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Index Strait

A strait is a naturally formed, narrow, typically navigable waterway that connects two larger bodies of water. [1]

32 relations: Archipelago, Canal, Channel (geography), Cook Strait, Exclusive economic zone, Firth, Innocent passage, International waters, Isthmus, Land, List of straits, Navigability, Ocean, Pearse Canal, Pentland Firth, Reef, River, Scotland, Sea lane, Strait of Baltiysk, Strait of Dover, Strait of Gibraltar, Strait of Hormuz, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Strait of Messina, Straits of Tiran, Suez Canal, Tidal power, Transit passage, War, Wave power, Wind power.


An archipelago, sometimes called an island group or island chain, is a chain, cluster or collection of islands, or sometimes a sea containing a small number of scattered islands.

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Canals, or navigations, are human-made channels, or artificial waterways, for water conveyance, or to service water transport vehicles.

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Channel (geography)

In physical geography, a channel is a type of landform consisting of the outline of a path of relatively shallow and narrow body of fluid, most commonly the confine of a river, river delta or strait.

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Cook Strait

Cook Strait (Te Moana-o-Raukawa) lies between the North and South Islands of New Zealand.

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Exclusive economic zone

An exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is a sea zone prescribed by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea over which a state has special rights regarding the exploration and use of marine resources, including energy production from water and wind.

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Firth is a word in the Scots and English languages used to denote various coastal waters in Scotland and even a strait.

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Innocent passage

Innocent passage is a concept in the law of the sea that allows for a vessel to pass through the territorial waters of another state, subject to certain restrictions.

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International waters

The terms international waters or trans-boundary waters apply where any of the following types of bodies of water (or their drainage basins) transcend international boundaries: oceans, large marine ecosystems, enclosed or semi-enclosed regional seas and estuaries, rivers, lakes, groundwater systems (aquifers), and wetlands.

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An isthmus (or; plural: isthmuses; from neck) is a narrow piece of land connecting two larger areas across an expanse of water by which they are otherwise separated.

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Land, sometimes referred to as dry land, is the solid surface of Earth that is not permanently covered by water.

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List of straits

This list of straits is an appendix to the article strait.

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A body of water, such as a river, canal or lake, is navigable if it is deep, wide and slow enough for a vessel to pass or walk.

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An ocean (the sea of classical antiquity) is a body of saline water that composes much of a planet's hydrosphere.

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Pearse Canal

Pearse Canal is a channel or strait forming part of the Canada–United States border at the southern end of the Alaska Panhandle and adjacent to the mouth of Portland Inlet.

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Pentland Firth

The Pentland Firth (An Caol Arcach, meaning the Orcadian Strait) is a strait which separates the Orkney Islands from Caithness in the north of Scotland.

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A reef is a bar of rock, sand, coral or similar material, lying beneath the surface of water.

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A river is a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, sea, lake or another river.

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Scotland (Alba) is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and covers the northern third of the island of Great Britain.

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Sea lane

A sea lane, sea road or shipping lane is a regularly used route for vessels on oceans and large lakes.

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Strait of Baltiysk

The Strait of Baltiysk is a strait enabling passage from the Baltic Sea into the freshwater Vistula Lagoon, located in Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia.

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Strait of Dover

The Strait of Dover or Dover Strait, historically known as the Dover Narrows (pas de Calais - Strait of Calais); Nauw van Kales or Straat van Dover), is the strait at the narrowest part of the English Channel, marking the boundary between the Channel and North Sea, separating Great Britain from continental Europe. The shortest distance across the strait,, is from the South Foreland, northeast of Dover in the English county of Kent, to Cap Gris Nez, a cape near to Calais in the French département of Pas-de-Calais. Between these points lies the most popular route for cross-channel swimmers. The entire strait is within the territorial waters of France and the United Kingdom, but a right of transit passage under the UNCLOS exists allowing unrestricted shipping. On a clear day, it is possible to see the opposite coastline of England from France and vice versa with the naked eye, with the most famous and obvious sight being the white cliffs of Dover from the French coastline and shoreline buildings on both coastlines, as well as lights on either coastline at night, as in Matthew Arnold's poem "Dover Beach".

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Strait of Gibraltar

The Strait of Gibraltar (مضيق جبل طارق, Estrecho de Gibraltar) is a narrow strait that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and separates Gibraltar and Peninsular Spain in Europe from Morocco and Ceuta (Spain) in Africa.

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Strait of Hormuz

The Strait of Hormuz (تنگه هرمز Tangeye Hormoz) is a strait between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.

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Strait of Juan de Fuca

The Strait of Juan de Fuca (officially named Juan de Fuca Strait in Canada) is a large body of water about long that is the Salish Sea's outlet to the Pacific Ocean.

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Strait of Messina

The Strait of Messina (Stretto di Messina), is a narrow strait between the eastern tip of Sicily (Punta del Faro) and the western tip of Calabria (Punta Pezzo) in the south of Italy.

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Straits of Tiran

The Straits of Tiran (مضيق تيران) are the narrow sea passages between the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas which separate the Gulf of Aqaba from the Red Sea proper.

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Suez Canal

thumb The Suez Canal (قناة السويس) is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea through the Isthmus of Suez.

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Tidal power

Tidal power or tidal energy is a form of hydropower that converts the energy obtained from tides into useful forms of power, mainly electricity.

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Transit passage

Transit passage is a concept of the Law of the Sea, which allows a vessel or aircraft the freedom of navigation or overflight solely for the purpose of continuous and expeditious transit of a strait between one part of the high seas or exclusive economic zone and another.

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War is a state of armed conflict between states, societies and informal groups, such as insurgents and militias.

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Wave power

Wave power is the capture of energy of wind waves to do useful work – for example, electricity generation, water desalination, or pumping water.

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Wind power

Wind power is the use of air flow through wind turbines to mechanically power generators for electricity.

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Redirects here:

Straits, The Strait.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strait

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