and Ximénez, (1496 – other sources state 1506 or 1509Graham (1922) Suesca, 16 February 1579) was a Spanish explorer and conquistador in northern South America, territories currently known as Colombia. He explored the northern part of South America. As a well-educated lawyer he was one of the intellectuals of the Spanish conquest. He was an effective organizer and leader, designed the first legislation for the government of the area, and was its historian. After 1569 he undertook explorations toward the east, searching for the elusive El Dorado, but returned to New Granada in 1573. He has been suggested as a possible model for Cervantes' Don Quixote.

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Gross domestic product

Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a period (quarterly or yearly) of time.

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Guamo is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Herveo is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Honda, Tolima

Honda is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Huila Department

Huila is one of the departments of Colombia.

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Ibagué is the capital of Tolima, one of the 32 departments that make up the Republic of Colombia.

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Icononzo is a municipality located in the department of Tolima in Colombia.

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ISO 3166-2:CO

ISO 3166-2:CO is the entry for Colombia in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.

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James Cañón

James Cañón is a Colombian-American writer.

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José María Melo

José María Dionisio Melo y Ortiz (October 9, 1800 – June 1, 1860) was a Colombian general and politician of Pijao ancestry who fought in the South American wars of independence, and who in 1854 rose to power and held the presidency of Colombia.

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José María Rojas Garrido

José María Rojas Garrido (June 7, 1824 – July 18, 1883) was a Colombian Senator, and statesmen, who as the first Presidential Designate became Acting President of the United States of Colombia (now the Republic of Colombia) in 1866 during the absence of President elect Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera.

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Lérida, Tolima

Lérida is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Líbano, Tolima

Líbano is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Lechona and/or also known as lechon asado is a popular Colombian dish.

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List of Colombian Departments by area

List of Colombian Departments by area details the Departments of Colombia by their area.

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List of Colombian Departments by population

This is a list of Colombian departments by population according to a general census taken on 1920 and by estimates for 2013, 2010 made by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, in Spanish).

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List of sovereign states

This list of sovereign states provides an overview of sovereign states around the world, with information on their status and recognition of their sovereignty.

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Magdalena River

The Magdalena River (Río Magdalena,; Less commonly Rio Grande de la Magdalena) is the principal river of Colombia, flowing northward about through the western half of the country.

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Manuel Murillo Toro

Manuel Murillo Toro (1816–1880) was a Colombian statesman who served as President of the United States of Colombia (present day Colombia) on two occasions, first from 1864 to 1866, and again between 1872 and 1874.

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Mariquita, Tolima

San Sebastian de Mariquita is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia, about northwest of Bogotá.

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Melgar, Tolima

Melgar is a Colombian town in the Department of Tolima, southwest of Bogotá and 1 hour east of Ibagué, the capital city of Tolima.

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Miguel Abadía Méndez

Miguel Abadía Méndez (July 5, 1867 – May 15, 1947) was the 12th President of Colombia (1926–1930).

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The Muisca are an indigenous group of the Altiplano Cundiboyacense, Colombia, that formed the Muisca Confederation before the Spanish conquest.

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Municipalities of Colombia

The Municipalities of Colombia are decentralized subdivisions of the Republic of Colombia.

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Murillo, Tolima

Murillo is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Natagaima is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia, on the shore of the Magdalena River, at above sea level.

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Natural regions of Colombia

Because of its natural structure, Colombia can be divided into six very distinct natural regions.

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Ortega, Tolima

Ortega is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Palocabildo is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Panche people

The Panche or Tolima were a Cariban-speakingMartínez, 2005 indigenous group of people in modern-day Colombia.

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Piedras is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Pijao people

The Pijao (also Piajao, Pixao, Pinao) are an indigenous people of Colombia.

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Planadas Is a Colombian municipality located in the department of Tolima. It was founded in 1966 during the presidency of Carlos Lleras Restrepo and lies 252 km of Ibagué the capital of the department.

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Popayán is the capital of the Colombian department of Cauca.

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Prado, Tolima

Prado is a municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Provinces of Colombia

Colombia is divided into 32 departments. These in turn are divided into municipalities, though some receive the special category of district.

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Purificación, Tolima

Purificación is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Quesillo (meaning "little cheese") refers to different Latin American and Spanish foods or dishes depending on the country.

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Quindío Department

Quindío is a department of Colombia.

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Rioblanco is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Risaralda Department

Risaralda is a department of Colombia.

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Roncesvalles, Tolima

Roncesvalles is a municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Rovira, Tolima

Rovira is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Saldaña, Tolima

Saldaña is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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San Antonio, Tolima

San Antonio is a municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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San Luis, Tolima

San Luis is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Santa Isabel, Tolima

Santa Isabel is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Sebastián de Belalcázar

Sebastián de Belalcázar (1479 or 1480, Córdoba – Cartagena, 1551) was a Spanish conquistador.

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Suárez, Tolima

Suárez is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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UTC−05:00 is a time offset that subtracts five hours from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

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Valle de San Juan

Valle de San Juan is a municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Valle del Cauca Department

Valle del Cauca, or Cauca Valley is a department of Colombia.

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Venadillo is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Villahermosa, Tolima

Villahermosa is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia.

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Villarrica, Tolima

Villarrica is a town and municipality in the Tolima Department of Colombia.

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Redirects here:

Department of Tolima, Tolima Deparment, Tolima department.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tolima_Department

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