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Potassium in biology

Index Potassium in biology

Potassium is an essential mineral micronutrient and is the main intracellular ion for all types of cells. [1]

46 relations: Action potential, Alkalosis, Apricot, Avocado, Banana, Calcium-activated potassium channel, Cell (biology), Cell membrane, Coconut, Concentration, Diarrhea, Dietary Reference Intake, Electric potential, Electrolyte, Eukaryote, European Union, Fruit, Glycyrrhizin, Heart arrhythmia, Hyperkalemia, Hypokalemia, Ileus, Intracellular, Inward-rectifier potassium channel, Ion, Ion transporter, Kidney failure, Kiwifruit, Membrane potential, Micronutrient, Nervous tissue, Neurotransmission, Orange juice, Parsnip, Potash, Potassium, Potassium channel, Potato, Prokaryote, Reference Daily Intake, Sodium, Turnip, Two-pore-domain potassium channel, Vegetable, Voltage-gated potassium channel, X-ray crystallography.

Action potential

In physiology, an action potential occurs when the membrane potential of a specific axon location rapidly rises and falls: this depolarisation then causes adjacent locations to similarly depolarise.

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Alkalosis is the result of a process reducing hydrogen ion concentration of arterial blood plasma (alkalemia).

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An apricot is a fruit, or the tree that bears the fruit, of several species in the genus Prunus (stone fruits).

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The avocado (Persea americana) is a tree, long thought to have originated in South Central Mexico, classified as a member of the flowering plant family Lauraceae.

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A banana is an edible fruit – botanically a berry – produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa.

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Calcium-activated potassium channel

Calcium-activated potassium channels are potassium channels gated by calcium, or that are structurally or phylogenetically related to calcium gated channels.

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Cell (biology)

The cell (from Latin cella, meaning "small room") is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms.

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Cell membrane

The cell membrane (also known as the plasma membrane or cytoplasmic membrane, and historically referred to as the plasmalemma) is a biological membrane that separates the interior of all cells from the outside environment (the extracellular space).

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The coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) is a member of the family Arecaceae (palm family) and the only species of the genus Cocos.

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In chemistry, concentration is the abundance of a constituent divided by the total volume of a mixture.

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Diarrhea, also spelled diarrhoea, is the condition of having at least three loose or liquid bowel movements each day.

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Dietary Reference Intake

The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) is a system of nutrition recommendations from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies (United States).

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Electric potential

An electric potential (also called the electric field potential, potential drop or the electrostatic potential) is the amount of work needed to move a unit positive charge from a reference point to a specific point inside the field without producing any acceleration.

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An electrolyte is a substance that produces an electrically conducting solution when dissolved in a polar solvent, such as water.

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Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells have a nucleus enclosed within membranes, unlike Prokaryotes (Bacteria and other Archaea).

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European Union

The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of EUnum member states that are located primarily in Europe.

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In botany, a fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants (also known as angiosperms) formed from the ovary after flowering.

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Glycyrrhizin (or glycyrrhizic acid or glycyrrhizinic acid) is the chief sweet-tasting constituent of Glycyrrhiza glabra (liquorice) root.

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Heart arrhythmia

Heart arrhythmia (also known as arrhythmia, dysrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat) is a group of conditions in which the heartbeat is irregular, too fast, or too slow.

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Hyperkalemia, also spelled hyperkalaemia, is an elevated level of potassium (K+) in the blood serum.

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Hypokalemia, also spelled hypokalaemia, is a low level of potassium (K+) in the blood serum.

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Ileus is a disruption of the normal propulsive ability of the gastrointestinal tract.

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In cell biology, molecular biology and related fields, the word intracellular means "inside the cell".

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Inward-rectifier potassium channel

Inward-rectifier potassium channels (Kir, IRK) are a specific subset of potassium channels.

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An ion is an atom or molecule that has a non-zero net electrical charge (its total number of electrons is not equal to its total number of protons).

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Ion transporter

In biology, an ion transporter (or ion pump) is a transmembrane protein that moves ions across a plasma membrane against their concentration gradient through active transport.

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Kidney failure

Kidney failure, also known as end-stage kidney disease, is a medical condition in which the kidneys no longer work.

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Kiwifruit (often abbreviated as kiwi), or Chinese gooseberry is the edible berry of several species of woody vines in the genus Actinidia.

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Membrane potential

The term "membrane potential" may refer to one of three kinds of membrane potential.

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Micronutrients are essential elements required by organisms in small quantities throughout life to orchestrate a range of physiological functions to maintain health.

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Nervous tissue

Nervous tissue or nerve tissue is the main tissue component of the two parts of the nervous system; the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system (CNS), and the branching peripheral nerves of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which regulates and controls bodily functions and activity.

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Neurotransmission (Latin: transmissio "passage, crossing" from transmittere "send, let through"), also called synaptic transmission, is the process by which signaling molecules called neurotransmitters are released by the axon terminal of a neuron (the presynaptic neuron), and bind to and activate the receptors on the dendrites of another neuron (the postsynaptic neuron).

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Orange juice

Orange juice is the liquid extract of the orange tree fruit, produced by squeezing oranges.

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The parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) is a root vegetable closely related to the carrot and parsley.

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Potash is some of various mined and manufactured salts that contain potassium in water-soluble form.

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Potassium is a chemical element with symbol K (from Neo-Latin kalium) and atomic number 19.

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Potassium channel

Potassium channels are the most widely distributed type of ion channel and are found in virtually all living organisms.

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The potato is a starchy, tuberous crop from the perennial nightshade Solanum tuberosum.

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A prokaryote is a unicellular organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membrane-bound organelle.

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Reference Daily Intake

The Reference Daily Intake (RDI) is the daily intake level of a nutrient that is considered to be sufficient to meet the requirements of 97–98% of healthy individuals in every demographic in the United States.

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Sodium is a chemical element with symbol Na (from Latin natrium) and atomic number 11.

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The turnip or white turnip (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa) is a root vegetable commonly grown in temperate climates worldwide for its white, bulbous taproot.

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Two-pore-domain potassium channel

The two-pore-domain potassium channel is a family of 15 members that form what is known as "leak channels" which possess Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz (open) rectification.

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Vegetables are parts of plants that are consumed by humans as food as part of a meal.

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Voltage-gated potassium channel

Voltage-gated potassium channels (VGKCs) are transmembrane channels specific for potassium and sensitive to voltage changes in the cell's membrane potential.

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X-ray crystallography

X-ray crystallography is a technique used for determining the atomic and molecular structure of a crystal, in which the crystalline atoms cause a beam of incident X-rays to diffract into many specific directions.

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Redirects here:

K (biology), K ion (physiology).


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_in_biology

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