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Table of stars with Flamsteed designations

Index Table of stars with Flamsteed designations

This table lists those stars/objects which have Flamsteed designations by the constellation in which those stars/objects lie. [1]

1873 relations: Albireo, Alcyone (star), Aldebaran, Algol, Alnilam, Alnitak, Alpha Andromedae, Alpha Aquarii, Alpha Camelopardalis, Alpha Cancri, Alpha Cassiopeiae, Alpha Cephei, Alpha Ceti, Alpha Comae Berenices, Alpha Coronae Borealis, Alpha Corvi, Alpha Crateris, Alpha Delphini, Alpha Equulei, Alpha Fornacis, Alpha Herculis, Alpha Lacertae, Alpha Leporis, Alpha Librae, Alpha Lyncis, Alpha Monocerotis, Alpha Ophiuchi, Alpha Pegasi, Alpha Persei, Alpha Piscium, Alpha Sagittae, Alpha Scuti, Alpha Serpentis, Alpha Sextantis, Alpha Trianguli, Alpha Ursae Majoris, Alpha Vulpeculae, Alpha1 Capricorni, Alpha2 Capricorni, Alphard, Altair, Andromeda (constellation), Andromeda Galaxy, Antares, Antlia, Apus, Aquarius (constellation), Aquila (constellation), AR Aurigae, Ara (constellation), ..., Arcturus, Aries (constellation), Asterope (star), Atlas (star), Auriga (constellation), Bayer designation, Bellatrix, Beta Andromedae, Beta Aquarii, Beta Aquilae, Beta Arietis, Beta Aurigae, Beta Boötis, Beta Camelopardalis, Beta Cancri, Beta Canis Majoris, Beta Canis Minoris, Beta Canum Venaticorum, Beta Capricorni, Beta Cassiopeiae, Beta Cephei, Beta Ceti, Beta Comae Berenices, Beta Coronae Borealis, Beta Corvi, Beta Crateris, Beta Delphini, Beta Draconis, Beta Equulei, Beta Eridani, Beta Herculis, Beta Hydrae, Beta Lacertae, Beta Leonis Minoris, Beta Leporis, Beta Librae, Beta Lyrae, Beta Monocerotis, Beta Ophiuchi, Beta Pegasi, Beta Piscis Austrini, Beta Piscium, Beta Sagittae, Beta Scorpii, Beta Scuti, Beta Serpentis, Beta Sextantis, Beta Tauri, Beta Trianguli, Beta Ursae Majoris, Beta Ursae Minoris, Beta Virginis, Betelgeuse, Boötes, C Ursae Majoris, Caelum, Camelopardalis, Cancer (constellation), Canes Venatici, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Capella, Capricornus, Carina (constellation), Cassiopeia (constellation), Cassiopeia A, Castor (star), Celaeno (star), Centaurus, Cepheus (constellation), Cetus, Chamaeleon, Chi Andromedae, Chi Aquarii, Chi Aquilae, Chi Aurigae, Chi Boötis, Chi Cancri, Chi Capricorni, Chi Cassiopeiae, Chi Ceti, Chi Draconis, Chi Geminorum, Chi Herculis, Chi Leonis, Chi Lupi, Chi Ophiuchi, Chi Pegasi, Chi Piscium, Chi Sagittarii, Chi Scorpii, Chi Serpentis, Chi Tauri, Chi Ursae Majoris, Chi Virginis, Chi1 Hydrae, Chi1 Orionis, Chi1 Sagittarii, Chi2 Orionis, Chi3 Sagittarii, Circinus, CK Vulpeculae, Columba (constellation), Coma Berenices, Constellation, Cor Caroli, Corona Australis, Corona Borealis, Corvus (constellation), Crater (constellation), Crux, Cygnus (constellation), Delphinus, Delta Andromedae, Delta Aquarii, Delta Aquilae, Delta Arietis, Delta Aurigae, Delta Boötis, Delta Cancri, Delta Canis Majoris, Delta Capricorni, Delta Cassiopeiae, Delta Cephei, Delta Ceti, Delta Columbae, Delta Coronae Borealis, Delta Corvi, Delta Crateris, Delta Cygni, Delta Delphini, Delta Draconis, Delta Equulei, Delta Eridani, Delta Geminorum, Delta Herculis, Delta Hydrae, Delta Leonis, Delta Leporis, Delta Librae, Delta Monocerotis, Delta Ophiuchi, Delta Persei, Delta Piscis Austrini, Delta Piscium, Delta Sagittae, Delta Sagittarii, Delta Scorpii, Delta Scuti, Delta Serpentis, Delta Sextantis, Delta Trianguli, Delta Ursae Majoris, Delta Ursae Minoris, Delta Virginis, Delta1 Canis Minoris, Delta1 Lyrae, Delta1 Tauri, Delta2 Canis Minoris, Delta2 Lyrae, Delta2 Tauri, Delta3 Canis Minoris, Delta3 Tauri, Deneb, Denebola, Dorado, Draco (constellation), Electra (star), Epsilon Andromedae, Epsilon Aquarii, Epsilon Aquilae, Epsilon Arietis, Epsilon Aurigae, Epsilon Boötis, Epsilon Cancri, Epsilon Canis Majoris, Epsilon Canis Minoris, Epsilon Capricorni, Epsilon Cassiopeiae, Epsilon Cephei, Epsilon Ceti, Epsilon Coronae Borealis, Epsilon Corvi, Epsilon Crateris, Epsilon Cygni, Epsilon Delphini, Epsilon Draconis, Epsilon Equulei, Epsilon Eridani, Epsilon Geminorum, Epsilon Herculis, Epsilon Hydrae, Epsilon Leonis, Epsilon Leporis, Epsilon Librae, Epsilon Lyrae, Epsilon Microscopii, Epsilon Monocerotis, Epsilon Ophiuchi, Epsilon Pegasi, Epsilon Persei, Epsilon Piscis Austrini, Epsilon Piscium, Epsilon Sagittae, Epsilon Sagittarii, Epsilon Scorpii, Epsilon Scuti, Epsilon Serpentis, Epsilon Sextantis, Epsilon Tauri, Epsilon Trianguli, Epsilon Ursae Majoris, Epsilon Ursae Minoris, Epsilon Virginis, Equuleus, Eridanus (constellation), Eta Andromedae, Eta Aquarii, Eta Aquilae, Eta Arietis, Eta Aurigae, Eta Boötis, Eta Cancri, Eta Canis Majoris, Eta Canis Minoris, Eta Capricorni, Eta Cassiopeiae, Eta Cephei, Eta Ceti, Eta Coronae Borealis, Eta Corvi, Eta Crateris, Eta Cygni, Eta Delphini, Eta Draconis, Eta Eridani, Eta Geminorum, Eta Herculis, Eta Hydrae, Eta Leonis, Eta Leporis, Eta Lyrae, Eta Ophiuchi, Eta Orionis, Eta Pegasi, Eta Persei, Eta Piscis Austrini, Eta Piscium, Eta Sagittae, Eta Scuti, Eta Serpentis, Eta Ursae Majoris, Eta Ursae Minoris, Eta Virginis, F Hydrae, Flamsteed designation, Fomalhaut, Fornax, Gamma Andromedae, Gamma Aquarii, Gamma Aquilae, Gamma Arietis, Gamma Boötis, Gamma Cancri, Gamma Canis Majoris, Gamma Canis Minoris, Gamma Capricorni, Gamma Cassiopeiae, Gamma Cephei, Gamma Ceti, Gamma Comae Berenices, Gamma Coronae Borealis, Gamma Corvi, Gamma Crateris, Gamma Cygni, Gamma Delphini, Gamma Draconis, Gamma Equulei, Gamma Eridani, Gamma Geminorum, Gamma Herculis, Gamma Hydrae, Gamma Leonis, Gamma Leporis, Gamma Librae, Gamma Lyrae, Gamma Microscopii, Gamma Monocerotis, Gamma Ophiuchi, Gamma Pegasi, Gamma Persei, Gamma Piscis Austrini, Gamma Piscium, Gamma Sagittae, Gamma Serpentis, Gamma Sextantis, Gamma Tauri, Gamma Trianguli, Gamma Ursae Majoris, Gamma Ursae Minoris, Gamma Virginis, Gamma2 Sagittarii, Gemini (constellation), Grus (constellation), Hamal, HD 28375, HD 40873, HD 66141, HD 96819, Hercules (constellation), Horologium (constellation), HR 4458, HR 515, HR 6801, Hydra (constellation), Hydrus, Indus (constellation), Iota Andromedae, Iota Aquarii, Iota Aquilae, Iota Arietis, Iota Aurigae, Iota Boötis, Iota Cancri, Iota Canis Majoris, Iota Capricorni, Iota Cephei, Iota Ceti, Iota Coronae Borealis, Iota Crateris, Iota Delphini, Iota Draconis, Iota Geminorum, Iota Herculis, Iota Hydrae, Iota Leonis, Iota Leporis, Iota Lyrae, Iota Ophiuchi, Iota Orionis, Iota Pegasi, Iota Piscis Austrini, Iota Piscium, Iota Serpentis, Iota Tauri, Iota Trianguli, Iota Ursae Majoris, Iota Virginis, Iota1 Cygni, Iota1 Librae, Iota2 Cygni, Kappa Andromedae, Kappa Aquarii, Kappa Aquilae, Kappa Arietis, Kappa Aurigae, Kappa Boötis, Kappa Cancri, Kappa Canis Majoris, Kappa Capricorni, Kappa Cassiopeiae, Kappa Cephei, Kappa Coronae Borealis, Kappa Crateris, Kappa Cygni, Kappa Delphini, Kappa Draconis, Kappa Geminorum, Kappa Herculis, Kappa Hydrae, Kappa Leonis, Kappa Leporis, Kappa Librae, Kappa Lyrae, Kappa Ophiuchi, Kappa Pegasi, Kappa Persei, Kappa Piscium, Kappa Serpentis, Kappa Ursae Majoris, Kappa Virginis, Kappa1 Ceti, Kappa2 Ceti, Lacerta, Lambda Andromedae, Lambda Aquarii, Lambda Aquilae, Lambda Arietis, Lambda Aurigae, Lambda Boötis, Lambda Cancri, Lambda Capricorni, Lambda Cassiopeiae, Lambda Cephei, Lambda Ceti, Lambda Coronae Borealis, Lambda Crateris, Lambda Cygni, Lambda Draconis, Lambda Equulei, Lambda Eridani, Lambda Geminorum, Lambda Herculis, Lambda Hydrae, Lambda Leonis, Lambda Leporis, Lambda Librae, Lambda Lyrae, Lambda Ophiuchi, Lambda Pegasi, Lambda Persei, Lambda Piscis Austrini, Lambda Piscium, Lambda Sagittarii, Lambda Scorpii, Lambda Serpentis, Lambda Tauri, Lambda Ursae Majoris, Lambda Virginis, Leo (constellation), Leo Minor, Lepus (constellation), Libra (constellation), List of stars in Aquarius, List of stars in Cancer, List of stars in Gemini, List of stars in Virgo, Lists of constellations, Lupus (constellation), Lynx (constellation), Lyra, Maia (star), Meissa, Mensa (constellation), Merope (star), Microscopium, Mintaka, Mira, Mira B, Mizar and Alcor, Monoceros, Mu Andromedae, Mu Aquarii, Mu Aquilae, Mu Arietis, Mu Aurigae, Mu Boötis, Mu Canis Majoris, Mu Capricorni, Mu Cassiopeiae, Mu Ceti, Mu Coronae Borealis, Mu Cygni, Mu Draconis, Mu Eridani, Mu Geminorum, Mu Herculis, Mu Hydrae, Mu Leonis, Mu Leporis, Mu Librae, Mu Lyrae, Mu Ophiuchi, Mu Orionis, Mu Pegasi, Mu Persei, Mu Piscis Austrini, Mu Piscium, Mu Sagittarii, Mu Serpentis, Mu Tauri, Mu Ursae Majoris, Mu Virginis, Mu1 Cancri, Mu2 Cancri, Musca, Norma (constellation), Nu Andromedae, Nu Aquarii, Nu Aquilae, Nu Arietis, Nu Aurigae, Nu Cancri, Nu Capricorni, Nu Cassiopeiae, Nu Cephei, Nu Ceti, Nu Cygni, Nu Draconis, Nu Eridani, Nu Geminorum, Nu Herculis, Nu Hydrae, Nu Leonis, Nu Leporis, Nu Ophiuchi, Nu Orionis, Nu Pegasi, Nu Persei, Nu Piscium, Nu Scorpii, Nu Serpentis, Nu Tauri, Nu Ursae Majoris, Nu Virginis, Nu1 Boötis, Nu1 Canis Majoris, Nu1 Coronae Borealis, Nu1 Lyrae, Nu1 Sagittarii, Nu2 Boötis, Nu2 Canis Majoris, Nu2 Coronae Borealis, Nu2 Lyrae, Nu2 Sagittarii, Nu3 Canis Majoris, Octans, Omega Andromedae, Omega Aurigae, Omega Boötis, Omega Cancri, Omega Canis Majoris, Omega Capricorni, Omega Cassiopeiae, Omega Draconis, Omega Eridani, Omega Geminorum, Omega Herculis, Omega Hydrae, Omega Leonis, Omega Ophiuchi, Omega Orionis, Omega Persei, Omega Piscium, Omega Sagittarii, Omega Serpentis, Omega Ursae Majoris, Omega Virginis, Omega1 Aquarii, Omega1 Aquilae, Omega1 Cygni, Omega1 Scorpii, Omega1 Tauri, Omega2 Aquarii, Omega2 Aquilae, Omega2 Cancri, Omega2 Cygni, Omega2 Scorpii, Omega2 Tauri, Omicron Andromedae, Omicron Aquarii, Omicron Aquilae, Omicron Arietis, Omicron Aurigae, Omicron Boötis, Omicron Capricorni, Omicron Cassiopeiae, Omicron Cephei, Omicron Coronae Borealis, Omicron Draconis, Omicron Geminorum, Omicron Herculis, Omicron Hydrae, Omicron Leonis, Omicron Ophiuchi, Omicron Pegasi, Omicron Persei, Omicron Piscium, Omicron Sagittarii, Omicron Scorpii, Omicron Serpentis, Omicron Tauri, Omicron Ursae Majoris, Omicron Virginis, Omicron1 Cancri, Omicron1 Canis Majoris, Omicron1 Eridani, Omicron1 Orionis, Omicron2 Cancri, Omicron2 Canis Majoris, Omicron2 Orionis, Ophiuchus, Orion (constellation), P Cygni, P Eridani, Pavo (constellation), Pegasus (constellation), Perseus (constellation), Phi Andromedae, Phi Aquarii, Phi Aquilae, Phi Aurigae, Phi Boötis, Phi Capricorni, Phi Cassiopeiae, Phi Cygni, Phi Draconis, Phi Geminorum, Phi Herculis, Phi Leonis, Phi Ophiuchi, Phi Pegasi, Phi Persei, Phi Piscium, Phi Sagittarii, Phi Tauri, Phi Ursae Majoris, Phi Virginis, Phi1 Cancri, Phi1 Ceti, Phi1 Hydrae, Phi1 Orionis, Phi2 Cancri, Phi2 Ceti, Phi2 Hydrae, Phi2 Orionis, Phi3 Ceti, Phi3 Hydrae, Phi4 Ceti, Phoenix (constellation), Pi Andromedae, Pi Aquarii, Pi Aquilae, Pi Arietis, Pi Aurigae, Pi Boötis, Pi Canis Majoris, Pi Capricorni, Pi Cassiopeiae, Pi Cephei, Pi Ceti, Pi Coronae Borealis, Pi Draconis, Pi Eridani, Pi Geminorum, Pi Herculis, Pi Hydrae, Pi Leonis, Pi Persei, Pi Piscium, Pi Sagittarii, Pi Scorpii, Pi Serpentis, Pi Tauri, Pi Virginis, Pi1 Cygni, Pi1 Orionis, Pi1 Pegasi, Pi1 Ursae Majoris, Pi2 Cygni, Pi2 Orionis, Pi2 Pegasi, Pi2 Ursae Minoris, Pi3 Orionis, Pi4 Orionis, Pi5 Orionis, Pi6 Orionis, Pictor, Pisces (constellation), Piscis Austrinus, Pleione (star), Polaris, Pollux (star), Procyon, Psi Andromedae, Psi Aquilae, Psi Boötis, Psi Capricorni, Psi Cassiopeiae, Psi Cygni, Psi Eridani, Psi Hydrae, Psi Leonis, Psi Ophiuchi, Psi Pegasi, Psi Persei, Psi Sagittarii, Psi Scorpii, Psi Serpentis, Psi Tauri, Psi Ursae Majoris, Psi Virginis, Psi1 Aurigae, Psi1 Draconis, Psi1 Lupi, Psi1 Piscium, Psi2 Aquarii, Psi2 Aurigae, Psi2 Draconis, Psi2 Lupi, Psi2 Orionis, Psi2 Piscium, Psi3 Aquarii, Psi3 Aurigae, Psi3 Piscium, Psi4 Aurigae, Psi5 Aurigae, Psi6 Aurigae, Psi7 Aurigae, Psi8 Aurigae, Puppis, Pyxis, R Lyrae, Regulus, Reticulum, Rho Andromedae, Rho Aquarii, Rho Aquilae, Rho Aurigae, Rho Boötis, Rho Capricorni, Rho Cassiopeiae, Rho Ceti, Rho Coronae Borealis, Rho Cygni, Rho Draconis, Rho Geminorum, Rho Herculis, Rho Hydrae, Rho Leonis, Rho Ophiuchi, Rho Orionis, Rho Pegasi, Rho Persei, Rho Piscium, Rho Puppis, Rho Scorpii, Rho Serpentis, Rho Tauri, Rho Ursae Majoris, Rho Virginis, Rho1 Arietis, Rho1 Cephei, Rho1 Eridani, Rho1 Sagittarii, Rho2 Arietis, Rho2 Cancri, Rho2 Cephei, Rho2 Eridani, Rho2 Sagittarii, Rho3 Arietis, Rho3 Eridani, Rigel, RT Aurigae, S Monocerotis, Sagitta, Sagittarius (constellation), Saiph, Scorpius, Sculptor (constellation), Scutum (constellation), Serpens, Sextans, Sigma Andromedae, Sigma Aquarii, Sigma Aquilae, Sigma Arietis, Sigma Aurigae, Sigma Boötis, Sigma Canis Majoris, Sigma Capricorni, Sigma Cassiopeiae, Sigma Ceti, Sigma Coronae Borealis, Sigma Cygni, Sigma Draconis, Sigma Geminorum, Sigma Herculis, Sigma Hydrae, Sigma Leonis, Sigma Librae, Sigma Ophiuchi, Sigma Orionis, Sigma Pegasi, Sigma Persei, Sigma Piscium, Sigma Sagittarii, Sigma Scorpii, Sigma Serpentis, Sigma Tauri, Sigma Virginis, Sigma1 Cancri, Sigma1 Ursae Majoris, Sigma2 Cancri, Sigma2 Ursae Majoris, Sigma3 Cancri, Sirius, Spica, Table of stars with Bayer designations, Tau Andromedae, Tau Aquilae, Tau Aurigae, Tau Boötis, Tau Cancri, Tau Canis Majoris, Tau Cassiopeiae, Tau Ceti, Tau Coronae Borealis, Tau Cygni, Tau Draconis, Tau Geminorum, Tau Herculis, Tau Leonis, Tau Librae, Tau Ophiuchi, Tau Orionis, Tau Pegasi, Tau Persei, Tau Piscis Austrini, Tau Piscium, Tau Sagittarii, Tau Scorpii, Tau Tauri, Tau Ursae Majoris, Tau Virginis, Tau1 Aquarii, Tau1 Arietis, Tau1 Capricorni, Tau1 Eridani, Tau1 Hydrae, Tau1 Serpentis, Tau2 Aquarii, Tau2 Arietis, Tau2 Capricorni, Tau2 Eridani, Tau2 Hydrae, Tau2 Serpentis, Tau3 Eridani, Tau3 Serpentis, Tau4 Eridani, Tau4 Serpentis, Tau5 Eridani, Tau5 Serpentis, Tau6 Eridani, Tau6 Serpentis, Tau7 Eridani, Tau7 Serpentis, Tau8 Eridani, Tau8 Serpentis, Tau9 Eridani, Taurus (constellation), Telescopium, Theta Andromedae, Theta Aquarii, Theta Aquilae, Theta Arietis, Theta Aurigae, Theta Boötis, Theta Cancri, Theta Canis Majoris, Theta Capricorni, Theta Cassiopeiae, Theta Centauri, Theta Cephei, Theta Ceti, Theta Coronae Borealis, Theta Crateris, Theta Cygni, Theta Delphini, Theta Draconis, Theta Geminorum, Theta Herculis, Theta Hydrae, Theta Leonis, Theta Leporis, Theta Librae, Theta Lyrae, Theta Ophiuchi, Theta Pegasi, Theta Persei, Theta Piscis Austrini, Theta Piscium, Theta Sagittae, Theta Serpentis, Theta Ursae Majoris, Theta Ursae Minoris, Theta Virginis, Theta2 Orionis, Thuban, Trapezium Cluster, Triangulum, Triangulum Australe, Tucana, TX Piscium, Upsilon Andromedae, Upsilon Aquarii, Upsilon Aquilae, Upsilon Aurigae, Upsilon Boötis, Upsilon Capricorni, Upsilon Ceti, Upsilon Coronae Borealis, Upsilon Cygni, Upsilon Draconis, Upsilon Geminorum, Upsilon Herculis, Upsilon Leonis, Upsilon Librae, Upsilon Ophiuchi, Upsilon Orionis, Upsilon Pegasi, Upsilon Piscium, Upsilon Sagittarii, Upsilon Scorpii, Upsilon Serpentis, Upsilon Tauri, Upsilon Ursae Majoris, Upsilon Virginis, Upsilon1 Cancri, Upsilon1 Cassiopeiae, Upsilon1 Eridani, Upsilon1 Hydrae, Upsilon2 Cancri, Upsilon2 Cassiopeiae, Upsilon2 Eridani, Upsilon2 Hydrae, Upsilon3 Eridani, Upsilon4 Eridani, Uranus, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, UW Canis Majoris, V1401 Aquilae, V3903 Sagittarii, V520 Persei, Vega, Vela (constellation), Virgo (constellation), Volans, Vulpecula, VZ Arietis, X Sagittarii, Xi Andromedae, Xi Aquarii, Xi Aquilae, Xi Arietis, Xi Aurigae, Xi Boötis, Xi Cancri, Xi Cassiopeiae, Xi Cephei, Xi Coronae Borealis, Xi Cygni, Xi Draconis, Xi Eridani, Xi Geminorum, Xi Herculis, Xi Hydrae, Xi Leonis, Xi Ophiuchi, Xi Orionis, Xi Pegasi, Xi Persei, Xi Piscium, Xi Puppis, Xi Scorpii, Xi Serpentis, Xi Tauri, Xi Ursae Majoris, Xi Virginis, Xi1 Canis Majoris, Xi1 Capricorni, Xi1 Ceti, Xi1 Sagittarii, Xi2 Canis Majoris, Xi2 Capricorni, Xi2 Ceti, Xi2 Sagittarii, YZ Cassiopeiae, Zeta Andromedae, Zeta Aquarii, Zeta Aquilae, Zeta Arietis, Zeta Aurigae, Zeta Boötis, Zeta Cancri, Zeta Canis Majoris, Zeta Canis Minoris, Zeta Capricorni, Zeta Cassiopeiae, Zeta Cephei, Zeta Ceti, Zeta Coronae Borealis, Zeta Corvi, Zeta Crateris, Zeta Cygni, Zeta Delphini, Zeta Draconis, Zeta Equulei, Zeta Eridani, Zeta Geminorum, Zeta Herculis, Zeta Hydrae, Zeta Leonis, Zeta Leporis, Zeta Librae, Zeta Monocerotis, Zeta Ophiuchi, Zeta Pegasi, Zeta Persei, Zeta Piscium, Zeta Sagittae, Zeta Sagittarii, Zeta Serpentis, Zeta Tauri, Zeta Ursae Minoris, Zeta Virginis, Zeta1 Lyrae, Zeta2 Lyrae, 1 Aquarii, 1 Arietis, 1 Aurigae, 1 Boötis, 1 Camelopardalis, 1 Cancri, 1 Canis Minoris, 1 Cassiopeiae, 1 Centauri, 1 Ceti, 1 Geminorum, 1 Lacertae, 1 Lupi, 1 Lyncis, 1 Pegasi, 1 Persei, 1 Puppis, 1 Scorpii, 1 Serpentis, 1 Vulpeculae, 10 Andromedae, 10 Aquarii, 10 Aquilae, 10 Arietis, 10 Boötis, 10 Canis Majoris, 10 Canum Venaticorum, 10 Draconis, 10 Lacertae, 10 Leonis Minoris, 10 Persei, 10 Serpentis, 10 Tauri, 10 Ursae Majoris, 10 Vulpeculae, 100 Aquarii, 101 Aquarii, 101 Piscium, 101 Virginis, 102 Herculis, 103 Aquarii, 104 Aquarii, 104 Herculis, 104 Tauri, 106 Aquarii, 106 Herculis, 107 Aquarii, 107 Piscium, 108 Aquarii, 109 Herculis, 109 Piscium, 109 Tauri, 109 Virginis, 11 Andromedae, 11 Aquarii, 11 Aquilae, 11 Arietis, 11 Boötis, 11 Camelopardalis, 11 Cancri, 11 Canis Majoris, 11 Canis Minoris, 11 Cephei, 11 Comae Berenices, 11 Lacertae, 11 Leonis Minoris, 11 Librae, 11 Orionis, 11 Persei, 11 Puppis, 11 Serpentis, 11 Ursae Minoris, 110 Herculis, 110 Virginis, 111 Herculis, 111 Tauri, 114 Tauri, 119 Tauri, 12 Andromedae, 12 Aquarii, 12 Aquilae, 12 Aurigae, 12 Boötis, 12 Camelopardalis, 12 Cancri, 12 Canis Majoris, 12 Comae Berenices, 12 Hydrae, 12 Lyncis, 12 Ophiuchi, 12 Persei, 12 Scorpii, 12 Vulpeculae, 126 Tauri, 13 Andromedae, 13 Boötis, 13 Cancri, 13 Comae Berenices, 13 Monocerotis, 13 Sagittae, 13 Scorpii, 13 Trianguli, 13 Vulpeculae, 132 Tauri, 134 Tauri, 136 Tauri, 139 Tauri, 14 Andromedae, 14 Aquarii, 14 Aquilae, 14 Arietis, 14 Aurigae, 14 Boötis, 14 Camelopardalis, 14 Cancri, 14 Canis Minoris, 14 Comae Berenices, 14 Eridani, 14 Herculis, 14 Persei, 14 Sagittae, 14 Sagittarii, 14 Vulpeculae, 15 Andromedae, 15 Aquarii, 15 Aquilae, 15 Arietis, 15 Boötis, 15 Camelopardalis, 15 Cancri, 15 Canis Majoris, 15 Cygni, 15 Draconis, 15 Eridani, 15 Lacertae, 15 Leonis Minoris, 15 Lyncis, 15 Orionis, 15 Sagittae, 15 Sagittarii, 15 Ursae Majoris, 15 Vulpeculae, 16 Aquarii, 16 Arietis, 16 Aurigae, 16 Camelopardalis, 16 Cephei, 16 Comae Berenices, 16 Cygni, 16 Lacertae, 16 Librae, 16 Lyncis, 16 Lyrae, 16 Persei, 16 Puppis, 16 Sagittarii, 16 Serpentis, 16 Virginis, 16 Vulpeculae, 17 Aquarii, 17 Camelopardalis, 17 Canis Majoris, 17 Crateris, 17 Cygni, 17 Eridani, 17 Leporis, 17 Lyrae, 17 Monocerotis, 17 Persei, 17 Sagittarii, 17 Vulpeculae, 18 Andromedae, 18 Aquarii, 18 Aquilae, 18 Aurigae, 18 Boötis, 18 Camelopardalis, 18 Delphini, 18 Draconis, 18 Monocerotis, 18 Sagittarii, 18 Scorpii, 18 Tauri, 18 Ursae Majoris, 18 Vulpeculae, 19 Aquarii, 19 Aquilae, 19 Arietis, 19 Aurigae, 19 Camelopardalis, 19 Canum Venaticorum, 19 Cephei, 19 Draconis, 19 Lyncis, 19 Monocerotis, 19 Puppis, 19 Tauri, 19 Vulpeculae, 2 Andromedae, 2 Aurigae, 2 Boötis, 2 Camelopardalis, 2 Centauri, 2 Ceti, 2 Cygni, 2 Lacertae, 2 Lupi, 2 Lyncis, 2 Pegasi, 2 Persei, 2 Piscis Austrini, 2 Scorpii, 2 Sextantis, 2 Ursae Minoris, 2 Vulpeculae, 20 Aquarii, 20 Aquilae, 20 Arietis, 20 Boötis, 20 Camelopardalis, 20 Cancri, 20 Canum Venaticorum, 20 Ceti, 20 Cygni, 20 Leonis Minoris, 20 Monocerotis, 20 Ophiuchi, 20 Persei, 20 Puppis, 20 Vulpeculae, 21 Aquarii, 21 Aquilae, 21 Arietis, 21 Camelopardalis, 21 Cancri, 21 Canum Venaticorum, 21 Leonis Minoris, 21 Lyncis, 21 Persei, 21 Sagittarii, 21 Vulpeculae, 22 Andromedae, 22 Aquilae, 22 Aurigae, 22 Boötis, 22 Camelopardalis, 22 Cygni, 22 Orionis, 22 Scorpii, 22 Vulpeculae, 23 Andromedae, 23 Aquilae, 23 Arietis, 23 Camelopardalis, 23 Comae Berenices, 23 Cygni, 23 Librae, 23 Orionis, 23 Ursae Majoris, 23 Vulpeculae, 24 Aquarii, 24 Aquilae, 24 Boötis, 24 Camelopardalis, 24 Cancri, 24 Canum Venaticorum, 24 Capricorni, 24 Cephei, 24 Lyncis, 24 Persei, 24 Scorpii, 24 Sextantis, 24 Ursae Majoris, 24 Vulpeculae, 25 Aquarii, 25 Arietis, 25 Cancri, 25 Canum Venaticorum, 25 Orionis, 25 Scorpii, 25 Serpentis, 25 Vulpeculae, 26 Andromedae, 26 Aquarii, 26 Aquilae, 26 Arietis, 26 Aurigae, 26 Boötis, 26 Camelopardalis, 26 Canis Majoris, 26 Cygni, 26 Draconis, 26 Hydrae, 26 Ursae Majoris, 26 Vulpeculae, 27 Aquilae, 27 Arietis, 27 Cancri, 27 Canis Majoris, 27 Cygni, 27 Hydrae, 27 Lyncis, 27 Monocerotis, 27 Piscium, 27 Vulpeculae, 28 Andromedae, 28 Aquarii, 28 Aquilae, 28 Aurigae, 28 Camelopardalis, 28 Cancri, 28 Cygni, 28 Monocerotis, 28 Vulpeculae, 29 Aquarii, 29 Arietis, 29 Camelopardalis, 29 Cancri, 29 Cygni, 29 Herculis, 29 Orionis, 29 Persei, 29 Vulpeculae, 3 Andromedae, 3 Aquarii, 3 Boötis, 3 Camelopardalis, 3 Cancri, 3 Centauri, 3 Ceti, 3 Corvi, 3 Geminorum, 3 Monocerotis, 3 Persei, 3 Piscis Austrini, 3 Puppis, 3 Serpentis, 3 Vulpeculae, 30 Aquarii, 30 Arietis, 30 Camelopardalis, 30 Cygni, 30 Geminorum, 30 Herculis, 30 Leonis Minoris, 30 Monocerotis, 30 Ophiuchi, 30 Persei, 30 Piscium, 30 Vulpeculae, 31 Aquilae, 31 Arietis, 31 Boötis, 31 Camelopardalis, 31 Comae Berenices, 31 Crateris, 31 Cygni, 31 Leonis, 31 Lyncis, 31 Orionis, 31 Pegasi, 31 Persei, 31 Vulpeculae, 32 Andromedae, 32 Aquarii, 32 Boötis, 32 Cygni, 32 Ophiuchi, 32 Orionis, 32 Pegasi, 32 Persei, 32 Tauri, 32 Vulpeculae, 33 Arietis, 33 Boötis, 33 Cygni, 33 Pegasi, 33 Piscium, 33 Vulpeculae, 34 Boötis, 34 Cancri, 34 Persei, 35 Aquarii, 35 Aquilae, 35 Arietis, 35 Cancri, 35 Comae Berenices, 35 Cygni, 35 Pegasi, 35 Piscium, 35 Vulpeculae, 36 Andromedae, 36 Aquarii, 36 Aquilae, 36 Arietis, 36 Aurigae, 36 Cancri, 36 Capricorni, 36 Comae Berenices, 36 Lyncis, 36 Ophiuchi, 36 Persei, 36 Serpentis, 36 Tauri, 36 Ursae Majoris, 37 Aquarii, 37 Aquilae, 37 Cancri, 37 Comae Berenices, 37 Geminorum, 37 Leonis Minoris, 37 Librae, 37 Tauri, 38 Aquarii, 38 Arietis, 38 Aurigae, 38 Boötis, 38 Cancri, 38 Geminorum, 38 Leonis Minoris, 38 Lyncis, 38 Virginis, 39 Andromedae, 39 Aquarii, 39 Arietis, 39 Aurigae, 39 Boötis, 39 Cancri, 39 Cygni, 39 Draconis, 39 Eridani, 39 Leonis, 39 Tauri, 4 Andromedae, 4 Aquarii, 4 Aquilae, 4 Arietis, 4 Camelopardalis, 4 Canum Venaticorum, 4 Cassiopeiae, 4 Centauri, 4 Cygni, 4 Equulei, 4 Lacertae, 4 Persei, 4 Sagittarii, 4 Scorpii, 4 Ursae Majoris, 4 Ursae Minoris, 4 Vulpeculae, 40 Aquarii, 40 Arietis, 40 Aurigae, 40 Boötis, 40 Camelopardalis, 40 Cancri, 40 Eridani, 40 Leonis, 40 Persei, 41 Andromedae, 41 Aquarii, 41 Arietis, 41 Aurigae, 41 Capricorni, 41 Comae Berenices, 41 Cygni, 41 Leonis Minoris, 41 Lyncis, 41 Ophiuchi, 41 Tauri, 41 Ursae Majoris, 42 Aquarii, 42 Aquilae, 42 Aurigae, 42 Camelopardalis, 42 Cancri, 42 Capricorni, 42 Cassiopeiae, 42 Draconis, 42 Herculis, 42 Librae, 42 Orionis, 42 Persei, 43 Aurigae, 43 Camelopardalis, 43 Persei, 43 Sagittarii, 44 Andromedae, 44 Aquarii, 44 Boötis, 44 Cancri, 44 Ophiuchi, 45 Andromedae, 45 Aquarii, 45 Aquilae, 45 Aurigae, 45 Boötis, 45 Cancri, 45 Draconis, 45 Eridani, 45 Herculis, 45 Ophiuchi, 46 Aquilae, 46 Boötis, 46 Cancri, 46 Capricorni, 46 Ceti, 46 Leonis Minoris, 47 Andromedae, 47 Aquarii, 47 Arietis, 47 Aurigae, 47 Boötis, 47 Capricorni, 47 Cygni, 47 Ophiuchi, 47 Tauri, 47 Ursae Majoris, 48 Cassiopeiae, 48 Librae, 48 Persei, 49 Andromedae, 49 Aquarii, 49 Arietis, 49 Aurigae, 49 Camelopardalis, 49 Cassiopeiae, 49 Ceti, 49 Librae, 49 Orionis, 49 Persei, 5 Andromedae, 5 Aquarii, 5 Aquilae, 5 Aurigae, 5 Camelopardalis, 5 Cancri, 5 Canum Venaticorum, 5 Lacertae, 5 Persei, 5 Serpentis, 5 Tauri, 5 Ursae Minoris, 5 Vulpeculae, 50 Aquarii, 50 Arietis, 50 Boötis, 50 Cancri, 50 Cassiopeiae, 50 Persei, 51 Andromedae, 51 Aquarii, 51 Aquilae, 51 Arietis, 51 Aurigae, 51 Eridani, 51 Hydrae, 51 Ophiuchi, 51 Orionis, 51 Pegasi, 52 Arietis, 52 Cygni, 52 Herculis, 52 Hydrae, 52 Persei, 52 Sagittarii, 53 Aquarii, 53 Arietis, 53 Aurigae, 53 Camelopardalis, 53 Cancri, 53 Eridani, 53 Ophiuchi, 53 Persei, 53 Piscium, 53 Virginis, 54 Aquarii, 54 Arietis, 54 Aurigae, 54 Cancri, 54 Ceti, 54 Eridani, 54 Leonis, 54 Persei, 54 Piscium, 55 Andromedae, 55 Arietis, 55 Cancri, 55 Cygni, 55 Pegasi, 55 Persei, 55 Ursae Majoris, 56 Andromedae, 56 Aquarii, 56 Aquilae, 56 Arietis, 56 Ceti, 56 Cygni, 56 Orionis, 56 Pegasi, 56 Persei, 56 Sagittarii, 56 Ursae Majoris, 57 Aquilae, 57 Cancri, 57 Cygni, 57 Persei, 58 Andromedae, 58 Aquarii, 58 Aquilae, 58 Eridani, 58 Hydrae, 58 Leonis, 58 Ophiuchi, 58 Persei, 59 Andromedae, 59 Arietis, 59 Aurigae, 59 Cygni, 59 Leonis, 59 Persei, 59 Sagittarii, 59 Serpentis, 59 Virginis, 6 Andromedae, 6 Aurigae, 6 Boötis, 6 Canis Minoris, 6 Canum Venaticorum, 6 Cassiopeiae, 6 Ceti, 6 Corvi, 6 Draconis, 6 Equulei, 6 Geminorum, 6 Hydrae, 6 Lacertae, 6 Lyncis, 6 Persei, 6 Sagittarii, 6 Serpentis, 60 Andromedae, 60 Aquarii, 60 Arietis, 60 Aurigae, 60 Cancri, 60 Herculis, 60 Leonis, 60 Sagittarii, 60 Serpentis, 61 Aquarii, 61 Cancri, 61 Cygni, 61 Leonis, 61 Ursae Majoris, 61 Virginis, 62 Andromedae, 62 Aquilae, 62 Arietis, 62 Aurigae, 62 Sagittarii, 62 Serpentis, 63 Andromedae, 63 Aurigae, 63 Ceti, 63 Cygni, 63 Ophiuchi, 64 Andromedae, 64 Aquarii, 64 Aquilae, 64 Arietis, 64 Aurigae, 64 Draconis, 64 Eridani, 64 Piscium, 64 Serpentis, 65 Andromedae, 65 Aquarii, 65 Arietis, 65 Aurigae, 65 Ursae Majoris, 66 Andromedae, 66 Aquarii, 66 Aquilae, 66 Arietis, 66 Aurigae, 66 Cancri, 66 Eridani, 66 Ophiuchi, 66 Tauri, 67 Aquarii, 67 Cancri, 67 Ophiuchi, 68 Aquarii, 68 Aquilae, 68 Cancri, 68 Cygni, 68 Draconis, 68 Herculis, 68 Ophiuchi, 69 Aquilae, 69 Ceti, 69 Herculis, 69 Orionis, 69 Virginis, 7 Andromedae, 7 Aquarii, 7 Aquilae, 7 Arietis, 7 Boötis, 7 Camelopardalis, 7 Cancri, 7 Cephei, 7 Ceti, 7 Comae Berenices, 7 Draconis, 7 Persei, 7 Piscium, 7 Sagittarii, 7 Vulpeculae, 70 Aquarii, 70 Aquilae, 70 Cancri, 70 Ophiuchi, 70 Pegasi, 70 Virginis, 71 Aquilae, 71 Cygni, 71 Ophiuchi, 71 Tauri, 72 Aquarii, 72 Cygni, 72 Herculis, 72 Leonis, 72 Ophiuchi, 72 Pegasi, 74 Aquarii, 74 Cygni, 74 Ophiuchi, 74 Orionis, 74 Virginis, 75 Aquarii, 75 Cancri, 75 Ceti, 75 Cygni, 75 Tauri, 77 Aquarii, 77 Ceti, 78 Aquarii, 78 Cancri, 78 Pegasi, 78 Ursae Majoris, 78 Virginis, 79 Cancri, 79 Ceti, 8 Andromedae, 8 Aquarii, 8 Aquilae, 8 Camelopardalis, 8 Cancri, 8 Cygni, 8 Draconis, 8 Persei, 8 Vulpeculae, 80 Cancri, 81 Aquarii, 81 Cancri, 81 Ceti, 81 Geminorum, 82 Aquarii, 82 Cancri, 83 Aquarii, 83 Cancri, 83 Leonis, 83 Ursae Majoris, 84 Aquarii, 84 Ceti, 85 Aquarii, 85 Ceti, 85 Pegasi, 86 Aquarii, 87 Aquarii, 87 Leonis, 88 Aquarii, 88 Tauri, 89 Aquarii, 89 Herculis, 89 Virginis, 9 Andromedae, 9 Aquarii, 9 Aurigae, 9 Boötis, 9 Cephei, 9 Ceti, 9 Equulei, 9 Hydrae, 9 Lacertae, 9 Pegasi, 9 Persei, 9 Sagittarii, 9 Vulpeculae, 90 Tauri, 91 Aquarii, 93 Herculis, 93 Leonis, 94 Aquarii, 94 Ceti, 94 Piscium, 96 Aquarii, 97 Aquarii, 98 Aquarii, 98 Herculis, 99 Aquarii, 99 Herculis. 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Albireo is the traditional name for the double star also designated Beta Cygni (β Cygni, abbreviated Beta Cyg, β Cyg), although the International Astronomical Union now regards the name as only applying to the brightest component.

