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Israeli legislative election, 2015

Index Israeli legislative election, 2015

Early elections for the twentieth Knesset were held in Israel on 17 March 2015. [1]

303 relations: Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya, Abdullah Abu Ma'aruf, Abnaa el-Balad, Adi Koll, Agudat Yisrael, Ahmad Tibi, Aida Touma-Suleiman, Akram Hasson, Ale Yarok, Alex Miller (politician), Aliza Lavie, Aluf, Amir Ohana, Amir Peretz, Amos Yadlin, Anat Berko, Anti-Zionism, Arab citizens of Israel, Arab Democratic Party (Israel), Arab National Party, Arab Peace Initiative, Ari Shavit, Ariel Atias, Aryeh Deri, Ashkenazi Jews, Atid Ehad, Avi Dichter, Avi Wortzman, Avichai Rontzki, Avigdor Lieberman, Avraham Michaeli, Avraham Neguise, Avshalom Vilan, Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin, Ayelet Shaked, Ayman Odeh, Ayoob Kara, Balad (political party), Barack Obama, Baruch Marzel, Basel Ghattas, Basic Law proposal: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, Basic Law: The Government, Benjamin Netanyahu, Benny Begin, Bernard Avishai, Bezalel Smotrich, Boaz Toporovsky, Boston (Hasidic dynasty), Breslov (Hasidic group), ..., Brit Olam, Central Elections Committee (Israel), Chief Rabbinate of Israel, Danny Atar, Danny Danon, David Azulai, David Bitan, David Cameron, David Horovitz, Degel HaTorah, Dov Khenin, Dov Lipman, Druze, Dudi Amsalem, Ehud Barak, Eitan Broshi, Eitan Cabel, Elazar Stern, Election threshold, Eli Alaluf, Eli Ben-Dahan, Eli Cohen (politician born 1972), Eli Yishai, Eliezer Moses, Erel Margalit, Eyal Ben-Reuven, Full Jewish Home list for Israeli legislative election, 2015, Full Joint List for the Israeli legislative election, 2015, Full Kulanu list for Israeli legislative election, 2015, Full Likud list for Israeli legislative election, 2015, Full Yesh Atid list for Israeli legislative election, 2015, Full Yisrael Beiteinu list for Israeli legislative election, 2015, Full Zionist Union list for Israeli legislative election, 2015, Ger (Hasidic dynasty), Gila Gamliel, Gilad Erdan, Google Maps, Green Movement (Israel), Haaretz, Hadash, Hagenbach-Bischoff system, Haim Jelin, Haim Katz, Hamad Amar, Haneen Zoabi, Haredi Judaism, Hasidic Judaism, Hatnuah, Ibrahim Hijazi, Ilan Gilon, Ilan Shohat, Isaac Herzog, Islamic Movement in Israel, Israel, Israel Broadcasting Authority, Israeli Labor Party, Israeli legislative election, 2013, Issawi Frej, Itzik Shmuli, Jackie Levy, Jamal Zahalka, Jeffrey Goldberg, Jerusalem, Jewish Agency for Israel, Jews, Joint List, Juma Azbarga, Kadima, Karin Elharar, Knesset, Kol Yisrael, Ksenia Svetlova, Kulanu, Leon Litinetski, Lieberman Plan, Likud, List of ambassadors of Israel to the United States, List of Knesset speakers, List of members of the twentieth Knesset, Lithuanian Jews, Major general, Makor Rishon, Manuel Trajtenberg, Masud Ghnaim, Meir Cohen (politician), Meir Dagan, Meir Porush, Meirav Ben-Ari, Menachem Begin, Merav Michaeli, Meretz, Meshulam Nahari, Michael Malchieli, Michael Oren, Michal Biran, Michal Rozin, Mickey Levy, Mickey Rosenthal, Miki Zohar, Ministry of Construction (Israel), Ministry of Defense (Israel), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Israel), Ministry of Interior (Israel), Miri Regev, Mixed-income housing, Mizrahi Jews, Moshe Feiglin, Moshe Gafni, Moshe Kahlon, Moshe Ya'alon, Mossad, Mossi Raz, Moti Yogev, Muhamad Kanan, Na Nach, Nachman Shai, Naftali Bennett, Narendra Modi, National liberalism, National unity government, Nava Boker, Next Israeli legislative election, Nissan Slomiansky, Nitzan Horowitz, Nurit Koren, Oded Forer, Ofer Lifschitz, Ofer Shelah, Ofir Akunis, Omer Bar-Lev, One-state solution, Or (political party), Oren Hazan, Orit Strook, Orly Levy, Osama Saadi, Otzma Yehudit, Ovadia Yosef, Peace movement, Pikuach nefesh, Pirate Party of Israel, Pnina Tamano-Shata, President of the United States, Prime Minister of Israel, Proportional representation, Rabbi, Rachel Azaria, Reuven Rivlin, Revital Swid, Rina Frenkel, Robert Ilatov, Ronen Hoffman, Ronen Shoval, Rosh yeshiva, Roy Folkman, Ruth Calderon, Sadigura (Hasidic dynasty), Said al-Harumi, Saleh Saad, Sephardi Jews, Shai Piron, Sharon Gal, Sharren Haskel, Shas, Shaul Mofaz, Shelly Yachimovich, Shimon Ohayon, Shimon Peres, Shimon Solomon, Shin Bet, Shuli Mualem, Silvan Shalom, Sofa Landver, Stav Shaffir, Stef Wertheimer, Stephen Harper, Ta'al, Talab Abu Arar, Taleb el-Sana, Tali Ploskov, Tamar Zandberg, Tel Aviv Convention Center, The Economist, The Greens (Israel), The Guardian, The Jerusalem Post, The Jewish Home, The Times of Israel, Thirty-fourth government of Israel, Thirty-third government of Israel, Thomas Friedman, Tkuma (political party), Torah, Tsega Melaku, Two-state solution, Tzachi Hanegbi, Tzipi Hotovely, Tzipi Livni, U'Bizchutan, United Arab List, United States, United Torah Judaism, Uri Ariel, Uri Maklev, Uri Orbach, Vizhnitz (Hasidic dynasty), Wael Younis, Ya'akov Asher, Ya'akov Margi, Yaakov Litzman, Yaakov Peri, Yachad (political party), Yael Cohen Paran, Yael German, Yair Lapid, Yariv Levin, Yaron Mazuz, Yehiel Bar, Yehuda Glick, Yesh Atid, Yeshiva, Yifat Kariv, Yifat Shasha-Biton, Yigal Guetta, Yinon Magal, Yisrael Beiteinu, Yisrael Eichler, Yisrael Katz (politician, born 1955), Yitzhak Cohen, Yitzhak Vaknin, Ynetnews, Yoav Ben-Tzur, Yoav Galant, Yoav Kish, Yoel Hasson, Yoel Razvozov, Yoni Chetboun, Yosef Ba-Gad, Yossi Yona, Yousef Jabareen, Youssef Atauna, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, Yulia Malinovsky, Yuval Diskin, Yuval Steinitz, Ze'ev Elkin, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Zehava Gal-On, Zionist Union, Zouheir Bahloul, 2011 Israeli social justice protests, 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, 2014 kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers. 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Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya

Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya (عبد الحكيم حاج يحيى, עבד אל-חכים חאג' יחיא; born 16 February 1965) is an Israeli Arab engineer and politician.

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Abdullah Abu Ma'aruf

Abdullah Abu Ma'aruf (عبد الله أبو معروف, עבדאללה אבו מערוף; born 30 December 1956) is an Israeli Druze doctor and politician.

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Abnaa el-Balad

Abnaa el-Balad (ابناء البلد, Sons of the Land or Sons and Daughters of the Country or People of the Homeland Movement) is a secular movement made up of Palestinians, most of whom are Arab citizens of Israel.

