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List of nearest stars and brown dwarfs

Index List of nearest stars and brown dwarfs

The following two lists include all the known stars and brown dwarfs that are within of the Sun, or were/will be within in the astronomically near past or future. [1]

140 relations: A-type main-sequence star, Absolute magnitude, AD Leonis, Alpha Centauri, Alpha Centauri Bb, Antares, Apparent magnitude, Astrometry, Astronomical unit, Barnard's Star, Brown dwarf, Comet, Declination, DEN 0255-4700, DEN 1048−3956, Distance, Doppler spectroscopy, DX Cancri, Epoch (astronomy), Epsilon Eridani, Epsilon Eridani b, Epsilon Indi, EZ Aquarii, Flare star, G-type main-sequence star, Gamma Microscopii, Georgia State University, GJ 1005, GJ 1245, Gliese 1, Gliese 1002, Gliese 1061, Gliese 15 Ab, Gliese 412, Gliese 445, Gliese 674, Gliese 687, Gliese 710, Gliese 832, Gliese 832 b, Gliese 832 c, Gliese 876, Gliese 876 b, Gliese 876 c, Gliese 876 d, Gliese 876 e, Gravity, Groombridge 1618, Groombridge 34, HIP 85605, ..., Hipparcos, Interstellar travel, J band (infrared), J. Davy Kirkpatrick, K-type main-sequence star, Kapteyn's Star, Kruger 60, L 1159-16, Lalande 21185, LHS 288, LHS 292, Light-year, List of brightest stars, List of nearest bright stars, List of nearest exoplanets, List of nearest galaxies, List of Solar System objects by greatest aphelion, List of star systems within 20–25 light-years, List of star systems within 25–30 light-years, List of trans-Neptunian objects, Lists of stars, Local Bubble, LP 145-141, Luhman 16, Luyten 726-8, Luyten's Star, Magnitude (astronomy), Margin of error, Milky Way, Minute and second of arc, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Naked eye, Nearby Stars Database, Northern Arizona University, Nuclear fusion, Oort cloud, Orion Arm, Parallax, Parsec, Phys.org, Procyon, Proper motion, Proxima Centauri, Proxima Centauri b, Radial velocity, Red dwarf, Research Consortium On Nearby Stars, Right ascension, Ross 128, Ross 128 b, Ross 154, Ross 248, Ross 614, Royal Astronomical Society, Scholz's Star, Science Daily, SCR 1845-6357, Sirius, Solar System, Spectroscopy, Star, Star catalogue, Star system, Stars and planetary systems in fiction, Stellar classification, Stellar kinematics, Stellar parallax, Struve 2398, Sub-brown dwarf, Sun, Tau Ceti, Teegarden's Star, The Astrophysical Journal, The Magnificent Seven (neutron stars), UBV photometric system, UGPS J0722-0540, Van Maanen 2, Visible spectrum, White dwarf, WISE 0855−0714, WISE 1639-6847, WISE J0521+1025, Wolf 1061, Wolf 1061b, Wolf 1061c, Wolf 1061d, Wolf 359, Wolf 424, YZ Ceti, 61 Cygni. Expand index (90 more) »

A-type main-sequence star

An A-type main-sequence star (A V) or A dwarf star is a main-sequence (hydrogen-burning) star of spectral type A and luminosity class V. These stars have spectra which are defined by strong hydrogen Balmer absorption lines.

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Absolute magnitude

Absolute magnitude is a measure of the luminosity of a celestial object, on a logarithmic astronomical magnitude scale.

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AD Leonis

AD Leonis (Gliese 388) is a red dwarf star.

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Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri (α Centauri, abbreviated Alf Cen or α Cen) is the star system closest to the Solar System, being from the Sun.

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Alpha Centauri Bb

Alpha Centauri Bb (α Cen B b) was a proposed exoplanet orbiting the K-type main-sequence star Alpha Centauri B, located 4.37 light-years from Earth in the southern constellation of Centaurus.