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Alcyone (star)

Alcyone, designated η Tauri (Eta Tauri, abbreviated Eta Tau, η Tau), is a multiple star system in the constellation of Taurus.

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Aldebaran, designated Alpha Tauri (α Tauri, abbreviated Alpha Tau, α Tau), is an orange giant star located about 65 light-years from the Sun in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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Algol, designated Beta Persei (β Persei, abbreviated Beta Per, β Per), known colloquially as the Demon Star, is a bright multiple star in the constellation of Perseus and one of the first non-nova variable stars to be discovered.

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Alnilam, designated Epsilon Orionis (ε Orionis, abbreviated Epsilon Ori, ε Ori) and 46 Orionis (46 Ori), is a large blue supergiant star some 2,000 light-years distant in the constellation of Orion.

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Alnitak, designated Zeta Orionis (ζ Orionis, abbreviated Zeta Ori, ζ Ori) and 50 Orionis (50 Ori), is a multiple star several hundred parsecs from the Sun in the constellation of Orion.

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Alpha Andromedae

Alpha Andromedae (α Andromedae, abbreviated Alpha And or α And), also named Alpheratz, is located 97 light-years from the Sun and is the brightest star in the constellation of Andromeda.

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Alpha Aquarii

Alpha Aquarii (α Aquarii, abbreviated Alpha Aqr, α Aqr), also named Sadalmelik, is a single star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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Alpha Camelopardalis

Alpha Camelopardalis (Alpha Cam, α Camelopardalis, α Cam) is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis, with an apparent visual magnitude of 4.3.

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Alpha Cancri

Alpha Cancri (α Cancri, abbreviated Alpha Cnc, α Cnc), also named Acubens, is a star system in the constellation of Cancer.

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Alpha Cassiopeiae

Alpha Cassiopeiae (α Cassiopeiae, abbreviated Alpha Cas, α Cas), also named Schedar, is a second magnitude star in the constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Alpha Cephei

Alpha Cephei (α Cephei, abbreviated Alpha Cep, α Cep), also named Alderamin, is a second magnitude star in the constellation of Cepheus near the northern pole.

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Alpha Ceti

Alpha Ceti (α Ceti, abbreviated Alpha Cet, α Cet), also named Menkar, is the second-brightest star in the constellation of Cetus.

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Alpha Comae Berenices

Alpha Comae Berenices (α Comae Berenices, abbreviated Alf Com, α Com) is a binary star in the constellation of Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair).

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Alpha Coronae Borealis

Alpha Coronae Borealis (α Coronae Borealis, abbreviated Alpha CrB, α CrB), also named Alphecca, is a binary star in the constellation of Corona Borealis.

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Alpha Corvi

Alpha Corvi (α Corvi, abbreviated Alpha Crv, α Crv), also named Alchiba, is an F-type main-sequence star and the fifth-brightest star in the constellation of Corvus.

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Alpha Crateris

Alpha Crateris (α Crateris, abbreviated Alpha Crt, α Crt), also named Alkes, is a star in the constellation of Crater.

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Alpha Delphini

Alpha Delphini (α Delphini, abbreviated Alpha Del, α Del) is a multiple star system in the constellation of Delphinus.

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Alpha Equulei

Alpha Equulei (α Equulei, abbreviated Alpha Equ, α Equ), also named Kitalpha, is a star in the constellation of Equuleus.

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Alpha Fornacis

Alpha Fornacis, Latinized from α Fornacis, also designated 12 Eridani, is a binary star system in the southern constellation of Fornax.

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Alpha Herculis

No description.

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Alpha Lacertae

Alpha Lacertae (Alpha Lac, α Lacertae, α Lac) is an A-type main sequence star in the constellation of Lacerta.

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Alpha Leporis

Alpha Leporis (α Leporis, abbreviated Alpha Lep, α Lep), also named Arneb, is the brightest star in the constellation of Lepus.

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Alpha Librae

Alpha Librae (α Librae, abbreviated Alpha Lib, α Lib), is a double star and despite its 'alpha' designation the second-brightest star in the constellation of Libra.

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Alpha Lyncis

Alpha Lyncis (α Lyn, α Lyncis) is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Lynx with an apparent magnitude of +3.13.

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Alpha Monocerotis

Alpha Monocerotis, Latinized from α Monocerotis, is the Bayer designation for the brightest star in the equatorial constellation of Monoceros.

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Alpha Ophiuchi

Alpha Ophiuchi (α Ophiuchi, abbreviated Alpha Oph, α Oph), also called Rasalhague, is a binary star and the brightest star in the constellation of Ophiuchus.

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Alpha Pegasi

Alpha Pegasi (α Pegasi, abbreviated Alpha Peg, α Peg), also named Markab, is the third-brightest star in the constellation of Pegasus and one of the four stars in the asterism known as the Great Square of Pegasus.

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Alpha Persei

Alpha Persei (α Persei, abbreviated Alpha Per, α Per), also named Mirfak, is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Perseus, just outshining the constellation's best known star, Algol.

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Alpha Piscium

Alpha Piscium (α Piscium) is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Pisces.

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Alpha Sagittae

Alpha Sagittae (α Sagittae, abbreviated Alpha Sge, α Sge), also named Sham, is a star in the constellation of Sagitta.

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Alpha Scuti

Alpha Scuti, Latinized from α Scuti, is an orange-hued star in the southern constellation of Scutum.

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Alpha Serpentis

Alpha Serpentis (α Serpentis, abbreviated Alpha Ser, α Ser), also named Unukalhai, is a double star in the head (Serpens Caput) of the equatorial constellation of Serpens.

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Alpha Sextantis

Alpha Sextantis (α Sex, α Sextantis) is the brightest star in the equatorial constellation of Sextans.

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Alpha Trianguli

Alpha Trianguli (α Trianguli, abbreviated Alpha Tri, α Tri), also named Mothallah, is a binary star in the constellation of Triangulum.

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Alpha Ursae Majoris

Alpha Ursae Majoris (α Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Alpha UMa, α UMa), also named Dubhe, is (despite being designated 'alpha') the second-brightest star in the constellation of Ursa Major.

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Alpha Vulpeculae

Alpha Vulpeculae (α Vulpeculae, abbreviated Alf Vul, α Vul), also named Anser, is the brightest star in the constellation of Vulpecula.

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Alpha1 Capricorni

Alpha1 Capricorni, Latinized from α1 Capricorni, is a double star in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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Alpha2 Capricorni

Alpha2 Capricorni (α2 Capricorni), or Algedi, is a triple star system in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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Alphard, also designated Alpha Hydrae (α Hydrae, abbreviated Alpha Hya, α Hya) is the brightest star in the constellation of Hydra.

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Altair, also designated Alpha Aquilae (α Aquilae, abbreviated Alpha Aql, α Aql), is the brightest star in the constellation of Aquila and the twelfth brightest star in the night sky.

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Andromeda (constellation)

Andromeda is one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century Greco-Roman astronomer Ptolemy and remains one of the 88 modern constellations.

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Andromeda Galaxy

The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224, is a spiral galaxy approximately 780 kiloparsecs (2.5 million light-years) from Earth, and the nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way.

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Antares, also designated Alpha Scorpii (α Scorpii, abbreviated Alpha Sco, α Sco), is on average the fifteenth-brightest star in the night sky, and the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius.

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Antlia (from Ancient Greek ἀντλία) is a constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere.

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Apus is a small constellation in the southern sky.

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Aquarius (constellation)

Aquarius is a constellation of the zodiac, situated between Capricornus and Pisces.

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Aquila (constellation)

Aquila is a constellation on the celestial equator.

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AR Aurigae

AR Aurigae (AR Aur), also known by its Flamsteed designation 17 Aurigae, is an binary star in the constellation Auriga.

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Ara (constellation)

Ara (Latin: "The Altar") is a southern constellation situated between Scorpius and Triangulum Australe.

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|- bgcolor.

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Aries (constellation)

Aries is one of the constellations of the zodiac.

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Asterope (star)

Asterope or Sterope is the traditional name of a double star, whose components are designated 21 Tauri and 22 Tauri, in the constellation of Taurus, although the International Astronomical Union now regards the name Asterope as only applying to 21 Tauri.

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Atlas (star)

Atlas, also designated 27 Tauri, is a triple star system in the constellation of Taurus.

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Auriga (constellation)

Auriga is one of the 88 modern constellations; it was among the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy.

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Bayer designation

A Bayer designation is a stellar designation in which a specific star is identified by a Greek letter, followed by the genitive form of its parent constellation's Latin name.

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Bellatrix, also designated Gamma Orionis (γ Orionis, abbreviated Gamma Ori, γ Ori), is the third-brightest star in the constellation of Orion, 5° west of the red giant Alpha Orionis (Betelgeuse).

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Beta Andromedae

Beta Andromedae (β Andromedae, abbreviated Beta And, β And), also named Mirach, is a prominent star in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Beta Aquarii

Beta Aquarii (β Aquarii, abbreviated Beta Aqr, β Aqr) is a double star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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Beta Aquilae

Beta Aquilae, Latinized from β Aquilae (abbreviated Beta Aql or β Aql) is a binary star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Beta Arietis

Beta Arietis (β Arietis, abbreviated Beta Ari, β Ari), also named Sheratan, is a star system and the second-brightest star in the constellation of Aries, marking the ram's second horn.

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Beta Aurigae

Beta Aurigae (β Aurigae, abbreviated Beta Aur, β Aur), also named Menkalinan, is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Beta Boötis

Beta Boötis (β Boötis, abbreviated Beta Boo, β Boo), also named Nekkar, is a star in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Beta Camelopardalis

Beta Camelopardalis, Latinized from β Camelopardalis, is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Camelopardalis.

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Beta Cancri

Beta Cancri (β Cancri, abbreviated Beta Cnc, β Cnc), also named Tarf, is the brightest star in the zodiacal constellation of Cancer.

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Beta Canis Majoris

Beta Canis Majoris (β Canis Majoris, abbreviated Beta CMa, β CMa), also named Mirzam, is a star in the southern constellation of Canis Major, the "Great Dog", located at a distance of about 500 light-years (150 parsecs) from the Sun.

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Beta Canis Minoris

Beta Canis Minoris (β Canis Minoris, abbreviated Beta CMi, β CMi), also named Gomeisa, is a star in the constellation of Canis Minor.

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Beta Canum Venaticorum

Beta Canum Venaticorum (β Canum Venaticorum, abbreviated Beta CVn, β CVn), also named Chara, is a G-type main-sequence star in the northern constellation of Canes Venatici.

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Beta Capricorni

Beta Capricorni (β Capricorni, abbreviated Beta Cap, β Cap) is a multiple star system in the constellation of Capricornus and located 328 light years from the Sun.

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Beta Cassiopeiae

Beta Cassiopeiae (β Cassiopeiae, abbreviated Beta Cas or β Cas), also named Caph, is a Delta Scuti variable star in the constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Beta Cephei

Beta Cephei (β Cephei, abbreviated Beta Cep, β Cep), also named Alfirk, is a third magnitude star in the constellation of Cepheus.

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Beta Ceti

Beta Ceti (β Ceti, abbreviated Beta Cet, β Cet), also named Diphda, is the brightest star in the constellation of Cetus.

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Beta Comae Berenices

Beta Comae Berenices (β Comae Berenices, β Com) is a main sequence dwarf star in the northern constellation of Coma Berenices.

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Beta Coronae Borealis

Beta Coronae Borealis (β Coronae Borealis, abbreviated Beta CrB, β CrB) is a binary star in the constellation of Corona Borealis.

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Beta Corvi

Beta Corvi (β Corvi, abbreviated Beta Crv, β Crv), also named Kraz, is the second-brightest star in the southern constellation of Corvus with an apparent visual magnitude of 2.647.

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Beta Crateris

Beta Crateris, Latinized from β Crateris, is a binary star system in the southern constellation of Crater.

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Beta Delphini

Beta Delphini (β Delphini, abbreviated Beta Del, β Del) is a binary star in the constellation of Delphinus.

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Beta Draconis

Beta Draconis (β Draconis, abbreviated Beta Dra, β Dra) is a binary star and the third-brightest star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Beta Equulei

Beta Equulei, Latinized from β Equulei, is the Bayer designation for a solitary star in the northern constellation of Equuleus.

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Beta Eridani

Beta Eridani (β Eridani, abbreviated Beta Eri, β Eri), also named Cursa, is the second-brightest star in the constellation of Eridanus, located in the northeast end of this constellation near the shared border with Orion.

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Beta Herculis

Beta Herculis (β Herculis, abbreviated Beta Her, β Her), also named Kornephoros, is a binary star and the brightest star in the northern constellation of Hercules at a base apparent visual magnitude of 2.81.

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Beta Hydrae

Beta Hydrae (Beta Hya, β Hydrae, β Hya) is a double star in the constellation of Hydra.

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Beta Lacertae

Beta Lacertae (Beta Lac, β Lacertae, β Lac) is the fourth-brightest star in the constellation of Lacerta.

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Beta Leonis Minoris

Beta Leonis Minoris (Beta LMi, β Leonis Minoris, β LMi) is a binary star in the constellation of Leo Minor.

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Beta Leporis

Beta Leporis (β Leporis, abbreviated Beta Lep, β Lep), also named Nihal, is the second brightest star in the constellation of Lepus.

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Beta Librae

Beta Librae (β Librae, abbreviated Beta Lib, β Lib), also named Zubeneschamali, is (despite its 'beta' designation) the brightest star in the zodiac constellation of Libra.

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Beta Lyrae

Beta Lyrae (Latinized from β Lyrae, abbreviated Beta Lyr, β Lyr), also named Sheliak, is a binary star system approximately from the Sun in the constellation of Lyra.

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Beta Monocerotis

Beta Monocerotis (Beta Mon, β Monocerotis, β Mon) is a triple star system in the constellation of Monoceros.

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Beta Ophiuchi

Beta Ophiuchi (β Ophiuchi, abbreviated Beta Oph, β Oph), also named Cebalrai, is a star in the equatorial constellation of Ophiuchus.

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Beta Pegasi

Beta Pegasi (β Pegasi, abbreviated Beta Peg, β Peg), also named Scheat, is a red giant star and the second-brightest star (after Epsilon Pegasi) in the constellation of Pegasus.

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Beta Piscis Austrini

Beta Piscis Austrini (β Piscis Austrini) is catalogued as a binary star system in the southern constellation of Piscis Austrinus.

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Beta Piscium

Beta Piscium (β Piscium), also known by its traditional name Fum al Samakah, is a blue-white hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Beta Sagittae

Beta Sagittae, Latinized from β Sagittae, is a single star in the northern constellation of Sagitta.

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Beta Scorpii

Beta Scorpii (β Scorpii, abbreviated Beta Sco, β Sco) is a multiple star system in the southern zodiac constellation of Scorpius.

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Beta Scuti

Beta Scuti, Latinized from β Scuti, is a binary star system in the southern constellation Scutum.

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Beta Serpentis

Beta Serpentis, Latinized from β Serpentis, is a binary star system in the constellation Serpens, in its head (Serpens Caput).

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Beta Sextantis

Beta Sextantis, Latinized from β Sextantis, is a variable star in the equatorial constellation of Sextans.

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Beta Tauri

Beta Tauri (β Tauri, abbreviated Beta Tau, β Tau), also named Elnath, is the second-brightest star in the constellation of Taurus with an apparent magnitude of 1.65.

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Beta Trianguli

Beta Trianguli (Beta Tri, β Trianguli, β Tri) is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the constellation Triangulum, located about 127 light years from Earth.

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Beta Ursae Majoris

Beta Ursae Majoris (β Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Beta UMa, β UMa), also named Merak, is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Beta Ursae Minoris

Beta Ursae Minoris (β Ursae Minoris, abbreviated Beta UMi, β UMi), also named Kochab, is the brightest star in the bowl of the Little Dipper asterism (which is part of the constellation of Ursa Minor), and only slightly fainter than Polaris, the northern pole star and brightest star in Ursa Minor.

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Beta Virginis

Beta Virginis (β Virginis, abbreviated Beta Vir, β Vir), also named Zavijava, is (despite its designation 'beta') the fifth-brightest star in the constellation of Virgo.

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Betelgeuse, also designated Alpha Orionis (α Orionis, abbreviated Alpha Ori, α Ori), is the ninth-brightest star in the night sky and second-brightest in the constellation of Orion.

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Boötes is a constellation in the northern sky, located between 0° and +60° declination, and 13 and 16 hours of right ascension on the celestial sphere.

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C Ursae Majoris

c Ursae Majoris is the Bayer designation for a double-lined spectroscopic binary star system in the northern constellation of Ursa Major.

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Caelum is a faint constellation in the southern sky, introduced in the 1750s by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille and counted among the 88 modern constellations.

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Camelopardalis is a large but obscure constellation of the northern sky representing a giraffe.

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Cancer (constellation)

Cancer is one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac.

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Canes Venatici

Canes Venatici is one of the 88 official modern constellations.

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Canis Major

Canis Major is a constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere.

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Canis Minor

Canis Minor is a small constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere.

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Capella, also designated Alpha Aurigae (α Aurigae, abbreviated Alpha Aur, α Aur), is the brightest star in the constellation of Auriga, the sixth-brightest in the night sky, and the third-brightest in the northern celestial hemisphere after Arcturus and Vega.

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Capricornus is one of the constellations of the zodiac.

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Carina (constellation)

Carina is a constellation in the southern sky.

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Cassiopeia (constellation)

Cassiopeia is a constellation in the northern sky, named after the vain queen Cassiopeia in Greek mythology, who boasted about her unrivalled beauty.

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Cassiopeia A

Cassiopeia A (Cas A) is a supernova remnant (SNR) in the constellation Cassiopeia and the brightest extrasolar radio source in the sky at frequencies above 1 GHz.

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Castor (star)

Castor, also designated Alpha Geminorum (α Geminorum, abbreviated Alpha Gem, α Gem) is the second-brightest star in the constellation of Gemini and one of the brightest stars in the night sky.

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Celaeno (star)

Celaeno, also designated 16 Tauri, is a star in the constellation of Taurus and a member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45) of stars.

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Centaurus is a bright constellation in the southern sky.

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Cepheus (constellation)

Cepheus is a constellation in the northern sky, which is named after Cepheus (a King in the Greek mythology).

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Cetus is a constellation.

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Chamaeleon is a small constellation in the southern sky.

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Chi Andromedae

Chi Andromedae (χ Andromedae, χ And) is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Chi Aquarii

Chi Aquarii, Latinized from χ Aquarii, is the Bayer designation of a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Chi Aquilae

Chi Aquilae (χ Aql, χ Aquilae) is the Bayer designation for a binary star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila, the eagle.

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Chi Aurigae

Chi Aurigae (χ Aur, χ Aurigae) is the Bayer designation for a binary star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Chi Boötis

Chi Boötis, Latinized as χ Boötis, is a single, white-hued star in the constellation Boötes.

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Chi Cancri

Chi Cancri (χ Cnc, χ Cancri) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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Chi Capricorni

Chi Capricorni, Latinized from χ Capricorni, is a star in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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Chi Cassiopeiae

Chi Cassiopeiae (χ Cassiopeiae) is a solitary, yellow-hued star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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Chi Ceti

Chi Ceti (χ Ceti), is the Bayer designation for a double star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Chi Draconis

Chi Draconis (χ Dra, χ Draconis, Chi Draconis) is a star system in the constellation Draco.

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Chi Geminorum

Chi Geminorum (χ Gem) is a binary star system in the constellation Gemini, near the western border with Cancer.

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Chi Herculis

Chi Herculis, Latinized from χ Herculis, is a Sun-like star in the northern constellation of Hercules.

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Chi Leonis

Chi Leonis, Latinized from χ Leonis, is a double star in the constellation Leo.

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Chi Lupi

Chi Lupi (Chi Lup, χ Lupi, χ Lup) is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation of Lupus.

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Chi Ophiuchi

Chi Ophiuchi (Chi Oph / χ Ophiuchi / χ Oph) is a Be star in the constellation of Ophiuchus.

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Chi Pegasi

Chi Pegasi (χ Peg) is a class M2+III (red giant) star in the constellation Pegasus.

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Chi Piscium

Chi Piscium (χ Piscium) is a solitary, orange-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Chi Sagittarii

The Bayer designation Chi Sagittarii (χ Sagittarii) is shared by three star systems in the zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Chi Scorpii

Chi Scorpii (χ Sco, χ Scorpii) is a star in the zodiac constellation of Scorpius.

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Chi Serpentis

Chi Serpentis (χ Ser, χ Serpentis) is a solitary star in the Serpens Caput section of the equatorial constellation Serpens.

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Chi Tauri

Chi Tauri (χ Tau, χ Tau) is a star system in the constellation of Taurus.

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Chi Ursae Majoris

Chi Ursae Majoris (χ Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Chi UMa, χ UMa), also named Taiyangshou, is a star in the constellation of Ursa Major.

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Chi Virginis

Chi Virginis (χ Vir, χ Virginis) is a double star in the constellation Virgo.

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Chi1 Hydrae

Chi1 Hydrae (χ1 Hya) is a binary star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Chi1 Orionis

Chi1 Orionis (χ1 Ori, χ1 Orionis) is a star about 28 light years away.

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Chi1 Sagittarii

Chi1 Sagittarii (χ1 Sagittarii) is a binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Chi2 Orionis

Chi2 Orionis (Chi2 Ori / χ2 Orionis / χ2 Ori) is a B-type supergiant star in the constellation of Orion.

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Chi3 Sagittarii

Chi3 Sagittarii (χ3 Sagittarii) is a solitary, orange-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Circinus is a small, faint constellation in the southern sky, first defined in 1756 by the French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille.

