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Stellar rotation

Index Stellar rotation

Stellar rotation is the angular motion of a star about its axis. [1]

55 relations: AB Doradus, Achernar, Alpha Arae, Angular momentum, Angular velocity, Évry Schatzman, Binary star, Black hole, Brown dwarf, Centrifugal force, Chandrasekhar limit, Convection, Differential rotation, Doppler effect, Dynamo theory, Electromagnetic radiation, Electron degeneracy pressure, Equator, Giant star, Gravitational microlensing, Gravity darkening, Gyrochronology, Latitude, Magnetic braking, Main sequence, Microturbulence, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Neutron, Neutron star, Orbital inclination, Order of magnitude, Penrose process, Planetary nebula, Pleione (star), Potential energy, Protostar, Pulsar, Regulus, Right angle, Solar mass, Spectral line, Speed of light, Star, Starspot, Stellar classification, Stellar magnetic field, Stellar wind, Thermonuclear fusion, Tidal acceleration, Type Ia supernova, ..., Ultra-cool dwarf, Vega, Von Zeipel theorem, White dwarf, Zonal and meridional. Expand index (5 more) »

AB Doradus

AB Doradus is a pre-main-sequence quadruple star system in the constellation Dorado.

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Achernar is the name of the primary (or 'A') component of the binary system designated Alpha Eridani (α Eridani, abbreviated Alf Eri, α Eri), which is the brightest 'star' or point of light in, and lying at the southern tip of, the constellation of Eridanus, and the tenth-brightest in the night sky.

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Alpha Arae

Alpha Arae, Latinized from α Arae, is the second brightest star in the southern constellation of Ara.

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Angular momentum

In physics, angular momentum (rarely, moment of momentum or rotational momentum) is the rotational equivalent of linear momentum.

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Angular velocity

In physics, the angular velocity of a particle is the rate at which it rotates around a chosen center point: that is, the time rate of change of its angular displacement relative to the origin.

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Évry Schatzman

Évry Léon Schatzman (16 September 1920 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine – 25 April 2010) was a Jewish French astrophysicist.

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Binary star

A binary star is a star system consisting of two stars orbiting around their common barycenter.

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Black hole

A black hole is a region of spacetime exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it.

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Brown dwarf

Brown dwarfs are substellar objects that occupy the mass range between the heaviest gas giant planets and the lightest stars, having masses between approximately 13 to 75–80 times that of Jupiter, or approximately to about.

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Centrifugal force

In Newtonian mechanics, the centrifugal force is an inertial force (also called a "fictitious" or "pseudo" force) directed away from the axis of rotation that appears to act on all objects when viewed in a rotating frame of reference.

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Chandrasekhar limit

The Chandrasekhar limit is the maximum mass of a stable white dwarf star.

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Convection is the heat transfer due to bulk movement of molecules within fluids such as gases and liquids, including molten rock (rheid).

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Differential rotation

Differential rotation is seen when different parts of a rotating object move with different angular velocities (rates of rotation) at different latitudes and/or depths of the body and/or in time.

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Doppler effect

The Doppler effect (or the Doppler shift) is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave in relation to observer who is moving relative to the wave source.

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Dynamo theory

In physics, the dynamo theory proposes a mechanism by which a celestial body such as Earth or a star generates a magnetic field.

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Electromagnetic radiation

In physics, electromagnetic radiation (EM radiation or EMR) refers to the waves (or their quanta, photons) of the electromagnetic field, propagating (radiating) through space-time, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy.

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Electron degeneracy pressure

Electron degeneracy pressure is a particular manifestation of the more general phenomenon of quantum degeneracy pressure.

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An equator of a rotating spheroid (such as a planet) is its zeroth circle of latitude (parallel).

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Giant star

A giant star is a star with substantially larger radius and luminosity than a main-sequence (or dwarf) star of the same surface temperature.

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Gravitational microlensing

Gravitational microlensing is an astronomical phenomenon due to the gravitational lens effect.

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Gravity darkening

Gravity darkening, also referred to as gravity brightening, is an astronomical phenomenon where a star rotates so rapidly that it has a detectably oblate spheroid shape, such as in Achernar in the constellation Eridanus.