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Antares, also designated Alpha Scorpii (α Scorpii, abbreviated Alpha Sco, α Sco), is on average the fifteenth-brightest star in the night sky, and the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius.

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Apparent magnitude

The apparent magnitude of a celestial object is a number that is a measure of its brightness as seen by an observer on Earth.

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Astrometry is the branch of astronomy that involves precise measurements of the positions and movements of stars and other celestial bodies.

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Astronomical unit

The astronomical unit (symbol: au, ua, or AU) is a unit of length, roughly the distance from Earth to the Sun.

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Barnard's Star

Barnard's Star is a very-low-mass red dwarf about 6 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Ophiuchus.

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Brown dwarf

Brown dwarfs are substellar objects that occupy the mass range between the heaviest gas giant planets and the lightest stars, having masses between approximately 13 to 75–80 times that of Jupiter, or approximately to about.

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A comet is an icy small Solar System body that, when passing close to the Sun, warms and begins to release gases, a process called outgassing.

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In astronomy, declination (abbreviated dec; symbol δ) is one of the two angles that locate a point on the celestial sphere in the equatorial coordinate system, the other being hour angle.

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DEN 0255-4700

DENIS 0255-4700 is an extremely faint brown dwarf approximately 16 light years from the Solar System in the southern constellation of Eridanus.

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DEN 1048−3956

DEN 1048−3956 is a brown dwarf about 13.1 light years from Earth in the southern constellation of Antlia, among the closest interstellar objects to Earth.

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Distance is a numerical measurement of how far apart objects are.

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Doppler spectroscopy

Doppler spectroscopy (also known as the radial-velocity method, or colloquially, the wobble method) is an indirect method for finding extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs from radial-velocity measurements via observation of Doppler shifts in the spectrum of the planet's parent star.

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DX Cancri

DX Cancri is the variable star identifier for a small star in the northern zodiac constellation of Cancer the crab.

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Epoch (astronomy)

In astronomy, an epoch is a moment in time used as a reference point for some time-varying astronomical quantity, such as the celestial coordinates or elliptical orbital elements of a celestial body, because these are subject to perturbations and vary with time.

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Epsilon Eridani

Epsilon Eridani (ε Eridani, abbreviated Epsilon Eri, ε Eri), also named Ran, is a star in the southern constellation of Eridanus, at a declination of 9.46° south of the celestial equator.

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Epsilon Eridani b

Epsilon Eridani b or AEgir is a proposed and unconfirmed extrasolar planet approximately 10 light-years away orbiting the star Epsilon Eridani, in the constellation of Eridanus (the River).

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Epsilon Indi

Epsilon Indi (ε Indi, ε Ind) is a star system approximately 12 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Indus consisting of a K-type main-sequence star, ε Indi A, and two brown dwarfs, ε Indi Ba and ε Indi Bb, in a wide orbit around it.

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EZ Aquarii

EZ Aquarii is a triple star system approximately from the Sun in the constellation Aquarius.

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Flare star

A flare star is a variable star that can undergo unpredictable dramatic increases in brightness for a few minutes.

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G-type main-sequence star

A G-type main-sequence star (Spectral type: G-V), often (and imprecisely) called a yellow dwarf, or G dwarf star, is a main-sequence star (luminosity class V) of spectral type G. Such a star has about 0.84 to 1.15 solar masses and surface temperature of between 5,300 and 6,000 K., G. M. H. J. Habets and J. R. W. Heintze, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement 46 (November 1981), pp.

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Gamma Microscopii

Gamma Microscopii (γ Microscopii, γ Mic) is the brightest star in the faint southern constellation of Microscopium.

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Georgia State University

Georgia State University (commonly referred to as Georgia State, State, or GSU) is a public research university in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

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GJ 1005

Cetus Constellation mapGJ 1005 is a system of two red dwarfs, located in constellation Cetus at 19.58 light-years from Earth.

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GJ 1245

GJ 1245 (Gliese 1245) is a double star with components G 208-44 and G 208-45, 14 light-years away, relatively close to the Solar System.

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Gliese 1

Gliese 1 is a red dwarf in the constellation Sculptor, which is found in the southern celestial hemisphere.