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CK Vulpeculae

CK Vulpeculae (also Nova Vulpeculae 1670) may be the oldest cataloged nova variable.

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Columba (constellation)

Columba is a small, faint constellation created in the late sixteenth century.

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Coma Berenices

Coma Berenices is an ancient asterism in the northern sky which has been defined as one of the 88 modern constellations.

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A constellation is a group of stars that are considered to form imaginary outlines or meaningful patterns on the celestial sphere, typically representing animals, mythological people or gods, mythological creatures, or manufactured devices.

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Cor Caroli

Cor Caroli is the traditional name for the binary star also designated Alpha Canum Venaticorum (α Canum Venaticorum, abbreviated Alpha CVn, α CVn), although the International Astronomical Union now regards the name as only applying to the brightest component.

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Corona Australis

Corona Australis is a constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere.

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Corona Borealis

Corona Borealis is a small constellation in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere.

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Corvus (constellation)

Corvus is a small constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere.

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Crater (constellation)

Crater is a small constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere.

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Crux is a constellation located in the southern sky in a bright portion of the Milky Way.

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Cygnus (constellation)

Cygnus is a northern constellation lying on the plane of the Milky Way, deriving its name from the Latinized Greek word for swan.

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Delphinus (Eng. U.S.) Eng.

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Delta Andromedae

Delta Andromedae (δ And, δ Andromedae) is a multiple star system in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Delta Aquarii

Delta Aquarii (δ Aquarii, abbreviated Delta Aqr, δ Aqr), also named Skat, is the third-brightest star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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Delta Aquilae

Delta Aquilae (δ Aquilae, δ Aql) is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Delta Arietis

Delta Arietis (δ Arietis, abbreviated Delta Ari, δ Ari), also named Botein, is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Delta Aurigae

Delta Aurigae (δ Aur, δ Aurigae) is the Bayer designation for an astrometric binary star in the constellation Auriga.

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Delta Boötis

Delta Boötis (δ Boo, δ Boötis) is a double star in the northern constellation Boötes.

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Delta Cancri

Delta Cancri (δ Cancri, abbreviated Delta Cnc, δ Cnc) is a double star approximately 180 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Cancer.

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Delta Canis Majoris

Delta Canis Majoris (δ Canis Majoris, abbreviated Delta CMa, δ CMa), also named Wezen, is a star in the constellation of Canis Major.

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Delta Capricorni

Delta Capricorni (δ Capricorni, abbreviated Del Cap, δ Cap) is a multiple star system approximately 39 light-years away in the constellation of Capricornus (the Sea Goat).

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Delta Cassiopeiae

Delta Cassiopeiae (δ Cassiopeiae, abbreviated Delta Cas, δ Cas) is an eclipsing binary star system in the northern circumpolar constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Delta Cephei

Delta Cephei (δ Cep, δ Cephei) is the Bayer designation for a quadruple star system located approximately 887 light-years away in the northern circumpolar constellation of Cepheus, the King.

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Delta Ceti

Delta Ceti, Latinized from δ Ceti, is a single, blue-white hued star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Delta Columbae

Delta Columbae is a binary star system in the constellation Columba.

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Delta Coronae Borealis

Delta Coronae Borealis, Latinized from δ Coronae Borealis, is a star in the constellation Corona Borealis.

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Delta Corvi

Delta Corvi (δ Corvi, abbreviated Delta Crv, δ Crv), also named Algorab, is a third magnitude star at a distance of from the Sun in the southern constellation of Corvus.

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Delta Crateris

Delta Crateris (δ Crt, δ Crateris) is a solitary star in the southern constellation of Crater.

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Delta Cygni

Delta Cygni (δ Cygni, abbreviated Delta Cyg, δ Cyg) is a binary star of a combined third-magnitude in the constellation of Cygnus and part of the Southern Cross asterism (whose brightest star is Deneb).

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Delta Delphini

Delta Delphini, Latinized from δ Delphini, is a binary star in the northern constellation of Delphinus.

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Delta Draconis

Delta Draconis (δ Draconis, abbreviated Delta Dra, δ Dra), also named Altais, is a yellow star in the constellation of Draco.

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Delta Equulei

Delta Equulei, Latinized from δ Equulei, is the second brightest star in the constellation Equuleus.

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Delta Eridani

Delta Eridani (δ Eri, δ Eridani) is a 3.54 magnitude star in the constellation of Eridanus.

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Delta Geminorum

Delta Geminorum (δ Geminorum, abbreviated Delta Gem, δ Gem), also named Wasat, is a triple star system in the constellation of Gemini.

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Delta Herculis

Delta Herculis (δ Herculis, abbreviated Delta Her, δ Her) is a multiple star system in the constellation of Hercules.

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Delta Hydrae

Delta Hydrae, Latinized from δ Hydrae, is a double star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Delta Leonis

Delta Leonis (δ Leonis, abbreviated Delta Leo, δ Leo), also named Zosma, is a star in the zodiac constellation of Leo.

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Delta Leporis

Delta Leporis (δ Leporis) is a solitary, orange-hued star in the southern constellation of Lepus.

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Delta Librae

Delta Librae, Latinized from δ Librae, is a variable star in the constellation Libra.

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Delta Monocerotis

Delta Monocerotis (δ Mon) is a class A2V (white main-sequence) star in the constellation Monoceros.

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Delta Ophiuchi

Delta Ophiuchi (δ Ophiuchi, abbreviated Delta Oph, δ Oph), also named Yed Prior, is a star in the constellation of Ophiuchus.

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Delta Persei

Delta Persei (Delta Per, δ Persei, δ Per) is a double star in the northern constellation of Perseus.

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Delta Piscis Austrini

Delta Piscis Austrini (δ Piscis Austrini) is a yellow-hued star in the southern constellation of Piscis Austrinus.

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Delta Piscium

Delta Piscium (δ Piscium) is a solitary, orange-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Delta Sagittae

Delta Sagittae (Delta Sge, δ Sagittae, δ Sge) is a binary star in the constellation of Sagitta, with an apparent magnitude of +3.68.

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Delta Sagittarii

Delta Sagittarii (δ Sagittarii, abbreviated Delta Sgr, δ Sgr), also named Kaus Media, is a double star in the southern zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Delta Scorpii

Delta Scorpii (δ Scorpii, abbreviated Delta Sco, δ Sco) is a binary star (the presence of a third star in the system is still being debated) in the constellation of Scorpius.

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Delta Scuti

Delta Scuti (δ Sct, δ Scuti) is a giant star in the southern constellation Scutum.

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Delta Serpentis

Delta Serpentis (δ Serpentis, δ Ser) is a star system in the constellation Serpens, in its head (Serpens Caput).

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Delta Sextantis

Delta Sextantis (δ Sex, δ Sextantis) is a solitary star in the equatorial constellation of Sextans.

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Delta Trianguli

Delta Trianguli (Delta Tri, δ Trianguli, δ Tri) is a spectroscopic binary star system approximately away in the constellation of Triangulum.

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Delta Ursae Majoris

Delta Ursae Majoris (δ Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Delta UMa, δ UMa), also named Megrez, is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Delta Ursae Minoris

Delta Ursae Minoris, Latinized from δ Ursae Minoris, also named Yildun, is a white-hued star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor, forming the second star in the bear's tail.

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Delta Virginis

Delta Virginis (δ Virginis, abbreviated Del Vir, δ Vir), also named Minelauva, is a star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Delta1 Canis Minoris

Delta1 Canis Minoris, Latinized from δ1 Canis Minoris, is a solitary, yellow-white hued star in the constellation Canis Minor.

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Delta1 Lyrae

Delta1 Lyrae, Latinized from δ1 Lyrae, is a binary star system in the constellation Lyra, approximately 1,100 light years away from Earth.

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Delta1 Tauri

Delta¹ Tauri (δ¹ Tauri, abbreviated Del¹ Tau, δ¹ Tau) is a double star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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Delta2 Canis Minoris

Delta2 Canis Minoris (δ2 CMi, δ2 Canis Minoris) is a star in the constellation Canis Minor.

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Delta2 Lyrae

Delta2 Lyrae (δ2 Lyr) is a 4th magnitude star in the constellation Lyra, approximately 900 light years away from Earth.

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Delta2 Tauri

Delta2 Tauri (δ2 Tauri) is a solitary, white-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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Delta3 Canis Minoris

Delta3 Canis Minoris (δ3 Canis Minoris) is a solitary, white-hued star in the equatorial constellation of Canis Minor.

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Delta3 Tauri

Delta3 Tauri (δ3 Tauri) is a binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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Deneb, also designated α Cygni (Latinised alpha Cygni, abbreviated Alpha Cyg, α Cyg), is the brightest star in the constellation of Cygnus.

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Denebola, also designated Beta Leonis (β Leonis, abbreviated Beta Leo, β Leo) is the second-brightest star in the zodiac constellation of Leo, although the two components of the γ Leonis double star, which are unresolved to the naked eye, have a combined magnitude brighter than it.

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Dorado (English pronunciation) is a constellation in the southern sky.

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Draco (constellation)

Draco is a constellation in the far northern sky.

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Electra (star)

Electra, also designated 17 Tauri, is a blue-white giant star in the constellation of Taurus.

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Epsilon Andromedae

Epsilon Andromedae, Latinized from ε Andromedae, is a star in the constellation of Andromeda.

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Epsilon Aquarii

Epsilon Aquarii (ε Aquarii, abbreviated Epsilon Aqr, ε Aqr), also named Albali, is a star in the equatorial zodiac constellation of Aquarius.

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Epsilon Aquilae

Epsilon Aquilae (ε Aql, ε Aquilae) is the Bayer designation for a binary star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Epsilon Arietis

Epsilon Arietis (ε Ari, ε Arietis) is the Bayer designation for a visual binary star system in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Epsilon Aurigae

Epsilon Aurigae (ε Aurigae, abbreviated Eps Aur, ε Aur) is a multiple star system in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Epsilon Boötis

Epsilon Boötis (ε Boötis, abbreviated Epsilon Boo, ε Boo), also named Izar, is a binary star in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Epsilon Cancri

Epsilon Cancri (ε Cancri, abbreviated Eps Cnc, ε Cnc) is a white-hued binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Epsilon Canis Majoris

Epsilon Canis Majoris (ε Canis Majoris, abbreviated Epsilon CMa, ε CMa), also named Adhara, is a binary star and, despite being designated 'epsilon', the second-brightest star in the constellation of Canis Major and one of the brightest stars in the night sky.

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Epsilon Canis Minoris

Epsilon Canis Minoris (ε Canis Minoris) is a suspected binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Canis Minor.

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Epsilon Capricorni

Epsilon Capricorni, Latinized from ε Capricorni, is a triple star system in the constellation Capricornus.

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Epsilon Cassiopeiae

Epsilon Cassiopeiae (ε Cassiopeiae, abbreviated Eps Cas, ε Cas), also named Segin, is a star in the constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Epsilon Cephei

Epsilon Cephei, Latinized from ε Cephei, is a star in the northern constellation of Cepheus.

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Epsilon Ceti

Epsilon Ceti, Latinized from ε Ceti, is the Bayer designation for a binary star system located in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Epsilon Coronae Borealis

Epsilon Coronae Borealis, Latinized from ε Coronae Borealis, is a multiple star system in the constellation Corona Borealis located around 230 light-years from the Solar System.

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Epsilon Corvi

Epsilon Corvi (ε Crv, ε Corvi) is a star in the southern constellation of Corvus.

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Epsilon Crateris

Epsilon Crateris (ε Crt) is a solitary star in the southern constellation of Crater.

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Epsilon Cygni

Epsilon Cygni (ε Cygni, abbreviated Eps Cyg, ε Cyg) is multiple star system in the constellation of Cygnus.

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Epsilon Delphini

Epsilon Delphini (ε Delphini, abbreviated Eps Del, ε Del), also named Aldulfin, is a solitary, blue-white hued star in the northern constellation of Delphinus.

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Epsilon Draconis

Epsilon Draconis (ε Dra, ε Draconis) is a fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Draco.

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Epsilon Equulei

Epsilon Equulei, Latinized from ε Equulei, is a star system of apparent magnitude +5.23 in the constellation of Equuleus.

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Epsilon Eridani

Epsilon Eridani (ε Eridani, abbreviated Epsilon Eri, ε Eri), also named Ran, is a star in the southern constellation of Eridanus, at a declination of 9.46° south of the celestial equator.

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Epsilon Geminorum

Epsilon Geminorum (ε Geminorum, abbreviated Epsilon Gem, ε Gem), also named Mebsuta, is a star in the constellation of Gemini and is located on the outstretched right 'leg' of the twin Castor.

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Epsilon Herculis

Epsilon Herculis, Latinized from ε Herculis, is a fourth-magnitude multiple star system in the northern constellation of Hercules.

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Epsilon Hydrae

Epsilon Hydrae (ε Hydrae, abbreviated Epsilon Hya, ε Hya) is a is a multiple star system of a combined third magnitude in the constellation of Hydra.

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Epsilon Leonis

Epsilon Leonis (ε Leo, ε Leonis) is the fifth-brightest star in the constellation Leo, consistent with its Bayer designation Epsilon.

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Epsilon Leporis

Epsilon Leporis (ε Lep, ε Lep) is a third-magnitude star in the southern constellation Lepus.

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Epsilon Librae

Epsilon Librae (ε Lib) is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the zodiac constellation Libra.

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Epsilon Lyrae

Epsilon Lyrae (ε Lyr, ε Lyrae), also known as The Double Double, is a multiple star system approximately 162 light-years away in the constellation of Lyra.

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Epsilon Microscopii

Epsilon Microscopii, Latinized from ε Microscopii, is a single, white-hued star in the southern constellationof Microscopium.

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Epsilon Monocerotis

ε Monocerotis, Latinised as Epsilon Monocerotis, is the Bayer designation of a binary star system in the equatorial constellation Monoceros.

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Epsilon Ophiuchi

Epsilon Ophiuchi (ε Ophiuchi, abbreviated Epsilon Oph, ε Oph), also named Yed Posterior, is a red giant star in the constellation of Ophiuchus.

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Epsilon Pegasi

Epsilon Pegasi (ε Pegasi, abbreviated Epsilon Peg, ε Peg), also named Enif (EE-nif), is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Pegasus.

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Epsilon Persei

Epsilon Persei (ε Persei, ε Per) is a multiple star system in the northern constellation of Perseus.

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Epsilon Piscis Austrini

Epsilon Piscis Austrini (ε Piscis Austrini) is a blue-white hued star in the southern constellation of Piscis Austrinus.

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Epsilon Piscium

Epsilon Piscium (Epsilon Psc, ε Piscium, ε Psc) is the Bayer designation for a star approximately away from the Earth, in the constellation Pisces.

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Epsilon Sagittae

Epsilon Sagittae (ε Sagittae) is a solitary, yellow-hued star in the northern constellation of Sagitta.

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Epsilon Sagittarii

Epsilon Sagittarii (ε Sagittarii, abbreviated Epsilon Sgr, ε Sgr), also named Kaus Australis, is a binary star system in the southern zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Epsilon Scorpii

Epsilon Scorpii (ε Scorpii, abbreviated Eps Sco, ε Sco), also named Larawag, is a star in the southern zodiac constellation of Scorpius. It has an apparent visual magnitude of +2.3, making it the fifth-brightest member of the constellation. Parallax measurements made during the Hipparcos mission provide an estimated distance to this star of around from the Sun. Epsilon Scorpii has a stellar classification of K1 III, which indicates it has exhausted the supply of hydrogen at its core and evolved into a giant star. The interferometry-measured angular diameter of this star, after correcting for limb darkening, is, which, at its estimated distance, equates to a physical radius of nearly 13 times the radius of the Sun. Presently it is generating energy through the nuclear fusion of helium at its core, which, considering the star's composition, places it along an evolutionary branch termed the red clump. The star's outer atmosphere has an effective temperature of 4,560 K, giving it the orange hue of a cool K-type star. ε Scorpii is classified as a suspected variable star, although a study of Hipparcos photometry showed a variation of no more than 0.01–0.02 magnitudes. It is an X-ray source with a luminosity of.

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Epsilon Scuti

Epsilon Scuti, Latinized from ε Scuti, is a probable astrometric binary star system in the constellation Scutum.

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Epsilon Serpentis

Epsilon Serpentis, Latinized from ε Serpentis, is a single, white-hued star in the constellation Serpens, in its head (Serpens Caput).

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Epsilon Sextantis

Epsilon Sextantis (ε Sex, ε Sextantis) is a solitary star in the equatorial constellation Sextans.

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Epsilon Tauri

Epsilon Tauri (ε Tauri, abbreviated Epsilon Tau, ε Tau), also named Ain, is an orange giant star located approximately 45 parsecs (147 light-years) from the Sun in the constellation of Taurus.

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Epsilon Trianguli

Epsilon Trianguli, Latinized from ε Trianguli, is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Triangulum.

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Epsilon Ursae Majoris

Epsilon Ursae Majoris (ε Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Epsilon UMa, ε UMa), also named Alioth, is (despite being designated 'epsilon') the brightest star in the constellation of Ursa Major, and at magnitude 1.77 is the thirty-second-brightest star in the sky.

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Epsilon Ursae Minoris

Epsilon Ursae Minoris (ε Ursae Minoris) is a binary star system in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor.

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Epsilon Virginis

Epsilon Virginis (ε Virginis, abbreviated Epsilon Vir, ε Vir), also named Vindemiatrix, is a star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Equuleus is a constellation.

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Eridanus (constellation)

Eridanus is a constellation in the southern hemisphere.

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Eta Andromedae

Eta Andromedae (Eta And, η Andromedae, η And) is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation of Andromeda.

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Eta Aquarii

Eta Aquarii, Latinized from η Aquarii, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Eta Aquilae

Eta Aquilae (η Aql, η Aquilae) is the Bayer designation for a multiple star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila, the eagle.

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Eta Arietis

Eta Arietis (η Ari, η Arietis) is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Eta Aurigae

Eta Aurigae (η Aurigae, abbreviated Eta Aur, η Aur), also named Haedus, is a star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Eta Boötis

Eta Boötis (η Boötis, abbreviated Eta Boo, η Boo) is a binary star in the constellation of Boötes.

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Eta Cancri

Eta Cancri, Latinized from η Cancri, is a single, orange-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Eta Canis Majoris

Eta Canis Majoris (η Canis Majoris, abbreviated Eta CMa, η CMa), also named Aludra, is a star in the constellation of Canis Major.

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Eta Canis Minoris

Eta Canis Minoris (η CMi, η Canis Minoris) is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Canis Minor.

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Eta Capricorni

Eta Capricorni, Latinized from η Capricorni, is a binary star system in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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Eta Cassiopeiae

Eta Cassiopeiae (η Cassiopeiae, abbreviated Eta Cas, η Cas) is a binary star system in the northern circumpolar constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Eta Cephei

Eta Cephei (η Cep, η Cephei) is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Cepheus.

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Eta Ceti

Eta Ceti (η Cet, η Ceti) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Eta Coronae Borealis

Eta Coronae Borealis (η Coronae Borealis, η CrB) is a stellar system that lies approximately 58 light-years away.

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Eta Corvi

Eta Corvi (Eta Crv, η Corvi, η Crv) is an F-type main-sequence star, the sixth-brightest star in the constellation of Corvus.

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Eta Crateris

Eta Crateris (η Crt) is a solitary star in the southern constellation of Crater.

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Eta Cygni

Eta Cygni (η Cyg) is a star in the northern constellation of Cygnus.

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Eta Delphini

Eta Delphini, Latinized from η Delphini, is a candidate astrometric binary star system in the northern constellation of Delphinus.

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Eta Draconis

Eta Draconis (η Draconis, abbreviated Eta Dra, η Dra) is a binary star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Eta Eridani

Eta Eridani (η Eridani, abbreviated Eta Eri, η Eri), also named Azha, is a giant star in the constellation of Eridanus.

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Eta Geminorum

Eta Geminorum (η Geminorum, abbreviated Eta Gem, η Gem), also named Propus, is a triple star system in the constellation of Gemini.

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Eta Herculis

Eta Herculis (η Her, η Herculis) is a fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Hercules.

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Eta Hydrae

Eta Hydrae (η Hya) is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Eta Leonis

Eta Leonis (η Leo, η Leonis) is a fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Leo.

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Eta Leporis

Eta Leporis, Latinized from η Leporis, is a single, yellow-white hued star in the southern constellation of Lepus, the hare.

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Eta Lyrae

Eta Lyrae (η Lyrae, abbreviated Eta Lyr, η Lyr) is the primary or 'A' component of a triple star system in the constellation of Lyra.

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Eta Ophiuchi

Eta Ophiuchi (η Ophiuchi, abbreviated Eta Oph, η Oph) is a binary star in the constellation of Ophiuchus.

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Eta Orionis

Eta Orionis (η Ori, η Orionis) is a star in the constellation Orion.

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Eta Pegasi

Eta Pegasi (η Pegasi, abbreviated Eta Peg, η Peg), also named Matar, is a binary star in the constellation of Pegasus.

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Eta Persei

Eta Persei (η Persei, abbreviated Eta Per, η Per), is a binary star and the 'A' component of a triple star system (the 'B' component is the star HD 237009) in the constellation of Perseus.

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Eta Piscis Austrini

Eta Piscis Austrini (η Piscis Austrini) is binary star system in the southern constellation of Piscis Austrinus.

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Eta Piscium

Eta Piscium (η Piscium, abbreviated Eta Psc, η Psc) is a binary star and the brightest point of light in the constellation of Pisces with an apparent visual magnitude of +3.6.

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Eta Sagittae

Eta Sagittae (η Sagittae) is solitary star in the northern constellation of Sagitta.

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Eta Scuti

Eta Scuti (η Sct, η Scuti) is a star in the constellation Scutum.

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Eta Serpentis

Eta Serpentis (η Ser, η Serpentis) is a star in the constellation Serpens.

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Eta Ursae Majoris

Eta Ursae Majoris (η Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Eta UMa, η UMa), also named Alkaid, is a star in the constellation of Ursa Major.

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Eta Ursae Minoris

Eta Ursae Minoris, Latinized from η Ursae Minoris, is a yellow-white hued star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor.

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Eta Virginis

Eta Virginis (η Virginis, abbreviated Eta Vir, η Vir) is a triple star system in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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F Hydrae

F Hydrae, also known as HD 74395, is a star in the constellation Hydra with an apparent magnitude is 4.64.

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Flamsteed designation

A Flamsteed designation is a combination of a number and constellation name that uniquely identifies most naked eye stars in the modern constellations visible from southern England.

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Fomalhaut, also designated Alpha Piscis Austrini (α Piscis Austrini, abbreviated Alpha PsA, α PsA) is the brightest star in the constellation of Piscis Austrinus and one of the brightest stars in the sky.

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Fornax is a constellation in the southern sky, partly ringed by the celestial river Eridanus.

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Gamma Andromedae

Gamma Andromedae (γ Andromedae, abbreviated Gam And, γ And) is the third-brightest point of light in the constellation of Andromeda.

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Gamma Aquarii

Gamma Aquarii (γ Aquarii, abbreviated Gamma Aqr, γ Aqr) is a binary star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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Gamma Aquilae

Gamma Aquilae (γ Aquilae, abbreviated Gamma Aql, γ Aql), also known as Tarazed, is a star in the constellation of Aquila.

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Gamma Arietis

Gamma Arietis (γ Arietis, abbreviated Gamma Ari, γ Ari) is a binary star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Gamma Boötis

Gamma Boötis (γ Boötis, abbreviated Gamma Boo, γ Boo), also named Seginus, is a star in the constellation of Boötes.

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Gamma Cancri

Gamma Cancri (γ Cancri, abbreviated Gamma Cnc, γ Cnc) is a multiple star system in the constellation of Cancer.

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Gamma Canis Majoris

Gamma Canis Majoris (γ Canis Majoris, abbreviated Gamma CMa, γ CMa), also named Muliphein, is a star in the constellation of Canis Major.

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Gamma Canis Minoris

Gamma Canis Minoris (γ Canis Minoris) is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation Canis Minor.

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Gamma Capricorni

Gamma Capricorni (γ Capricorni, abbreviated Gamma Cap, γ Cap), also named Nashira, is a giant star in the constellation of Capricornus.

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Gamma Cassiopeiae

Gamma Cassiopeiae, Latinized from γ Cassiopeiae, is a star at the center of the distinctive "W" asterism in the northern circumpolar constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Gamma Cephei

Gamma Cephei (γ Cephei, abbreviated Gamma Cep, γ Cep) is a binary star system approximately 45 light-years away in the constellation of Cepheus.

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Gamma Ceti

Gamma Ceti (γ Ceti, abbreviated Gam Cet, γ Cet) is a triple star system in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Gamma Comae Berenices

Gamma Comae Berenices, Latinized from γ Comae Berenices, is a single, orange-hued star in the southern constellation of Coma Berenices.

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Gamma Coronae Borealis

Gamma Coronae Borealis, Latinized from γ Coronae Borealis, is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Corona Borealis.

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Gamma Corvi

Gamma Corvi (γ Corvi, abbreviated Gamma Crv, γ Crv) is a binary star and the brightest star in the southern constellation of Corvus, having an apparent visual magnitude of 2.59.

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Gamma Crateris

Gamma Crateris is a binary star system, divisible with a small amateur telescope, and located at the center of the southern constellation of Crater.

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Gamma Cygni

Gamma Cygni (γ Cygni, abbreviated Gamma Cyg, γ Cyg), also named Sadr, is a star in the northern constellation of Cygnus, forming the intersection of an asterism of five stars called the Northern Cross.

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Gamma Delphini

Gamma Delphini, Latinized from γ Delphini, is a binary star system approximately 101 light-years away in the constellation of Delphinus.

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Gamma Draconis

Gamma Draconis (γ Draconis, abbreviated Gamma Dra, γ Dra), also named Eltanin, is a star in the northern constellation of Draco.

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Gamma Equulei

Gamma Equulei, Latinized from γ Equulei, is a double star in the northern constellation of Equuleus.

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Gamma Eridani

Gamma Eridani (γ Eridani, abbreviated Gamma Eri, γ Eri), also named Zaurak, is a variable star in the constellation of Eridanus.

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Gamma Geminorum

Gamma Geminorum (γ Geminorum, abbreviated Gamma Gem, γ Gem), also named Alhena, is the third-brightest star in the constellation of Gemini.

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Gamma Herculis

Gamma Herculis, Latinized from γ Herculis, is a magnitude 3.74 binary star system in the northern constellation of Hercules.

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Gamma Hydrae

Gamma Hydrae (γ Hya, γ Hydrae) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Gamma Leonis

Gamma Leonis (γ Leonis, abbreviated Gamma Leo, γ Leo), also named Algieba, is a binary star system in the constellation of Leo.

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Gamma Leporis

Gamma Leporis, Latinized from γ Leporis, is a star in the south central part of the constellation Lepus, southeast of Beta Leporis and southwest of Delta Leporis.

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Gamma Librae

Gamma Librae (γ Librae, abbreviated Gam Lib, γ Lib) is a suspected binary star system in the constellation of Libra.

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Gamma Lyrae

Gamma Lyrae (Latinized from γ Lyrae, abbreviated Gamma Lyr, γ Lyr), also named Sulafat, is the second-brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra.

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Gamma Microscopii

Gamma Microscopii (γ Microscopii, γ Mic) is the brightest star in the faint southern constellation of Microscopium.

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Gamma Monocerotis

γ Monocerotis, Latinised as Gamma Monocerotis, is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Monoceros.

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Gamma Ophiuchi

Gamma Ophiuchi, Latinized from γ Ophiuchi, is a fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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Gamma Pegasi

Gamma Pegasi (γ Pegasi, abbreviated Gamma Peg or γ Peg), also named Algenib, is a star in the constellation of Pegasus, located at the southwest corner of the asterism known as the Great Square.

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Gamma Persei

Gamma Persei (Gamma Per, γ Persei, γ Per) is a binary star system in the constellation Perseus.

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Gamma Piscis Austrini

Gamma Piscis Austrini (γ Piscis Austrini) is binary star system in the southern constellation of Piscis Austrinus.

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Gamma Piscium

Gamma Piscium (Gamma Psc, γ Piscium, γ Psc) is a star approximately 138 light years away from Earth, in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Gamma Sagittae

Gamma Sagittae, Latinized from γ Sagittae, is the brightest star in northern constellation of Sagitta.

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Gamma Serpentis

Gamma Serpentis (γ Serpentis, γ Ser) is a star in the equatorial constellation Serpens, in the part of the constellation that represents the serpent's head (Serpens Caput).

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Gamma Sextantis

Gamma Sextantis, Latinized as γ Sextantis, is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Sextans.

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Gamma Tauri

Gamma Tauri (γ Tauri, abbreviated Gam Tau, γ Tau) is either a solitary, binary or double star (the Washington Double Star Catalog notes it as a "Dubious Double" or "Bogus Binary") that marks the tip of the "V" in the constellation of Taurus.

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Gamma Trianguli

Gamma Trianguli (Gamma Tri, γ Trianguli, γ Tri) is a star in the constellation Triangulum located approximately 112 light years from Earth.

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Gamma Ursae Majoris

Gamma Ursae Majoris (γ Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Gamma UMa, γ UMa), also named Phecda, is a star in the constellation of Ursa Major.

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Gamma Ursae Minoris

Gamma Ursae Minoris (γ Ursae Minoris, abbreviated Gamma UMi, γ UMi), also named Pherkad, is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor.

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Gamma Virginis

Gamma Virginis (γ Virginis, abbreviated Gamma Vir, γ Vir), also named Porrima, is a binary star system in the constellation of Virgo.

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Gamma2 Sagittarii

Gamma² Sagittarii (γ² Sagittarii, abbreviated Gamma² Sgr, γ² Sgr), also named Alnasl, is a 3rd-magnitude star in the zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Gemini (constellation)

Gemini is one of the constellations of the zodiac.

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Grus (constellation)

Grus (or colloquially) is a constellation in the southern sky.

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Hamal, alternatively designated Alpha Arietis (α Arietis, abbreviated Alpha Ari, α Ari), is the brightest star in the northern zodiacal constellation of Aries.

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HD 28375

HD 28375 is a star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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HD 40873

HD 40873 is a star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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HD 66141

HD 66141, also known as HR 3145 and 50 G. Canis Minoris, is the main star of a binary system in the constellation Canis Minor.

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HD 96819

HD 96819 is a variable star in the constellation of Hydra.

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Hercules (constellation)

Hercules is a constellation named after Hercules, the Roman mythological hero adapted from the Greek hero Heracles.

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Horologium (constellation)

Horologium is a faint constellation in the southern sky.

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HR 4458

HR 4458 (289 G. Hydrae) is a binary star system in the constellation Hydra.

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HR 515

HR 515 is an A-type variable star of δ Scuti type with a period of 0.219 days and an amplitude of 0.02 in visual magnitude.

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HR 6801

HR 6801 is a double star in Sagittarius.

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Hydra (constellation)

Hydra is the largest of the 88 modern constellations, measuring 1303 square degrees.

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Hydrus is a small constellation in the deep southern sky.

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Indus (constellation)

Indus is a constellation in the southern sky created in the late sixteenth century.

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Iota Andromedae

Iota Andromedae (ι And, ι Andromedae) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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Iota Aquarii

Iota Aquarii, Latinized from ι Aquarii, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Iota Aquilae

Iota Aquilae, Latinized from ι Aquilae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Iota Arietis

Iota Arietis (ι Ari, ι Arietis) is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Iota Aurigae

Iota Aurigae (ι Aurigae, abbreviated Iot Aur, ι Aur), also named Hassaleh, is a star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Iota Boötis

Iota Boötis (ι Boo, ι Boötis) is a star system in the constellation Boötes.

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Iota Cancri

Iota Cancri (ι Cnc, ι Cancri) is a double star in the constellation Cancer approximately 300 light years from Earth.