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Adi Koll

Dr Adi Koll (עדי קול, born 19 March 1976) is an Israeli social activist and former politician.

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Agudat Yisrael

Agudat Yisrael (אֲגוּדָּת יִשְׂרָאֵל, lit. Union of Israel, also transliterated Agudath Israel, or, in Yiddish, Agudas Yisroel) is an ultra-Orthodox Jewish political party in Israel.

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Ahmad Tibi

Ahmad Tibi (أحمد الطيبي,, אחמד טיבי, sometimes spelled Ahmed Tibi; born 19 December 1958) is an Arab-Muslim Israeli politician and leader of the Arab Movement for Change (Ta'al), an Arab party in Israel.

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Aida Touma-Suleiman

Aida Touma-Suleiman (عايدة توما سليمان, עאידה תומא סלימאן; born 16 July 1964) is an Israeli Arab journalist and politician.

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Akram Hasson

Akram Hasson (أكرم حسون, אכרם חסון, born 2 July 1959) is a Druze Israeli politician who serves as a member of the Knesset for Kulanu.

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Ale Yarok

Ale Yarok (עָלֶה יָרוֹק, lit. Green Leaf) is a liberal political party in Israel best known for its ideology of legalizing cannabis.

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Alex Miller (politician)

Alex Miller (אלכס מילר, born 4 April 1977) is an Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Yisrael Beiteinu from 2006 until 2013 and again from 2014 until 2015.

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Aliza Lavie

Aliza Lavie (עליזה לביא, born 23 September 1964) is an Israeli academic and politician.

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Aluf (אלוף, lit. "champion") is the term used in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for officers who in other countries would have the rank of general, air marshal, or admiral.

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Amir Ohana

Amir Ohana (אמיר אוחנה; born 15 March 1976) is an Israeli lawyer, former Shin Bet official and politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Likud.

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Amir Peretz

Amir Peretz (עמיר פרץ; born Armand Peretz on 9 March 1952) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for the Zionist Union.

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Amos Yadlin

Aluf (Major General, res.) Amos Yadlin (עמוס ידלין; born 20 November 1951) is a former general in the Israeli Air Force (IAF), Israel Defense Forces military attaché to Washington, D.C. and was head of the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate (Aman).

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Anat Berko

Anat Berko (ענת ברקו, born 14 January 1960) is an Israeli criminologist and politician.

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Anti-Zionism is opposition to Zionism.

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Arab citizens of Israel

Arab citizens of Israel, or Arab Israelis, are Israeli citizens whose primary language or linguistic heritage is Arabic. Many identify as Palestinian and commonly self-designate themselves as Palestinian citizens of Israel or Israeli Palestinians.See the terminology and self-identification sections for an extended discussion of the various terms used to refer to this population. The traditional vernacular of most Arab citizens, irrespective of religion, is the Palestinian dialect of Arabic. Most Arab citizens of Israel are functionally bilingual, their second language being Modern Hebrew. By religious affiliation, most are Muslim, particularly of the Sunni branch of Islam. There is a significant Arab Christian minority from various denominations as well as the Druze, among other religious communities. According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, the Arab population in 2013 was estimated at 1,658,000, representing 20.7% of the country's population. The majority of these identify themselves as Arab or Palestinian by nationality and Israeli by citizenship.. "The issue of terminology relating to this subject is sensitive and at least partially a reflection of political preferences. Most Israeli official documents refer to the Israeli Arab community as "minorities". The Israeli National Security Council (NSC) has used the term "Arab citizens of Israel". Virtually all political parties, movements and non-governmental organisations from within the Arab community use the word "Palestinian" somewhere in their description – at times failing to make any reference to Israel. For consistency of reference and without prejudice to the position of either side, ICG will use both Arab Israeli and terms the community commonly uses to describe itself, such as Palestinian citizens of Israel or Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel."An IDI Guttman Study of 2008 shows that most Arab citiens of Israel identify as Arabs (45%). While 24% consider themselves Palestinian, 12% consider themselves Israelis, and 19% identify themselves according to religion. Arab citizens of Israel mostly live in Arab-majority towns and cities; with eight of Israel's ten poorest cities being Arab. The vast majority attend separate schools to Jewish Israelis, and Arab political parties have never joined a government coalition. Many have family ties to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as well as to Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Negev Bedouins and the Druze tend to identify more as Israelis than other Arab citizens of Israel. Most of the Arabs living in East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War of 1967 and later annexed, were offered Israeli citizenship, but most have refused, not wanting to recognize Israel's claim to sovereignty. They became permanent residents instead. They have the right to apply for citizenship, are entitled to municipal services and have municipal voting rights.

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Arab Democratic Party (Israel)

The Arab Democratic Party (מפלגה דמוקרטית ערבית, Miflaga Demokratit Aravit; ألحزب الديمقراطي العربي, al-Hizb al-Dimuqrati al-Arabi) commonly known in Israel by its Hebrew acroynym Mada (Hebrew: מד"ע) is a political party in Israel.

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Arab National Party

The Arab National Party (המפלגה הלאומית הערבית, HaMiflaga HaLeumit HaAravit; الحزب القومي العربي, al-Hizb al-Qawmi al-Arabi) is a minor Israeli Arab political party in Israel led by Muhamad Kanan.

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Arab Peace Initiative

The Arab Peace Initiative (مبادرة السلام العربية), also known as the "Saudi Initiative", is a 10 sentence proposal for an end to the Arab–Israeli conflict that was endorsed by the Arab League in 2002 at the Beirut Summit and re-endorsed at the 2007 Arab League summit and at the 2017 Arab League summit.

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Ari Shavit

Ari Shavit (born November 26, 1957) is an Israeli reporter and writer.

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Ariel Atias

Ariel Atias (אריאל אטיאס, born 13 November 1970) is an Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Shas, and as the country's Minister of Housing and Construction.

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Aryeh Deri

Aryeh Makhlouf Deri (also Arie Deri, Arye Deri or Arieh Deri; born 17 February 1959 in Meknes) is an Israeli politician.

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Ashkenazi Jews

Ashkenazi Jews, also known as Ashkenazic Jews or simply Ashkenazim (אַשְׁכְּנַזִּים, Ashkenazi Hebrew pronunciation:, singular:, Modern Hebrew:; also), are a Jewish diaspora population who coalesced in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium.

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Atid Ehad

Atid Ehad (lit. One Future) is a political party in Israel.

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Avi Dichter

Avi Dichter (אבי דיכטר,; born 14 December 1952) is an Israeli politician and the current Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

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Avi Wortzman

Avi Wortzman (אבי וורצמן, born 29 October 1970) is an Israeli politician and a former member of the Knesset for the Jewish Home.

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Avichai Rontzki

Avichai Rontzki (אביחי רונצקי, October 10, 1951 – April 1, 2018) was an Israeli Chief Military Rabbi of the Israel Defense Forces.

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Avigdor Lieberman

Avigdor Lieberman (אביגדור ליברמן,,; born Evet Lvovich Liberman, Эве́т Льво́вич Ли́берман, 5 July 1958) is a Soviet-born Israeli politician who serves as the Defense Minister of Israel.

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Avraham Michaeli

Avraham Michaeli (אברהם מיכאלי, born 29 March 1957) is an Israeli politician.

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Avraham Neguise

Avraham Neguise (אברהם נגוסה, born 10 February 1958) is an Israeli politician and activist for the Falash Mura community.

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Avshalom Vilan

Avshalom "Abu" Vilan (אבשלום "אבו" וילן, born 11 February 1951) is an Israeli politician and economist.

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Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin

Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin (איילת נחמיאס-ורבין, born 19 June 1970) is an Israeli lawyer and politician.

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Ayelet Shaked

Ayelet Shaked (איילת שקד; born 7 May 1976) is an Israeli politician, activist, and computer engineer.

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Ayman Odeh

Ayman Odeh (أيمن عودة, איימן עודה; born 1 January 1975) is an Israeli Arab lawyer and politician.