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Gliese 1002

Gliese 1002 is a red dwarf star.

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Gliese 1061

Gliese 1061 is a type of star known as a red dwarf, located approximately 12 light-years from Earth in the southern constellation of Horologium.

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Gliese 15 Ab

Gliese 15 Ab (GJ 15Ab), also commonly called Groombridge 34 AbActually, in the discovery paper discoverers call this object "Gl 15 Ab", and never "Groombridge 34 Ab".

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Gliese 412

Gliese 412 is a pair of stars that share a common proper motion through space and are thought to form a binary star system.

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Gliese 445

Gliese 445 (Gl 445) is an M-type main sequence star in the constellation of Camelopardalis, close to Polaris.

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Gliese 674

Gliese 674 (Gliese–Jahreiß 674) is a pre-main-sequence red dwarf approximately 15 light years away in the southern constellation of Ara.

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Gliese 687

Gliese 687, or GJ 687 (Gliese–Jahreiß 687) is a red dwarf in the constellation Draco.

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Gliese 710

Gliese 710 or HIP 89825 is a orange 0.6 solar mass star in the constellation Serpens Cauda.

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Gliese 832

Gliese 832 (Gl 832 or GJ 832) is a red dwarf of spectral type M2V in the southern constellation Grus.

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Gliese 832 b

Gliese 832 b (Gl 832 b or GJ 832 b) is an extrasolar planet located approximately 16 light-years from our sun in the constellation of Grus, orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 832.

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Gliese 832 c

Gliese 832 c (also known as Gl 832 c or GJ 832 c) is an extrasolar planet located approximately 16 light-years (4.93 parsecs, or about 151,400,000,000,000 km) away in the constellation of Grus, orbiting the star Gliese 832, a red dwarf.

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Gliese 876

Gliese 876 is a red dwarf approximately 15 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Aquarius.

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Gliese 876 b

Gliese 876 b is an exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf Gliese 876.

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Gliese 876 c

Gliese 876 c is an exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf Gliese 876, taking about 30 days to complete an orbit.

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Gliese 876 d

Gliese 876 d is an exoplanet approximately 15 light-years away in the constellation of Aquarius.

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Gliese 876 e

Gliese 876 e is an exoplanet orbiting the star Gliese 876 in the constellation of Aquarius.

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Gravity, or gravitation, is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass or energy—including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light—are brought toward (or gravitate toward) one another.

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Groombridge 1618

Groombridge 1618 is a star in the northern constellation Ursa Major.

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Groombridge 34

Groombridge 34 is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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HIP 85605

HIP 85605 is a star in the constellation Hercules with a visual apparent magnitude of 11.03.

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Hipparcos was a scientific satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA), launched in 1989 and operated until 1993.

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Interstellar travel

Interstellar travel is the term used for hypothetical crewed or uncrewed travel between stars or planetary systems.

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J band (infrared)

In infrared astronomy, the J band refers to an atmospheric transmission window centred on 1.25 micrometres (in the near-infrared).

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J. Davy Kirkpatrick


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K-type main-sequence star

A K-type main-sequence star (K V), also referred to as an orange dwarf or K dwarf, is a main-sequence (hydrogen-burning) star of spectral type K and luminosity class V. These stars are intermediate in size between red M-type main-sequence stars ("red dwarfs") and yellow G-type main-sequence stars.

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Kapteyn's Star

Kapteyn's Star is a class M1 red subdwarf about 12.76 light years from Earth in the southern constellation Pictor; it is the closest halo star to the Solar System.

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Kruger 60

Kruger 60 (DO Cephei) is a binary star system located 13.15 light-years from the Sun.

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L 1159-16

L 1159-16 is a red dwarf in the northern constellation of Aries.

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Lalande 21185

Lalande 21185 is a star in the constellation of Ursa Major, relevant for being the brightest red dwarf observable in the northern hemisphere (only AX Microscopii and Lacaille 9352, in the southern hemisphere, are brighter).