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Gyrochronology is a method for estimating the age of a low-mass star like the Sun from its rotation period.

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In geography, latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface.

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Magnetic braking

Magnetic braking is a theory explaining the loss of stellar angular momentum due to material getting captured by the stellar magnetic field and thrown out at great distance from the surface of the star.

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Main sequence

In astronomy, the main sequence is a continuous and distinctive band of stars that appear on plots of stellar color versus brightness.

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Microturbulence is a form of turbulence that varies over small distance scales.

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research in astronomy and astrophysics.

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| magnetic_moment.

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Neutron star

A neutron star is the collapsed core of a large star which before collapse had a total of between 10 and 29 solar masses.

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Orbital inclination

Orbital inclination measures the tilt of an object's orbit around a celestial body.

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Order of magnitude

An order of magnitude is an approximate measure of the number of digits that a number has in the commonly-used base-ten number system.

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Penrose process

The Penrose process (also called Penrose mechanism) is a process theorised by Roger Penrose wherein energy can be extracted from a rotating black hole.

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Planetary nebula

A planetary nebula, abbreviated as PN or plural PNe, is a type of emission nebula consisting of an expanding, glowing shell of ionized gas ejected from red giant stars late in their lives.

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Pleione (star)

Pleione, designated 28 Tauri and BU Tauri (abbreviated 28 Tau or BU Tau), is a binary star and the seventh-brightest star in the Pleiades star cluster (Messier 45).

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Potential energy

In physics, potential energy is the energy possessed by an object because of its position relative to other objects, stresses within itself, its electric charge, or other factors.

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A protostar is a very young star that is still gathering mass from its parent molecular cloud.

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A pulsar (from pulse and -ar as in quasar) is a highly magnetized rotating neutron star or white dwarf that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation.

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Regulus, also designated Alpha Leonis (α Leonis, abbreviated Alpha Leo, α Leo), is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo and one of the brightest stars in the night sky, lying approximately 79 light years from the Sun.

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Right angle

In geometry and trigonometry, a right angle is an angle of exactly 90° (degrees), corresponding to a quarter turn.

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Solar mass

The solar mass is a standard unit of mass in astronomy, equal to approximately.

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Spectral line

A spectral line is a dark or bright line in an otherwise uniform and continuous spectrum, resulting from emission or absorption of light in a narrow frequency range, compared with the nearby frequencies.

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Speed of light

The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted, is a universal physical constant important in many areas of physics.

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A star is type of astronomical object consisting of a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its own gravity.

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Starspots are stellar phenomena.

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Stellar classification

In astronomy, stellar classification is the classification of stars based on their spectral characteristics.

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Stellar magnetic field

A stellar magnetic field is a magnetic field generated by the motion of conductive plasma inside a star.

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Stellar wind

A stellar wind is a flow of gas ejected from the upper atmosphere of a star.

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Thermonuclear fusion

Thermonuclear fusion is a way to achieve nuclear fusion by using extremely high temperatures.

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Tidal acceleration

Tidal acceleration is an effect of the tidal forces between an orbiting natural satellite (e.g. the Moon), and the primary planet that it orbits (e.g. Earth).

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Type Ia supernova

A type Ia supernova (read "type one-a") is a type of supernova that occurs in binary systems (two stars orbiting one another) in which one of the stars is a white dwarf.

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Ultra-cool dwarf

An ultra-cool dwarf is a stellar or sub-stellar object of spectral class M that has an effective temperature under.

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Vega, also designated Alpha Lyrae (α Lyrae, abbreviated Alpha Lyr or α Lyr), is the brightest star in the constellation of Lyra, the fifth-brightest star in the night sky, and the second-brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere, after Arcturus.

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Von Zeipel theorem

In astrophysics, the von Zeipel theorem states that the radiative flux F in a uniformly rotating star is proportional to the local effective gravity g_\textrm.

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White dwarf

A white dwarf, also called a degenerate dwarf, is a stellar core remnant composed mostly of electron-degenerate matter.

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Zonal and meridional

The terms zonal and meridional are used to describe directions on a globe.

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Redirects here:

Projected rotational velocity, Rotation of a star.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellar_rotation

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