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Ayoob Kara

Ayoob Kara (أيوب قرا, איוב קרא, also Ayoub or Ayub; born 12 March 1955) is an Israeli Druze politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Likud and as Minister of Communications.

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Balad (political party)

Balad (בָּלַ"ד, an acronym for Brit Le'umit Demokratit (lit; at-Tajamuʿ al-Waṭanī ad-Dīmuqrāṭī or بلد, lit. Country or Nation) is an Israeli Arab political party in Israel led by Jamal Zahalka. It is sometimes called the "National Democratic Alliance". The party advocates for the rights of Arab citizens and greater democratic freedoms in Israel.

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Barack Obama

Barack Hussein Obama II (born August 4, 1961) is an American politician who served as the 44th President of the United States from January 20, 2009, to January 20, 2017.

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Baruch Marzel

Baruch Meir Marzel (ברוך מאיר מרזל, born 23 April 1959) is an Israeli politician and activist.

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Basel Ghattas

Dr Basel Ghattas (باسل غطاس, באסל גטאס; born 23 March 1956) is an Israeli Arab politician.

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Basic Law proposal: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People

Basic Law proposal: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People (הצעת חוק יסוד: ישראל - מדינת הלאום של העם היהודי) is an Israeli bill which seeks to determine the nature of the state of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people.

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Basic Law: The Government

Basic Law: The Government (Hebrew חוק יסוד: הממשלה) is a Basic Law, first legislated in the Sixth Knesset, on 13 August 1968 (י"ט באב התשכ"ח, Hebrew calendar).

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Benjamin Netanyahu

Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu (born 21 October 1949) is an Israeli politician serving as the 9th and current Prime Minister of Israel since 2009, previously holding the position from 1996 to 1999.

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Benny Begin

Ze'ev Binyamin Begin, (זאב בנימין בגין, born 1 March 1943) is an Israeli geologist and politician.

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Bernard Avishai

Bernard Avishai is an Adjunct Professor of Business at Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

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Bezalel Smotrich

Bezalel Yoel Smotrich (בצלאל יואל סמוטריץ', born 27 February 1980) is an Israeli politician.

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Boaz Toporovsky

Boaz Toporovsky (בועז טופורובסקי, born 17 July 1980) is an Israeli politician.

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Boston (Hasidic dynasty)

Boston is a Hasidic sect, originally established in 1915 by Grand Rabbi Pinchas Duvid Horowitz.

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Breslov (Hasidic group)

Breslov (also Bratslav, also spelled Breslev) is a branch of Hasidic Judaism founded by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772–1810), a great-grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidism.

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Brit Olam

Brit Olam (lit. World Alliance or Eternal Covenant) is a political party in Israel.

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Central Elections Committee (Israel)

The Israeli Central Elections Committee (ועדת הבחירות המרכזית, Va'adet HaBehirot HaMerkazit) is the body charged under the Knesset Elections Law of 1969 to carry out the elections for the upcoming Knesset.

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Chief Rabbinate of Israel

The Chief Rabbinate of Israel (הרבנות הראשית לישראל, Ha-Rabanut Ha-Rashit Li-Yisra'el) is recognized by law as the supreme rabbinic and spiritual authority for Judaism in Israel.

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Danny Atar

Daniel "Danny" Atar (דניאל "דני" עטר, born 5 January 1958) is an Israeli politician.

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Danny Danon

Danny Danon (Hebrew: דני דנון, born 8 May 1971), is Israel’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations.

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David Azulai

David Azulai (דוד אזולאי; born 5 May 1954) is an Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Shas for over 20 years from 1996 and 2018.

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David Bitan

David Bitan (דוד ביטן, born 8 April 1960) is an Israeli lawyer and politician.

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David Cameron

David William Donald Cameron (born 9 October 1966) is a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2016 and Leader of the Conservative Party from 2005 to 2016.

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David Horovitz

David Horovitz (דוד הוֹרוֹביץ; born 12 August 1962) is a British-born Israeli journalist, author and speaker.

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Degel HaTorah

Degel HaTorah (דגל התורה, lit. Banner of the Torah) is an Ashkenazi Haredi political party in Israel.

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Dov Khenin

Dov Boris Khenin (דב חנין; born 10 January 1958) is an Israeli political scientist, lawyer, and member of the Knesset for the Joint List.

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Dov Lipman

Dov Alan Lipman (דב אלן ליפמן, born 9 September 1971) is an Israeli politician.

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The Druze (درزي or, plural دروز; דרוזי plural דרוזים) are an Arabic-speaking esoteric ethnoreligious group originating in Western Asia who self-identify as unitarians (Al-Muwaḥḥidūn/Muwahhidun).

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Dudi Amsalem

David "Dudi" Amsalem (דוד "דודי" אמסלם, born 11 August 1960), is an Israeli politician.

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Ehud Barak

Ehud Barak (Ehud_barak.ogg, born Ehud Brog; 12 February 1942) is an Israeli politician who served as the tenth Prime Minister from 1999 to 2001.

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Eitan Broshi

Eitan Broshi (איתן ברושי, born 17 June 1950) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for the Zionist Union.

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Eitan Cabel

Eitan Cabel (איתן כבל; born 23 August 1959) is an Israeli politician and Knesset Member representing the Israeli Labor Party.

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Elazar Stern

Elazar Stern (אלעזר שטרן., born 25 August 1956) is an Israeli politician and former soldier.

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Election threshold

The electoral threshold is the minimum share of the primary vote which a candidate or political party requires to achieve before they become entitled to any representation in a legislature.

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Eli Alaluf

Eli Alaluf (אלי אלאלוף; born 17 February 1945) is an Israeli politician.

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Eli Ben-Dahan

Eliyahu Michael "Eli" Ben-Dahan (אלי בן דהן, born 11 February 1954) is an Israeli Orthodox rabbi and politician.

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Eli Cohen (politician born 1972)

Eli Cohen (אלי כהן, born 3 October 1972) is an Israeli accountant and politician.

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Eli Yishai

Eliyahu "Eli" Yishai (אליהו "אלי" ישי, born 26 December 1962) is an Israeli politician.

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Eliezer Moses

Menachem Eliezer Moses (מנחם אליעזר מוזס, born 20 October 1946) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for United Torah Judaism, representing the Agudat Yisrael party, and as Deputy Minister of Education.

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Erel Margalit

Erel Margalit (אראל מרגלית; born 1 January 1961) is an Israeli politician and a high-tech and social entrepreneur.

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Eyal Ben-Reuven

Aluf Eyal Ben-Reuven (אייל בן ראובן; born 22 May 1954) is a retired major general in the Israel Defense Forces and commander of the military colleges and senior field commander.

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Full Jewish Home list for Israeli legislative election, 2015

# Naftali Bennett.

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Full Joint List for the Israeli legislative election, 2015

#Ayman Odeh.

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Full Kulanu list for Israeli legislative election, 2015

# Moshe Kahlon.

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Full Likud list for Israeli legislative election, 2015

# Benjamin Netanyahu.

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Full Yesh Atid list for Israeli legislative election, 2015

# Yair Lapid.

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Full Yisrael Beiteinu list for Israeli legislative election, 2015

# Avigdor Liberman.

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Full Zionist Union list for Israeli legislative election, 2015

# Isaac Herzog.

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Ger (Hasidic dynasty)

Ger, or Gur (or Gerrer when used as an adjective) is a Hasidic dynasty originating from Ger, the Yiddish name of Góra Kalwaria, a small town in Poland.

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Gila Gamliel

Gila Gamliel (גילה גמליאל, born 24 February 1974) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Likud and Minister for Social Equality.

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Gilad Erdan

Gilad Menashe Erdan (גִּלְעָד מְנַשֶּׁה אֶרְדָן,; born 30 September 1970) is an Israeli politician who serves as a member of the Knesset for Likud and the Minister of Public Security, Strategic Affairs and Minister of Information.