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LHS 288

LHS 288 (Luyten 143-23) is a red dwarf 15.6 light years from the Sun, the closest in the constellation Carina (near Eta Carinae).

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LHS 292

LHS 292 is a red dwarf in the constellation Sextans.

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The light-year is a unit of length used to express astronomical distances and measures about 9.5 trillion kilometres or 5.9 trillion miles.

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List of brightest stars

This is a list of the brightest naked eye stars to +2.50 magnitude, as determined by their maximum, total, or combined apparent visual magnitudes as seen from Earth.

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List of nearest bright stars

This list of nearest bright stars is a table of stars found within 15 parsecs (48.9 light-years) of the Sun that have an absolute magnitude of +8.5 or brighter, which is approximately comparable to a listing of stars more luminous than a red dwarf.

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List of nearest exoplanets

There are known exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system that orbit a star, as of; only a small fraction of these are located in the vicinity of the Solar System.

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List of nearest galaxies

This is a list of known galaxies within 3.59 megaparsecs (11.7 million light-years) of the Solar System, in ascending order of distance.

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List of Solar System objects by greatest aphelion

This is a list of Solar System objects by greatest aphelion or the greatest distance from the Sun that the orbit takes it.

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List of star systems within 20–25 light-years

This is a list of star systems within 20–25 light years of Earth.

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List of star systems within 25–30 light-years

This is a list of star systems within 25-30 light years of Earth.

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List of trans-Neptunian objects

This is a list of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs), which are minor planets in the Solar System that orbit the Sun at a greater distance on average than Neptune, that is, their orbit has a semi-major axis greater than 30.1 astronomical units (AU).

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Lists of stars

The following are lists of stars.

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Local Bubble

The Local Bubble, or Local Cavity, is a relative cavity in the interstellar medium (ISM) in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way.

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LP 145-141

LP 145-141 is a white dwarf located 15 light years from the Solar System.

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Luhman 16

Luhman 16 (WISE 1049−5319, WISE J104915.57−531906.1) is a binary brown-dwarf system in the southern constellation Vela at a distance of approximately from the Sun.

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Luyten 726-8

Luyten 726-8, also known as Gliese 65, is a binary star system that is one of Earth's nearest neighbors, at about 8.7 light years from Earth in the constellation Cetus.

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Luyten's Star

Luyten's Star (GJ 273) is a red dwarf in the constellation Canis Minor located at a distance of approximately from the Sun.

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Magnitude (astronomy)

In astronomy, magnitude is a logarithmic measure of the brightness of an object in a defined passband, often in the visible or infrared spectrum, but sometimes across all wavelengths.

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Margin of error

The margin of error is a statistic expressing the amount of random sampling error in a survey's results.

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Milky Way

The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our Solar System.

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Minute and second of arc

A minute of arc, arcminute (arcmin), arc minute, or minute arc is a unit of angular measurement equal to of one degree.

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research in astronomy and astrophysics.

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Naked eye

Naked eye, also called bare eye or unaided eye, is the practice of engaging in visual perception unaided by a magnifying or light-collecting optical instrument, such as a telescope or microscope.

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Nearby Stars Database

The Nearby Stars Database (NStars) began as a NASA project in 1998 and is now based at Northern Arizona University.

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Northern Arizona University

Northern Arizona University (NAU) is a public higher-research university with a main campus at the base of the San Francisco Peaks in Flagstaff, Arizona, statewide campuses, and NAU Online.

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Nuclear fusion

In nuclear physics, nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei come close enough to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles (neutrons or protons).

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Oort cloud

The Oort cloud, named after the Dutch astronomer Jan Oort, sometimes called the Öpik–Oort cloud, is a theoretical cloud of predominantly icy planetesimals proposed to surround the Sun at distances ranging from.

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Orion Arm

The Orion Arm is a minor spiral arm of the Milky Way some across and approximately in length, containing the Solar System, including the Earth.

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Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines.

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The parsec (symbol: pc) is a unit of length used to measure large distances to astronomical objects outside the Solar System.