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Iota Canis Majoris

Iota Canis Majoris (ι Canis Majoris, ι CMa) is a variable supergiant star in the constellation Canis Major.

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Iota Capricorni

Iota Capricorni (ι Cap, ι Capricorni) is a solitary, yellow-hued star in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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Iota Cephei

Iota Cephei (ι Cephei, ι Cep) is a solitary star in the northern constellation Cepheus.

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Iota Ceti

Iota Ceti (ι Cet, ι Ceti) is the Bayer designation for a star system in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Iota Coronae Borealis

Iota Coronae Borealis, Latinized from ι Coronae Borealis, is a binary star system in the constellation Corona Borealis.

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Iota Crateris

Iota Crateris (ι Crt) is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the southern constellation of Crater.

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Iota Delphini

Iota Delphini (ι Del, ι Delphini) is a star in the constellation Delphinus.

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Iota Draconis

Iota Draconis (ι Draconis, abbreviated Iota Dra, ι Dra), also named Edasich, is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Iota Geminorum

Iota Geminorum (ι Gem, ι Geminorum) is a solitary fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Gemini.

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Iota Herculis

Iota Herculis (ι Her, ι Herculis) is a fourth-magnitude variable star in the constellation Hercules.

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Iota Hydrae

Iota Hydrae (ι Hydrae, abbreviated Iota Hya, ι Hya), also named Ukdah, is a star in the constellation of Hydra, about 8° to the north-northwest of Alphard (Alpha Hydrae) and just to the south of the celestial equator.

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Iota Leonis

Iota Leonis, Latinized from ι Leonis, is a triple star system in the constellation Leo.

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Iota Leporis

Iota Leporis (ι Leporis) is a triple star system in the southern constellation of Lepus.

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Iota Lyrae

ι Lyrae, Latinised as Iota Lyrae, is a binary star in the constellation Lyra.

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Iota Ophiuchi

Iota Ophiuchi (ι Oph) is a class B8V (blue main-sequence) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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Iota Orionis

Iota Orionis (ι Orionis, abbreviated Iot Ori, ι Ori) is a multiple star system in the equatorial constellation of Orion the hunter.

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Iota Pegasi

Iota Pegasi (ι Peg, ι Pegasi) is a star located within the constellation Pegasus.

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Iota Piscis Austrini

Iota Piscis Austrini (ι Piscis Austrini) is a solitary, blue-white hued star in the southern constellation of Piscis Austrinus.

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Iota Piscium

Iota Piscium (Iota Psc, ι Piscium, ι Psc) is single, F-type main-sequence star located 45 light years from Earth, in the constellation Pisces.

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Iota Serpentis

Iota Serpentis, Latinized from ι Serpentis, is a triple star system in the constellation Serpens, in its head (Serpens Caput).

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Iota Tauri

Iota Tauri, Latinized from ι Tauri, is a white-hued star in the zodiac constellation Taurus and an outlying member of the Hyades star cluster.

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Iota Trianguli

Iota Trianguli, Latinized from ι Trianguli, is quadruple star system in constellation of Triangulum.

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Iota Ursae Majoris

Iota Ursae Majoris (ι Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Iota UMa, ι UMa), also named Talitha, is a star system in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Iota Virginis

Iota Virginis (ι Virginis, abbreviated Iota Vir, ι Vir) is a binary star in the constellation of Virgo.

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Iota1 Cygni

Iota1 Cygni, Latinized from ι1 Cygni, is a class A1V (white main-sequence) star in the constellation Cygnus.

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Iota1 Librae

Iota1 Librae, Latinized from ι1 Librae, is a quadruple star system in the constellation Libra.

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Iota2 Cygni

Iota2 Cygni (Latinized from ι2 Cygni, often simply called ι Cygni) is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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Kappa Andromedae

Kappa Andromedae (κ And, κ Andromedae) is the Bayer designation for a bright star in the constellation of Andromeda.

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Kappa Aquarii

Kappa Aquarii (κ Aquarii, abbreviated Kappa Aqr, κ Aqr) is a probable binary star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Kappa Aquilae

Kappa Aquilae, Latinized from κ Aquilae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Kappa Arietis

Kappa Arietis, Latinized from κ Arietis, is the Bayer designation for a binary star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Kappa Aurigae

Kappa Aurigae, Latinized as κ Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Kappa Boötis

Kappa Boötis (κ Boo, κ Boötis) is a double star in the constellation Boötes.

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Kappa Cancri

Kappa Cancri, Latinized from κ Cancri, is a blue-white hued binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Kappa Canis Majoris

Kappa Canis Majoris, Latinized from κ Canis Majoris, is a solitary, blue-white hued star in the constellation Canis Major.

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Kappa Capricorni

Kappa Capricorni (κ Cap, κ Capricorni) is a solitary star in the constellation Capricornus.

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Kappa Cassiopeiae

Kappa Cassiopeiae (κ Cas, κ Cassiopeiae) is a star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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Kappa Cephei

Kappa Cephei, Latinized from κ Cephei, is a binary star in the constellation Cepheus.

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Kappa Coronae Borealis

Kappa Coronae Borealis, Latinized from κ Coronae Borealis, is a star approximately 102 light years away in the constellation of Corona Borealis.

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Kappa Crateris

Kappa Crateris (κ Crt) is the Bayer designation for a star in the southern constellation of Crater.

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Kappa Cygni

Kappa Cygni, Latinized from κ Cygni, is a star in the northern constellation of Cygnus.

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Kappa Delphini


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Kappa Draconis

Kappa Draconis, Latinized from κ Draconis, is a blue giant star located in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Kappa Geminorum

Kappa Geminorum (κ Gem, κ Geminorum) is a binary star system in the northern zodiac constellation of Gemini.

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Kappa Herculis

Kappa Herculis (κ Herculis, abbreviated Kap Her, κ Her) is a double star in the constellation of Hercules.

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Kappa Hydrae

κ Hydrae, Latinised as Kappa Hydrae, is a solitary star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Kappa Leonis

Kappa Leonis, Latinized from κ Leonis, is a double star in the constellation Leo.

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Kappa Leporis

Kappa Leporis, Latinized from κ Leporis, is a binary star system in the southern constellation of Lepus.

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Kappa Librae

Kappa Librae, Latinized from κ Librae, is the Bayer designation for a star system in the zodiac constellation of Libra.

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Kappa Lyrae

Kappa Lyrae, Latinized from κ Lyrae, is a solitary 4th magnitude star approximately 238 light years away from Earth, in the northern constellation of Lyra.

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Kappa Ophiuchi

Kappa Ophiuchi (κ Oph, κ Ophiuchi) is a star in the equatorial constellation Ophiuchus.

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Kappa Pegasi

Kappa Pegasi (κ Peg, κ Pegasi) is a triple star system in the constellation Pegasus.

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Kappa Persei

Kappa Persei (κ Persei, abbreviated Kap Per, κ Per) is a triple star system in the northern constellation of Perseus.

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Kappa Piscium

Kappa Piscium (κ Piscium) is a solitary, white-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Kappa Serpentis

Kappa Serpentis, Latinized from κ Serpentis, is a star in the constellation Serpens, in its head (Serpens Caput).

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Kappa Ursae Majoris

Kappa Ursae Majoris (κ Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Kap UMa, κ UMa) is a binary star in the constellation of Ursa Major.

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Kappa Virginis

Kappa Virginis (κ Virginis, abbreviated Kap Vir, κ Vir), also named Kang, is a solitary star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Kappa1 Ceti

Kappa1 Ceti (κ1 Cet, κ1 Ceti) is a yellow dwarf star approximately 30 light-years away in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Kappa2 Ceti

Kappa2 Ceti (κ2 Ceti), is a solitary, yellow-hued star located in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Lacerta is one of the 88 modern constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union.

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Lambda Andromedae

Lambda Andromedae (λ And, λ Andromedae) is the Bayer designation for a binary star in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Lambda Aquarii

Lambda Aquarii (λ Aqr, λ Aquarii), also known as Hydor is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Lambda Aquilae

Lambda Aquilae, Latinized from λ Aquilae, is a star in the constellation Aquila.

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Lambda Arietis

Lambda Arietis (λ Ari, λ Arietis) is the Bayer designation for a double star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Lambda Aurigae

Lambda Aurigae (λ Aur, λ Aurigae) is the Bayer designation for a solar analog star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Lambda Boötis

Lambda Boötis (λ Boötis, abbreviated Lam Boo, λ Boo), also named Xuange, is a star in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Lambda Cancri

Lambda Cancri (λ Cancri, abbreviated Lambda Cnc, λ Cnc) is a blue-white hued spectroscopic binary star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Lambda Capricorni

Lambda Capricorni, Latinized from λ Capricorni, is a solitary star in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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Lambda Cassiopeiae

Lambda Cassiopeiae, Latinized from λ Cassiopeiae, is a binary star system, in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Lambda Cephei

Lambda Cephei (λ Cephei) is a fifth magnitude blue supergiant star in the constellation Cepheus, one of the hottest and most luminous visible to the naked eye.

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Lambda Ceti

Lambda Ceti, Latinized from λ Ceti, is B-type star of fifth-magnitude located in the constellation Cetus.

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Lambda Coronae Borealis

Lambda Coronae Borealis (λ Coronae Borealis), is a star located in the constellation Corona Borealis.

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Lambda Crateris

Lambda Crateris, Latinized from λ Crateris, is the Bayer designation for a suspected binary star system in the southern constellation of Crater.

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Lambda Cygni

Lambda Cygni (λ Cyg) is a class B5V (blue main-sequence) star in the constellation Cygnus.

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Lambda Draconis

Lambda Draconis (λ Draconis, abbreviated Lam Dra, λ Dra), also named Giausar, is a solitary, orange-red star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Lambda Equulei

λ Equulei (Latinised to Lambda Equulei, abbreviated to λ Equ or Lambda Equ) is a double star system in the constellation of Equuleus.

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Lambda Eridani

Lambda Eridani (λ Eri) is a star in the constellation Eridanus.

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Lambda Geminorum

Lambda Geminorum, Latinized from λ Geminorum, is a class A3, fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Gemini.

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Lambda Herculis

Lambda Herculis (λ Herculis. abbreviated Lambda Her, λ Her), also named Maasym, is a star in the constellation of Hercules.

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Lambda Hydrae

λ Hydrae, Latinised as Lambda Hydrae, is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation Hydra.

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Lambda Leonis

Lambda Leonis (λ Leonis, abbreviated Lam Leo, λ Leo), also named Alterf, is a star in the constellation of Leo.

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Lambda Leporis

Lambda Leporis (λ Leporis) is a solitary, blue-white hued star in the southern constellation of Lepus.

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Lambda Librae

λ Librae (Latinised as Lambda Librae) is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Libra.

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Lambda Lyrae

Lambda Lyrae (λ Lyr) is a 5th magnitude star in the constellation Lyra, approximately 1,100 light years away from Earth.

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Lambda Ophiuchi

Lambda Ophiuchi (λ Ophiuchi, abbreviated Lambda Oph, λ Oph) is a triple star system in the constellation of Ophiuchus.

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Lambda Pegasi

Lambda Pegasi (λ Peg, λ Pegasi) is a fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Pegasus.

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Lambda Persei

Lambda Persei (λ Per, λ Persei) is a class A0IV (white subgiant) star in the constellation Perseus.

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Lambda Piscis Austrini

Lambda Piscis Austrini (Lambda PsA, λ Piscis Austrini, λ PsA) is a blue-white hued, solitary star in the southern constellation of Piscis Austrinus.

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Lambda Piscium

Lambda Piscium, Latinized from λ Piscium, is a solitary, white-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Lambda Sagittarii

Lambda Sagittarii (λ Sagittarii, abbreviated Lambda Sgr, λ Sgr), also named Kaus Borealis, is a star within the southern constellation of Sagittarius.

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Lambda Scorpii

Lambda Scorpii (λ Scorpii, abbreviated Lambda Sco, λ Sco), also named Shaula, is (despite being designated 'Lambda') the second-brightest star system in the constellation of Scorpius, and one of the brightest stars in the nighttime sky.

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Lambda Serpentis

Lambda Serpentis (λ Ser, λ Serpentis) is a star in the constellation Serpens, in its head (Serpens Caput).

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Lambda Tauri

Lambda Tauri (λ Tau, λ Tauri) is a triple star system in the constellation Taurus.

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Lambda Ursae Majoris

Lambda Ursae Majoris (λ Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Lambda UMa, λ UMa), also named Tania Borealis, is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Lambda Virginis

Lambda Virginis (λ Virginis, abbreviated Lam Vir, λ Vir) is a binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Leo (constellation)

Leo is one of the constellations of the zodiac, lying between Cancer the crab to the west and Virgo the maiden to the east.

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Leo Minor

Leo Minor is a small and faint constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere.

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Lepus (constellation)

Lepus is a constellation lying just south of the celestial equator.

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Libra (constellation)

Libra is a constellation of the zodiac.

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List of stars in Aquarius

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Aquarius, sorted by decreasing brightness.

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List of stars in Cancer

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Cancer.

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List of stars in Gemini

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Gemini, sorted by decreasing brightness.

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List of stars in Virgo

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Virgo, sorted by decreasing brightness.

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Lists of constellations

The following lists of constellations are available.

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Lupus (constellation)

Lupus is a constellation located in the deep Southern Sky.

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Lynx (constellation)

Lynx is a constellation named after the animal, usually observed in the northern sky.

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Lyra (Latin for lyre, from Greek λύρα) is a small constellation.

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Maia (star)

Maia, designated 20 Tauri (abbreviated 20 Tau), is a star in the constellation of Taurus.

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Meissa, designated Lambda Orionis (λ Orionis, abbreviated Lambda Ori, λ Ori) is a star in the constellation of Orion.

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Mensa (constellation)

Mensa is a constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere near the south celestial pole, one of twelve constellations drawn up in the 18th century by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille.

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Merope (star)

Merope, designated 23 Tauri (abbreviated 23 Tau), is a star in the constellation of Taurus and a member of the Pleiades star cluster.

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Microscopium is a minor constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere, one of twelve created in the 18th century by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille and one of several depicting scientific instruments.

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Mintaka, also designated Delta Orionis (δ Orionis, abbreviated Delta Ori, δ Ori) and 34 Orionis (34 Ori) is a multiple star some 1,200 light years from the Sun in the constellation of Orion.

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Mira, alternatively designated Omicron Ceti (ο Ceti, abbreviated Omicron Cet, ο Cet) is a red giant star estimated to be 200–400 light years from the Sun in the constellation of Cetus.

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Mira B

Mira B, also known as VZ Ceti, is the companion star to the variable star Mira, separated by around 100 AU.

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Mizar and Alcor

Mizar and Alcor are two stars forming a naked eye double in the handle of the Big Dipper (or Plough) asterism in the constellation of Ursa Major.

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Monoceros (Greek: Μονόκερως) is a faint constellation on the celestial equator.

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Mu Andromedae

Mu Andromedae (Mu And, μ Andromedae, μ And) is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Mu Aquarii

Mu Aquarii, Latinized from μ Aquarii, is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Mu Aquilae

Mu Aquilae (μ Aql, μ Aquilae) is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Mu Arietis

Mu Arietis, Latinized from μ Arietis, is the Bayer designation for a star system in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Mu Aurigae

Mu Aurigae, Latinized as μ Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a single, white-hued star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Mu Boötis

Mu Boötis, Latinized from μ Boötis, consists of a pair of double stars in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Mu Canis Majoris

Mu Canis Majoris (μ Canis Majoris) is a binary star system in the southern constellation of Canis Major.

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Mu Capricorni

Mu Capricorni (μ Cap, μ Capricorni) is a solitary star in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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Mu Cassiopeiae

Mu Cassiopeiae (μ Cas, μ Cassiopeiae) is a binary star system in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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Mu Ceti

Mu Ceti (μ Ceti) is a star in the constellation Cetus.

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Mu Coronae Borealis

Mu Coronae Borealis, Latinized from μ Coronae Borealis, is a solitary, ruby-hued star located in the northern constellation of Corona Borealis.

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Mu Cygni

μ Cygni (Latinised as Mu Cygni) is a binary star in the constellation Cygnus.

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Mu Draconis

Mu Draconis (μ Draconis, abbreviated Mu Dra, μ Dra) is a multiple star system near the head of the constellation of Draco.

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Mu Eridani

Mu Eridani (μ Eridani) is a binary star system in the constellation Eridanus.

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Mu Geminorum

Mu Geminorum (μ Geminorum, abbreviated Mu Gem, μ Gem) is a double star in the northern constellation of Gemini.

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Mu Herculis

Mu Herculis (μ Herculis) is a nearby star system about 27.1 light years from Earth in the constellation Hercules.

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Mu Hydrae

μ Hydrae, Latinised as Mu Hydrae, is a solitary, orange-hued star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Mu Leonis

Mu Leonis (μ Leonis, abbreviated Mu Leo, μ Leo), also named Rasalas, is a star in the constellation of Leo.

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Mu Leporis

Mu Leporis, Latinized from μ Leporis, is a star in the southern constellation of Lepus.

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Mu Librae

μ Librae (Latinised as Mu Librae) is the Bayer designation for a probable triple star system in the zodiac constellation of Libra.

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Mu Lyrae

Mu Lyrae (μ Lyr, μ Lyrae) is a star in the constellation Lyra.

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Mu Ophiuchi

Mu Ophiuchi (μ Oph) is a class B8II-III (blue giant) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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Mu Orionis

μ Orionis (Latinised to Mu Orionis, abbreviated to μ Ori or Mu Ori) is a quadruple star system in the constellation Orion, similar to Mizar and Epsilon Lyrae with combined visual magnitude of 4.13.

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Mu Pegasi

Mu Pegasi (μ Pegasi, abbreviated Mu Peg, μ Peg), also named Sadalbari, is a star in the northern constellation of Pegasus.

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Mu Persei

Mu Persei (Mu Per, μ Persei, μ Per) is a binary star in the constellation of Perseus, with an apparent magnitude of +4.16.

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Mu Piscis Austrini

Mu Piscis Austrini (μ Piscis Austrini) is a solitary, white-hued star in the southern constellation of Piscis Austrinus.

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Mu Piscium

Mu Piscium (μ Piscium) is a solitary, orange-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Mu Sagittarii

Mu Sagittarii (μ Sagittarii, abbreviated Mu Sgr, μ Sgr) is a multiple star system in the constellation of Sagittarius.

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Mu Serpentis

Mu Serpentis, Latinized from μ Serpentis, is a binary star in the Serpens Caput (head) section of the equatorial constellation Serpens.

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Mu Tauri

Mu Tauri (μ Tau) is a class B3IV (blue subgiant) star in the constellation Taurus.

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Mu Ursae Majoris

Mu Ursae Majoris (μ Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Mu UMa, μ UMa), also named Tania Australis, is a binary star in the constellation of Ursa Major.

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Mu Virginis

Mu Virginis (μ Vir, μ Virginis) is a star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Mu1 Cancri

Mu1 Cancri, Latinized from μ1 Cancri, is a evolved red giant star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Mu2 Cancri

Mu2 Cancri is a solitary, yellow-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Musca is a small constellation in the deep southern sky.

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Norma (constellation)

Norma is a small constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere between Ara and Lupus, one of twelve drawn up in the 18th century by French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille and one of several depicting scientific instruments.

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Nu Andromedae

Nu Andromedae (Nu And, ν Andromedae, ν And) is a binary star in the constellation Andromeda.

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Nu Aquarii

Nu Aquarii (ν Aqr, ν Aquarii) is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Nu Aquilae

Nu Aquilae (ν Aql, ν Aquilae) is the Bayer designation for a double star in the constellation of Aquila and lies close to the celestial equator.

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Nu Arietis

Nu Arietis, Latinized from ν Arietis, is the Bayer designation for a white-hued star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Nu Aurigae

Nu Aurigae, Latinized from ν Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Nu Cancri

Nu Cancri, Latinized from ν Cancri, is a binary star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Nu Capricorni

Nu Capricorni (ν Capricorni, abbreviated Nu Cap, ν Cap) is a binary star in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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Nu Cassiopeiae

Nu Cassiopeiae, Latinized from ν Cassiopeiae, is a solitary star in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Nu Cephei

Nu Cephei (ν Cephei) is a class A2, fourth-magnitude supergiant star in the constellation Cepheus.

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Nu Ceti

Nu Ceti (ν Ceti), is a spectroscopic binary located in the constellation Cetus.

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Nu Cygni

Nu Cygni, Latinized from ν Cygni, is a binary star system in the constellation Cygnus.

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Nu Draconis

Nu Draconis (also known as ν Dra, ν Draconis, or Kuma) is a double star in the constellation Draco.

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Nu Eridani

Nu Eridani (ν Eri) is a star in the constellation Eridanus.

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Nu Geminorum

Nu Geminorum (ν Gem) is a binary, and possibly a multiple star system in the constellation Gemini.

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Nu Herculis

Nu Herculis, Latinized from ν Herculis, is a star in the constellation of Hercules.

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Nu Hydrae

Nu Hydrae, Latinized from ν Hydrae, is an orange-hued star in the constellation Hydra, near the border with the neighboring constellation of Crater.

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Nu Leonis

ν Leonis, Latinised as Nu Leonis, is a binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Leo.

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Nu Leporis

Nu Leporis, Latinized from ν Leporis, is a probable astrometric binary star system in the constellation Lepus.

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Nu Ophiuchi

Nu Ophiuchi (ν Oph, ν Ophiuchi) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Ophiuchus.

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Nu Orionis

Nu Orionis (ν Orionis) is a binary star system in the northeastern part of the constellation Orion.

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Nu Pegasi

Nu Pegasi (ν Peg) is a class K4III (orange giant) star in the constellation Pegasus.

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Nu Persei

Nu Persei (ν Per, ν Persei) is a Class F5, fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Perseus.

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Nu Piscium

Nu Piscium (ν Piscium) is an orange-hued binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Nu Scorpii

Nu Scorpii (ν Scorpii, abbreviated Nu Sco, ν Sco) is a multiple star system in the constellation of Scorpius.

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Nu Serpentis

Nu Serpentis (ν Ser, ν Serpentis) is a solitary star in the constellation Serpens.

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Nu Tauri

Nu Tauri (ν Tau, ν Tauri) is a star in the constellation Taurus.

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Nu Ursae Majoris

Nu Ursae Majoris (ν Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Nu UMa, ν UMa), also named Alula Borealis, is a double star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Nu Virginis

Nu Virginis (ν Vir, ν Virginis) is a star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Nu1 Boötis

Nu1 Boötis (ν1 Boötis) is an orange-hued star in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Nu1 Canis Majoris

Nu1 Canis Majoris (ν1 Canis Majoris) is a binary star in the constellation Canis Major.

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Nu1 Coronae Borealis

Nu1 Coronae Borealis is a solitary, red-hued star located in the constellation Corona Borealis.

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Nu1 Lyrae

Nu1 Lyrae (ν1 Lyrae) is a star in the northern constellation of Lyra.

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Nu1 Sagittarii

Nu¹ Sagittarii (ν¹ Sagittarii, abbreviated Nu¹ Sgr, ν¹ Sgr) is a triple star system lying approximately 1,100 light-years from Earth.

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Nu2 Boötis

Nu2 Boötis is a white-hued binary star system in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Nu2 Canis Majoris

Nu2 Canis Majoris (ν2 Canis Majoris) is a single star in the southern constellation of Canis Major.

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Nu2 Coronae Borealis

Nu2 Coronae Borealis is a solitary, orange-hued star located in the northern constellation of Corona Borealis.

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Nu2 Lyrae

Nu2 Lyrae, Latinized from ν2 Lyrae, or sometimes simply Nu Lyrae, is a solitary star in the northern constellation of Lyra.

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Nu2 Sagittarii

Nu2 Sagittarii (ν2 Sagittarii) is a binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Nu3 Canis Majoris

Nu3 Canis Majoris, Latinized from ν3 Canis Majoris, is a binary star system in the southern constellation of Canis Major.

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Octans is a faint constellation located in the deep southern sky.

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Omega Andromedae

Omega Andromedae (ω And, ω Andromedae) is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Omega Aurigae

Omega Aurigae, Latinized from ω Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a double star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Omega Boötis

Omega Boötis (ω Boötis) is the Bayer designation for a solitary, orange-hued star in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Omega Cancri

The Bayer designation ω Cancri (Omega Cancri) is shared by two stars in the constellation Cancer.

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Omega Canis Majoris

Omega Canis Majoris, Latinized from ω Canis Majoris, is a solitary, blue-white hued star in the equatorial constellation of Canis Major.

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Omega Capricorni

Omega Capricorni (ω Cap, ω Capricorni) is a star in the southern constellation Capricornus.

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Omega Cassiopeiae

Omega Cassiopeiae (ω Cassiopeiae) is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Omega Draconis

Omega Draconis, Latinized from ω Draconis and also known as 28 Draconis, is a binary star in the constellation of Draco.

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Omega Eridani

Omega Eridani (ω Eri) is a binary star system in the constellation Eridanus.

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Omega Geminorum

Omega Geminorum, Latinized from ω Geminorum, is a star located in the middle of the northern zodiac constellation of Gemini.

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Omega Herculis

Omega Herculis (ω Herculis, abbreviated Ome Her, ω Her) is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Hercules.

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Omega Hydrae

Omega Hydrae, Latinized from ω Hydrae, is a golden-hued star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra, located to the west-southwest of the brighter star Zeta Hydrae.

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Omega Leonis

ω Leonis (Latinised as Omega Leonis, abbreviated to ω Leo or Omega Leo), is a star located in the zodiac constellation of Leo.

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Omega Ophiuchi

Omega Ophiuchi (ω Oph) is a class A7 star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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Omega Orionis

Omega Orionis (ω Ori) is a star in the constellation Orion.

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Omega Persei

Omega Persei (ω Persei) is a solitary, orange-hued star in the northern constellation of Perseus.

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Omega Piscium

Omega Piscium (Omega Psc, ω Piscium, ω Psc) is a star approximately 106 light years away from Earth, in the constellation Pisces.

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Omega Sagittarii

Omega Sagittarii (ω Sagittarii, abbreviated Ome Sgr, ω Sgr), also named Terebellum, is a G-type subgiant star in the constellation of Sagittarius.

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Omega Serpentis

Omega Serpentis (ω Ser, ω Serpentis) is a solitary star within the Serpens Caput part of the equatorial constellation of Serpens.

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Omega Ursae Majoris

Omega Ursae Majoris (Omega UMa, ω Ursae Majoris, ω UMa) is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Omega Virginis

Omega Virginis (ω Vir, ω Virginis) is a solitary star in the zodiac constellation Virgo.

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Omega1 Aquarii

Omega1 Aquarii, Latinized from ω1 Aquarii, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Omega1 Aquilae

Omega1 Aquilae, Latinized from ω1 Aquilae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Omega1 Cygni

Omega1 Cygni, Latinized from ω1 Cygni, is the Bayer designation for a solitary star in the northern constellation of Cygnus.

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Omega1 Scorpii

ω1 Scorpii, Latinised as Omega1 Scorpii, is a star in the zodiac constellation of Scorpius.

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Omega1 Tauri

Omega1 Tauri is a solitary, orange hued star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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Omega2 Aquarii

Omega2 Aquarii, Latinized from ω2 Aquarii, is the Bayer designation for a triple star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Omega2 Aquilae

Omega2 Aquilae, Latinized from ω2 Aquilae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila, the eagle.

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Omega2 Cancri

ω2 Cancri (Latinised to omega2 Cancri, abbreviated to ω2 Cnc or omega2 Cnc) is the Bayer designation of an A-type main-sequence star in the constellation Cancer.

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Omega2 Cygni

Omega2 Cygni, Latinized from ω2 Cygni, is the Bayer designation for a solitary star in the northern constellation of Cygnus.

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Omega2 Scorpii

ω2 Scorpii, Latinised as Omega2 Scorpii, is a suspected variable star in the zodiac constellation of Scorpius.

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Omega2 Tauri

Omega2 Tauri is a solitary, white hued star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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Omicron Andromedae

Omicron Andromedae (ο And, ο Andromedae) is a star system in the constellation Andromeda.

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Omicron Aquarii

Omicron Aquarii, Latinized from ο Aquarii, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Omicron Aquilae

Omicron Aquilae (ο Aql, ο Aquilae) is the Bayer designation for a double star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Omicron Arietis

Omicron Arietis, Latinized from ο Arietis, is the Bayer designation for a single, blue-white hued star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Omicron Aurigae

Omicron Aurigae, Latinized from ο Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for an astrometric binary star system in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Omicron Boötis

Omicron Boötis (ο Boötis) is a yellow-hued star in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Omicron Capricorni

Omicron Capricorni (ο Capricorni) is a wide binary star system in the constellation Capricornus.

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Omicron Cassiopeiae

Omicron Cassiopeiae (ο Cas, ο Cassiopeiae) is a triple star system in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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Omicron Cephei

Omicron Cephei, Latinized from ο Cephei, is a binary star in the constellation of Cepheus.

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Omicron Coronae Borealis

Omicron Coronae Borealis, Latinized from o Coronae Borealis, is a star in the northern constellation of Corona Borealis.

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Omicron Draconis

Omicron Draconis (ο Dra, ο Draconis) is a giant star in the constellation Draco located 322.93 light years from the Earth.

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Omicron Geminorum

Omicron Geminorum (ο Geminorum, abbreviated Omi Gem, ο Gem), also named Jishui, is a solitary star in the constellation of Gemini.

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Omicron Herculis

Omicron Herculis, Latinized from o Herculis, is a multiple star system in the constellation Hercules.

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Omicron Hydrae

Omicron Hydrae (ο Hya) is the Bayer designation for a solitary star in the equatorial constellation Hydra.

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Omicron Leonis

Omicron Leonis (ο Leonis, abbreviated Omicron Leo, ο Leo) is a multiple star system in the constellation of Leo, west of Regulus, some 130 light-years from the Sun, where it marks one of the lion's forepaws.

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Omicron Ophiuchi

Omicron Ophiuchi (ο Oph) is a double star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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Omicron Pegasi

Omicron Pegasi (ο Peg) is a star in the constellation Pegasus.

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Omicron Persei

Omicron Persei (ο Persei, abbreviated Omicron Per, ο Per) is a triple star system in the constellation of Perseus.

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Omicron Piscium

Omicron Piscium (ο Piscium, abbreviated Omi Psc, ο Psc) is a binary star in the constellation of Pisces.

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Omicron Sagittarii

Omicron Sagittarii (Omicron Sgr, ο Sagittarii, ο Sgr) is a binary star in the constellation Sagittarius.

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Omicron Scorpii

Omicron Scorpii (ο Sco, ο Scorpii) is a star in the zodiac constellation of Scorpius.

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Omicron Serpentis

Omicron Serpentis (ο Ser, ο Serpentis) is a solitary star in the Serpens Cauda (tail) section of the equatorial constellation Serpens.

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Omicron Tauri

Omicron Tauri (ο Tau, ο Tauri) is a star in the constellation Taurus.

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Omicron Ursae Majoris

Omicron Ursae Majoris (ο Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Omicron UMa, ο UMa), also named Muscida, is a star system in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Omicron Virginis

Omicron Virginis (ο Vir, ο Virginis) is a star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Omicron1 Cancri

Omicron1 Cancri, Latinized from ο1 Cancri, is a solitary, white-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Omicron1 Canis Majoris

Omicron1 Canis Majoris (ο1 CMa, ο1 Canis Majoris) is a red supergiant star in the constellation Canis Major.

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Omicron1 Eridani

Omicron¹ Eridani (ο¹ Eridani, abbreviated Omicron¹ Eri, ο¹ Eri), also named Beid, is a variable star in the constellation of Eridanus.

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Omicron1 Orionis

Omicron1 Orionis (ο1 Ori) is a binary star in the northeastern corner of the constellation Orion.