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Google Maps

Google Maps is a web mapping service developed by Google.

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Green Movement (Israel)

The Green Movement (הַתְּנוּעָה הַיְרוּקָה, HaTnuʿa HaYeruqa) is a social-environmental movement and political party in Israel.

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Haaretz (הארץ) (lit. "The Land ", originally Ḥadashot Ha'aretz – חדשות הארץ, – "News of the Land ") is an Israeli newspaper.

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Hadash (lit), an acronym for HaHazit HaDemokratit LeShalom uLeShivion (lit); al-Jabhah ad-Dimuqrāṭiyyah lis-Salām wa'l-Musāwah) is a radical left-wing political coalition in Israel formed by the Israeli Communist Party and other leftist groups. It currently has five members, as part of the Joint List, in the 120-seat Knesset.

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Hagenbach-Bischoff system

The Hagenbach-Bischoff system is a variant of the D'Hondt method, used for allocating seats in party-list proportional representation.

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Haim Jelin

Haim Jelin (חיים ילין, born 12 August 1958, Haim Yellin) is an Israeli politician, previously the head of Eshkol Regional Council in southern Israel (2007-2015).

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Haim Katz

Haim Katz (חיים כץ, born 21 December 1947) is an Israeli politician.

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Hamad Amar

Hamad Amar (حمد عمار, חמד עמאר; born 5 November 1964) is an Israeli Druze politician.

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Haneen Zoabi

Haneen Zoabi, also Hanin Zoubi (حنين زعبي, חנין זועבי; born May 23, 1969), is an Israeli Arab politician, who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for the Joint List.

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Haredi Judaism

Haredi Judaism (חֲרֵדִי,; also spelled Charedi, plural Haredim or Charedim) is a broad spectrum of groups within Orthodox Judaism, all characterized by a rejection of modern secular culture.

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Hasidic Judaism

Hasidism, sometimes Hasidic Judaism (hasidut,; originally, "piety"), is a Jewish religious group.

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Hatnuah (lit) is a liberal political party in Israel formed by former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni to present an alternative to voters frustrated by the stalemate in the Israeli–Palestinian peace process.

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Ibrahim Hijazi

Ibrahim Hijazi (ابراهيم حجازي; אבראהים חג'אזי, born 22 July 1977) is an Israeli Arab politician who briefly served as a member of the Knesset for the Joint List in 2017.

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Ilan Gilon

Ilan Gilon (אילן גילאון, born 12 May 1956) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Meretz.

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Ilan Shohat

Ilan Shohat (אילן שוחט; born 21 September 1974) is an Israeli politician, and the mayor of Safed in the Israeli Galilee since 2008.

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Isaac Herzog

Isaac ('Bougie') Herzog (יצחק "בוז׳י" הרצוג; born 22 September 1960), is an Israeli politician.

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Islamic Movement in Israel

The Islamic Movement in Israel (also known as the Islamic Movement in 48 Palestine) is an Islamist movement that aims to advocate Islam in Israel, particularly among Arabs and Circassians.

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Israel, officially the State of Israel, is a country in the Middle East, on the southeastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea and the northern shore of the Red Sea.

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Israel Broadcasting Authority

The Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA) was Israel's state broadcasting organization from 1948 until May 2017.

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Israeli Labor Party

The Israeli Labor Party (מִפְלֶגֶת הָעֲבוֹדָה הַיִּשְׂרְאֵלִית, translit.), commonly known as HaAvoda (הָעֲבוֹדָה), is a social democratic and Zionist political party in Israel.

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Israeli legislative election, 2013

Early elections for the nineteenth Knesset were held in Israel on 22 January 2013.

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Issawi Frej

Issawi Frej (عيسوي فريج, עיסאווי פריג'; born 14 December 1963) is an Israeli Arab politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Meretz.

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Itzik Shmuli

Itzik Shmuli (איציק שמולי; born 8 February 1980) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for the Zionist Union.

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Jackie Levy

Jackie Levy (ז'קי לוי, born 28 October 1960) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Likud and as the Deputy Minister of Construction.

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Jamal Zahalka

Dr Jamal Zahalka (جمال زحالقة, ג'מאל זחאלקה; born 11 January 1955) is an Israeli Arab who serves as a member of the Knesset representing the Balad party.

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Jeffrey Goldberg

Jeffrey Mark Goldberg (born September 22, 1965) is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of The Atlantic.

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Jerusalem (יְרוּשָׁלַיִם; القُدس) is a city in the Middle East, located on a plateau in the Judaean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea.

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Jewish Agency for Israel

The Jewish Agency for Israel (הסוכנות היהודית לארץ ישראל, HaSochnut HaYehudit L'Eretz Yisra'el) is the largest Jewish nonprofit organization in the world.

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Jews (יְהוּדִים ISO 259-3, Israeli pronunciation) or Jewish people are an ethnoreligious group and a nation, originating from the Israelites Israelite origins and kingdom: "The first act in the long drama of Jewish history is the age of the Israelites""The people of the Kingdom of Israel and the ethnic and religious group known as the Jewish people that descended from them have been subjected to a number of forced migrations in their history" and Hebrews of the Ancient Near East.

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Joint List

The Joint List (הַרְשִׁימָה הַמְשׁוּתֶּפֶת, HaReshima HaMeshutefet; القائمة المشتركة, al-Qa'imah al-Mushtarakah) is a political alliance of four Arab-dominated parties in Israel — Hadash, the United Arab List, Balad, and Ta'al.

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Juma Azbarga

Juma Azbarga (جمعة زبارقة, ג'ומעה אזברגה; born 15 August 1956) is an Bedouin Israeli Arab politician.

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Kadima (lit) was a centrist and liberal political party in Israel.

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Karin Elharar

Karin Elharar Hartstein (קארין אלהרר הרטשטיין, born 9 October 1977) is an Israeli lawyer and politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Yesh Atid.

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The Knesset (הַכְּנֶסֶת; lit. "the gathering" or "assembly"; الكنيست) is the unicameral national legislature of Israel.

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Kol Yisrael

Kol Yisrael (lit. "Voice of Israel", also "Israel Radio") is Israel's public domestic and international radio service.

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Ksenia Svetlova

Ksenia Svetlova (קסניה סבטלובה; Ксения Светлова, born Moscow 28 July 1977) is an Israeli politician, journalist, associate professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and policy fellow at the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies.

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Kulanu (כולנו, lit. All of Us), also transliterated Koolanu, is a centrist political party in Israel led by Moshe Kahlon that focuses on economic and cost-of-living issues.

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Leon Litinetski

Leon Litinetski (לאון ליטינצקי, born 2 August 1967) is an Israeli politician.

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Lieberman Plan

The Lieberman Plan, also known in Israel as the "Populated-Area Exchange Plan", was proposed in May 2004 by Avigdor Lieberman, the leader of the Israeli political party Yisrael Beiteinu.

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Likud (הַלִּיכּוּד, translit. HaLikud, lit., The Consolidation), officially, the Likud-National Liberal Movement, is a centre-right to right-wing political party in Israel.

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List of ambassadors of Israel to the United States

The office of the Israeli Ambassador to the United States of America is the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary from the State of Israel to the United States of America.

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List of Knesset speakers

The Speaker of the Knesset (יושב ראש הכנסת, Yoshev Rosh HaKnesset, literally: Chairman of the Knesset) is the presiding officer of the Knesset, the unicameral legislature of Israel.

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List of members of the twentieth Knesset

The members of the 20th Knesset were elected on 17 March 2015 and sworn in on 31 March 2015.

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Lithuanian Jews

Lithuanian Jews or Litvaks are Jews with roots in the present-day Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia, northeastern Suwałki and Białystok region of Poland and some border areas of Russia and Ukraine.