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Phys.org is a science, research and technology news aggregator where much of the content is republished directly from press releases and news agencies-in a practice known as churnalism.

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Procyon, also designated Alpha Canis Minoris (α Canis Minoris, abbreviated Alpha CMi, α CMi), is the brightest star in the constellation of Canis Minor.

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Proper motion

Proper motion is the astronomical measure of the observed changes in the apparent places of stars or other celestial objects in the sky, as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System, compared to the abstract background of the more distant stars.

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Proxima Centauri

Proxima Centauri, or Alpha Centauri C, is a red dwarf, a small low-mass star, about from the Sun in the constellation of Centaurus.

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Proxima Centauri b

Proxima Centauri b (also called Proxima b or Alpha Centauri Cb) is an exoplanet orbiting within the habitable zone of the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, which is the closest star to the Sun and part of a triple star system.

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Radial velocity

The radial velocity of an object with respect to a given point is the rate of change of the distance between the object and the point.

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Red dwarf

A red dwarf (or M dwarf) is a small and relatively cool star on the main sequence, of M spectral type.

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Research Consortium On Nearby Stars

The REsearch Consortium On Nearby Stars (RECONS) is an international group of astronomers founded in 1994 to investigate the stars nearest to the Solar System - with a focus on those within 10 parsecs (32.6 light years), but as of 2012 stretching the horizon to 25 parsecs.

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Right ascension

Right ascension (abbreviated RA; symbol) is the angular distance measured only eastward along the celestial equator from the Sun at the March equinox to the (hour circle of the) point above the earth in question.

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Ross 128

Ross 128 is a red dwarf in the equatorial zodiac constellation of Virgo, near β Virginis.

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Ross 128 b

Ross 128 b is a confirmed Earth-sized exoplanet, likely rocky, orbiting within the inner habitable zone of the red dwarf Ross 128, at a distance of about 11 light-years from Earth;.

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Ross 154

Ross 154 (V1216 Sgr) is a star in the southern zodiac constellation of Sagittarius.

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Ross 248

Ross 248, also called HH Andromedae or Gliese 905, is a small star located approximately from Earth in the northern constellation of Andromeda.

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Ross 614

Ross 614 (V577 Monocerotis) is a red dwarf UV Ceti flare star and it is the primary member of a nearby binary star system in the constellation of Monoceros.

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Royal Astronomical Society

The Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) is a learned society that began as the Astronomical Society of London in 1820 to support astronomical research (mainly carried on at the time by 'gentleman astronomers' rather than professionals).

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Scholz's Star

Scholz's Star (WISE designation WISE 0720−0846 or fully WISE J072003.20−084651.2) is a dim binary stellar system about from the Sun in the southern constellation Monoceros near the galactic plane.

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Science Daily

Science Daily is an American website that aggregates press releases and publishes lightly edited press releases (a practice called churnalism) about science, similar to Phys.org and EurekAlert!.

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SCR 1845-6357

SCR 1845-6357 is a binary system, about 12.6 light-years away in the constellation Pavo.

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Sirius (a romanization of Greek Σείριος, Seirios,."glowing" or "scorching") is a star system and the brightest star in the Earth's night sky.

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Solar System

The Solar SystemCapitalization of the name varies.

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Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation.

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A star is type of astronomical object consisting of a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its own gravity.

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Star catalogue

A star catalogue (Commonwealth English) or star catalog (American English), is an astronomical catalogue that lists stars.

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Star system

A star system or stellar system is a small number of stars that orbit each other, bound by gravitational attraction.

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Stars and planetary systems in fiction

The planetary systems of stars other than the Sun and the Solar System are a staple element in many works of the science fiction genre.

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Stellar classification

In astronomy, stellar classification is the classification of stars based on their spectral characteristics.

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Stellar kinematics

In astronomy, stellar kinematics is the observational study or measurement of the kinematics or motions of stars through space.

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Stellar parallax

Stellar parallax is the apparent shift of position of any nearby star (or other object) against the background of distant objects.

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Struve 2398

Struve 2398 (Gliese 725) is a binary star system in the northern constellation of Draco.