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Omicron2 Cancri

Omicron2 Cancri (ο2 Cnc, ο2 Cancri) is a solitary, yellow-white hued star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Omicron2 Canis Majoris

Omicron2 Canis Majoris (ο² CMa, ο² Canis Majoris) is a star in the constellation Canis Major.

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Omicron2 Orionis

Omicron2 Orionis (ο2 Ori) is a solitary star in the constellation Orion.

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Ophiuchus is a large constellation straddling the celestial equator.

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Orion (constellation)

Orion is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world.

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P Cygni

P Cygni (34 Cyg) is a variable star in the constellation Cygnus.

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P Eridani

p Eridani (6 Eri, DUN 5) is a binary star system in the constellation of Eridanus (the River) whose distance is approximately 26 light-years.

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Pavo (constellation)

Pavo is a constellation in the southern sky with the Latin name for peacock.

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Pegasus (constellation)

Pegasus is a constellation in the northern sky, named after the winged horse Pegasus in Greek mythology.

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Perseus (constellation)

Perseus is a constellation in the northern sky, being named after the Greek mythological hero Perseus.

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Phi Andromedae

Phi Andromedae (φ Andromedae, φ And) is the Bayer designation for a binary star system near the border of the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Phi Aquarii

Phi Aquarii (φ Aqr, φ Aquarii) is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Phi Aquilae

Phi Aquilae, Latinized from φ Aquilae, is the Bayer designation of a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Phi Aurigae

Phi Aurigae, Latinized from φ Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Phi Boötis

Phi Boötis (φ Boötis) is a single, yellow-hued star in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Phi Capricorni

Phi Capricorni (φ Cap, φ Capricorni) is a solitary star in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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Phi Cassiopeiae

Phi Cassiopeiae (φ Cas, φ Cassiopeiae) is a star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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Phi Cygni

Phi Cygni, Latinized from φ Cygni, is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Cygnus.

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Phi Draconis

Phi Draconis (φ Dra / φ Draconis) is a fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Draco.

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Phi Geminorum

Phi Geminorum, Latinized from φ Geminorum, is a binary star in the constellation Gemini, to the southwest of Pollux.

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Phi Herculis

Phi Herculis (φ Her) is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Hercules.

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Phi Leonis

Phi Leonis (φ Leo) is a star in the constellation Leo.

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Phi Ophiuchi

Phi Ophiuchi (φ Oph) is a class G8+IIIa (yellow giant) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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Phi Pegasi

φ Pegasi, Latinised as Phi Pegasi, is a solitary, reddish hued star in the northern constellation of Pegasus.

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Phi Persei

Phi Persei (Phi Per, φ Persei, φ Per) is a Class B2Vpe, fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Perseus.

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Phi Piscium

Phi Piscium (Phi Psc, φ Piscium, φ Psc) is a binary star system approximately 380 light years away in the constellation Pisces.

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Phi Sagittarii

Phi Sagittarii (Phi Sgr, φ Sagittarii, φ Sgr) is a star in the southern constellation of Sagittarius.

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Phi Tauri

Phi Tauri (φ Tauri) is a solitary, orange-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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Phi Ursae Majoris

Phi Ursae Majoris (Phi UMa, φ Ursae Majoris, φ UMa) is binary star in constellation of Ursa Major, which is separated in 0.245 arcseconds.

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Phi Virginis

Phi Virginis (φ Virginis, abbreviated Phi Vir, φ Vir) is a binary star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Phi1 Cancri

Phi1 Cancri, Latinized from φ1 Cancri, is a solitary, orange-hued star in the constellation Cancer.

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Phi1 Ceti

Phi1 Ceti is a star located in the equatorial constellation Cetus.

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Phi1 Hydrae

Phi1 Hydrae, Latinized from φ1 Hydrae, is a yellow-hued star in the constellation Hydra.

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Phi1 Orionis

Phi1 Orionis, is a binary star system in the constellation Orion, positioned less than a degree to the south of Meissa.

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Phi2 Cancri

Phi2 Cancri (φ2 Cancri) is a binary star in the constellation Cancer, about 280 light-years from Earth.

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Phi2 Ceti

Phi2 Ceti (φ2 Ceti), is a star located in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Phi2 Hydrae

Phi2 Hydrae, Latinized from φ2 Hydrae, is a star in the constellation Hydra.

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Phi2 Orionis

Phi2 Orionis is a star in the constellation Orion, where it forms a small triangle on the celestial sphere with the nearby Meissa and Phi1 Orionis.

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Phi3 Ceti

Phi3 Ceti is a solitary, orange-hued star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Phi3 Hydrae

Phi3 Hydrae (φ3 Hya) is a binary star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Phi4 Ceti

Phi4 Ceti is a solitary, orange-hued star in the equatorial constellation Cetus.

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Phoenix (constellation)

Phoenix is a minor constellation in the southern sky.

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Pi Andromedae

Pi Andromedae (Pi And, π Andromedae, π And) is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Pi Aquarii

Pi Aquarii, Latinized from π Aquarii, is the Bayer designation for a binary star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Pi Aquilae

Pi Aquilae, Latinized from π Aquilae, is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquila, about 3° to the north of the bright star Altair.

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Pi Arietis

Pi Arietis, Latinized from π Arietis, is the Bayer designation for a multiple star system in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Pi Aurigae

Pi Aurigae, Latinized from π Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a single, red-hued star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Pi Boötis

Pi Boötis, Latinized from π Boötis, is a probable triple star system in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Pi Canis Majoris

Pi Canis Majoris (π Canis Majoris) is a binary star system in the southern constellation of Canis Major.

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Pi Capricorni

Pi Capricorni, Latinized from π Capricorni, is a triple star in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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Pi Cassiopeiae

Pi Cassiopeiae, Latinized from π Cassiopeiae, is a close binary star system in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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Pi Cephei

Pi Cephei (π Cephei) is a trinary star located in the constellation Cepheus.

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Pi Ceti

Pi Ceti, Latinized from π Ceti, is the Bayer designation for a star system in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Pi Coronae Borealis

Pi Coronae Borealis, Latinized from π Coronae Borealis, is a solitary, orange-hued star in the northern constellation of Corona Borealis.

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Pi Draconis

Pi Draconis, Latinized from π Dra, is a solitary star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Pi Eridani

Pi Eridani, Latinized from π Eridani, is a star in the constellation Eridanus.

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Pi Geminorum

π Geminorum (Latinised as Pi Geminorum, abbreviated to π Gem or pi Gem) is a star located in the constellation Gemini, to the north of Castor.

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Pi Herculis

Pi Herculis (π Her, π Herculis) is a third-magnitude star in the constellation Hercules.

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Pi Hydrae

Pi Hydrae (π Hya, π Hydrae) is a star in the constellation Hydra with an apparent visual magnitude of 3.3, making it visible to the naked eye.

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Pi Leonis

Pi Leonis, Latinized from π Leonis, is a star in the zodiac constellation Leo.

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Pi Persei

Pi Persei (π Per) is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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Pi Piscium

Pi Piscium (π Piscium) is a solitary, yellow-white hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Pi Sagittarii

Pi Sagittarii (π Sagittarii, abbreviated Pi Sgr, π Sgr) is a triple star system in the zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Pi Scorpii

Pi Scorpii (π Scorpii, abbreviated Pi Sco, π Sco) is a triple star system in the southern constellation of Scorpius.

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Pi Serpentis

Pi Serpentis, Latinized from π Serpentis, is a solitary white-hued star in the constellation Serpens, located in its head, Serpens Caput.

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Pi Tauri

Pi Tauri (π Tauri) is a solitary, yellow-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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Pi Virginis

Pi Virginis (π Vir, π Virginis) is a binary star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Pi1 Cygni

Pi¹ Cygni (π¹ Cygni, abbreviated Pi¹ Cyg, π¹ Cyg) is a binary star in the northern constellation of Cygnus.

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Pi1 Orionis

Pi1 Orionis (π1 Ori, π1 Orionis) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Orion.

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Pi1 Pegasi

Pi1 Pegasi (π1 Pegasi) is a star in the constellation Pegasus.

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Pi1 Ursae Majoris

Pi1 Ursae Majoris (Pi1 UMa, π¹ Ursae Majoris, π¹ UMa) is a yellow G-type main sequence dwarf with a mean apparent magnitude of +5.63.

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Pi2 Cygni

Pi2 Cygni, Latinized from π2 Cygni, is a triple star system in the northern constellation of Cygnus.

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Pi2 Orionis

Pi2 Orionis (π2 Ori, π2 Orionis) is the Bayer designation for a solitary star in the equatorial constellation of Orion.

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Pi2 Pegasi

Pi2 Pegasi (π2 Pegasi) is a star in the constellation Pegasus.

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Pi2 Ursae Minoris

Pi2 Ursae Minoris (π2 UMi) is a binary star system in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor.

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Pi3 Orionis

Pi³ Orionis (π³ Orionis, abbreviated Pi³ Ori, π³ Ori), also named Tabit, is a star in the equatorial constellation of Orion.

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Pi4 Orionis

Pi4 Orionis (π4 Ori, π4 Orionis) is a binary star system in eastern part of the Orion constellation.

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Pi5 Orionis

Pi5 Orionis (π5 Ori, π5 Orionis) is a binary star system in the constellation Orion.

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Pi6 Orionis

Pi6 Orionis (π6 Ori, π6 Orionis) is a solitary star in the eastern part of the constellation Orion.

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Pictor is a constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere, located between the star Canopus and the Large Magellanic Cloud.

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Pisces (constellation)

Pisces is a constellation of the zodiac.

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Piscis Austrinus

Piscis Austrinus is a constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere.

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Pleione (star)

Pleione, designated 28 Tauri and BU Tauri (abbreviated 28 Tau or BU Tau), is a binary star and the seventh-brightest star in the Pleiades star cluster (Messier 45).

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Polaris, designated Alpha Ursae Minoris (Ursae Minoris, abbreviated Alpha UMi, UMi), commonly the North Star or Pole Star, is the brightest star in the constellation of Ursa Minor.

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Pollux (star)

Pollux, also designated Beta Geminorum (β Geminorum, abbreviated Beta Gem, β Gem), is an orange-hued evolved giant star approximately 34 light-years from the Sun in the northern constellation of Gemini.

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Procyon, also designated Alpha Canis Minoris (α Canis Minoris, abbreviated Alpha CMi, α CMi), is the brightest star in the constellation of Canis Minor.

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Psi Andromedae

Psi Andromedae (ψ And, ψ Andromedae) is the Bayer designation for a triple star system in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Psi Aquilae

Psi Aquilae, Latinized as ψ Aquilae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Psi Boötis

Psi Boötis (ψ Boötis) is a single, orange-hued star in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Psi Capricorni

Psi Capricorni (ψ Cap, ψ Capricorni) is a star in the constellation Capricornus.

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Psi Cassiopeiae

Psi Cassiopeiae (ψ Cassiopeiae) is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Psi Cygni

ψ Cygni, Latinised as Psi Cygni, is a triple star system in the constellation called Cygnus.

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Psi Eridani

Psi Eridani, Latinized from ψ Eridani, is a star in the constellation Eridanus.

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Psi Hydrae

Psi Hydrae (ψ Hya) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Psi Leonis

ψ Leonis (Latinised as Psi Leonis, abbreviated to ψ Leo or psi Leo), is a solitary star located in the zodiac constellation of Leo, to the east-northeast of Regulus.

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Psi Ophiuchi

Psi Ophiuchi (ψ Oph) is a class K0II-III (orange giant) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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Psi Pegasi

Psi Pegasi (ψ Peg) is a class M3III (red giant) star in the constellation Pegasus.

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Psi Persei

Psi Persei (Psi Per, ψ Persei, ψ Per) is a Be star in the northern constellation of Perseus.

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Psi Sagittarii

Psi Sagittarii (ψ Sagittarii) is a triple star system in the zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Psi Scorpii

Psi Scorpii (ψ Sco, ψ Scorpii) is a star in the zodiac constellation of Scorpius.

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Psi Serpentis

Psi Serpentis (ψ Ser, ψ Serpentis) is a triple star system within the Serpens Caput part of the equatorial constellation Serpens.

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Psi Tauri

Psi Tauri (ψ Tauri) is a solitary, yellow-white hued star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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Psi Ursae Majoris

Psi Ursae Majoris (Psi UMa, ψ Ursae Majoris, ψ UMa) is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Psi Virginis

Psi Virginis (ψ Vir, ψ Virginis) is a suspected binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Psi1 Aurigae

Psi1 Aurigae (ψ1 Aur, ψ1 Aurigae) is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Psi1 Draconis

Psi¹ Draconis (ψ¹ Draconis, abbreviated Psi¹ Dra, ψ¹ Dra), also designated 31 Draconis, is a triple star system in the northern constellation of Draco.

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Psi1 Lupi

Psi1 Lupi (ψ1 Lupi) is an red clump giant star located 205 light years away from the Sun, in the Lupus constellation.

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Psi1 Piscium

Psi1 Piscium (Psi1 Psc, ψ1 Piscium, ψ1 Psc) is binary star in constellation of Pisces.

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Psi2 Aquarii

Psi2 Aquarii, Latinized from ψ2 Aquarii, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Psi2 Aurigae

Psi2 Aurigae, Latinized from ψ2 Aurigae, is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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Psi2 Draconis

Psi2 Draconis is a solitary star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Psi2 Lupi

Psi2 Lupi (ψ2 Lup) is a triple star system in the constellation Lupus.

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Psi2 Orionis

Psi2 Orionis a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Orion.

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Psi2 Piscium

Psi2 Piscium (ψ2 Piscium) is a white-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Psi3 Aquarii

Psi3 Aquarii, Latinized from ψ3 Aquarii, is the Bayer designation for a visual binary star system in the constellation of Aquarius.

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Psi3 Aurigae

Psi3 Aurigae, Latinized from ψ3 Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a single, blue-white hued star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Psi3 Piscium

Psi3 Piscium (ψ3 Piscium) is a solitary, yellow-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Psi4 Aurigae

Psi4 Aurigae, Latinized from ψ4 Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a single, orange-hued star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Psi5 Aurigae

Psi5 Aurigae (ψ5 Aur, ψ5 Aurigae) is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Psi6 Aurigae

Psi6 Aurigae, Latinized from ψ6 Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a spectroscopic binary star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Psi7 Aurigae

Psi7 Aurigae, Latinized from ψ7 Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a single star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Psi8 Aurigae

Psi8 Aurigae (ψ8 Aur, ψ8 Aurigae) is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Puppis is a constellation in the southern sky.

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Pyxis is a small and faint constellation in the southern sky.

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R Lyrae

R Lyrae is a 4th magnitude semiregular variable star in the constellation Lyra, approximately 350 light years away from Earth.

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Regulus, also designated Alpha Leonis (α Leonis, abbreviated Alpha Leo, α Leo), is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo and one of the brightest stars in the night sky, lying approximately 79 light years from the Sun.

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Reticulum is a small, faint constellation in the southern sky.

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Rho Andromedae

Rho Andromedae (ρ And, ρ Andromedae) is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Rho Aquarii

Rho Aquarii, Latinized from ρ Aquarii, is the Bayer designation for a binary star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Rho Aquilae

Rho Aquilae, ρ Aquilae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Delphinus.

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Rho Aurigae

Rho Aurigae (ρ Aur, ρ Aurigae) is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Rho Boötis

Rho Boötis, Latinized from ρ Boötis, is a single, orange-hued star in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Rho Capricorni

Rho Capricorni (ρ Cap, ρ Capricorni) is a binary star in the constellation Capricornus.

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Rho Cassiopeiae

Rho Cassiopeiae (ρ Cas, ρ Cassiopeiae) is a yellow hypergiant star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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Rho Ceti

Rho Ceti, Latinized from ρ Ceti, is the Bayer designation for star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Rho Coronae Borealis

Rho Coronae Borealis (ρ CrB, ρ Coronae Borealis) is a Solar twin, yellow dwarf star approximately 57 light-years away in the constellation of Corona Borealis.

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Rho Cygni

Rho Cygni, Latinized from ρ Cyggni, is a yellow-hued star in the northern constellation of Cygnus.

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Rho Draconis

Rho Draconis (ρ Dra) is a solitary star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Rho Geminorum

Rho Geminorum (ρ Gem) is a star system that lies approximately 59 light-years away in the constellation of Gemini, about 5 arcminutes east of Castor.

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Rho Herculis

Rho Herculis (ρ Her, ρ Herculis) is a double star in the constellation of Hercules.

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Rho Hydrae

Rho Hydrae, Latinized from ρ Hya, is a binary star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Rho Leonis

Rho Leonis (ρ Leo) is a binary star in the zodiac constellation of Leo, and, like the prominent nearby star Regulus, is near the ecliptic.

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Rho Ophiuchi

Rho Ophiuchi (ρ Ophiuchi) is a multiple star system in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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Rho Orionis

Rho Orionis, Latinized from ρ Orionis, is the Bayer designation for an orange-hued binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Orion.

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Rho Pegasi

Rho Pegasi (ρ Peg) is a class A1V (white main-sequence) star in the constellation Pegasus.

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Rho Persei

Rho Persei (Rho Per, ρ Persei, ρ Per) is a star in the northern constellation of Perseus.

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Rho Piscium

Rho Piscium (ρ Piscium) is a solitary, yellow-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Rho Puppis

Rho Puppis (ρ Puppis, abbreviated Rho Pup, ρ Pup), also named Tureis, is a star in the southern constellation of Puppis.

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Rho Scorpii

Rho Scorpii (ρ Scorpii, abbreviated Rho Sco, ρ Sco) is a double star in the constellation of Scorpius.

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Rho Serpentis

Rho Serpentis, Latinized from ρ Serpentis, is a star in the constellation Serpens.

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Rho Tauri

Rho Tauri (ρ Tau, ρ Tauri) is a star in the constellation Taurus and a member of the Hyades star cluster.

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Rho Ursae Majoris

Rho Ursae Majoris (ρ UMa) is the Bayer designation for a solitary star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Rho Virginis

Rho Virginis (ρ Vir, ρ Virginis) is the Bayer designation for a star in the constellation Virgo.

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Rho1 Arietis

Rho1 Arietis is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Aries, the ram.

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Rho1 Cephei

Rho1 Cephei (ρ1 Cephei) is a double star located in the northern constellation of Cepheus.

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Rho1 Eridani

Rho1 Eridani (Rho1 Eri, ρ1 Eri), is a star located in the constellation Eridanus.

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Rho1 Sagittarii

Rho1 Sagittarii (ρ1 Sgr) is a class A9IV (white subgiant) star in the constellation Sagittarius.

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Rho2 Arietis

Rho2 Arietis is the Bayer designation for a M-type red giant star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Rho2 Cancri

Rho2 Cancri (ρ2 Cancri) is a solitary, yellow-hued star in the constellation Cancer.

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Rho2 Cephei

Rho2 Cephei, Latinized from ρ2 Cephei, is a solitary star in the northern constellation of Cepheus.

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Rho2 Eridani

Rho2 Eridani is a star located in the constellation Eridanus.

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Rho2 Sagittarii

Rho2 Sagittarii (ρ2 Sagittarii) is a star in the zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Rho3 Arietis

Rho3 Arietis (Rho3 Ari, ρ3 Arietis, ρ3 Ari) is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Rho3 Eridani

Rho3 Eridani, Latinized from ρ3 Eridani, is a star located in the constellation Eridanus.

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Rigel, also designated Beta Orionis (β Orionis, abbreviated Beta Ori, β Ori), is generally the seventh-brightest star in the night sky and the brightest star in the constellation of Orion—though periodically it is outshone within the constellation by the variable Betelgeuse.

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RT Aurigae

RT Aurigae (RT Aur, 48 Aurigae) is a yellow supergiant variable star in the constellation Auriga, about 1,500 light years from Earth.

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S Monocerotis

S Monocerotis, also known as 15 Monocerotis, is a massive multiple and variable star system located in the constellation Monoceros.

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Sagitta is a dim but distinctive constellation in the northern sky.

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Sagittarius (constellation)

Sagittarius is one of the constellations of the zodiac.

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Saiph, also designated Kappa Orionis (κ Orionis, abbreviated Kappa Ori, κ Ori) and 53 Orionis (53 Ori), is the sixth-brightest star in the constellation of Orion.

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Scorpius is one of the constellations of the zodiac.

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Sculptor (constellation)

Sculptor is a small and faint constellation in the southern sky.

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Scutum (constellation)

Scutum is a small constellation introduced in the seventeenth century.

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Serpens ("the Serpent", Greek Ὄφις) is a constellation of the northern hemisphere.

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Sextans is a minor equatorial constellation which was introduced in 1687 by Johannes Hevelius.

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Sigma Andromedae

Sigma Andromedae (σ And, σ Andromedae) is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Sigma Aquarii

Sigma Aquarii (σ Aqr, σ Aquarii) is the Bayer designation for a double star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Sigma Aquilae

Sigma Aquilae, Latinized from σ Aquilae, is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Sigma Arietis

Sigma Arietis, Latinized from σ Arietis, is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Sigma Aurigae

Sigma Aurigae, Latinized from σ Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a double star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Sigma Boötis

Sigma Boötis (σ Boo, σ Boötis) is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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Sigma Canis Majoris

Sigma Canis Majoris (σ Canis Majoris, abbreviated Sig CMa, σ CMa), also named Unurgunite, is a variable star in the southern constellation of Canis Major.

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Sigma Capricorni

Sigma Capricorni, Latinized from σ Capricorni, is a solitary star in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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Sigma Cassiopeiae

Sigma Cassiopeiae (σ Cas, σ Cassiopeiae) is a binary star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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Sigma Ceti

Sigma Ceti (σ Ceti) is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Sigma Coronae Borealis

No description.

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Sigma Cygni

Sigma Cygni (σ Cyg) is a blue supergiant star in the constellation Cygnus.

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Sigma Draconis

Sigma Draconis (σ Draconis, abbreviated Sig Dra, σ Dra), also named Alsafi, is a 4.7-magnitude star located at a distance of 18.8 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Draco.

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Sigma Geminorum

Sigma Geminorum (σ Gem) is a binary star system in the constellation Gemini, just to the northeast of Pollux.

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Sigma Herculis

Sigma Herculis, Latinized from σ Her, is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Hercules.

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Sigma Hydrae

Sigma Hydrae (σ Hydrae, abbreviated Sig Hya, σ Hya), also named Minchir, is a solitary star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Sigma Leonis

Sigma Leonis, Latinized from σ Leonis, is a blue-white hued star in the zodiac constellation Leo that is visible to the naked eye with an apparent visual magnitude of 4.0.

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Sigma Librae

Sigma Librae (σ Librae, abbreviated Sig Lib, σ Lib) is a binary star in the constellation of Libra.

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Sigma Ophiuchi

Sigma Ophiuchi, Latinized from σ Ophiuchi, is a single, orange-hued star in the equatorial constellation Ophiuchus.

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Sigma Orionis

Sigma Orionis or Sigma Ori (σ Orionis, σ Ori) is a multiple star system in the constellation Orion, consisting of the brightest members of a young open cluster.

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Sigma Pegasi

σ Pegasi, Latinised as Sigma Pegasi, is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Pegasus.

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Sigma Persei

Sigma Persei (Sigma Per, σ Persei, σ Per) is an orange K-type giant with an apparent magnitude of +4.36.

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Sigma Piscium

Sigma Piscium (Sigma Psc, σ Piscium, σ Psc) is a main-sequence star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Sigma Sagittarii

Sigma Sagittarii (σ Sagittarii, abbreviated Sigma Sgr, σ Sgr), also named Nunki, is the second-brightest star in the constellation of Sagittarius.

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Sigma Scorpii

Sigma Scorpii (σ Scorpii, abbreviated Sig Sco, σ Sco), is a multiple star system in the constellation of Scorpius.

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Sigma Serpentis

Sigma Serpentis, Latinized from σ Serpentis, is a star in the equatorial constellation Serpens.

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Sigma Tauri

Sigma Tauri (σ Tauri) is the Bayer designation for a pair of white-hued stars in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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Sigma Virginis

Sigma Virginis (σ Vir, σ Virginis) is a star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Sigma1 Cancri

Sigma1 Cancri, Latinized from σ1 Cancri, is a solitary, white-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Sigma1 Ursae Majoris

Sigma1 Ursae Majoris (σ1 UMa) is the Bayer designation for a solitary star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Sigma2 Cancri

Sigma2 Cancri, Latinized from σ2 Cancri, is the Bayer designation for a solitary, white-hued star in the constellation Cancer.

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Sigma2 Ursae Majoris

Sigma2 Ursae Majoris (σ2 Ursae Majoris, σ2 UMa) is a binary star in the constellation of Ursa Major.

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Sigma3 Cancri

Sigma3 Cancri (σ3 Cancri) is a solitary, yellow-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Sirius (a romanization of Greek Σείριος, Seirios,."glowing" or "scorching") is a star system and the brightest star in the Earth's night sky.

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Spica, also designated Alpha Virginis (α Virginis, abbreviated Alpha Vir, α Vir), is the brightest star in the constellation of Virgo and the 16th brightest star in the night sky.

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Table of stars with Bayer designations

This table lists those stars or other objects which have Bayer designations by the constellation in which those stars or objects lie.

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Tau Andromedae

Tau Andromedae (τ And, τ Andromedae) is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Tau Aquilae

Tau Aquilae, Latinized from τ Aquilae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Tau Aurigae

Tau Aurigae, Latinized from τ Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation Auriga.

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Tau Boötis

Tau Boötis, Latinized from τ Boötis, is an F-type main-sequence star approximately 51 light-years away in the constellation of Boötes.

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Tau Cancri

Tau Cancri (τ Cancri) is a solitary, yellow-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Tau Canis Majoris

Tau Canis Majoris (τ CMa, τ Canis Majoris, 30 CMa) is a multiple star system in the constellation Canis Major.

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Tau Cassiopeiae

Tau Cassiopeiae (τ Cassiopeiae) is a solitary, orange hued star in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Tau Ceti

Tau Ceti, Latinized from τ Ceti, is a single star in the constellation Cetus that is spectrally similar to the Sun, although it has only about 78% of the Sun's mass.

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Tau Coronae Borealis

Tau Coronae Borealis, Latinized from τ Coronae Borealis, is a probable astrometric binary star system in the northern constellation of Corona Borealis.

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Tau Cygni

Tau Cygni (τ Cyg) is a binary star system in the constellation Cygnus, approximately 69 light years away from Earth.

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Tau Draconis

Tau Draconis, Latinized from τ Draconis, is an astrometric binary star system in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Tau Geminorum

Tau Geminorum, Latinized from τ Geminorum, is a star in the northern zodiac constellation of Gemini.

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Tau Herculis

Tau Herculis, Latinized from τ Herculis, is a fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Hercules.

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Tau Leonis

Tau Leonis (τ Leo) is a star in the zodiac constellation of Leo.

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Tau Librae

Tau Librae, Latinized from τ Librae, is the Bayer designation for a binary star system at the southern edge of the zodiac constellation of Libra.

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Tau Ophiuchi

Tau Ophiuchi (τ Oph) is a multiple star in the constellation Ophiuchus, approximately 167 light years away based on parallax.

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Tau Orionis

Tau Orionis (τ Ori, τ Orionis) is a solitary star in the constellation Orion.

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Tau Pegasi

Tau Pegasi (τ Pegasi, abbreviated Tau Peg, τ Peg), also named Salm, is a 4.6 magnitude star in the constellation of Pegasus.

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Tau Persei

Tau Persei (τ Per), also known as 18 Persei, is a binary star in the constellation of Perseus.

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Tau Piscis Austrini

Tau Piscis Austrini (τ Piscis Austrini) is a solitary, yellow-white hued star in the southern constellation of Piscis Austrinus.

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Tau Piscium

Tau Piscium (τ Piscium) is an orange-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Tau Sagittarii

Tau Sagittarii (Tau Sgr, τ Sagittarii, τ Sgr) is a star in the southern zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Tau Scorpii

Tau Scorpii (τ Sco, τ Scorpii) is a star in the southern zodiac constellation of Scorpius.

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Tau Tauri

Tau Tauri (τ Tau) is a quadruple star system in the constellation Taurus.

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Tau Ursae Majoris

Tau Ursae Majoris (τ UMa) is the Bayer designation for a binary star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Tau Virginis

Tau Virginis (τ Vir, τ Virginis) is a single star in the zodiac constellation Virgo.

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Tau1 Aquarii

Tau1 Aquarii, Latinized from τ1 Aquarii, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Tau1 Arietis

Tau1 Arietis, Latinized from τ1 Arietis, is the Bayer designation for a triple star system in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Tau1 Capricorni

Tau1 Capricorni (τ1 Cap, τ1 Capricorni) is a star in the constellation Capricornus.

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Tau1 Eridani

Tau1 Eridani, Latinized from τ1 Eridani, is a binary star system in the constellation Eridanus.

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Tau1 Hydrae

Tau1 Hydrae is a triple star system in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Tau1 Serpentis

Tau1 Serpentis, Latinized from τ1 Serpentis, is an M-type giant star in the constellation of Serpens, approximately 900 light-years from Earth.

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Tau2 Aquarii

Tau2 Aquarii (τ2 Aqr, τ2 Aquarii) is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Tau2 Arietis

Tau2 Arietis, Latinized from τ2 Arietis, is the Bayer designation for a binary star in the northern constellation on Aries.

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Tau2 Capricorni

Tau2 Capricorni (τ2 Capricorni) is a triple star system in the constellation Capricornus.

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Tau2 Eridani

Tau² Eridani (τ² Eridani, abbreviated Tau² Eri, τ² Eri), also named Angetenar, is a star in the constellation of Eridanus.

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Tau2 Hydrae

Tau2 Hydrae is a probable astrometric binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Tau2 Serpentis

Tau2 Serpentis, Latinized from τ2 Serpentis, is a B-type main sequence star in the constellation of Serpens, approximately 430 light-years from Earth.

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Tau3 Eridani

Tau3 Eridani, Latinized as τ3 Eridani, is a star in the constellation Eridanus.

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Tau3 Serpentis

Tau3 Serpentis, Latinized from τ3 Serpentis, is a G-type giant star in the constellation of Serpens.

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Tau4 Eridani

Tau4 Eridani (τ4 Eri, τ4 Eri) is a binary star system in the constellation Eridanus.

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Tau4 Serpentis

Tau4 Serpentis, Latinized from τ4 Serpentis, is a M-type bright giant star in the constellation of Serpens, approximately 520 light-years from the Earth.

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Tau5 Eridani

Tau5 Eridani, Latinized from τ5 Eridani, is a binary star system in the constellation Eridanus.

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Tau5 Serpentis

Tau5 Serpentis, Latinized from τ5 Serpentis, is a F-type main sequence star in the constellation of Serpens, approximately 160 light-years from Earth.

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Tau6 Eridani

Tau6 Eridani (τ6 Eri) is a star in the constellation Eridanus.

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Tau6 Serpentis

Tau6 Serpentis, Latinized from τ6 Serpentis, is a G-type giant star in the constellation of Serpens, approximately 450 light-years from the Earth.

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Tau7 Eridani

Tau7 Eridani is a solitary star in the constellation Eridanus.

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Tau7 Serpentis

Tau7 Serpentis, Latinized from τ7 Serpentis, is an A-type star in the constellation of Serpens, approximately 174 light-years from the Earth.

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Tau8 Eridani

Tau8 Eridani, Latinized from τ8 Eridani, is a binary star system in the constellation Eridanus.

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Tau8 Serpentis

Tau8 Serpentis, Latinized from τ8 Serpentis, is an A-type main sequence star in the constellation of Serpens, approximately 320 light-years from the Earth.

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Tau9 Eridani

Tau9 Eridani (τ9 Eri) is a binary star in the constellation Eridanus.

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Taurus (constellation)

Taurus (Latin for "the Bull") is one of the constellations of the zodiac, which means it is crossed by the plane of the ecliptic.

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Telescopium is a minor constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere, one of twelve named in the 18th century by French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille and one of several depicting scientific instruments.