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Major general

Major general (abbreviated MG, Maj. Gen. and similar) is a military rank used in many countries.

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Makor Rishon

Makor Rishon (First Source in English) is an Israeli newspaper.

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Manuel Trajtenberg


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Masud Ghnaim

Masud Ghnaim (مسعود غنايم, מסעוד גנאים; born 14 February 1965) is an Israeli Arab politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for the United Arab List.

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Meir Cohen (politician)

Meir Cohen (מאיר כהן, born 15 November 1955) is an Israeli politician.

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Meir Dagan

Aluf Meir Dagan (מאיר דגן; 30 January 1945 – 17 March 2016) was a Israel Defense Forces Major General and Director of the Mossad.

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Meir Porush

Meir Porush (מאיר פרוש, born 11 June 1955) is an Israeli politician who has served as a member of the Knesset for the ultra-Orthodox Agudat Yisrael faction of United Torah Judaism between 1996 and 2011, and again from 2013 until 2016.

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Meirav Ben-Ari

Meirav Ben-Ari (מירב בן-ארי, born 13 November 1975) is an Israeli politician.

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Menachem Begin

Menachem Begin (Menaḥem Begin,; Menakhem Volfovich Begin; 16 August 1913 – 9 March 1992) was an Israeli politician, founder of Likud and the sixth Prime Minister of Israel.

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Merav Michaeli

Merav Michaeli (מירב מיכאלי; born 24 November 1966) is an Israeli Knesset member and a former journalist, TV anchor, radio broadcaster and activist.

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Meretz (מֶרֶצ, lit. "Vigour") is a left-wing, social-democraticMeretz is commonly described as social-democratic political party.

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Meshulam Nahari

Rabbi Meshulam Nahari (משולם נהרי, born 7 May 1951) is an Israeli politician.

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Michael Malchieli

Michael Malchieli (מיכאל מלכיאלי, born 7 October 1982) is an Israeli politician who serves as a member of the Knesset for the Sephardi ultra-Orthodox Shas party.

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Michael Oren

Michael Bornstein Oren (Hebrew: מיכאל אורן; born Michael Scott Bornstein; May 20, 1955) is an American-born Israeli historian, author, politician, former ambassador to the United States (2009–2013), and current member of the Knesset for the Kulanu party and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office.

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Michal Biran

Michal Biran (מיכל בירן, born 28 June 1978) is an Israeli politician.

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Michal Rozin

Michal Rozin (מיכל רוזין, born 25 June 1969) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Meretz.

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Mickey Levy

Michael Levy (מיקי לוי, born 21 June 1951) is an Israeli politician who serves as a member of the Knesset for Yesh Atid.

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Mickey Rosenthal

Moshe Michael "Mickey" Rosenthal (משה מיכאל "מיקי" רוזנטל, born 4 February 1955) is an Israeli investigative journalist and politician.

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Miki Zohar

Makhlouf "Miki" Zohar (מכלוף "מיקי" זוהר, born 28 March 1980) is an Israeli lawyer and politician.

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Ministry of Construction (Israel)

The Ministry of Construction and Housing (מִשְׂרַד הַבִּנּוּי, Misrad HaBinui) is a portfolio in the Israeli cabinet.

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Ministry of Defense (Israel)

The Ministry of Defense (מִשְׂרַד הַבִּטָּחוֹן, Misrad HaBitahon) of the government of Israel, is the governmental department responsible for defending the State of Israel from internal and external military threats.

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Israel)

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (מִשְׂרַד הַחוּץ, translit. Misrad HaHutz; وزارة الخارجية الإسرائيلية) is one of the most important ministries in the Israeli government.

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Ministry of Interior (Israel)

The Ministry of Interior (משרד הפנים, Misrad HaPnim; وزارة الداخلية) in the State of Israel is one of the government offices that is responsible for local government, citizenship and residency, identity cards, and student and entry visas.

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Miri Regev

Miriam "Miri" Regev (מרים "מירי" רגב; born Miriam Siboni on May 26, 1965) is an Israeli politician and a former Brigadier-general in the Israel Defense Forces, in which she served as IDF Spokeswoman.

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Mixed-income housing

The definition of mixed-income housing is broad and encompasses many types of dwellings and neighborhoods.

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Mizrahi Jews

Mizrahi Jews, Mizrahim (מִזְרָחִים), also referred to as Edot HaMizrach ("Communities of the East"; Mizrahi Hebrew), ("Sons of the East"), or Oriental Jews, are descendants of local Jewish communities in the Middle East from biblical times into the modern era.

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Moshe Feiglin

Moshe Zalman Feiglin (משה פייגלין, born 31 July 1962) is an Israeli politician and columnist.

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Moshe Gafni

Moshe Gafni (משה גפני, born 5 May 1952) is an Israeli politician and Member of the Knesset for the Ashkenazi Haredi party United Torah Judaism.

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Moshe Kahlon

Moshe Kahlon (משה כחלון, born 19 November 1960) is an Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Likud and as Minister of Communications and Minister of Welfare & Social Services.

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Moshe Ya'alon

Moshe "Bogie" Ya'alon (משה יעלון; born Moshe Smilansky on 24 June 1950) is an Israeli politician and former Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, who also served as Israel's Defense Minister from 2013 until his resignation on 20 May 2016.

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Mossad (הַמוֹסָד,; الموساد,,; literally meaning "the Institute"), short for (המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים, meaning "Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations"), is the national intelligence agency of Israel.

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Mossi Raz

Moshe "Mossi" Raz (משה "מוסי" רז, born 19 December 1965) is an Israeli politician who is currently a member of the Knesset for Meretz.

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Moti Yogev

Moti Yogev (22 February 1956) is a former IDF colonel and Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for the Jewish Home.

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Muhamad Kanan

Muhamad Kanan (محمّد كنعان; מוחמד כנעאן, born 17 October 1955) is an Israeli Arab politician who served as a member of the Knesset for the United Arab List and the Arab National Party between 1999 and 2003.

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Na Nach

Na Nach is the name of a subgroup of Breslover Hasidim that follows the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov according to the tradition of Rabbi Yisroel Ber Odesser (called the Saba, or grandfather, by Na Nachs).

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Nachman Shai

Nachman Shai (נחמן שי; born Nachman Shaykevich on 28 November 1946) is an Israeli journalist and politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset and its Deputy Speaker.

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Naftali Bennett

Naftali Bennett (נַפְתָּלִי בֶּנֶט; born 25 March 1972) is an Israeli politician who has led the right-wing religious The Jewish Home party since 2012.

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Narendra Modi

Narendra Damodardas Modi (born 17 September 1950) is an Indian politician serving as the 14th and current Prime Minister of India since 2014.

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National liberalism

National liberalism is a variant of liberalism, combining liberal policies and issues with elements of nationalism and/or a term used to describe a series of European political parties that have been especially active in the 19th century in several national contexts from Central Europe to the Nordic countries and Southeast Europe.

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National unity government

A national unity government, government of national unity, or national union government is a broad coalition government consisting of all parties (or all major parties) in the legislature, usually formed during a time of war or other national emergency.

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Nava Boker

Nava Prehi-Boker (נאוה פרחי-בוקר, born 15 November 1970) is an Israeli journalist and politician.

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Next Israeli legislative election

Elections for the twenty-first Knesset must be held by 5 November 2019; they could happen before that date if the Knesset chooses to hold early elections.

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Nissan Slomiansky

Nissan Slomiansky (ניסן סלומיאנסקי, born 10 January 1946) is an Israeli politician.

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Nitzan Horowitz

Nitzan Horowitz (ניצן הורוביץ, born 24 February 1965) is an Israeli journalist and former politician.

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Nurit Koren

Nurit Koren (נורית קורן, born 24 February 1960) is an Israeli lawyer and politician.

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Oded Forer

Oded Forer (עודד פורר, born 30 May 1977) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Yisrael Beiteinu beginning in late 2015.