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Sub-brown dwarf

A sub-brown dwarf or planetary-mass brown dwarf is an astronomical object that formed in the same manner as stars and brown dwarfs (i.e. through the collapse of a gas cloud) but that has a mass below the limiting mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium (about). Some researchers call them free-floating planets whereas others call them planetary-mass brown dwarfs.

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The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System.

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Tau Ceti

Tau Ceti, Latinized from τ Ceti, is a single star in the constellation Cetus that is spectrally similar to the Sun, although it has only about 78% of the Sun's mass.

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Teegarden's Star

Teegarden's Star (SO J025300.5+165258, 2MASS J02530084+1652532, LSPM J0253+1652) is an M-type red dwarf in the constellation Aries, about 12 light-years from the Solar System.

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The Astrophysical Journal

The Astrophysical Journal, often abbreviated ApJ (pronounced "ap jay") in references and speech, is a peer-reviewed scientific journal of astrophysics and astronomy, established in 1895 by American astronomers George Ellery Hale and James Edward Keeler.

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The Magnificent Seven (neutron stars)

The Magnificent Seven is the informal name of a group of isolated young cooling neutron stars at a distance of 120 to 500 parsecs from Earth.

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UBV photometric system

The UBV photometric system (Ultraviolet, Blue, Visual), also called the Johnson system (or Johnson-Morgan system), is a wide band photometric system for classifying stars according to their colors.

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UGPS J0722-0540

UGPS J072227.51-054031.2 (designation often abbreviated to UGPS 0722-05) is a brown dwarf of late T type, located approximately from Earth.

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Van Maanen 2

Van Maanen 2 (van Maanen's Star) is a white dwarf.

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Visible spectrum

The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye.

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White dwarf

A white dwarf, also called a degenerate dwarf, is a stellar core remnant composed mostly of electron-degenerate matter.

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WISE 0855−0714

WISE 0855−0714 (full designation WISE J085510.83−071442.5) is a (sub-) brown dwarf from Earth, whose discovery was announced in April 2014 by Kevin Luhman using data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE).

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WISE 1639-6847

WISE J163940.83-684738.6 (designation is abbreviated to WISE 1639-6847, or W1639) is a brown dwarf of spectral class Y0-Y0.5, located in constellation Triangulum Australe (it's the nearest star / brown dwarf in this constellation) at approximately 16 light-years from Earth.

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WISE J0521+1025

WISE J0521+1025 is a nearby brown dwarf of spectral type T7.5, located in constellation Orion It is the nearest known star/brown dwarf in this constellation.

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Wolf 1061

Wolf 1061 (also known as HIP 80824 and V2306 Ophiuchi) is an M class red dwarf star located about 13.8 light years away in the constellation Ophiuchus.

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Wolf 1061b

Wolf 1061b or WL 1061b is an exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf star Wolf 1061 in the Ophiuchus constellation, about 13.8 light years from Earth.

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Wolf 1061c

Wolf 1061c or WL 1061c is an exoplanet orbiting within the habitable zone of the red dwarf star Wolf 1061 in the constellation Ophiuchus, about 13.8 light years from Earth, making it the fifth closest known, potentially habitable, and confirmed exoplanet to Earth (after Proxima Centauri b, Ross 128 b, Luyten b and Kapteyn b), yielding interest from astronomers.

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Wolf 1061d

Wolf 1061d or WL 1061d is an exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf star Wolf 1061 in the Ophiuchus constellation, about 13.8 light years from Earth.

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Wolf 359

Wolf 359 is a red dwarf star located in the constellation Leo, near the ecliptic.

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Wolf 424

Wolf 424 is a binary star system comprising two red dwarf stars at a distance of approximately 14.2 light years from the Sun.

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YZ Ceti

YZ Ceti is a red dwarf star in the constellation Cetus.

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61 Cygni

61 Cygni Not to be confused with 16 Cygni, a more distant system containing two G-type stars harboring the gas giant planet 16 Cygni Bb.

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[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nearest_stars_and_brown_dwarfs

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