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Theta Andromedae

Theta Andromedae (θ And, θ Andromedae) is the Bayer designation for a binary star in the constellation Andromeda.

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Theta Aquarii

Theta Aquarii (θ Aquarii, abbreviated Theta Aqr, θ Aqr), also named Ancha, is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Theta Aquilae

Theta Aquilae (θ Aql, θ Aquilae) is a binary star in the constellation Aquila.

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Theta Arietis

Theta Arietis, Latinized from θ Arietis, is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Theta Aurigae

Theta Aurigae (θ Aurigae, abbreviated Tet Aur, θ Aur) is a binary star in the constellation of Auriga.

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Theta Boötis

Theta Boötis (θ Boo, θ Boötis) is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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Theta Cancri

Theta Cancri, Latinized from θ Cancri, is a multiple star system in the zodiac constellation of Cancer, 410 light years from Earth.

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Theta Canis Majoris

Theta Canis Majoris (θ Canis Majoris) is a solitary, orange-hued star near the northern edge of the constellation Canis Major, forming the nose of the "dog".

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Theta Capricorni

Theta Capricorni, Latinized from θ Capricorni, is a white-hued star in the southern constellation of Capricornus, located about a half degree south of the ecliptic.

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Theta Cassiopeiae

Theta Cassiopeiae (θ Cas, θ Cassiopeiae) is a solitary star in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Theta Centauri

Theta Centauri (θ Centauri, abbreviated Theta Cen, θ Cen), also named Menkent, is a star in the southern constellation of Centaurus, the centaur.

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Theta Cephei

Theta Cephei, Latinized from θ Cephei, is a stellar class A7, fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Cepheus.

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Theta Ceti

Theta Ceti, Latinized from θ Ceti, is a solitary, orange-hued star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Theta Coronae Borealis

Theta Coronae Borealis, Latinized from θ Coronae Borealis, is a binary star system in the constellation Corona Borealis.

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Theta Crateris

Theta Crateris (θ Crt) is a solitary star in the southern constellation of Crater.

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Theta Cygni

Theta Cygni (θ Cygni, θ Cyg) is a star in the northern constellation of Cygnus.

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Theta Delphini

Theta Delphini (θ Del, θ Delphini) is a star in the constellation Delphinus.

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Theta Draconis

Theta Draconis (θ Dra / θ Draconis) is a fourth-magnitude star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Theta Geminorum

Theta Geminorum (θ Gem, θ Geminorum) is a single star in the northern zodiac constellation of Gemini.

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Theta Herculis

Theta Herculis (θ Her, θ Herculis) is a fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Hercules.

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Theta Hydrae

Theta Hydrae, Latinized from θ Hydrae, is a binary star system in the constellation Hydra.

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Theta Leonis

Theta Leonis, Latinized from θ Leonis, also named Chertan, is a star in the constellation of Leo.

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Theta Leporis

Theta Leporis, Latinized from θ Leporis, is a solitary, white-hued star in the southern constellation of Lepus.

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Theta Librae

θ Librae (Latinised as Theta Librae) is a giant star in the southern zodiac constellation of Libra.

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Theta Lyrae

Theta Lyrae (θ Lyr) is a star in a trinary star system, in the constellation Lyra, approximately 770 light years away from Earth.

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Theta Ophiuchi

Theta Ophiuchi (θ Oph, θ Ophiuchi) is a multiple star system in the equatorial constellation of Ophiuchus.

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Theta Pegasi

Theta Pegasi (θ Pegasi, abbreviated Theta Peg, θ Peg), also named Biham, is a star in the constellation of Pegasus.

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Theta Persei

Theta Persei (Theta Per, θ Persei, θ Per) is a star system 37 light years away from Earth, in the constellation Perseus.

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Theta Piscis Austrini

Theta Piscis Austrini (θ Piscis Austrini) is a binary star system in the southern constellation of Piscis Austrinus.

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Theta Piscium

Theta Piscium, Latinized from θ Piscium, is a single, orange-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces, the fish.

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Theta Sagittae

Theta Sagittae (θ Sagittae) is a double star in the northern constellation of Sagitta.

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Theta Serpentis

Theta Serpentis (θ Serpentis, abbreviated Theta Ser, θ Ser) is a triple star system in the constellation of Serpens.

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Theta Ursae Majoris

Theta Ursae Majoris (Theta UMa, θ Ursae Majoris, θ UMa) is a suspected spectroscopic binary star system in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Theta Ursae Minoris

Theta Ursae Minoris, Latinized from θ Ursae Minoris, is a suspected binary star system that is visible to the naked eye in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor.

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Theta Virginis

Theta Virginis (θ Vir, θ Virginis) is a multiple star system in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Theta2 Orionis

Theta2 Orionis (θ2 Ori) is a multiple star system in the constellation Orion.

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Thuban, also designated Alpha Draconis (α Draconis, abbreviated Alpha Dra, α Dra), is a star (or star system) in the constellation of Draco.

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Trapezium Cluster

The Trapezium or Orion Trapezium Cluster, also known by its Bayer designation of Theta1 Orionis, is a tight open cluster of stars in the heart of the Orion Nebula, in the constellation of Orion.

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Triangulum is a small constellation in the northern sky.

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Triangulum Australe

Triangulum Australe is a small constellation in the far Southern Celestial Hemisphere.

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Tucana is a constellation of stars in the southern sky, named after the toucan, a South American bird.

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TX Piscium

TX Piscium (19 Piscium) is a variable carbon star in the constellation Pisces.

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Upsilon Andromedae

Upsilon Andromedae (υ Andromedae, abbreviated Upsilon And, υ And) is a binary star located approximately 44 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Andromeda.

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Upsilon Aquarii

Upsilon Aquarii (υ Aqr, υ Aquarii) is the Bayer designation for a binary star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Upsilon Aquilae

Upsilon Aquilae, Latinized from υ Aquilae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Upsilon Aurigae

Upsilon Aurigae, Latinized from υ Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Upsilon Boötis

Upsilon Boötis (υ Boötis) is a single, orange-hued star in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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Upsilon Capricorni

Upsilon Capricorni, Latinized from υ Capricorni, is a solitary star in the southern constellation Capricornus.

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Upsilon Ceti

Upsilon Ceti, Latinized from υ Ceti, is a solitary star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Upsilon Coronae Borealis

Upsilon Coronae Borealis, Latinized from υ Coronae Borealis, is a solitary star in the northern constellation of Corona Borealis.

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Upsilon Cygni

Upsilon Cygni, Latinized from υ Cygni, is a star in the northern constellation of Cygnus.

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Upsilon Draconis

Upsilon Draconis (υ Dra) is a binary star system in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Upsilon Geminorum

Upsilon Geminorum, Latinized from υ Geminorum, is a star in the constellation Gemini.

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Upsilon Herculis

Upsilon Herculis (υ Her) is a solitary star in the constellation Hercules.

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Upsilon Leonis

Upsilon Leonis (υ Leo) is a star in the zodiac constellation of Leo.

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Upsilon Librae

Upsilon Librae (υ Lib, υ Librae) is the Bayer designation for a double star in the zodiac constellation Libra.

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Upsilon Ophiuchi

Upsilon Ophiuchi (υ Oph) is a class A3 star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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Upsilon Orionis

Upsilon Orionis (υ Ori, υ Orionis) is a star in the constellation Orion.

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Upsilon Pegasi

Upsilon Pegasi (υ Pegasi, abbreviated Ups Peg, υ Peg), also named Alkarab, is a star in the constellation of Pegasus.

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Upsilon Piscium

Upsilon Piscium (υ Piscium) is a solitary, white-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Upsilon Sagittarii

Upsilon Sagittarii (Upsilon Sgr, υ Sagittarii, υ Sgr) is a spectroscopic binary star system in the constellation Sagittarius.

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Upsilon Scorpii

Upsilon Scorpii (υ Scorpii, abbreviated Upsilon Sco, υ Sco), also named Lesath, is a star located in the "stinger" of the southern zodiac constellation of Scorpius, the scorpion.

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Upsilon Serpentis

Upsilon Serpentis, Latinized from υ Serpentis, is a star in the Serpens Caput section of the constellation Serpens.

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Upsilon Tauri

Upsilon Tauri (υ Tauri) is a solitary, white-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus, and is a member of the Hyades star cluster.

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Upsilon Ursae Majoris

Upsilon Ursae Majoris (υ UMa) is the Bayer designation for a binary star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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Upsilon Virginis

Upsilon Virginis (υ Vir, υ Virginis) is a single star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Upsilon1 Cancri

Upsilon1 Cancri, Latinized from υ1 Cancri, is the Bayer designation for a solitary, yellow-white hued star in the constellation Cancer.

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Upsilon1 Cassiopeiae

Upsilon1 Cassiopeiae (υ1 Cassiopeiae) is an astrometric binary star system in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Upsilon1 Eridani

an Upsilon1 Eridani (υ1 Eri) is a single star in the constellation Eridanus.

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Upsilon1 Hydrae

Upsilon¹ Hydrae (υ¹ Hydrae, abbreviated Ups¹ Hya, υ¹ Hya), also named Zhang, is a yellow-hued star in the constellation of Hydra.

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Upsilon2 Cancri

Upsilon2 Cancri (υ2 Cancri) is a faint, yellow-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Upsilon2 Cassiopeiae

Upsilon² Cassiopeiae (υ² Cassiopeiae, abbreviated Ups² Cas, υ² Cas), also named Castula, is a solitary star in the constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Upsilon2 Eridani

Upsilon² Eridani (υ² Eridani, abbreviated Ups² Eri, υ² Eri), also named Theemin, is a star in the constellation of Eridanus.

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Upsilon2 Hydrae

Upsilon2 Hydrae, Latinized from υ2 Hydrae, is a solitary star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Upsilon3 Eridani

Upsilon³ Eridani (υ³ Eridani, abbreviated Ups³ Eri, υ³ Eri), also named Beemim, is a star in the constellation of Eridanus.

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Upsilon4 Eridani

Upsilon4 Eridani is a close binary star system in the constellation Eridanus.

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Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun.

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Ursa Major

Ursa Major (also known as the Great Bear) is a constellation in the northern sky, whose associated mythology likely dates back into prehistory.

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Ursa Minor

Ursa Minor (Latin: "Lesser Bear", contrasting with Ursa Major), also known as the Little Bear, is a constellation in the Northern Sky.

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UW Canis Majoris

UW Canis Majoris is a star in the constellation Canis Major.

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V1401 Aquilae

V1401 Aquilae is semi-regular pulsating star in the constellation Aquila.

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V3903 Sagittarii

V3903 Sagittarii is an eclipsing binary star system in the constellation Sagittiarus.

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V520 Persei

V520 Persei is a blue supergiant member of NGC 869, one of the Perseus Double Cluster open clusters.

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Vega, also designated Alpha Lyrae (α Lyrae, abbreviated Alpha Lyr or α Lyr), is the brightest star in the constellation of Lyra, the fifth-brightest star in the night sky, and the second-brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere, after Arcturus.

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Vela (constellation)

Vela is a constellation in the southern sky.

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Virgo (constellation)

Virgo is one of the constellations of the zodiac.

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Volans is a constellation in the southern sky.

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Vulpecula is a faint constellation in the northern sky.

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VZ Arietis

VZ Arietis, also known as HR 830 and HD 17471, is an Alpha2 Canum Venaticorum variable star in the constellation Aries.

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X Sagittarii

X Sagittarii is a bright giant Cepheid variable star in the constellation Sagittarius.

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Xi Andromedae

Xi Andromedae (ξ Andromedae, abbreviated Xi And, ξ And), also named Adhil, is a solitary star in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Xi Aquarii

Xi Aquarii (ξ Aquarii, abbreviated Xi Aqr, ξ Aqr) is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Xi Aquilae

Xi Aquilae (ξ Aquilae, abbreviated Xi Aql, ξ Aql), also named Libertas, is a red clump giant star located at a distance of from the Sun in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Xi Arietis

Xi Arietis, Latinized from ξ Arietis, is the Bayer designation for a binary star system in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Xi Aurigae

Xi Aurigae, Latinized from ξ Aurigae, is the Bayer designation for a single, white-hued star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Xi Boötis

Xi Boötis (ξ Boo, ξ Boötis) is a binary star system 22 light years away from Earth.

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Xi Cancri

Xi Cancri (ξ Cancri, abbreviated Xi Cnc, ξ Cnc) is a spectroscopic binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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Xi Cassiopeiae

Xi Cassiopeiae (ξ Cassiopeiae) is a blue-white hued binary star system in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Xi Cephei

Xi Cephei (ξ Cephei, abbreviated Xi Cep, ξ Cep) is a multiple star system in the constellation of Cepheus.

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Xi Coronae Borealis

Xi Coronae Borealis (ξ CrB) is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Corona Borealis.

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Xi Cygni

ξ Cygni (Latinised as Xi Cygni) is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation Cygnus.

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Xi Draconis

Xi Draconis (ξ Draconis, abbreviated Xi Dra, ξ Dra) is a double or binary star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Xi Eridani

ξ Eridani (Latinised as Xi Eridani) is a solitary star in the constellation Eridanus.

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Xi Geminorum

Xi Geminorum (ξ Geminorum, abbreviated Ksi Gem, ξ Gem), also named Alzirr, is a star in the zodiac constellation of Gemini.

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Xi Herculis

Xi Herculis is a solitary star located within the northern constellation of Hercules.

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Xi Hydrae

Xi Hydrae, Latinized from ξ Hydrae, is a solitary star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Xi Leonis

Xi Leonis (ξ Leo, ξ Leonis) is a solitary star in the zodiac constellation of Leo.

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Xi Ophiuchi

Xi Ophiuchi (ξ Oph) is a multiple star system in the constellation Ophiuchus, approximately 56.6 light years away based on parallax.

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Xi Orionis

Xi Orionis (ξ Orionis) is a binary star system in the northeastern part of the constellation of Orion, well above the red giant star, Betelgeuse in the sky.

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Xi Pegasi

Xi Pegasi (ξ Peg, ξ Pegasi) is the Bayer designation for a double star in the northern constellation of Pegasus, the winged horse.

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Xi Persei

Xi Persei (ξ Persei, abbreviated Xi Per, ξ Per), also named Menkib, is a star in the constellation of Perseus.

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Xi Piscium

Xi Piscium (ξ Piscium) is an orange-hued binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Xi Puppis

Xi Puppis (ξ Puppis, abbreviated Xi Pup, ξ Pup) is a multiple star system in the southern constellation of Puppis.

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Xi Scorpii

Xi Scorpii (ξ Sco) is a quintuple star system in the constellation Scorpius.

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Xi Serpentis

Xi Serpentis, Latinized from ξ Serpentis, is a triple star system in the Serpens Cauda (tail) section of the equatorial constellation Serpens.

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Xi Tauri

Xi Tauri (ξ Tau, ξ Tauri) is a hierarchical quadruple system in the constellation Taurus.

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Xi Ursae Majoris

Xi Ursae Majoris (ξ Ursae Majoris, abbreviated Xi UMa, ξ UMa), also named Alula Australis, is a star system in the constellation of Ursa Major.

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Xi Virginis

Xi Virginis (ξ Vir, ξ Virginis) is a solitary star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Xi1 Canis Majoris

Xi1 Canis Majoris, Latinized from ξ1 Canis Majoris, is a star in the constellation Canis Major.

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Xi1 Capricorni

Xi1 Capricorni, Latinized from ξ1 Capricorni, is an orange-hued star in the constellation Capricornus.

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Xi1 Ceti

Xi1 Ceti (ξ1 Ceti), is a binary system located in the constellation Cetus, suspected as a ternary.

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Xi1 Sagittarii

Xi1 Sagittarii (ξ1 Sagittarii) is a solitary, blue-white hued star in the zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Xi2 Canis Majoris

Xi2 Canis Majoris (ξ2 Canis Majoris) is an astrometric binary star system in the southern constellation of Canis Major.

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Xi2 Capricorni

Xi2 Capricorni (ξ2 Capricorni) is a yellow-white hued star in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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Xi2 Ceti

Xi2 Ceti (ξ2 Ceti) is a star located in the constellation Cetus.

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Xi2 Sagittarii

Xi2 Sagittarii (ξ2 Sagittarii) is a star in the zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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YZ Cassiopeiae

YZ Cassiopeiae (21 Cas) is a star system away from Earth, in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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Zeta Andromedae

Zeta Andromedae (Zeta And, ζ Andromedae, ζ And) is a star system in the constellation Andromeda.

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Zeta Aquarii

Zeta Aquarii (ζ Aquarii, ζ Aqr) is the Bayer designation for a triple star system; the central star of the "water jar" asterism in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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Zeta Aquilae

Zeta Aquilae (ζ Aquilae, abbreviated Zeta Aql, ζ Aql) is a spectroscopic binary star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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Zeta Arietis

Zeta Arietis, Latinized from ζ Arietis, is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Zeta Aurigae

Zeta Aurigae (ζ Aurigae, abbreviated Zet Aur, ζ Aur), is a binary star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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Zeta Boötis

Zeta Boötis, Latinized as ζ Boötis, is a binary star system in the constellation of Boötes that consists of two giant stars with matching stellar classifications of A2III.

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Zeta Cancri

Zeta Cancri (ζ Cancri, abbreviated Zeta Cnc, ζ Cnc) is a multiple star system in the constellation of Cancer.

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Zeta Canis Majoris

Zeta Canis Majoris (ζ Canis Majoris, abbreviated Zeta CMa, ζ CMa), also named Furud, is a spectroscopic binary in the constellation of Canis Major.

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Zeta Canis Minoris

Zeta Canis Minoris (ζ Canis Minoris) is a solitary, blue-white hued star in the equatorial constellation of Canis Minor.

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Zeta Capricorni

Zeta Capricorni, Latinized from ζ Capricorni, is a fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Capricornus.

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Zeta Cassiopeiae

Zeta Cassiopeiae (ζ Cassiopeiae, abbreviated Zet Cas, ζ Cas), also named Fulu, is a variable star in the constellation of Cassiopeia.

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Zeta Cephei

Zeta Cephei (ζ Cep, ζ Cephei) is a star in the constellation of Cepheus.

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Zeta Ceti

Zeta Ceti (ζ Ceti, abbreviated Zeta Cet, ζ Cet) is a binary star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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Zeta Coronae Borealis

ζ Coronae Borealis, Latinised as Zeta Coronae Borealis, is the Bayer designation of a double star in the constellation Corona Borealis.

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Zeta Corvi

Zeta Corvi, Latinized from ζ Corvi, is a star in the constellation Corvus.

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Zeta Crateris

Zeta Crateris (ζ Crt) is a probable binary star system in the southern constellation of Crater.

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Zeta Cygni

Zeta Cygni (ζ Cyg) is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Cygnus, the swan.

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Zeta Delphini

Zeta Delphini (ζ Del) is a star in the constellation of Delphinus.

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Zeta Draconis

Zeta Draconis (ζ Draconis, abbreviated Zet Dra, ζ Dra) is a binary star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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Zeta Equulei

ζ Equulei (Latinised to Zeta Equulei, abbreviated to ζ Equ or Zeta Equ) is a single star located in the small northern constellation of Equuleus.

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Zeta Eridani

Zeta Eridani (ζ Eridani, abbreviated Zeta Eri, ζ Eri) is a binary star in the constellation of Eridanus.

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Zeta Geminorum

Zeta Geminorum (ζ Geminorum, abbreviated Zeta Gem, ζ Gem) is a star (possibly binary) in the zodiac constellation of Gemini, on the outstretched left 'leg' of the twin Pollux.

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Zeta Herculis

Zeta Herculis (ζ Her, ζ Herculis) is a multiple star system in the constellation Hercules.

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Zeta Hydrae

Zeta Hydrae (ζ Hya, ζ Hydrae) is a solitary star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra.

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Zeta Leonis

Zeta Leonis (ζ Leonis, abbreviated Zeta Leo, ζ Leo), also named Adhafera, is a third-magnitude star in the constellation of Leo, the lion.

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Zeta Leporis

Zeta Leporis, Latinized from ζ Leporis, is a star approximately away in the southern constellation of Lepus.

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Zeta Librae

The Bayer designation ζ Librae, Latinised as zeta Librae (abbreviated ζ Lib / zeta Lib) is shared by several star systems in the constellation Libra.

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Zeta Monocerotis

Zeta Monocerotis, Latinized from ζ Monocerotis, is a single, yellow-hued star in the constellation Monoceros.

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Zeta Ophiuchi

Zeta Ophiuchi (ζ Oph, ζ Ophiuchi) is a star located in the constellation of Ophiuchus.

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Zeta Pegasi

Zeta Pegasi (ζ Pegasi, abbreviated Zeta Peg, ζ Peg), also named Homam, is a single star in the northern constellation of Pegasus.

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Zeta Persei

Zeta Persei (ζ Per, ζ Persei) is a star in the northern constellation of Perseus.

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Zeta Piscium

Zeta Piscium (ζ Piscium, abbreviated Zet Psc, ζ Psc) is a quintuple star system in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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Zeta Sagittae

Zeta Sagittae (ζ Sagittae) is triple star system in the northern constellation of Sagitta.

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Zeta Sagittarii

Zeta Sagittarii (ζ Sagittarii, abbreviated Zeta Sgr, ζ Sgr) is a triple star system and the third-brightest star in the constellation of Sagittarius.

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Zeta Serpentis

Zeta Serpentis, Latinized from ζ Serpentis, is the Bayer designation for a single, yellow-white hued star in the equatorial constellation of Serpens.

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Zeta Tauri

Zeta Tauri (ζ Tauri, abbreviated Zet Tau, ζ Tau) is a binary star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus, the Bull.

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Zeta Ursae Minoris

Zeta Ursae Minoris (ζ UMi, ζ Ursae Minoris) is a star in the constellation Ursa Minor.

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Zeta Virginis

Zeta Virginis (ζ Virginis, abbreviated Zeta Vir, ζ Vir) is a binary star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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Zeta1 Lyrae

Zeta1 Lyrae, Latinized from ζ1 Lyrae, is a binary star in the northern constellation of Lyra.

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Zeta2 Lyrae

Zeta2 Lyrae is a single, white-hued star in the northern constellation of Lyra.

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1 Aquarii

1 Aquarii (abbreviated 1 Aqr) is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation Aquarius.

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1 Arietis

1 Arietis is a double star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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1 Aurigae

1 Aurigae is the original name for a star now in the constellation Perseus.

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1 Boötis

1 Boötis (1 Boo) is a binary star at 327 light years away.

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1 Camelopardalis

1 Camelopardalis (1 Cam) is a triple star system in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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1 Cancri

1 Cancri (1 Cnc), is a K-type giant in the constellation Cancer.

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1 Canis Minoris

1 Canis Minoris is a star in the constellation Canis Minor.

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1 Cassiopeiae

1 Cassiopeiae is a star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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1 Centauri

1 Centauri, or i Centauri, is a yellow-white hued binary star system in the southern constellation Centaurus.

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1 Ceti

1 Ceti is a star in the constellation of Cetus.

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1 Geminorum

1 Geminorum (1 Gem) is a star in the constellation Gemini.

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1 Lacertae

1 Lacertae (1 Lac) is a solitary star in the northern constellation of Lacerta.

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1 Lupi

1 Lupi (abbreviated as 1 Lup) is a solitary giant star in the southern constellation of Lupus.

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1 Lyncis

1 Lyncis, also known by its variable star designation of UW Lyncis, is a star in the constellation Lynx.

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1 Pegasi

1 Pegasi (1 Peg) is a class K1III (orange giant) star in the constellation Pegasus.

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1 Persei

1 Persei (1 Per) is a eclipsing binary star in the constellation Perseus.

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1 Puppis

1 Puppis (1 Pup) is a class M1III (red giant) star in the constellation of Puppis.

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1 Scorpii

1 Scorpii, or b Scorpii, is a single star in the southern zodiac constellation of Scorpius.

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1 Serpentis

1 Serpentis (1 Ser) is a star in the constellation Virgo.

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1 Vulpeculae

1 Vulpeculae is a class B4IV (blue subgiant) star in the constellation Vulpecula.

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10 Andromedae

10 Andromedae (abbreviated 10 And) is an M-type giant star in the constellation of Andromeda.

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10 Aquarii

10 Aquarii (abbreviated 10 Aqr) is a A-type main-sequence star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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10 Aquilae

10 Aquilae (abbreviated 10 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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10 Arietis

10 Arietis (abbreviated 10 Ari) is a binary star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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10 Boötis

10 Boötis, also called 10 Boo, is an A-class star in the constellation Boötes.

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10 Canis Majoris

10 Canis Majoris is a star in the constellation Canis Major.

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10 Canum Venaticorum

10 Canum Venaticorum is the Flamsteed designation for an ordinary star in the northern constellation of Canes Venatici.

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10 Draconis

10 Draconis (10 Dra) is a star in the constellation Draco.

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10 Lacertae

10 Lacertae (10 Lac) is a star in the constellation Lacerta.

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10 Leonis Minoris

10 Leonis Minoris is a class G8.5III (yellow giant) star in the constellation Leo Minor.

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10 Persei

10 Persei is a blue supergiant star in the constellation Perseus.

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10 Serpentis

10 Serpentis is a single, white-hued star in Serpens Caput, the western section of the equatorial constellation of Serpens.

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10 Tauri

10 Tauri is a single star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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10 Ursae Majoris

10 Ursae Majoris (10 UMa) is a star in the constellation Lynx.

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10 Vulpeculae

10 Vulpeculae is an astrometric binary star system in the northern constellation of Vulpecula.

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100 Aquarii

100 Aquarii is a star in the zodiac constellation of Aquarius.

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101 Aquarii

101 Aquarii (abbreviated 101 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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101 Piscium

101 Piscium (101 Psc) is a star in the constellation Pisces.

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101 Virginis

101 Virginis is a red giant variable star in the Boötes constellation.

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102 Herculis

102 Herculis (102 Her) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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103 Aquarii

103 Aquarii (abbreviated 103 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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104 Aquarii

104 Aquarii (abbreviated 104 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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104 Herculis

104 Herculis (104 Her) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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104 Tauri

104 Tauri (104 Tau) is the Flamsteed designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Taurus.

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106 Aquarii

106 Aquarii (abbreviated 106 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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106 Herculis

106 Herculis (106 Her) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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107 Aquarii

107 Aquarii (abbreviated 107 Aqr) is a double star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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107 Piscium

107 Piscium (abbreviated 107 Psc) is a K-type main sequence star in the constellation of Pisces, about 24.4 light years away from the Earth.

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108 Aquarii

108 Aquarii (abbreviated 108 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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109 Herculis

109 Herculis is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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109 Piscium

109 Piscium is a yellow hued G-type main-sequence star located about 106 light years away in the constellation Pisces.

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109 Tauri

109 Tauri, or n Tauri, is a single, yellow-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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109 Virginis

109 Virginis is the seventh-brightest star in the constellation Virgo.

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11 Andromedae

11 Andromedae (abbreviated 11 And) is a K-type giant star in the constellation of Andromeda.

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11 Aquarii

11 Aquarii (abbreviated 11 Aqr) is a sunlike star (G1V) in the constellation of Aquarius with an apparent magnitude is 6.22.

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11 Aquilae

11 Aquilae (abbreviated 11 Aql) is a single star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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11 Arietis

11 Arietis (abbreviated 11 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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11 Boötis

11 Boötis (abbr.: 11 Boo) is a blue-white giant star in the constellation Boötes.

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11 Camelopardalis

11 Camelopardalis or BV Camelopardalis is a star system in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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11 Cancri

11 Cancri (11 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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11 Canis Majoris

11 Canis Majoris is a star in Canis Major, the eleventh entry in John Flamsteed's catalogue of stars in that constellation.

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11 Canis Minoris

11 Canis Minoris is a variable star in the constellation Canis Minor.

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11 Cephei

11 Cephei (11 Cep) is a star in the constellation Cepheus.

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11 Comae Berenices

11 Comae Berenices (11 Com) is an orange giant K0 III star in the constellation of Coma Berenices, located in the sky, east and slightly north of Denebola in Leo, but not nearly as far east as ε Virginis in Virgo.

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11 Lacertae

11 Lacertae (11 Lac) is a star in the constellation Lacerta.

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11 Leonis Minoris

11 Leonis Minoris (11 LMi) is a star system located 37 light years away from Earth, in the northern constellation of Leo Minor.

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11 Librae

11 Librae is a single, fifth-magnitude star in the southern zodiac constellation of Libra.

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11 Orionis

11 Orionis (11 Ori) is a blue supergiant star in the constellation Orion.

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11 Persei

11 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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11 Puppis

11 Puppis (11 Pup) is a class F7/8II (yellow-white bright giant) star in the constellation Puppis.

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11 Serpentis

11 Serpentis is a star in the constellation Serpens.

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11 Ursae Minoris

11 Ursae Minoris (11 UMi) is the Flamsteed designation of a 5th magnitude K-type giant star located approximately 398 light years away in the constellation Ursa Minor.

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110 Herculis

No description.

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110 Virginis

110 Virginis is a star in the constellation Virgo.

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111 Herculis

111 Herculis (111 Her) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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111 Tauri

111 Tauri is a wide binary star system in the constellation Taurus.

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114 Tauri

114 Tauri, or o Tauri, is a single, blue-white hued star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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119 Tauri

119 Tauri (CE Tauri) is a star in the constellation Taurus.

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12 Andromedae

12 Andromedae is a single star in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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12 Aquarii

12 Aquarii (abbreviated 12 Aqr) is a double star in the constellation Aquarius.

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12 Aquilae

12 Aquilae (abbreviated 12 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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12 Aurigae

12 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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12 Boötis

12 Boötis is a spectroscopic binary in the constellation Boötes.

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12 Camelopardalis

12 Camelopardalis is a spectroscopic binary in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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12 Cancri

12 Cancri is a star in the zodiac constellation Cancer.

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12 Canis Majoris

12 Canis Majoris is a star in the constellation Canis Major.

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12 Comae Berenices

12 Comae Berenices (12 Com) is a spectroscopic binary in the constellation Coma Berenices.

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12 Hydrae

12 Hydrae (12 Hya) is a star in the constellation Hydra.

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12 Lyncis

12 Lyncis (12 Lyn) is a star in the constellation Lynx.

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12 Ophiuchi

12 Ophiuchi is a variable star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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12 Persei

12 Persei (12 Per) is a double-lined spectroscopic binary star system in the northern constellation Perseus.

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12 Scorpii

12 Scorpii is a star in the constellation of Scorpius.

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12 Vulpeculae

12 Vulpeculae is a class B2.5V (blue main-sequence) star in the constellation Vulpecula.

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126 Tauri

126 Tauri (126 Tau) is a blue subgiant star in the constellation Taurus.

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13 Andromedae

13 Andromedae (abbreviated 13 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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13 Boötis

13 Boötis, also known by its variable star designation CF Boötis, is a variable star in the constellation Boötes.

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13 Cancri

13 Cancri (abbreviated to 13 Cnc) is a K-type giant star in the constellation Cancer.

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13 Comae Berenices

13 Comae Berenices is a probable binary star system in the northern constellation of Coma Berenices.

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13 Monocerotis

13 Monocerotis (13 Mon) is a class A0 Ib (white supergiant) star in the constellation Monoceros.

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13 Sagittae

13 Sagittae is a single star in the northern constellation of Sagitta.

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13 Scorpii

13 Scorpii, also known by its Bayer designation c2 Scorpii, is a binary star in the constellation Scorpius.

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13 Trianguli

13 Trianguli is the Flamsteed designation for a star in the northern constellation of Triangulum.

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13 Vulpeculae

13 Vulpeculae is a class B9.5III (blue giant) star in the constellation Vulpecula.

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132 Tauri

132 Tauri is a binary star system in the constellation Taurus.

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134 Tauri

134 Tauri is a single star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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136 Tauri

136 Tauri is a white-hued binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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139 Tauri

139 Tauri is a single, blue-white hued star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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14 Andromedae

14 Andromedae (abbreviated 14 And), also named Veritate, is an orange giant star of spectral type K0III situated approximately 258 light-years away in the constellation of Andromeda.