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Ofer Lifschitz

Ofer Lifschitz, (עפר ליפשיץ) (born in kibbutz Masada, Israel in 1958) is an Israeli politician and head of Brit Olam.

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Ofer Shelah

Ofer Shelah (עפר שלח, born 9 February 1960) is an Israeli journalist and politician.

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Ofir Akunis

Ofir Akunis (אופיר אקוניס, born 28 May 1973) is a right-wing Israeli politician.

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Omer Bar-Lev

Israel Omer Barlev (עומר בר-לב; born 2 October 1953) is an Israeli politician.

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One-state solution

The one-state solution and the similar binational solution are proposed approaches to resolving the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

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Or (political party)

Or (אור, lit. Light) is a political party in Israel.

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Oren Hazan

Oren Asaf Hazan (אורן אסף חזן) is an Israeli politician.

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Orit Strook

Orit Malka Strook (אורית מלכה סטרוק, born 15 March 1960) is an Israeli politician.

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Orly Levy

Orly Levy-Abekasis (אורלי לוי-אבקסיס, born 11 November 1973) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as an independent member of the Knesset, having resigned from the Yisrael Beiteinu party in 2016.

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Osama Saadi

Osama Saadi (اسامة سعدي, אוסאמה סעדיה; born 1 January 1963) is an Israeli Arab lawyer and politician.

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Otzma Yehudit

Otzma Yehudit (עוצמה יהודית, lit., Jewish Strength) is a far-right political party in Israel, and it has been referred to as the Israeli alt-right.

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Ovadia Yosef

Ovadia Yosef (עובדיה יוסף Ovadya Yosef,; September 24, 1920 – October 7, 2013) was an Iraqi-born Talmudic scholar, a posek, the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1973 to 1983, and the founder and long-time spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-Orthodox Shas party.

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Peace movement

A peace movement is a social movement that seeks to achieve ideals such as the ending of a particular war (or all wars), minimize inter-human violence in a particular place or type of situation, and is often linked to the goal of achieving world peace.

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Pikuach nefesh

Pikuach nefesh (פיקוח נפש,, "saving a life") describes the principle in Jewish law that the preservation of human life overrides virtually any other religious consideration.

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Pirate Party of Israel

The Pirate Party of Israel or Piratim (הַפִּירָאטִים) is a political party in Israel founded in 2012 by past members of Holocaust Survivors and Grown-Up Green Leaf Party and Ale Yarok to promote the values of the international Pirate Party movement.

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Pnina Tamano-Shata

Pnina Tamano-Shata (פנינה תמנו-שטה, ፕኒና ታምኖ እሸቴ; born 1 November 1981) is an Israeli lawyer, journalist and politician.

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President of the United States

The President of the United States (POTUS) is the head of state and head of government of the United States of America.

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Prime Minister of Israel

The Prime Minister of Israel (רֹאשׁ הַמֶּמְשָׁלָה, Rosh HaMemshala, lit. Head of the Government, Hebrew acronym: רה״מ; رئيس الحكومة, Ra'īs al-Ḥukūma) is the head of government of Israel and the most powerful figure in Israeli politics.

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Proportional representation

Proportional representation (PR) characterizes electoral systems by which divisions into an electorate are reflected proportionately into the elected body.

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In Judaism, a rabbi is a teacher of Torah.

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Rachel Azaria

Rachel Azaria (רחל עזריה, born 21 December 1977), is an Israeli politician, currently serving as a member of the Knesset for Kulanu She previously served as deputy mayor and member of the Jerusalem City Council.

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Reuven Rivlin

Reuven "Ruvi" Rivlin (רְאוּבֵן "רוּבִי" רִיבְלִין,; born 9 September 1939) is an Israeli politician and lawyer serving as the 10th and current President of Israel since 2014.

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Revital Swid

Revital Swid (רויטל סויד; born 17 August 1967) is an Israeli criminal defense lawyer and politician.

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Rina Frenkel

Rina Frenkel (רינה פרנקל, born 17 September 1956) is an Israeli politician.

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Robert Ilatov

Robert Ilatov (רוברט אילטוב, born 12 November 1971) is an Israeli politician and member of the Knesset for Yisrael Beiteinu.

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Ronen Hoffman

Dr Ronen Pinhas Hoffman (רונן פנחס הופמן, born 19 July 1963) is an Israeli academic and politician.

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Ronen Shoval

Ronen Shoval (רונן שובל) is an Israeli writer and Zionist-activist.

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Rosh yeshiva

Rosh Yeshiva (ראש ישיבה; pl. Heb.; pl. Yeshivish: rosh yeshivahs) is the title given to the dean of a Talmudical academy (yeshiva).

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Roy Folkman

Roy Folkman (רועי פולקמן, born 5 August 1975) is an Israeli politician.

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Ruth Calderon

Ruth Calderon (רות קלדרון, born 25 September 1961) is an Israeli academic and politician.

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Sadigura (Hasidic dynasty)

Sadigura is a Hasidic dynasty named for the city of Sadhora (Sadigura in Yiddish), Bukovina, which belonged to Austria.

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Said al-Harumi

Said al-Harumi (سعيد الخرومي, סעיד אלחרומי, born 10 January 1972) is an Israeli Arab politician.

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Saleh Saad

Saleh Saad (صالح سعد, סאלח סעד; born 20 July 1963) is a Druze Israeli politician.

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Sephardi Jews

Sephardi Jews, also known as Sephardic Jews or Sephardim (סְפָרַדִּים, Modern Hebrew: Sefaraddim, Tiberian: Səp̄āraddîm; also Ye'hude Sepharad, lit. "The Jews of Spain"), originally from Sepharad, Spain or the Iberian peninsula, are a Jewish ethnic division.

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Shai Piron

Shai Moshe Piron (שי משה פירון, born 25 January 1965) is an Israeli Orthodox rabbi, educator, and politician.

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Sharon Gal

Sharon Gal (שרון גל, born 13 August 1974) is an Israeli journalist and politician.

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Sharren Haskel

Sharren Haskel (שרן השכל, born 4 March 1984) is an Israeli member of the Knesset for Likud.

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Shas (ש״ס, an acronym for Shomrei Sfarad, lit., "(Religious) Guardians of the Sephardim") is an ultra-Orthodox religious political party in Israel.

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Shaul Mofaz

Lieutenant General Shaul Mofaz (שאול מופז; born Shahrām Mofazzazkār شهرام مفضض‌کار; 4 November 1948) is an Iranian-born Israeli former soldier and politician.

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Shelly Yachimovich

Shelly Yachimovich (שלי רחל יחימוביץ׳, born 28 March 1960) is an Israeli politician, a member of the Knesset since 2006, and a member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

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Shimon Ohayon

Shimon Ohayon (שמעון אוחיון, born 1 June 1945) is an Israeli politician and a professor at Bar-Ilan University.

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Shimon Peres

Shimon Peres (שמעון פרס,; born Szymon Perski; August 2, 1923 – September 28, 2016) was an Israeli politician who served as the ninth President of Israel (2007–2014), the Prime Minister of Israel (twice), and the Interim Prime Minister, in the 1970s to the 1990s.

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Shimon Solomon

Shimon Solomon (שמעון סולומון, ስምዖን ሰሎሞን; born 5 August 1968) is a former Israeli politician.

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Shin Bet

The Israel Security Agency (ISA, שירות הביטחון הכללי Sherut ha-Bitaẖon haKlali "General Security Service"; جهاز الأمن العام), better known by the acronym Shabak (שב״כ,, شاباك) or the Shin Bet (a two-letter Hebrew abbreviation of the name), is Israel's internal security service.

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Shuli Mualem

Shulamit "Shuli" Mualem-Rafaeli (שולמית "שולי" מועלם-רפאלי, born 8 February 1965) is an Israeli nurse and politician.

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Silvan Shalom

Zion Silvan Shalom (ציון סילבן שלום, born 4 August 1958) is an Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Likud between 1992 and 2015.

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Sofa Landver

Sofa Landver (Софа Ландвер; סופה לנדבר, born 28 October 1949) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Yisrael Beiteinu and as the country's Minister of Aliyah and Integration.

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Stav Shaffir

Stav Shaffir (סתיו שפיר; born 17 May 1985) is the youngest female Knesset member in Israel's history, outspoken for demanding fiscal oversight of settlement funding and supporting a wide array of social justice-related issues—from affordable housing for young Israelis to the rights of Women of the Wall.

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Stef Wertheimer

Stefan "Stef" Wertheimer (סטף ורטהיימר, born 16 July 1926) is a German-born Israeli industrialist, investor, philanthropist and former politician.

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Stephen Harper

Stephen Joseph Harper (born April 30, 1959) is a Canadian economist, entrepreneur, and retired politician who served as the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada, from February 6, 2006, to November 4, 2015.

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Ta'al (תַּעַ"ל, an acronym for Tnu'a Aravit LeHithadshut (תְּנוּעָה עֲרָבִית לְהִתְחַדְּשׁוּת), lit. Arab Movement for Renewal, الحركة العربية للتغيير) is an Israeli Arab political party in Israel led by Ahmad Tibi.

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Talab Abu Arar

Taleb Abu Arar (طلب أبو عرار, טלב אבו עראר; born 4 May 1967) is a Bedouin Israeli Arab politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for the United Arab List.

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Taleb el-Sana

Taleb el-Sana (طلب الصانع, טלב אלצאנע, born 25 December 1960), sometimes spelled Talab al-Sana or variations thereof, is an Israeli Bedouin politician and lawyer.

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Tali Ploskov

Tali Ploskov (טלי פלוסקוב, born 30 July 1962) is an Israeli politician.

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Tamar Zandberg

Tamar "Tami" Zandberg (תמר זנדברג, born 29 April 1976) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset and as the chairwoman of Meretz.

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Tel Aviv Convention Center

The Tel Aviv Convention Center (מרכז הירידים - תל אביב) (formerly the Israel Trade Fairs and Convention Center, מרכז הירידים והקונגרסים בישראל), commonly known locally as Gnei Hataarucha (Exhibition Grounds) and also as Tel Aviv Fairgrounds, is located on Rokach Boulevard in northern Tel Aviv, Israel, adjacent to the Tel Aviv University railway station.

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The Economist

The Economist is an English-language weekly magazine-format newspaper owned by the Economist Group and edited at offices in London.

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The Greens (Israel)

The Greens (הירוקים, HaYerukim) is a minor political party in Israel formerly headed by Pe'er Visner.

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The Guardian

The Guardian is a British daily newspaper.

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The Jerusalem Post

The Jerusalem Post is a broadsheet newspaper based in Jerusalem, founded in 1932 during the British Mandate of Palestine by Gershon Agron as The Palestine Post.

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The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home (הַבַּיִת הַיְהוּדִי, HaBayit HaYehudi) is an Orthodox Jewish, religious Zionist political party in Israel, formed as the successor party to the National Religious Party.

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The Times of Israel

The Times of Israel is an Israeli-based online newspaper launched in 2012.

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Thirty-fourth government of Israel

The thirty-fourth government of Israel, also known as the Fourth Netanyahu Government, is the current government of Israel, headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

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Thirty-third government of Israel

The thirty-third government of Israel, also known as the third Netanyahu government, was formed after the 22 January 2013 Knesset elections, took office on 18 March 2013, and served until 14 May 2015.

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Thomas Friedman

Thomas Loren Friedman (born July 20, 1953) is an American journalist and author.

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Tkuma (political party)

Tkuma (תְּקוּמָה, Resurrection) is an Orthodox Jewish, far-right political party in Israel.

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Torah (תּוֹרָה, "Instruction", "Teaching" or "Law") has a range of meanings.

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Tsega Melaku

Tsega Melaku (צֶגָה מֶלָקוּ; born 1968) is an Israeli author, journalist and community activist.

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Two-state solution

The two-state solution refers to a solution of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict which calls for "two states for two groups of people." The two-state solution envisages an independent State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel, west of the Jordan River.

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Tzachi Hanegbi

Tzachi Hanegbi (צחי הנגבי, born 26 February 1957) is a prominent Israeli politician and national security expert.

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Tzipi Hotovely

Tzipi Hotovely (ציפי חוטובלי, born 2 December 1978) is an Israeli politician, who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for the Likud, and as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs since 2015.

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Tzipi Livni

Tziporah Malka "Tzipi" Livni (ציפורה מלכה "ציפי" לבני; born 8 July 1958) is a prominent Israeli politician and former Foreign Minister of Israel.

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U'Bizchutan (ובזכותן, lit. and in their (female) merit) (also referred to as Bezchutan, 'B’Zhutan, and U'Bezchutan) is an Israeli political party formed in early 2015 by social activist Ruth Colian.

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United Arab List

The United Arab List (הַרְשִׁימָה הַעֲרָבִית הַמְאוּחֶדֶת, HaReshima HaAravit HaMe'uhedet; القائمة العربية الموحدة, al-Qā'ima al-'Arabiyya al-Muwaḥḥada), commonly known in Israel by its Hebrew acronym Ra'am (רע"מ), is an Israeli Arab political party representing and supported by Israeli Arabs.

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United States

The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions.

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United Torah Judaism

United Torah Judaism (יַהֲדוּת הַתּוֹרָה הַמְאוּחֶדֶת, Transliterated: Yahadut HaTora HaMeuhedet; UTJ) is an alliance of Degel HaTorah and Agudat Israel, two small Israeli Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) political parties in the Knesset.

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Uri Ariel

Uri Yehuda Ariel (אורי אריאל, born 22 December 1952) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for The Jewish Home (within which he chairs the Tkuma faction), and as Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.

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Uri Maklev

Rabbi Yisrael Meir Uri Maklev (ישראל מאיר אורי מקלב, born 10 January 1957) is an Israeli politician and member of the Knesset for the Haredi party Degel HaTorah, which together with Agudat Yisrael forms the United Torah Judaism list.

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Uri Orbach

Uri Shraga Orbach (אורי שרגא אורבך; 28 March 1960 – 16 February 2015) was an Israeli Religious Zionist writer, journalist, and politician.

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Vizhnitz (Hasidic dynasty)

Vizhnitz is the name of a Hasidic dynasty founded by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hager.

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Wael Younis

Wael Younis (وائل يونس, ואאל יונס; born 31 January 1963) is an Israeli Arab politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for the Joint List.

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Ya'akov Asher

Ya'akov Asher (יַעֲקֹב אָשֵׁר; born 2 July 1965) is an Israeli rabbi and politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for the United Torah Judaism alliance.

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Ya'akov Margi

Ya'akov Margi (יעקב מרגי, born 18 November 1960) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Shas.

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Yaakov Litzman

Yaakov Litzman (יעקב ליצמן, born 2 September 1948) is an Israeli politician and Government Minister.

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Yaakov Peri

Ya'akov Peri (יעקב פרי, born 20 February 1944) is a former head of the Israeli security agency Shin Bet and formerly a member of the Knesset for Yesh Atid.

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Yachad (political party)

Yachad (יחד, lit. Together) is an Orthodox Jewish political party in Israel formed by former Shas member Eli Yishai.

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Yael Cohen Paran

Yael Cohen Paran (יעל כהן-פארן, born 12 October 1973) is an Israeli environmentalist and politician, and co-chair of the Green Movement.

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Yael German

No description.

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Yair Lapid

Yair Lapid (יאיר לפיד; born 5 November 1963) is an Israeli politician and former journalist serving as Chairman of the Yesh Atid party.