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14 Aquarii

14 Aquarii (abbreviated 14 Aqr) is red giant star.

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14 Aquilae

14 Aquilae (abbreviated 14 Aql) is a single star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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14 Arietis

14 Arietis (abbreviated 14 Ari) is a star in the constellation of Aries.

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14 Aurigae

14 Aurigae or KW Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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14 Boötis

14 Boötis is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Boötes.

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14 Camelopardalis

14 Camelopardalis (14 Cam) is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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14 Cancri

14 Cancri is a star in the northern zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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14 Canis Minoris

14 Canis Minoris, also known as HD 65345, is a single star in the equatorial constellation of Canis Minor.

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14 Comae Berenices

14 Comae Berenices (14 Com) is a star in the constellation Coma Berenices.

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14 Eridani

14 Eridani is a star in the Eridanus constellation.

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14 Herculis

14 Herculis or 14 Her is the Flamsteed designation of a K-type main-sequence star approximately 57 light-years away in the constellation Hercules.

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14 Persei

14 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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14 Sagittae

14 Sagittae is the Flamsteed designation for a star in the constellation Aquila.

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14 Sagittarii

14 Sagittarii is a single, orange-hued star in the southern zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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14 Vulpeculae

14 Vulpeculae is a single, yellow-white hued star in the northern constellation of Vulpecula and proximate to the Dumbbell Nebula (M 27) on the celestial sphere, although actually much closer to the Earth.

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15 Andromedae

15 Andromedae (abbreviated 15 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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15 Aquarii

15 Aquarii (abbreviated 15 Aqr) is a star in the constellation Aquarius.

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15 Aquilae

15 Aquilae (abbreviated 15 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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15 Arietis

15 Arietis (abbreviated 15 Ari) is a single variable star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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15 Boötis

15 Boötis is a binary star in the constellation Boötes.

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15 Camelopardalis

15 Camelopardalis (15 Cam) is an eclipsing binary star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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15 Cancri

15 Cancri (15 Cnc, BM Cancri, BM Cnc) is an α2 CVn variable star in the constellation Cancer.

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15 Canis Majoris

15 Canis Majoris is a star in the constellation Canis Major.

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15 Cygni

15 Cygni (15 Cyg) is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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15 Draconis

15 Draconis (15 Dra) is a star in the constellation Draco.

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15 Eridani

15 Eridani (15 Eri) is a binary star in the constellation Eridanus.

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15 Lacertae

15 Lacertae (15 Lac) is a star in the constellation Lacerta.

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15 Leonis Minoris

15 Leonis Minoris is the Flamsteed designation for a single star in the northern constellation of Ursa Major.

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15 Lyncis

15 Lyncis (15 Lyn) is a star in the constellation Lynx.

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15 Orionis

15 Orionis is a class F2IV (early F-type subgiant) star in the constellation Orion.

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15 Sagittae

15 Sagittae (15 Sge) is a 6th magnitude star in the constellation Sagitta.

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15 Sagittarii

15 Sagittarii is a blue-hued binary star system in the southern zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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15 Ursae Majoris

15 Ursae Majoris (15 UMa) is a star in the constellation Ursa Major.

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15 Vulpeculae

15 Vulpeculae is a class A4IIIm (white giant) star in the constellation Vulpecula.

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16 Aquarii

16 Aquarii (abbreviated 16 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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16 Arietis

16 Arietis (abbreviated 16 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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16 Aurigae

16 Aurigae is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation Auriga.

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16 Camelopardalis

16 Camelopardalis is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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16 Cephei

16 Cephei is a double star, about 120 light years from the Sun, in the constellation of Cepheus.

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16 Comae Berenices

16 Comae Berenices (16 Com) is a star in the constellation Coma Berenices.

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16 Cygni

16 Cygni or 16 Cyg is the Flamsteed designation of a triple star system approximately 69 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus.

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16 Lacertae

16 Lacertae is a star in the constellation Lacerta.

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16 Librae

16 Librae is a star in the constellation Libra.

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16 Lyncis

16 Lyncis (16 Lyn) is the 4th magnitude and brightest star in the constellation Lynx.

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16 Lyrae

16 Lyrae (16 Lyr) is a 5th magnitude star in the constellation Lyra, approximately 128 light years away from Earth.

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16 Persei

16 Persei (16 Per) is a class F2III (yellow-white giant) star in the constellation Perseus.

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16 Puppis

16 Puppis (16 Pup) is a class B5IV (blue subgiant) star in the constellation Puppis.

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16 Sagittarii

16 Sagittarii is a multiple star system in the southern zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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16 Serpentis

16 Serpentis is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation Serpens.

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16 Virginis

16 Virginis (16 Vir) is a star in the constellation Virgo.

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16 Vulpeculae

16 Vulpeculae is a binary star system in the northern constellation Vulpecula.

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17 Aquarii

17 Aquarii (abbreviated 17 Aqr) is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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17 Camelopardalis

17 Camelopardalis is red giant star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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17 Canis Majoris

17 Canis Majoris is a star in the constellation Canis Major.

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17 Crateris

17 Crateris (17 Crt) is a binary star in the constellation Hydra.

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17 Cygni

17 Cygni is the Flamsteed designation for a binary star system in the northern constellation of Cygnus.

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17 Eridani

17 Eridani (17 Eri) is a star in the constellation Eridanus.

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17 Leporis

17 Leporis (17 Lep, also SS Lep) is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation of Lepus.

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17 Lyrae

17 Lyrae is a multiple star system in the constellation Lyra, approximately 136 light years away from Earth.

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17 Monocerotis

17 Monocerotis is a class K4III (orange giant) star in the constellation Monoceros.

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17 Persei

17 Persei is a class K5+III (orange giant) star in the constellation Perseus.

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17 Sagittarii

17 Sagittarii (17 Sgr) is a multiple star in Sagittarius.

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17 Vulpeculae

17 Vulpeculae is a single, blue-white hued star in the northern constellation of Vulpecula.

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18 Andromedae

18 Andromedae (abbreviated 18 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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18 Aquarii

18 Aquarii is a single, yellow-white hued star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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18 Aquilae

18 Aquilae (abbreviated 18 Aql) is a triple star system in the constellation of Aquila.

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18 Aurigae

18 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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18 Boötis

18 Boötis is a star in the constellation Boötes about 85 light years away from Earth.

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18 Camelopardalis

18 Camelopardalis is a yellow-white hued star in the northern constellation of Camelopardalis.

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18 Delphini

18 Delphini (abbreviated 18 Del), also named Musica, is a yellow giant star approximately 238 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Delphinus of the low northern hemisphere.

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18 Draconis

18 Draconis (18 Dra) is a star in the constellation Draco.

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18 Monocerotis

18 Monocerotis is a class K0III (orange giant) star in the constellation Monoceros.

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18 Sagittarii

18 Sagittarii (18 Sgr) is a Type-K star in Sagittarius.

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18 Scorpii

18 Scorpii is a solitary star located at a distance of some from Earth at the northern edge of the Scorpius constellation.

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18 Tauri

18 Tauri (18 Tau) is a blue main-sequence star in the constellation Taurus.

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18 Ursae Majoris

18 Ursae Majoris, or e Ursae Majoris, is a single star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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18 Vulpeculae

18 Vulpeculae is a star 419.8 ly away in the constellation Vulpecula.

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19 Aquarii

19 Aquarii is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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19 Aquilae

19 Aquilae (abbreviated 19 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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19 Arietis

19 Arietis (abbreviated 19 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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19 Aurigae

19 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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19 Camelopardalis

19 Camelopardalis (19 Cam) is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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19 Canum Venaticorum

19 Canum Venaticorum is a binary star in the constellation Canes Venatici.

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19 Cephei

19 Cephei is a supergiant star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Cepheus.

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19 Draconis

19 Draconis, also known as h Draconis, is a star in the constellation Draco.

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19 Lyncis

19 Lyncis (abbreviated as 19 Lyn) is a double star in the constellation of Lynx.

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19 Monocerotis

19 Monocerotis is a class B1V (blue main-sequence) star in the constellation Monoceros.

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19 Puppis

19 Puppis (19 Pup) is a class G9III (yellow giant) star in the constellation Puppis.

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19 Tauri

19 Tauri is a double star in the constellation of Taurus and a member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45).

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19 Vulpeculae

19 Vulpeculae (19 Vul) is an orange supergiant star (K3I), approximately 1,400 light years from Earth in the constellation Vulpecula and proximity of the open clusters NGC 6882 and NGC 6885 (Caldwell 37).

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2 Andromedae

2 Andromedae (abbreviated 2 And) is a binary star in the constellation Andromeda.

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2 Aurigae

2 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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2 Boötis

2 Boötis (2 Boo, 2 Bootis) is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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2 Camelopardalis

2 Camelopardalis (abbreviated to 2 Cam), is a star system in the constellation of Camelopardalis.

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2 Centauri

2 Centauri is a star in the constellation Centaurus.

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2 Ceti

2 Ceti (2 Cet) is a star in the constellation Cetus.

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2 Cygni

2 Cygni (2 Cyg) is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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2 Lacertae

2 Lacertae is a binary star in the constellation of Lacerta.

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2 Lupi

2 Lupi (2 Lup) is a star in the constellation Lupus.

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2 Lyncis

2 Lyncis is an binary star system in the northern constellation Lynx.

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2 Pegasi

2 Pegasi is a class M1III (red giant) star in the constellation Pegasus.

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2 Persei

2 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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2 Piscis Austrini

2 Piscis Austrini (abbreviated as 2 PsA), also known as HR 8076, is an orange giant star located approximately 328 light years away in the constellation Microscopium, despite its Flamsteed designation.

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2 Scorpii

2 Scorpii (A Scorpii) is a double star in the southern zodiac constellation of Scorpius.

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2 Sextantis

2 Sextantis (2 Sex) is a star in the constellation Hydra.

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2 Ursae Minoris

2 Ursae Minoris (2 UMi) is a 4.24m orange giant star (spectral class K2II-III) near the northern celestial pole (RA:, Dec). Despite its Flamsteed designation, the star is actually located in the constellation Cepheus.

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2 Vulpeculae

2 Vulpeculae is a subgiant star approximately 1,200 ly away in the constellation Vulpecula.

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20 Aquarii

20 Aquarii (abbreviated 20 Aqr) is a star in the constellation Aquarius.

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20 Aquilae

20 Aquilae (abbreviated 20 Aql) is a variable star in the constellation of Aquila.

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20 Arietis

20 Arietis (abbreviated 20 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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20 Boötis

20 Boötis is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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20 Camelopardalis

20 Camelopardalis (20 Cam) is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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20 Cancri

20 Cancri (20 Cnc, d1 Cancri, d1 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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20 Canum Venaticorum

20 Canum Venaticorum is a star in the constellation Canes Venatici.

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20 Ceti

20 Ceti (20 Cet) is an red giant star in the constellation Cetus.

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20 Cygni

20 Cygni is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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20 Leonis Minoris

20 Leonis Minoris is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Leo Minor.

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20 Monocerotis

20 Monocerotis is a class K0III (orange giant) star in the constellation Monoceros.

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20 Ophiuchi

20 Ophiuchi is a class F6IV (yellow-white subgiant) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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20 Persei

20 Persei is a binary star in the constellation Perseus.

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20 Puppis

20 Puppis (20 Pup) is a class G5II (yellow bright giant) star in the constellation Puppis.

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20 Vulpeculae

20 Vulpeculae (20 Vul) is a blue-white main-sequence star (B7V), approximately 1,140 light years from Earth in the constellation Vulpecula and proximity of the open clusters NGC 6882 and NGC 6885 (Caldwell 37).

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21 Aquarii

21 Aquarii (abbreviated 21 Aqr) is a star in the constellation Aquarius.

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21 Aquilae

21 Aquilae (abbreviated 21 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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21 Arietis

21 Arietis (abbreviated 21 Ari) is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Aries.

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21 Camelopardalis

21 Camelopardalis (21 Cam) is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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21 Cancri

21 Cancri (21 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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21 Canum Venaticorum

21 Canum Venaticorum is a star in the constellation Canes Venatici.

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21 Leonis Minoris

21 Leonis Minoris is a star in the constellation of Leo Minor.

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21 Lyncis

21 Lyncis (21 Lyn) is a star in the constellation Lynx.

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21 Persei

21 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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21 Sagittarii

21 Sagittarii (21 Sgr) is a class K2II (orange bright giant) star in the constellation Sagittarius.

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21 Vulpeculae

21 Vulpeculae is a single, white-hued star in the northern constellation of Vulpecula.

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22 Andromedae

22 Andromedae (abbreviated 22 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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22 Aquilae

22 Aquilae (abbreviated 22 Aql) is a star in the constellation of Aquila.

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22 Aurigae

22 Aurigae (22 Aur) is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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22 Boötis

22 Boötis or f Boötis is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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22 Camelopardalis

22 Camelopardalis is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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22 Cygni

22 Cygni (22 Cyg) is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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22 Orionis

22 Orionis (22 Ori) is a class B2IV-V (blue subgiant) star in the constellation Orion.

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22 Scorpii

22 Scorpii (i Scorpii) is a single star in the southern zodiac constellation of Scorpius.

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22 Vulpeculae

22 Vulpeculae is a binary star in the constellation Vulpecula.

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23 Andromedae

23 Andromedae (abbreviated 23 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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23 Aquilae

23 Aquilae (abbreviated 23 Aql) is a binary star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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23 Arietis

23 Arietis (abbreviated 23 Ari) is a star in the constellation of Aries.

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23 Camelopardalis

23 Camelopardalis (23 Cam) is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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23 Comae Berenices

23 Comae Berenices (23 Com) is a binary star in the constellation Coma Berenices.

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23 Cygni

23 Cygni is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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23 Librae

23 Librae (23 Lib) is a star in the zodiac constellation Libra, making it visible from most of the Earth's surface.

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23 Orionis

23 Orionis (23 Ori) is a star in the constellation Orion.

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23 Ursae Majoris

23 Ursae Majoris, or 23 UMa, is a binary star system in the constellation Ursa Major.

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23 Vulpeculae

23 Vulpeculae is a class K3III (orange giant) star in a triple star system in the constellation Vulpecula.

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24 Aquarii

24 Aquarii (abbreviated 24 Aqr) is a double star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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24 Aquilae

24 Aquilae (abbreviated 24 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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24 Boötis

24 Boötis or g Boötis is a single, yellow-hued star in the constellation Boötes.

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24 Camelopardalis

24 Camelopardalis (24 Cam) is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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24 Cancri

24 Cancri (abbreviated to 24 Cnc) is a triple star system in the constellation Cancer.

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24 Canum Venaticorum

24 Canum Venaticorum is a star in the constellation Canes Venatici.

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24 Capricorni

24 Capricorni is a single star in the constellation Capricornus.

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24 Cephei

24 Cephei (24 Cep) is a star in the constellation Cepheus.

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24 Lyncis

24 Lyncis (24 Lyn) is a star in the constellation Lynx.

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24 Persei

24 Persei is a class K2III (orange giant) star in the constellation Perseus.

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24 Scorpii

24 Scorpii (24 Sco) is a class G7.5II (yellow bright giant) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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24 Sextantis

24 Sextantis, often abbreviated as 24 Sex, is the Flamsteed designation of a 7th-magnitude star located approximately 253 light years away in the constellation of Sextans.

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24 Ursae Majoris

24 Ursae Majoris (24 UMa) is a star in the constellation Ursa Major.

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24 Vulpeculae

24 Vulpeculae is a single, yellow-hued star in the northern constellation of Vulpecula.

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25 Aquarii

25 Aquarii (abbreviated 25 Aqr) is a single star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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25 Arietis

| epoch.

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25 Cancri

25 Cancri (25 Cnc, d2 Cancri, d2 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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25 Canum Venaticorum

25 Canum Venaticorum is a binary star in the constellation Canes Venatici.

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25 Orionis

25 Orionis, less commonly known by its Bayer designation Psi1 Orionis (ψ1 Orionis, ψ1 Ori) is a fifth-magnitude star in the constellation Orion.

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25 Scorpii

25 Scorpii (abbreviated to 25 Sco) is a star in the zodiac constellation of Scorpius.

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25 Serpentis

25 Serpentis is a star system in the constellation of Serpens Caput.

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25 Vulpeculae

25 Vulpeculae is a star about 1,000 ly away in the constellation Vulpecula.

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26 Andromedae

26 Andromedae (abbreviated 26 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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26 Aquarii

26 Aquarii (abbreviated 26 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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26 Aquilae

26 Aquilae (abbreviated 26 Aql) is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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26 Arietis

26 Arietis (abbreviated 26 Ari) is a variable star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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26 Aurigae

26 Aurigae is a binary star in the constellation Auriga.

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26 Boötis

26 Boötis (26 Boo, 26 Bootis) is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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26 Camelopardalis

26 Camelopardalis is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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26 Canis Majoris

26 Canis Majoris is a star in the constellation Canis Major.

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26 Cygni

26 Cygni is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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26 Draconis

26 Draconis is a triple star system in the constellation Draco, located 46 light years from the Sun.

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26 Hydrae

26 Hydrae (26 Hya) is a star in the constellation Hydra.

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26 Ursae Majoris

26 Ursae Majoris (26 UMa) is a star in the constellation Ursa Major.

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26 Vulpeculae

26 Vulpeculae (26 Vul) is a white giant star (A5III) approximately 718 light years from Earth in the constellation Vulpecula.

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27 Aquilae

27 Aquilae (abbreviated 27 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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27 Arietis

27 Arietis (abbreviated 27 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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27 Cancri

27 Cancri is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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27 Canis Majoris

27 Canis Majoris, also called 27 CMa, is a star system in the constellation Canis Major.

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27 Cygni

27 Cygni is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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27 Hydrae

27 Hydrae is an evolved yellow giant star in the constellation of Hydra.

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27 Lyncis

27 Lyncis (27 Lyn) is a star in the constellation Lynx.

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27 Monocerotis

27 Monocerotis is a class K2III (orange giant) star in the constellation Monoceros.

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27 Piscium

27 Piscium is a binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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27 Vulpeculae

27 Vulpeculae is a single, blue-white star in the northern constellation of Vulpecula.

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28 Andromedae

28 Andromedae (abbreviated 28 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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28 Aquarii

28 Aquarii (abbreviated 28 Aqr) is an orange giant star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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28 Aquilae

28 Aquilae (abbreviated 28 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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28 Aurigae

28 Aurigae (28 Aur) is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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28 Camelopardalis

28 Camelopardalis is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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28 Cancri

28 Cancri is a star system in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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28 Cygni

28 Cygni (28 Cyg) is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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28 Monocerotis

28 Monocerotis is a class K4III (orange giant) star in the constellation Monoceros.

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28 Vulpeculae

28 Vulpeculae (28 Vul) is a star in the constellation Vulpecula.

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29 Aquarii

29 Aquarii (abbreviated 29 Aqr) is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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29 Arietis

29 Arietis (abbreviated 29 Ari) is a triple star system in the northern constellation of Aries.

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29 Camelopardalis

29 Camelopardalis (29 Cam) is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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29 Cancri

29 Cancri (29 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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29 Cygni

29 Cygni (29 Cyg) is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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29 Herculis

29 Herculis (29 Her) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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29 Orionis

29 Orionis (29 Ori) is a star in the constellation Orion.

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29 Persei

29 Persei (29 Per) is a class B3V (blue main-sequence) star in the constellation Perseus.

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29 Vulpeculae

29 Vulpeculae is a class A0V (white main-sequence) star in the constellation Vulpecula.

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3 Andromedae

3 Andromedae (abbreviated 3 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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3 Aquarii

3 Aquarii (abbreviated 3 Aqr) is a variable star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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3 Boötis

3 Boötis (abbr.: 3 Boo) is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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3 Camelopardalis

3 Camelopardalis is a spectroscopic and visual binary in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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3 Cancri

3 Cancri (3 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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3 Centauri

3 Centauri is a binary star in the constellation Centaurus.

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3 Ceti

3 Ceti (3 Cet) is an orange giant star in the constellation Cetus.

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3 Corvi

3 Corvi is a star in the constellation Corvus.

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3 Geminorum

3 Geminorum is a blue supergiant star in the constellation Gemini.

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3 Monocerotis

3 Monocerotis is a class B5III (blue giant) star in the constellation Monoceros.

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3 Persei

3 Persei is a single, orange-hued star in the northern constellation of Perseus.

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3 Piscis Austrini

3 Piscis Austrini (3 PsA), also known as HR 8110, is an orange giant star in the constellation Microscopium, despite its Flamsteed designation.

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3 Puppis

3 Puppis (3 Pup) is a supergiant star in the constellation Puppis.

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3 Serpentis

3 Serpentis is a binary star in the constellation Serpens with an orbital period of approximately 66 years.

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3 Vulpeculae

3 Vulpeculae (abbreviated 3 Vul) is a binary star in the constellation Vulpecula.

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30 Aquarii

30 Aquarii (abbreviated 30 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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30 Arietis

30 Arietis (abbreviated 30 Ari) is a 6th-apparent-magnitude quadruple star in the constellation of Aries.

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30 Camelopardalis

30 Camelopardalis (30 Cam) is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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30 Cygni

30 Cygni is a class A5III (white giant) star in the constellation Cygnus.

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30 Geminorum

30 Geminorum (30 Gem) is a star in the constellation Gemini.

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30 Herculis

30 Herculis (30 Her), or g Herculis, is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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30 Leonis Minoris

30 Leonis Minoris is a class F0V (yellow-white dwarf) star in the constellation Leo Minor.

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30 Monocerotis

30 Monocerotis (30 Mon) is a star in the constellation Hydra.

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30 Ophiuchi

30 Ophiuchi is a class K4III (orange giant) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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30 Persei

30 Persei is a binary star system in the northern constellation Perseus.

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30 Piscium

30 Piscium (HIP 154) is a solitary red giant star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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30 Vulpeculae

30 Vulpeculae is a class K1III (orange giant) star in the constellation Vulpecula.

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31 Aquilae

31 Aquilae (abbreviated 31 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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31 Arietis

31 Arietis (abbreviated 31 Ari) is a binary star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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31 Boötis

31 Boötis is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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31 Camelopardalis

31 Camelopardalis is an eclipsing spectroscopic binary in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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31 Comae Berenices

31 Comae Berenices (31 Com) is a yellow giant star in the constellation Coma Berenices.

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31 Crateris

31 Crateris is a binary star system in the constellation Corvus.

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31 Cygni

31 Cygni, also known as ο1 Cygni, Omicron1 Cygni, or V695 Cygni, is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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31 Leonis

31 Leonis is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Leo.

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31 Lyncis

31 Lyncis, also named Alsciaukat, is the fourth-brightest star in the constellation of Lynx.

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31 Orionis

31 Orionis, or CI Orionis, is a class K5III (orange giant) star in the constellation Orion.

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31 Pegasi

31 Pegasi (31 Peg) is a class B2IV-V (blue subgiant) star in the constellation Pegasus.

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31 Persei

31 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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31 Vulpeculae

31 Vulpeculae is a class G7III (yellow giant) star in the constellation Vulpecula.

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32 Andromedae

32 Andromedae (abbreviated 32 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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32 Aquarii

32 Aquarii (abbreviated 32 Aqr) is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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32 Boötis

32 Boötis (32 Boo) is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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32 Cygni

32 Cygni (32 Cyg, Omicron2 Cyg, ο2 Cyg) is the Flamsteed designation for a binary star system in the Cygnus constellation.

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32 Ophiuchi

32 Ophiuchi (32 Oph) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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32 Orionis

32 Orionis (32 Ori) is a triple star system in the constellation Orion.

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32 Pegasi

32 Pegasi (32 Peg) is a class B9III (blue giant) star in the constellation Pegasus.

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32 Persei

32 Persei (32 Per) is a class A3V (white main-sequence) star in the constellation Perseus.

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32 Tauri

32 Tauri is the Flamsteed designation for a solitary star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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32 Vulpeculae

32 Vulpeculae (32 Vul) is a star in the constellation Vulpecula.

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33 Arietis

33 Arietis (abbreviated 33 Arietis) is a binary star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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33 Boötis

33 Boötis (33 Boo) is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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33 Cygni

33 Cygni (33 Cyg) is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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33 Pegasi

33 Pegasi is the Flamsteed designation for a visual binary star in the northern constellation of Pegasus.

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33 Piscium

33 Piscium is a binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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33 Vulpeculae

33 Vulpeculae is a single, fifth-magnitude star in northern the constellation of Vulpecula.

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34 Boötis

34 Boötis or W Boötis is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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34 Cancri

34 Cancri (34 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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34 Persei

34 Persei is a class B3V (blue main-sequence) star in the constellation Perseus.

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35 Aquarii

35 Aquarii (abbreviated 35 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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35 Aquilae

35 Aquilae (abbreviated 35 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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35 Arietis

35 Arietis (abbreviated 35 Ari) is a binary star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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35 Cancri

35 Cancri (abbr.: 35 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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35 Comae Berenices

35 Comae Berenices (35 Com) is a star in the constellation Coma Berenices.

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35 Cygni

35 Cygni is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation Cygnus.

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35 Pegasi

35 Pegasi (35 Peg) is a class K0III (orange giant) star in the constellation Pegasus.

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35 Piscium

35 Piscium is a binary star system in the constellation Pisces.

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35 Vulpeculae

35 Vulpeculae is a single, white-hued star in the northern constellation of Vulpecula.

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36 Andromedae

36 Andromedae is a visual binary star system in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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36 Aquarii

36 Aquarii (abbreviated 36 Aqr) is a yellow giant star or subgiant star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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36 Aquilae

36 Aquilae (abbreviated 36 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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36 Arietis

36 Arietis (abbreviated 36 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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36 Aurigae

36 Aurigae or V444 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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36 Cancri

36 Cancri (abbr.: 36/c Cnc) is an A-class star in the constellation Cancer.

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36 Capricorni

36 Capricorni is a single, yellow-hued star in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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36 Comae Berenices

36 Comae Berenices (36 Com) is a red giant star in the constellation Coma Berenices.

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36 Lyncis

36 Lyncis, also known by its variable star designation of EI Lyncis, is a star in the constellation Lynx.

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36 Ophiuchi

36 Ophiuchi is a triple star system 19.5 light years from Earth.

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36 Persei

36 Persei is a variable star in the constellation Perseus.

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36 Serpentis

36 Serpentis, also known as b Serpentis, is a star in the constellation Serpens.

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36 Tauri

36 Tauri (abbreviated to 36 Tau) is a binary star in the constellation of Taurus.

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36 Ursae Majoris

36 Ursae Majoris is a double star in the northern constellation of Ursa Major.

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37 Aquarii

37 Aquarii (abbreviated 37 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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37 Aquilae

37 Aquilae (abbreviated 37 Aql) is a G-type giant star in the constellation of Aquila.

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37 Cancri

37 Cancri (37 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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37 Comae Berenices

37 Comae Berenices (37 Com) is a star in the constellation Coma Berenices.

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37 Geminorum

37 Geminorum is a star located at the northwest part of the northern zodiac constellation of Gemini.

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37 Leonis Minoris

37 Leonis Minoris is a single, yellow-hued star in the northern constellation of Leo Minor.

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37 Librae

37 Librae (37 Lib) is a star in the Libra constellation.

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37 Tauri

37 Tauri is a single, orange-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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38 Aquarii

38 Aquarii (abbreviated 38 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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38 Arietis

38 Arietis (abbreviated 38 Ari) is a variable star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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38 Aurigae

38 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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38 Boötis

38 Boötis (abbreviated 38 Boo), also named Merga, is a star in the constellation of Boötes.

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38 Cancri

38 Cancri (38 Cnc, BT Cancri, BT Cnc) is a δ Sct variable star in the constellation Cancer.

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38 Geminorum

38 Geminorum (38 Gem) is a binary star in the constellation Gemini.

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38 Leonis Minoris

38 Leonis Minoris is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Leo Minor.

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38 Lyncis

38 Lyncis (38 Lyn, 38 Lyncis) is a Class A1, fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Lynx.

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38 Virginis

38 Virginis is an F-type main sequence star in the constellation of Virgo.

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39 Andromedae

39 Andromedae (abbreviated 39 And) is a double star in the constellation Andromeda.

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39 Aquarii

39 Aquarii (abbreviated 39 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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39 Arietis

39 Arietis (abbreviated 39 Ari), also named Lilii Borea, is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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39 Aurigae

39 Aurigae is a single star in the constellation of Auriga.

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39 Boötis

39 Boötis (abbreviated as 39 Boo) or ADS 9406 B is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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39 Cancri

39 Cancri (39 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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39 Cygni

39 Cygni (39 Cyg) is a star in the constellation Cygnus, approximately 260 light years away from Earth.

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39 Draconis

39 Draconis, also known as b Draconis, is a wide binary star in the constellation Draco.

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39 Eridani

39 Eridani (39 Eri) is a star in the constellation Eridanus.

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39 Leonis

39 Leonis is the Flamsteed designation for a star in the zodiac constellation of Leo.

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39 Tauri

39 Tauri is the Flamsteed designation for an unresolved binary star in the northern constellation of Taurus.

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4 Andromedae

4 Andromedae (abbreviated 4 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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4 Aquarii

4 Aquarii (abbreviated 4 Aqr) is a binary star in the constellation Aquarius.

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4 Aquilae

4 Aquilae (abbreviated 4 Aql) is a star in the constellation of Aquila.

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4 Arietis

4 Arietis (abbreviated 4 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries, the ram.

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4 Camelopardalis

4 Camelopardalis is a star in the northern constellation of Camelopardalis.

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4 Canum Venaticorum

4 Canum Venaticorum is a star in the constellation Canes Venatici.

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4 Cassiopeiae

4 Cassiopeiae is a star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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4 Centauri

4 Centauri is a star in the constellation Centaurus.

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4 Cygni

4 Cygni (4 Cyg) is a star in the constellation Cygnus, approximately 710 light years away from Earth.

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4 Equulei

4 Equulei is a binary star system in the constellation of Equuleus, located about 3° to the east of Alpha Equulei.

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4 Lacertae

4 Lacertae (4 Lac) is a star in the constellation Lacerta.

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4 Persei

4 Persei (4 Per) is a class B8III (blue giant) star in the constellation Perseus.

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4 Sagittarii

4 Sagittarii (4 Sgr) is a class B9V (blue main-sequence) star in the constellation Sagittarius.

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4 Scorpii

4 Scorpii is a single star in the southern zodiac constellation of Scorpius.

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4 Ursae Majoris

4 Ursae Majoris (sometimes abbreviated 4 Uma) is the Flamsteed designation of a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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4 Ursae Minoris

4 Ursae Minoris is a binary star system in the northern circumpolar constellation Ursa Minor.

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4 Vulpeculae

4 Vulpeculae is a single, orange-hued star in the northern constellation of Vulpecula.

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40 Aquarii

40 Aquarii (abbreviated 40 Aqr) is a yellow subgiant in the constellation of Aquarius.

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40 Arietis

40 Arietis (abbreviated 40 Ari) is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Aries.

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40 Aurigae

40 Aurigae is a binary star in the constellation Auriga.

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40 Boötis

40 Boötis (40 Boo, 40 Bootis) is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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40 Camelopardalis

40 Camelopardalis, also known as HD 42633 or HR 2201, is a star in double system in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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40 Cancri

40 Cancri (40 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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40 Eridani

40 Eridani (abbreviated 40 Eri), also designated Omicron² Eridani (ο² Eridani, abbreviated Omicron² Eri, ο² Eri), is a triple star system in the constellation of Eridanus.

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40 Leonis

40 Leonis is a star in the zodiac constellation of Leo.

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40 Persei

40 Persei is a class B0.5V (blue main-sequence) star in the constellation Perseus.

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41 Andromedae

41 Andromedae (abbreviated 41 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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41 Aquarii

41 Aquarii (abbreviated 41 Aqr) is a double star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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41 Arietis

41 Arietis (abbreviated 41 Ari) is a triple star system in the northern constellation of Aries.

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41 Aurigae

41 Aurigae is a binary star in the constellation Auriga.

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41 Capricorni

41 Capricorni is a binary star system in the southern constellation of Capricornus.

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41 Comae Berenices

41 Comae Berenices (41 Com) is an orange giant star in the constellation Coma Berenices.

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41 Cygni

41 Cygni (41 Cyg) is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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41 Leonis Minoris

41 Leonis Minoris is a class A3V (white main-sequence) star in the constellation Leo Minor.

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41 Lyncis

41 Lyncis (abbreviated 41 Lyn), also designated HD 81688 and named Intercrus, is a fifth magnitude star located in the northern constellation of Ursa Major.

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41 Ophiuchi

41 Ophiuchi is a class K2III (orange giant) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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41 Tauri

41 Tauri is the Flamsteed designation for a single-lined spectroscopic binary system in the zodiacal constellation of Taurus.

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41 Ursae Majoris

41 Ursae Majoris is a red giant star in the constellation Ursa Major.

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42 Aquarii

42 Aquarii (abbreviated 42 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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42 Aquilae

42 Aquilae (abbreviated 42 Aql) is a star in the constellation of Aquila.

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42 Aurigae

42 Aurigae is a star in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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42 Camelopardalis

42 Camelopardalis is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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42 Cancri

42 Cancri (42 Cnc or HD 73785) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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42 Capricorni

42 Capricorni is a binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Capricornus.

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42 Cassiopeiae

42 Cassiopeiae is a star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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42 Draconis

42 Draconis (abbreviated 42 Dra), also named Fafnir, is a 5th magnitude K-type giant star located approximately 315 light years away in the constellation of Draco.

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42 Herculis

42 Herculis (42 Her) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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42 Librae

42 Librae (42 Lib) is a star in the constellation Libra.

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42 Orionis

42 Orionis is a class B1V (blue main-sequence) star in the constellation Orion.

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42 Persei

42 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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43 Aurigae

43 Aurigae (43 Aur) is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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43 Camelopardalis

43 Camelopardalis is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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43 Persei

43 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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43 Sagittarii

43 Sagittarii (43 Sgr) is a class G8II-III (yellow bright giant) star in the constellation Sagittarius.

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44 Andromedae

44 Andromedae is a single, yellow-white hued star in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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44 Aquarii

44 Aquarii (abbreviated 44 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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44 Boötis

44 Boötis or i Boötis is a triple star system in the constellation Boötes.

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44 Cancri

44 Cancri (44 Cnc) is an orange-to-red star located in the constellation Cancer.

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44 Ophiuchi

44 Ophiuchi is a class kA5hA9mF1III star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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45 Andromedae

45 Andromedae (abbreviated 45 And) is the Flamsteed designation of a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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45 Aquarii

45 Aquarii (abbreviated 45 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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45 Aquilae

45 Aquilae (abbreviated 45 Aql) is a triple star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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45 Aurigae

45 Aurigae or PLX 1468.2 is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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45 Boötis

45 Boötis or c Boötis is a binary star in the constellation Boötes.

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45 Cancri

45 Cancri (45 Cnc, Bayer designation A1 Cancri, A1 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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45 Draconis

45 Draconis (d Dra) is a yellow supergiant star located in the constellation of Draco.

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45 Eridani

45 Eridani (45 Eri) is a star in the constellation Eridanus.

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45 Herculis

45 Herculis is a main sequence star in the constellation Hercules.

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45 Ophiuchi

45 Ophiuchi is a class F5III-IV (yellow-white giant) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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46 Aquilae

46 Aquilae (abbreviated 46 Aql) is a seventh-magnitude star in the constellation of Aquila.

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46 Boötis

46 Boötis or b Boötis is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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46 Cancri

46 Cancri (46 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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46 Capricorni

46 Capricorni (46 Cap) is a star in the constellation Capricornus.

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46 Ceti

46 Ceti (46 Cet) is an orange giant star in the constellation Cetus.

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46 Leonis Minoris

46 Leonis Minoris (abbreviated 46 LMi), also named Praecipua, is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo Minor.

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47 Andromedae

47 Andromedae is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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47 Aquarii

47 Aquarii (abbreviated 47 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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47 Arietis

47 Arietis is a single star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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47 Aurigae

47 Aurigae (47 Aur) is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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47 Boötis

47 Boötis or k Boötis is a binary star in the constellation Boötes.

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47 Capricorni

47 Capricorni (47 Cap), also known by its variable star designation of AG Capricorni (AG Cap) or its Bayer designation of c2 Capricorni (c2 Cap), is an M-type giant pulsating star in the constellation Capricornus.

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47 Cygni

47 Cygni (47 Cyg) is a double star in the constellation Cygnus.

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47 Ophiuchi

47 Ophiuchi (47 Oph) is a binary star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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47 Tauri

47 Tauri (abbreviated to 47 Tau) is a binary star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

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47 Ursae Majoris

47 Ursae Majoris (abbreviated 47 UMa), also named Chalawan (ชาละวัน), is a yellow dwarf star approximately 46 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Ursa Major.

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48 Cassiopeiae

48 Cassiopeiae is a triple star system in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia.

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48 Librae

48 Librae is a single shell star in the constellation Libra.

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48 Persei

48 Persei (also known as c Persei, 48 Per, HR 1273, HIP 19343, or) is a Be star in the constellation Perseus, approximately the 500th brightest of the visible stars in apparent magnitude.

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49 Andromedae

49 Andromedae (abbreviated 49 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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49 Aquarii

49 Aquarii (abbreviated 49 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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49 Arietis

49 Arietis (abbreviated 49 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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49 Aurigae

49 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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49 Camelopardalis

49 Camelopardalis is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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49 Cassiopeiae

49 Cassiopeiae is a binary star system in the constellation Cassiopeia, approximately 430 light years away from Earth.

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49 Ceti

49 Ceti is a star in the constellation of Cetus.

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49 Librae

49 Librae is the Flamsteed designation for a spectroscopic binary star system in the Zodiac constellation of Libra.

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49 Orionis

49 Orionis (49 Ori) is a class A4V (white main-sequence) star in the constellation Orion.

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49 Persei

49 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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5 Andromedae

5 Andromedae is a single, yellow-white hued star in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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5 Aquarii

5 Aquarii (abbreviated 5 Aqr) is a star in the constellation Aquarius.

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5 Aquilae

5 Aquilae (abbreviated 5 Aql) is a quadruple star system in the constellation of Aquila.

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5 Aurigae

5 Aurigae is a binary star in the constellation Auriga.

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5 Camelopardalis

5 Camelopardalis is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Camelopardalis.

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5 Cancri

5 Cancri (5 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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5 Canum Venaticorum

5 Canum Venaticorum is a star in the constellation Canes Venatici.

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5 Lacertae

5 Lacertae (5 Lac) is a spectroscopic binary in the constellation Lacerta.

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5 Persei

5 Persei is a blue supergiant star in the constellation Perseus located around away.

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5 Serpentis

5 Serpentis is a wide binary star system in Serpens Caput, the western section of the equatorial constellation of Serpens.

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5 Tauri

5 Tauri (5 Tau) is a star in the constellation Taurus.

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5 Ursae Minoris

5 Ursae Minoris is a star in the circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor.

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5 Vulpeculae

5 Vulpeculae is a single, white-hued star in the northern constellation of Vulpecula.

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50 Aquarii

50 Aquarii (abbreviated 50 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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50 Arietis

50 Arietis (abbreviated 50 Ari) is a star in the constellation of Aries.

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50 Boötis

50 Boötis is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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50 Cancri

50 Cancri (abbreviated as 50 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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50 Cassiopeiae

50 Cassiopeiae is a star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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50 Persei

50 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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51 Andromedae

51 Andromedae (abbreviated 51 And), also named Nembus, is the 5th brightest (4th magnitude) star in the constellation of Andromeda.

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51 Aquarii

51 Aquarii (abbreviated 51 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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51 Aquilae

51 Aquilae (abbreviated 51 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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51 Arietis

51 Arietis (abbreviated 51 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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51 Aurigae

51 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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51 Eridani

51 Eridani is a star in the constellation Eridanus.

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51 Hydrae

51 Hydrae (51 Hya) is a star in the constellation Hydra.

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51 Ophiuchi

51 Ophiuchi (51 Oph) is a star located approximately 410 light years away in the constellation Ophiuchus, northwest of the center of the Milky Way.

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51 Orionis

51 Orionis (51 Ori) is a class K1III (orange giant) star in the constellation Orion.

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51 Pegasi

51 Pegasi (abbreviated 51 Peg), also named Helvetios, is a Sun-like star located from Earth in the constellation of Pegasus.

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52 Arietis

52 Arietis (abbreviated 52 Ari) is a triple star system in the northern constellation of Aries.

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52 Cygni

52 Cygni is a giant star in the northern constellation of Cygnus with an apparent magnitude of 4.22.

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52 Herculis

52 Herculis (52 Her) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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52 Hydrae

52 Hydrae (52 Hya) is a double star in the constellation Hydra.

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52 Persei

52 Persei (52 Per) is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation Perseus.

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52 Sagittarii

52 Sagittarii (52 Sgr) is a class B8 (blue main-sequence) star in the constellation Sagittarius.

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53 Aquarii

53 Aquarii (abbreviated 53 Aqr) is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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53 Arietis

53 Arietis (abbreviated 53 Ari) is a variable star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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53 Aurigae

53 Aurigae is a binary star in the constellation Auriga.

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53 Camelopardalis

53 Camelopardalis is a spectroscopic binary in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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53 Cancri

53 Cancri (53 Cnc, BO Cancri, BO Cnc) is a variable star in the constellation Cancer.

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53 Eridani

53 Eridani (abbreviated 53 Eri), also designated l Eridani (l Eri), is a binary star in the constellation of Eridanus.

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53 Ophiuchi

53 Ophiuchi is a double star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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53 Persei

53 Persei (53 Per) is a class B4IV (blue subgiant) star in the constellation Perseus.

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53 Piscium

53 Piscium, abbreviated as 53 Psc, is a star in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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53 Virginis

53 Virginis is a single, yellow-white hued star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.

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54 Aquarii

54 Aquarii (abbreviated 54 Aqr) is a faint, white-colored main-sequence star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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54 Arietis

54 Arietis (abbreviated 54 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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54 Aurigae

54 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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54 Cancri

54 Cancri is a star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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54 Ceti

54 Ceti is an older Flamsteed designation for a star that is now located within the constellation boundaries of Aries, the Ram.

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54 Eridani

54 Eridani (54 Eri) is a star in the constellation Eridanus.

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54 Leonis

54 Leonis A/B is a binary star in the Leo constellation.

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54 Persei

54 Persei is a class G8III (yellow giant) star in the constellation Perseus.

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54 Piscium

54 Piscium is an orange dwarf star approximately 36 light-years away in the constellation of Pisces.

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55 Andromedae

55 Andromedae (abbreviated 55 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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55 Arietis

55 Arietis (abbreviated 55 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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55 Cancri

55 Cancri (abbreviated 55 Cnc) is a binary star approximately 41 light-years away from the Sun in the constellation of Cancer.

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55 Cygni

55 Cygni (55 Cyg) is a blue supergiant star in the constellation Cygnus.

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55 Pegasi

55 Pegasi (55 Peg) is a class M1III (red giant) star in the constellation Pegasus.

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55 Persei

55 Persei is a single, blue-white hued star in the northern constellation Perseus.

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55 Ursae Majoris

55 Ursae Majoris (55 UMa) is a triple star system in the constellation Ursa Major.

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56 Andromedae

56 Andromedae (abbreviated 56 And) is a double star in the constellation Andromeda.

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56 Aquarii

56 Aquarii (abbreviated 56 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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56 Aquilae

56 Aquilae (abbreviated 56 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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56 Arietis

56 Arietis (abbreviated 56 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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56 Ceti

56 Ceti is a star located in the constellation Cetus.

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56 Cygni

56 Cygni is a double star in the constellation Cygnus.

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56 Orionis

56 Orionis is a class K1.5IIb (orange bright giant) star in the constellation Orion.

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56 Pegasi

56 Pegasi (56 Peg) is a spectroscopic binary star in the constellation Pegasus.

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56 Persei

56 Persei is a quadruple star system in the constellation Perseus.

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56 Sagittarii

56 Sagittarii (56 Sgr) is a class K1III (orange giant) star in the constellation Sagittarius.

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56 Ursae Majoris

56 Ursae Majoris (56 UMa) is a star in the constellation Ursa Major.

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57 Aquilae

57 Aquilae (abbreviated 57 Aql) is a double star in the constellation of Aquila.

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57 Cancri

57 Cancri is a binary star in the constellation Cancer.

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57 Cygni

57 Cygni (57 Cyg) is an eclipsing binary star in the constellation Cygnus.

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57 Persei

57 Persei, or m Persei, is a triple star system in the northern constellation of Perseus.

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58 Andromedae

58 Andromedae (abbreviated 58 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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58 Aquarii

58 Aquarii (abbreviated 58 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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58 Aquilae

58 Aquilae (abbreviated 58 Aql) is a star in the constellation of Aquila.

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58 Eridani

58 Eridani is a main-sequence star in the constellation Eridanus.

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58 Hydrae

58 Hydrae (58 Hya) is a star in the constellation Hydra.

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58 Leonis

58 Leonis is a possible binary star system in the southern part of the constellation of Leo, near the border with Sextans.

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58 Ophiuchi

58 Ophiuchi is a class F5V (yellow-white dwarf) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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58 Persei

58 Persei (58 Per) is a class K4III (orange giant) star in the constellation Perseus.

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59 Andromedae

59 Andromedae (abbreviated 59 And) is a binary star in the constellation Andromeda.

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59 Arietis

59 Arietis (abbreviated 59 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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59 Aurigae

59 Aurigae, often abbreviated as 59 Aur, is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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59 Cygni

59 Cygni (59 Cyg) is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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59 Leonis

59 Leonis, or c Leonis, is a single, white-hued star with an apparent magnitude in the southern part of the constellation of Leo.

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59 Persei

59 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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59 Sagittarii

59 Sagittarii (59 Sgr), also known by its Bayer designation b Sagittarii, is a K-type bright giant star in the constellation of Sagittarius.

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59 Serpentis

59 Serpentis, also known as d Serpentis, is a multiple star in the constellation Serpens.

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59 Virginis

59 Virginis (e Virginis, HR 5011, Gliese 504) is a G-type main-sequence star, located in constellation Virgo at approximately 57 light-years from Earth.

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6 Andromedae

6 Andromedae is an astrometric binary star system in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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6 Aurigae

6 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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6 Boötis

6 Boötis or e Boötis is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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6 Canis Minoris

6 Canis Minoris is a star in the constellation Canis Minor.

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6 Canum Venaticorum

6 Canum Venaticorum is a star in the constellation Canes Venatici.

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6 Cassiopeiae

6 Cassiopeiae (6 Cas) is a double star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

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6 Ceti

6 Ceti is a single star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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6 Corvi

6 Corvi is a star in the constellation Corvus.

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6 Draconis

6 Draconis (6 Dra) is a star in the constellation Draco.

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6 Equulei

6 Equulei is an A-type main sequence star in the constellation of Equuleus with an apparent magnitude of 6.07.

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6 Geminorum

6 Geminorum, also designated BU Geminorum (abbrev: BU Gem), is a red supergiant, located in the constellation Gemini.

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6 Hydrae

6 Hydrae (6 Hya) is a star in the constellation Hydra.

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6 Lacertae

6 Lacertae (6 Lac) is a star in the constellation Lacerta.

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6 Lyncis

6 Lyncis (abbreviated 6 Lyn) is the Flamsteed designation of a K-type giant star located approximately 179 light years from Earth, appearing in the constellation of Lynx.

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6 Persei

6 Persei is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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6 Sagittarii

6 Sagittarii is a massive, orange-hued star in the southern zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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6 Serpentis

6 Serpentis is a binary star system in the constellation Serpens.

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60 Andromedae

60 Andromedae (abbreviated 60 And) is a star system in the northern constellation of Andromeda, located to the west-northwest of Gamma Andromedae.

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60 Aquarii

60 Aquarii (abbreviated 60 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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60 Arietis

60 Arietis (abbreviated 60 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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60 Aurigae

60 Aurigae is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Auriga.

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60 Cancri

60 Cancri is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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60 Herculis

60 Herculis (60 Her) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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60 Leonis

60 Leonis (60 Leo) is a peculiar star in the constellation Leo.

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60 Sagittarii

60 Sagittarii (60 Sgr), or A Sagittarii (A Sgr),, database record, HD-DM-GC-HR-HIP-Bayer-Flamsteed Cross Index, N. D. Kostjuk, Institute of Astronomy of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002; CDS ID.

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60 Serpentis

60 Serpentis, also known as c Serpentis, is a single, orange-hued star in Serpens Cauda, the eastern section of the constellation Serpens.

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61 Aquarii

61 Aquarii (abbreviated 61 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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61 Cancri

61 Cancri (61 Cnc) is the Flamsteed designation for a visual binary star system in the northern constellation Cancer.

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61 Cygni

61 Cygni Not to be confused with 16 Cygni, a more distant system containing two G-type stars harboring the gas giant planet 16 Cygni Bb.

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61 Leonis

61 Leonis is a possible binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Leo.

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61 Ursae Majoris

61 Ursae Majoris (61 UMa) is an orange-yellow G8 main-sequence star in the constellation Ursa Major.

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61 Virginis

61 Virginis (abbreviated 61 Vir) is the Flamsteed designation of a G-type main-sequence star (G7V) slightly less massive than the Sun (which is G2V), located about 27.9 light-years away in the constellation of Virgo.

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62 Andromedae

62 Andromedae (abbreviated 62 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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62 Aquilae

62 Aquilae (abbreviated 62 Aql) is a star in the constellation of Aquila.

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62 Arietis

62 Arietis (abbreviated 62 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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62 Aurigae

62 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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62 Sagittarii

62 Sagittarii (62 Sgr) or c Sagittarii (c Sgr) is an M-type giant star in the constellation of Sagittarius.

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62 Serpentis

62 Serpentis is the Flamsteed designation for this binary star.

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63 Andromedae

63 Andromedae (abbreviated 63 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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63 Aurigae

63 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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63 Ceti

63 Ceti is a star in the constellation of Cetus.

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63 Cygni

63 Cygni (63 Cyg) is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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63 Ophiuchi

63 Ophiuchi is an O-type giant star in the constellation Sagittarius, despite its name.

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64 Andromedae

64 Andromedae (abbreviated 64 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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64 Aquarii

64 Aquarii (abbreviated 64 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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64 Aquilae

64 Aquilae (abbreviated 64 Aql) is a star in the constellation of Aquila.

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64 Arietis

64 Arietis (abbreviated 64 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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64 Aurigae

64 Aurigae (64 Aur) is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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64 Draconis

64 Draconis (e Draconis) is a red giant star in the constellation of Draco.

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64 Eridani

64 Eridani is a single, yellow-white hued star in the constellation Eridanus with the variable star designation S Eridani.

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64 Piscium

64 Piscium is the Flamsteed designation for a close binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Pisces.

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64 Serpentis

64 Serpentis is a single, blue-white hued star in Serpens Cauda, the eastern segment of the equatorial constellation of Serpens.

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65 Andromedae

65 Andromedae (abbreviated 65 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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65 Aquarii

65 Aquarii (abbreviated 65 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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65 Arietis

65 Arietis (abbreviated 65 Ari) is a star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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65 Aurigae

65 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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65 Ursae Majoris

65 Ursae Majoris, abbreviated as 65 UMa, is a star system in the constellation of Ursa Major.

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66 Andromedae

66 Andromedae is a binary star in the constellation Andromeda.

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66 Aquarii

66 Aquarii (abbreviated 66 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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66 Aquilae

66 Aquilae (abbreviated 66 Aql) is a star in the constellation of Aquila.

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66 Arietis

66 Arietis (abbreviated 66 Ari) is a double star in the northern constellation of Aries.

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66 Aurigae

66 Aurigae is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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66 Cancri

66 Cancri (66 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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66 Eridani

66 Eridani is a binary star in the constellation of Eridanus.

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66 Ophiuchi

66 Ophiuchi is a class B2Ve (blue main-sequence) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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66 Tauri

66 Tauri, also known as r Tauri, is a binary star in the constellation of Taurus.

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67 Aquarii

67 Aquarii (abbreviated 67 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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67 Cancri

67 Cancri (67 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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67 Ophiuchi

67 Ophiuchi (67 Oph) is a class B5 Ib (blue supergiant) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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68 Aquarii

68 Aquarii (abbreviated 68 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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68 Aquilae

68 Aquilae (abbreviated 68 Aql) is a double star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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68 Cancri

68 Cancri (68 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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68 Cygni

68 Cygni is the Flamsteed designation for a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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68 Draconis

68 Draconis is the Flamsteed designation for a star in the northern constellation of Draco.

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68 Herculis

68 Herculis (68 Her) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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68 Ophiuchi

68 Ophiuchi is a star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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69 Aquilae

69 Aquilae (abbreviated 69 Aql) is a star in the constellation of Aquila.

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69 Ceti

69 Ceti (69 Cet) is a red giant star in the constellation Cetus.

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69 Herculis

69 Herculis (69 Her) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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69 Orionis

69 Orionis (69 Ori) is a class B5Vn (blue main-sequence) star in the constellation Orion.

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69 Virginis

69 Virginis (69 Vir) is a star in the constellation Virgo.

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7 Andromedae

7 Andromedae (abbreviated 7 And) is a star in the constellation Andromeda.

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7 Aquarii

7 Aquarii (abbreviated 7 Aqr) is a variable star in the constellation Aquarius.

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7 Aquilae

7 Aquilae (abbreviated 7 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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7 Arietis

7 Arietis (abbreviated 7 Ari) is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Aries.

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7 Boötis

7 Boötis (7 Boo) is a star in the constellation Boötes.

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7 Camelopardalis

7 Camelopardalis is a triple star system in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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7 Cancri

7 Cancri (7 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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7 Cephei

7 Cephei (7 Cep) is a blue main-sequence star located approximately 802 light years away, in the constellation Cepheus.

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7 Ceti

7 Ceti (7 Cet) is a red giant star in the constellation Cetus.

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7 Comae Berenices

7 Comae Berenices (7 Com) is a star in the constellation Coma Berenices.

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7 Draconis

7 Draconis (abbreviated 7 Dra), also named Tianyi, is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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7 Persei

7 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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7 Piscium

7 Piscium, also known as 7 Psc or HR 8878, is a metal-deficient giant star in the constellation Pisces.

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7 Sagittarii

7 Sagittarii is a massive star in the southern zodiac constellation of Sagittarius which is located in the Lagoon Nebula (NGC 6530), although multiple sources have considered it a foreground star.

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7 Vulpeculae

7 Vulpeculae (7 Vul) is a blue-white Be star of type B4–5 III–IVe, approximately 760 light years from Earth in the constellation Vulpecula.

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70 Aquarii

70 Aquarii (abbreviated 70 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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70 Aquilae

70 Aquilae (abbreviated 70 Aql) is a star in the constellation of Aquila.

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70 Cancri

70 Cancri (70 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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70 Ophiuchi

70 Ophiuchi is a binary star system located 16.6 light years away from the Earth.

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70 Pegasi

70 Pegasi is a binary star system in the northern constellation Pegasus.

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70 Virginis

70 Virginis (abbreviated 70 Vir) is the Flamsteed designation of a yellow dwarf star approximately 59 light-years away in the constellation Virgo.

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71 Aquilae

71 Aquilae (abbreviated 71 Aql) is a binary star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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71 Cygni

71 Cygni is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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71 Ophiuchi

71 Ophiuchi is a class G8III (yellow giant) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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71 Tauri

71 Tauri (71 Tau) is a faint star in the constellation Taurus.

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72 Aquarii

72 Aquarii (abbreviated 72 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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72 Cygni

72 Cygni (72 Cyg) is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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72 Herculis

72 Herculis is a main sequence dwarf star in the constellation Hercules.

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72 Leonis

72 Leonis (72 Leo) is a star in the constellation Leo.

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72 Ophiuchi

72 Ophiuchi (72 Oph) is a class A5 main sequence star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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72 Pegasi

72 Pegasi (72 Peg) is a binary star in the constellation Pegasus.

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74 Aquarii

74 Aquarii (abbreviated 74 Aqr) is a triple star system in the constellation of Aquarius.

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74 Cygni

74 Cygni is a star in the constellation Cygnus.

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74 Ophiuchi

74 Ophiuchi is a class G8III (yellow giant) star in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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74 Orionis

74 Orionis is a class F5V (yellow-white dwarf) star in the constellation Orion.

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74 Virginis

74 Virginis (74 Vir) is a star in the constellation Virgo.

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75 Aquarii

75 Aquarii (abbreviated 75 Aqr) is a star in the constellation Aquarius.

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75 Cancri

75 Cancri (abbreviated to 75 Cnc) is a binary star in the constellation of Cancer.

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75 Ceti

75 Ceti is a G-type giant with at least one planet.

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75 Cygni

75 Cygni is a triple star in the constellation Cygnus.

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75 Tauri

75 Tauri is a single, orange-hued star in the zodiac of constellation Taurus.

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77 Aquarii

77 Aquarii (abbreviated 77 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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77 Ceti

77 Ceti (77 Cet) is an orange giant star in the constellation Cetus.

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78 Aquarii

78 Aquarii (abbreviated 78 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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78 Cancri

78 Cancri (78 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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78 Pegasi

78 Pegasi (78 Peg) is a class K0III (orange giant) star in the constellation Pegasus.

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78 Ursae Majoris

78 Ursae Majoris (78 UMa) is a binary star in the constellation Ursa Major.

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78 Virginis

78 Virginis (78 Vir) is a star in the constellation Virgo.

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79 Cancri

79 Cancri (79 Cnc) is a multiple star system in the constellation Cancer.

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79 Ceti

79 Ceti (also known as HD 16141) is a yellow subgiant star approximately 127 light-years away in the constellation Cetus.

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8 Andromedae

8 Andromedae (abbreviated 8 And) is a red giant star in the constellation Andromeda.

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8 Aquarii

8 Aquarii (abbreviated 8 Aqr) is a blue-white sub-giant of the spectral class A4IV in the constellation Aquarius.

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8 Aquilae

8 Aquilae (abbreviated 8 Aql) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquila.

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8 Camelopardalis

8 Camelopardalis (8 Cam) is a star in the constellation Camelopardalis.

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8 Cancri

8 Cancri is a single, white-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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8 Cygni

8 Cygni is a star in the northern constellation of Cygnus.

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8 Draconis

8 Draconis (abbreviated 8 Dra), also named Taiyi, is a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco.

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8 Persei

8 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus.

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8 Vulpeculae

8 Vulpeculae (8 Vul) is an orange giant star (K0III), approximately 484 light years from Earth in the constellation Vulpecula.

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80 Cancri

80 Cancri (80 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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81 Aquarii

81 Aquarii (abbreviated 81 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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81 Cancri

81 Cancri (Pi1 Cancri, π1 Cancri) is a stellar system that lies approximately 66 light-years away.

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81 Ceti

81 Ceti (abbreviated 81 Cet) is the Flamsteed designation of a G-type giant star approximately 300 light years away in the constellation of Cetus.

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81 Geminorum

81 Geminorum (81 Gem) is a star in the constellation Gemini.

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82 Aquarii

82 Aquarii (abbreviated 82 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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82 Cancri

82 Cancri (Pi2 Cancri, π2 Cancri) is a solitary, orange-hued star in the zodiac constellation of Cancer.

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83 Aquarii

83 Aquarii (abbreviated 83 Aqr) is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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83 Cancri

83 Cancri (83 Cnc) is a star in the constellation Cancer.

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83 Leonis

83 Leonis, abbreviated 83 Leo, is a binary star system approximately 58 light-years away in the constellation of Leo (the Lion).

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83 Ursae Majoris

83 Ursae Majoris is a candidate binary star system in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major.

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84 Aquarii

84 Aquarii (abbreviated 84 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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84 Ceti

84 Ceti is the Flamsteed designation for a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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85 Aquarii

85 Aquarii (abbreviated 85 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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85 Ceti

85 Ceti is an older Flamsteed designation for a star that is now within the borders of the northern constellation of Aries, the ram.

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85 Pegasi

85 Pegasi is a multiple star system 39.5 light years away in the constellation of Pegasus.

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86 Aquarii

86 Aquarii (abbreviated 86 Aqr) is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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87 Aquarii

87 Aquarii (abbreviated 87 Aqr) is a star in the constellation of Aquarius.

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87 Leonis

87 Leonis (87 Leo) is a K-type giant star in the constellation of Leo.

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88 Aquarii

88 Aquarii (abbreviated 88 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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88 Tauri

88 Tauri, also known as d Tauri, is a multiple star system in the constellation Taurus (constellation).

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89 Aquarii

89 Aquarii (abbreviated 89 Aqr) is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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89 Herculis

89 Herculis is a fifth-magnitude star in the constellation Hercules.

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89 Virginis

89 Virginis (89 Vir) is a star in the constellation Virgo.

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9 Andromedae

9 Andromedae (abbreviated 9 And) is a variable star in the constellation Andromeda.

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9 Aquarii

9 Aquarii (abbreviated 9 Aqr) is a yellow giant with a spectral type of G8III and an apparent magnitude of 6.55 in the constellation Aquarius.

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9 Aurigae

9 Aurigae (9 Aur) is a star in the constellation Auriga.

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9 Boötis

9 Boötis is a variable star in the constellation Boötes.

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9 Cephei

9 Cephei (9 Cep), also known as V337 Cephei, is a variable star in the constellation Cepheus.

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9 Ceti

9 Ceti is the Flamsteed designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus.

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9 Equulei

9 Equulei is a M-type star in the constellation Equuleus.

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9 Hydrae

9 Hydrae (9 Hya) is a star in the constellation Hydra.

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9 Lacertae

9 Lacertae (9 Lac) is a star in the constellation Lacerta.

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9 Pegasi

9 Pegasi (9 Peg) is a star in the constellation Pegasus.

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9 Persei

9 Persei is a pulsating variable star in the constellation Perseus.

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9 Sagittarii

9 Sagittarii (9 Sgr) is a massive binary star in the constellation Sagittarius.

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9 Vulpeculae

9 Vulpeculae is a class B8III (blue giant) star in the constellation Vulpecula.

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90 Tauri

90 Tauri (90 Tau) is a star in the constellation Taurus.

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91 Aquarii

91 Aquarii is the Flamsteed designation for a triple star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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93 Herculis

93 Herculis (93 Her) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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93 Leonis

93 Leonis (93 Leo) is a binary star in the constellation Leo.

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94 Aquarii

94 Aquarii (abbreviated 94 Aqr) is a triple star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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94 Ceti

94 Ceti (HD 19994) is a trinary star system approximately 73 light-years away in the constellation Cetus.

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94 Piscium

94 Piscium (94 Psc) is a star in the constellation Pisces.

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96 Aquarii

96 Aquarii is a multiple star system in the zodiac constellation of Aquarius.

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97 Aquarii

97 Aquarii (abbreviated 97 Aqr) is a binary star system in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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98 Aquarii

98 Aquarii (abbreviated 98 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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98 Herculis

98 Herculis (98 Her) is a star in the constellation Hercules.

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99 Aquarii

99 Aquarii (abbreviated 99 Aqr) is a star in the equatorial constellation of Aquarius.

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99 Herculis

99 Herculis is the Flamsteed designation for a binary star system in the northern constellation of Hercules.

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[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_of_stars_with_Flamsteed_designations

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