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Yariv Levin

Yariv Gideon Levin (יריב גדעון לוין, born 22 June 1969) is an Israeli lawyer and politician.

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Yaron Mazuz

Yaron Mazuz (ירון מזוז, born 11 July 1962) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Likud and as Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office.

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Yehiel Bar

Yehiel "Hilik" Bar (יחיאל "חיליק" בר; born September 4, 1975) is a Member of Knesset for the Israel Labor Party, Secretary General of the Labor Party, and is the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset.

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Yehuda Glick

Yehuda Joshua Glick (יהודה יהושע גליק; born 20 November 1965) is an American-born Israeli Orthodox rabbi and politician.

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Yesh Atid

Yesh Atid (יֵשׁ עָתִיד, lit. There is a Future) is a political party founded by former journalist Yair Lapid in 2012 that seeks to represent what it considers the centre of Israeli society: the secular middle class.

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Yeshiva (ישיבה, lit. "sitting"; pl., yeshivot or yeshivos) is a Jewish institution that focuses on the study of traditional religious texts, primarily the Talmud and the Torah.

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Yifat Kariv

Yifat Kariv (יפעת קריב, born 27 November 1973) is an Israeli politician and social worker.

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Yifat Shasha-Biton

Yifat Shasha-Biton (יפעת שאשא-ביטון, born 23 May 1973) is an Israeli educator and politician.

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Yigal Guetta

Nissan Yigal Guetta (ניסן יגאל גואטה, born 18 March 1966) is an Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Shas between 2016 and 2017.

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Yinon Magal

Yinon Elisha Magal (ינון אלישע מגל, born 27 April 1969) is an Israeli journalist and politician.

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Yisrael Beiteinu

Yisrael Beiteinu (יִשְׂרָאֵל בֵּיתֵנוּ, lit. Israel Our Home) is a secularist and right-wing nationalist political party in Israel.

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Yisrael Eichler

Yisrael Eichler (ישראל אייכלר,; born 27 March 1955) is an Israeli politician.

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Yisrael Katz (politician, born 1955)

Yisrael Katz (ישראל כץ, born 21 September 1955) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Likud, as the Minister of Transportation and the Minister of Intelligence and as member of the Security Cabinet of Israel.

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Yitzhak Cohen

Rabbi Yitzhak Cohen (יצחק כהן, born 2 October 1951) is an Israeli politician who has served as a member of the Knesset for Shas since 1996, and currently Deputy Minister of Finance.

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Yitzhak Vaknin

Yitzhak Vaknin (יצחק וקנין, born 12 May 1958) is an Israeli politician and member of the Knesset for Shas.

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Ynetnews is the online English-language Israeli news website of Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel’s most-read newspaper, and the Hebrew news portal, Ynet.

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Yoav Ben-Tzur

Rabbi Yoav Ben-Tzur (born 11 June 1958) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Shas.

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Yoav Galant

Yoav Galant (יואב גלנט; born 8 November 1958) is an Israeli politician and former commander of the Southern Command in the Israel Defense Forces.

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Yoav Kish

Yoav Kish (יואב קיש; born 6 December 1968) is an Israeli pilot and politician.

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Yoel Hasson

Yoel Hasson (יואל חסון, born 4 April 1972) is an Israeli politician and member of the Knesset for Kadima and Hatnuah.

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Yoel Razvozov

Yoel Razvozov (יואל רזבוזוב; born 5 July 1980) is an Israeli judoka, politician and member of the Knesset for Yesh Atid.

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Yoni Chetboun

Yonatan "Yoni" Chetboun (Hebrew: יונתן "יוני" שטבון, born 13 March 1979) is an Israeli politician and a decorated officer in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) who currently serves as a Lt. Col. (Res.). He's currently running for mayor of Netanya.

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Yosef Ba-Gad

Yosef Ba-Gad (יוסף בא-גד, born 10 February 1932) is an Israeli former Rosh Yeshiva and politician who served as a member of the Knesset between 1992 and 1996.

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Yossi Yona

Yosef "Yossi" Yona (יוסף "יוסי" יונה, born 8 June 1953) is an Israeli academic and politician.

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Yousef Jabareen

Yousef Taysir Jabareen (يوسف تيسير جبارين; יוסף תיסיר ג'בארין, born 23 February 1972) is an Israeli Arab academic and politician.

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Youssef Atauna

Youssef Atauna (يوسف العطاونة, יוסף עטאונה; born 25 October 1966) is an Israeli Arab politician.

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Yuli-Yoel Edelstein

Yuli-Yoel Edelstein (יולי-יואל אדלשטיין, Ю́лий Ю́рьевич Эдельште́йн, Ю́лий Ю́рійович Едельште́йн, born 5 August 1958) is an Israeli politician.

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Yulia Malinovsky

Yulia Malinovsky (יוליה מלינובסקי, Юлия Малиновская, Yuliya Malinovskaya; born 5 September 1975) is an Israeli politician and lawyer who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Yisrael Beiteinu.

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Yuval Diskin

Yuval Diskin (יובל דיסקין; born June 11, 1956) was the 12th Director of the Israeli Internal Security Service Shabak (frequently referred to in English as the "Shin Bet") from 2005 to 2011.

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Yuval Steinitz

Yuval Steinitz (יובל שטייניץ; born 10 April 1958) is Israel's Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources, in charge of Israel Atomic Energy Commission and a member of the Security Cabinet.

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Ze'ev Elkin

Ze'ev Elkin (זְאֵב אֵלְקִין; Зеэв Элькин; born 3 April 1971) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Likud and as Minister of Jerusalem Affairs and Minister of Environmental Protection.

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Ze'ev Jabotinsky

Ze'ev Jabotinsky, MBE (זאב ז'בוטינסקי, Ze'ev Zhabotinski; זאב זשאבאטינסקי; born Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky, Влади́мир Евге́ньевич Жаботи́нский; 5 (17) October 1880, Odessa – 4 August 1940, Hunter, New York), was a Russian Jewish Revisionist Zionist leader, author, poet, orator, soldier and founder of the Jewish Self-Defense Organization in Odessa.

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Zehava Gal-On

Zehava Gal-On (זֶהָבָה גַּלְאוֹן; born 4 January 1956) is an Israeli politician, serving as a member of the Knesset from 1999 to 2017.

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Zionist Union

The Zionist Union (הַמַחֲנֶה הַצִיּוֹנִי, translit. HaMaḥaneh HaTziyoni, lit. the Zionist Camp) is a centre-left political alliance in Israel.

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Zouheir Bahloul

Zouheir Bahloul (زهير بهلول, זוהיר בהלול; born 24 December 1950) is an Israeli Arab sports broadcaster, journalist and politician.

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2011 Israeli social justice protests

The 2011 Israeli social justice protests (מְחָאָת צֶדֶק חֶבְרָתִי), which are also referred to by various other names in the media, were a series of demonstrations in Israel beginning in July 2011 involving hundreds of thousands of protesters from a variety of socio-economic and religious backgrounds opposing the continuing rise in the cost of living (particularly housing) and the deterioration of public services such as health and education.

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2014 Israel–Gaza conflict

The 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict also known as Operation Protective Edge (מִבְצָע צוּק אֵיתָן, Miv'tza Tzuk Eitan, lit. "Operation Strong Cliff") and sometimes referred to as the 2014 Gaza war, was a military operation launched by Israel on 8 July 2014 in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

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2014 kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers

On 12 June 2014, three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped at the bus/hitchhiking stop at the Israeli settlement of Alon Shvut in Gush Etzion, in the West Bank, as they were hitchhiking to their homes.

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Redirects here:

2015 Israeli elections, 2015 elections in Israel, 20th Knesset elections, Arab Voters are heading to the polling stations in droves, Arab voters are heading to the polling stations in droves, Israel election 2015, Israeli elections, 2015, Israeli general election, 2015, Israeli legislative elections, 2015.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_legislative_election,_2015

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